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Mario Kart 7 Review Thread: First Reviews In

Blue shell dodging techniques rely on mushroom possession, which isn't convenient at all. Thank god they 'fixed' it (would be better with the thing gone for good, but whatever).
Having more customization options is never a bad thing.

It's obviously not a deal killer but it would have been awesome to be able to tweak all this stuff in single player.


Seems people need to learn some basic blue shell dodging techniques.

oh I know of them and how to do them (there's one with jumping too that allows you to avoid blue shells sometimes). It's just incredibly unlikely in a high stakes race that one will be able to line up the odds of doing it with any consistency. And that's why it needs to be able to be removed. It's more luck than skill, which is the problem.

If shitty gamers WANT their racers based on luck over skill, I am not telling them to stop. The convenient thing about customization is that it's supposed to ACCOMMODATE all types of gamers, even shitty ones. And that's the problem here. This is lacking the accommodation that most racers have had for the better part of a decade. It's typical Nintendo undercooking.



This game is gonna be phenomenal, whether or not I can toggle blue shells. I've never been able to toggle blue shells, and didn't expect to this time round either. Besides, they're fun.
Yes it works but I only pulled it off once.
I think at one point they showed a video of how to do it on one of Nintendo's sites.

Interesting. Well, I'm nearly always powersliding in these kind of games anyway, so I'll just have to keep at it. I guess they included the part where the shell strikes from above so anti-blue shell manoeuvres would still work.


Has anyone mentioned anything about rubberbanding? That's the make or break for me. Specifically, I'm talking about the actual speeding up of karts after you pass them. That's a big no-no for me.
YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! They more they take from Super Mario Kart, the better. This is fantastic news.

It surely creates a nice risk/reward meta game on top of the normal racing.
And it also gives people the chance of a comeback, since the lower ranks are less likely to lose quite as many coins while racing but can slow down the top field with items.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I feel weird about this being the only 3DS game I actually want strongly enough to immediately buy a 3DS for.

Looks like my excitement is justified, however.

I'm waiting for a new Metroid and for the consensus on such to be "If you loved Super, this is just as brilliant is not better."

Mind you, I've been waiting for this since Metroid Fusion. I prefer to consider myself a relatively patient man.

Edit: It needs to be said that, at this point, I'll take any classic Metroid game.


Has anyone mentioned anything about rubberbanding? That's the make or break for me. Specifically, I'm talking about the actual speeding up of karts after you pass them. That's a big no-no for me.

You can bet your ass it will be in there. I can likely guarantee that without even playing it.
This is so much better.

Also the "7" powerup is ridiculous!
I don't like that balloon battle is once again points based. I just want three balloons and last man standing, damnit!
Last man standing is great for local multi but online I think points based is the better way to go. I don't want to spend precious time watching others play.

To clear up the coins argument you could always just check the official website:

Doesn't get more clear than that.

Thanks for clearing that up man, seems Eurogamer didn't research properly.


Maybe I should forgive your spelling for being a non-native speaker, but I won't forgive your comically short term memory for once again trying to pollute the reality of this discussion because you are incapable of separating the person from the points.

It wasn't me who started saying anything about people - it was Boken full on implying I was whining (with absolutely no elaboration of his own, which is a theme with you people - you hate having to actually go out of your way to describe their problems. It's too much work for some. And they always complain about those who elaborate at length) because I was complaining about a feature that SHOULD be there. Until then, it was just about the game. If you want a discussion to be sound, you make it sound. When you lead it astray and start aiming at a person instead of the points being raised, you're going to get it back in kind. It's fire for the furnace. If you didn't want the heat, you should have stayed out of the kitchen. But now you want to complain about it? Tough fucking shit.

Regarding the game, nobody is a drama queen.

This type of shit would not be accepted in any other modern racer, kart or otherwise. Almost all racing games today feature a vast array of customizable online modes, able to be tweaked to the tiniest detail. I didn't even expect THAT of Nintendo, and they still managed to scratch the most bareboned implementation possible and still fucked THAT up. If you think that's being a drama queen, then yes I believe it's company worship.

No game can be perfect, yes, but I'm not expecting perfection. I am expecting simple parity with the barebones we should expect from online racers these days. That's the problem here... you guys think this is complaining about a little ignorable thing or something. This is complaining about something even shovelware devs do, but somehow Nintendo can't. You think this isn't related to "spit and polish", when it is IMMEASURABLY so.

Also, you obviously don't know me. I cry "no sale" to a vast array of titles which fail to meet basic standard requirements. We may disagree about what those are, but no one can say I let shit slide.

If you explained why customisation made games better that would help. You say that even shovelware games have customisation options, but does that make their game better in their case? I don't think it does.

Your argument only seems to be about how Nintendo refuse to do what others do -- not why the game might be better or worse without the feature. You criticise others for worshipping companies but all you are doing is criticising a company for not being like the rest. Are you seriously suggesting that homogenisation is a good thing?

As far as I'm concerned Mario Kart is the racer that is the most fun -- that's it's aim, not to be the most realistic or the coolest or offer the most options to customise the experience.
You don't seem to realise that there are almost no racing games like Mario Kart. You might as well go into a Ridge Racer post and complain about the lack of power ups.
Nintendo always want the core gameplay experience to feel the same no matter what the surface looks like. They have developed an unequalled knack for producing games that are tense without actually being difficult. That is extremely difficult to do and requires a lot of care.

Some games are perfect by the way. Off the top of my head, Chess and Tetris come to mind. No effort to improve on them has succeeded in any meaningful way and they are still as addictive and fun as when they were first released.


Guys, clearly Ami is just trying to preserve the competitive nature of the Mario Kart series in anticipation of it being included in the MLG community.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm going to play and enjoy this video game.


One of my fondest memories in Mario Kart was always trying to go for the Koopa Troopa shortcut. I'm so pumped that that course is in the game!


If you explained why customisation made games better that would help. You say that even shovelware games have customisation options, but does that make their game better in their case? I don't think it does.

Your argument only seems to be about how Nintendo refuse to do what others do -- not why the game might be better or worse without the feature. You criticise others for worshipping companies but all you are doing is criticising a company for not being like the rest. Are you seriously suggesting that homogenisation is a good thing?

I actually have, but I'll repeat it and expand.

The reasons why complete customization options should be a requirement for any modern racer are as follows:

1. Player Accommodation. Let's say you have a certain skill level, and you prefer playing with people of a similar mind. The game can accommodate all skill levels because you can tweak what is there and not, and by extension tweak the difficulty or the A.I. or the features or whatever. This is open-ended inclusion. For a company like Nintendo that is supposed to believe in accessibility, this doesn't even contradict their philosophy.

2. Game variety. Ok, so you've played the game a thousand times with every item. Let's say you want a more difficult game, so you up enemy A.I. to "Hard." Or let's say you want a unique gametype, so you turn off mushrooms but keep on red and green shells. Let's say you do the opposite. That's ok! It greatly increases the amount of fun you can have with the game, because you're always able to mix it up.

3. Avoiding Game Design Flaws. Even the best company occasionally makes design mistakes, and blue shells are one of Mario Kart's most prolific problems. But even if you disagree, the point is to give players the option to remove the problems. With customization, you allow the ability for players to compensate for your shitty development concept, and avoid utilizing the mistakes you've made. If one vehicle is really overpowered and breaks balance, you could turn it off. If one item is based only on luck, you can turn it off. In this way, you allow for compensation of the fluid problems all games sometimes end up having when it's out in the wild and you have a larger test sample.

That's just 3 quick examples of the necessity of customization.

As far as I'm concerned Mario Kart is the racer that is the most fun -- that's it's aim, not to be the most realistic or the coolest or offer the most options to customise the experience.
You don't seem to realise that there are almost no racing games like Mario Kart. You might as well go into a Ridge Racer post and complain about the lack of power ups.
Nintendo always want the core gameplay experience to feel the same no matter what the surface looks like. They have developed an unequalled knack for producing games that are tense without actually being difficult. That is extremely difficult to do and requires a lot of care.

Some games are perfect by the way. Off the top of my head, Chess and Tetris come to mind. No effort to improve on them has succeeded in any meaningful way and they are still as addictive and fun as when they were first released.

Mario Kart 7 doesn't need to change one bit to have full 100% customization options and be factually superior for it. It does not need to become realistic, it doesn't even need to stop including shitty items for shitty gamers like Bullet Bill and Blue Shells. It just needs to allow people the option to fully customize the racers to avoid such development lameness.
I noticed that
Daisy Cruiser
has a new route available at the start..it seems you can now go left as well as right (original was just right IIRC)
FoxHimself, you might not have played the two courses yet, but are Wuhu Loop and Maka Wuhu actually different or are they similiar tracks with the same setting?

These are two different tracks. The Maka Wuhu one just one long romp, no lapping! It's divided into three sections.

I noticed that
Daisy Cruiser
has a new route available at the start..it seems you can now go left as well as right (original was just right IIRC)

Several of the retro tracks has new routes. The Luigi's Mansion one has one that enables the use of the glider, for example.
One last question to FoxHimself:

Have you tried Battle Mode much at all and how decent are the arenas for it???

I know it's not Mario 64 RULES but any fun?????

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'm going to play and enjoy this video game.

He plays video games and enjoys them.



Shitty gamers shitty gamers shitty gamers shitty gamers...

He plays video games and enjoys them.


haha, exactly emblematic of the problems with discussion here. a fully engaged response with full detail about a issue responded with limp dicked jokes and one liners, wherein later you call me reactionary or emotional and say I ruined the topic.

Well, anyway, it's par the course for some of you people, so no surprise here.

back to the circle jerk apparently


haha, exactly emblematic of the problems with discussion here. a fully engaged response with full detail about a issue responded with limp dicked jokes and one liners, wherein later you call me reactionary or emotional and say I ruined the topic.

Well, anyway, it's par the course for some of you people, so no surprise here.

back to the circle jerk apparently

I was only teasing. Don't read too much into it. :)


I was only teasing. Don't read too much into it. :)

it's a little frustrating, I admit. For the life of me, I can put as much detail into a post as I want, and as long as the next person responds with a simple one liner joke dismissing it then the problem shifts to the person who actually put effort into his post. Why is he, like, so angry and overreacting and oh god all those words!

I know it wasn't completely serious, but it is a pet peeve.


it's a little frustrating, I admit. For the life of me, I can put as much detail into a post as I want, and as long as the next person responds with a simple one liner joke dismissing it then the problem shifts to the person who actually put effort into his post. Why is he, like, so angry and overreacting and oh god all those words!

I know it wasn't completely serious, but it is a pet peeve.

Heh, I understand. But really, I don't even disagree with you. Even though it's not a problem for me personally, you do have a point and customization is the standard Nintendo should be meeting.

It's just that the frequent use of the term "shitty gamer" comes off a little emotional. Some people simply enjoy some randomness in their games, that doesn't mean they are shitty gamers. :)

I'm a great FIFA player, and one of the things I wish the game had is the option for referee mistakes (at least the option to turn it on). My reasoning is that multiplayer games can get really hilarious and fun when people get the edge solely on luck. Though I understand some people are immensely frustrated by this.

But yeah, the option for those who don't enjoy luck being a part of their games should be there.


They are probably not gonna do it, but the 3DS DLC plans could start with MK7. Releasing new cups as DLC would be pretty cool.


They are probably not gonna do it, but the 3DS DLC plans could start with MK7. Releasing new cups as DLC would be pretty cool.

this is one way Nintendo DOESN'T need to "catch up" to its competitors. All content on disc from day one plz.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I am positive there are exceptions, because there ALWAYS are, but I can think of few other modern companies that can continually get away with consistently horrendous online implementation, missing the vast bulk of possible customization options in an online mode and then people say 'well it's ok, we forgive them, 9.8!' I really can't. Almost all racing games today are immensely customizable and have a huge array of infinitely superior online functionality.
Let's look at all other worthy racers on handhelds with weapons.
I can only think of Wipeout Pure/Pulse. Correct me if I miss one.

You loved these games. And they have LESS weapon customization. It's either on/off.

Isn't it called bias?


This type of argument is stupid and counterproductive to the point where it should be bannable.

i actually posted it before reading the "shitty gamer" mini-meme section.

it's also true. you can take multiple blue shells from people that are shittier than you and still win easily.
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