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Marvel's The Avengers |OT| (Dir. Joss Whedon) [Spoilers unmarked]

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I thought it was implied that it was an asgardian artifact hidden here by their followers for centuries or whatnot.

Asgardians had been going back and forth for a long time, being mistaken for gods, so it's not out of the question that certain items had been left here- accidentally or possibly intentionally, to keep them out of harm's way.

Where the hell was that ever implied? Odin had an armory for a reason.

Wtf are you going on about I've never said the movie was perfect.

Where the space cube came from is inconsequential to the plot Do you want to know how it was created as well? Apparently it's bad to prefer a tight script that doesn't feel the need to explain everything to me.

You have railed against anyone saying anything remotely negative in here. But, I guess I can see where you dont think of it as a plot hole, as the plot in Avengers is fairly basic. Trying to think at all about it causes it to fall apart though.
I thought it was implied that it was an asgardian artifact hidden here by their followers for centuries or whatnot.

Asgardians had been going back and forth for a long time, being mistaken for gods, so it's not out of the question that certain items had been left here- accidentally or possibly intentionally, to keep them out of harm's way.
If they're anything like Greek gods they could have left it on a night stand after banging some women/men/etc.


"Space cube is on earth. Why? Doesnt matter, it is a space cube."

Based on your post history in this thread, any negativity surrounding this movie is unfounded. Guess what? This movie wasnt perfect. It was big dumb fun. A much better directed/written Tranfsormers style blockbuster. But do not pretend that a lot of the plot wasnt contrived.

It's a comic book movie featuring people with super powers that are as powerful as the story needs them to be. There isn't a genre that features a more contrived plot. This just isn't a good argument.

Make up an explanation. The Asgardians thought they lost it when they fought the frost giants in Norway the first time hundreds of years ago. They have a huge armory and probably don't think too much about losing one of their magic cubes given their arrogance.
I went to the Avengers mega marathon on Thursday, saw all five movies leading up to the midnight showing of the Avengers: so worth it. I'd only seen the two Iron Mans, so having all five movies fresh in my mind going into The Avengers really enhanced the experience. Plus, I was in a theater with a bunch of superfans so the crowd was really good and was awesome during the midnight premiere. Lots of cheering and laughing at the best parts.

The Avengers is the new king. It finally unseated Iron Man as the best of the Marvel movies. One thing I knew going into the movie was that Whedon would bring it for the action sequences: he knows how to do action. And it's a stark contrast between some of the disappointing fights/finales in the previous movies and the fights in Avengers. The entire climax was pretty much the most awesome sequence in comic book movie history in my opinion.

All the character interactions were great, especially Banner and Stark together during the helicarrier. I hope they get Ruffalo to stay on and break the Hulk curse, because he was definitely the best Bruce Banner so far, although a lot of it came from playing off of the other heroes. They need to give him people to play off of in the next Hulk. Lone ranger, emo Hulk is the worst Hulk.
Where the hell was that ever implied? Odin had an armory for a reason.

You have railed against anyone saying anything remotely negative in here. But, I guess I can see where you dont think of it as a plot hole, as the plot in Avengers is fairly basic. Trying to think at all about it causes it to fall apart though.

Oh. I see what this is. I'll have a reasonable discussion about the faults of this film when you have a reasonable fault to discuss.


After seeing it again, I kinda feel like they could've done better with Thor. He didn't really add much to the story, but instead was really just there because Loki was there. He also didn't have a good "HOLY SHIT FUCK YES BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!" moment, like Cap and the cop, Hawkeye's exploding arrow or blind shot, Black Widow's first scene, Iron Man getting the new suit while falling, or Hulk's every single scene he was in. The most memorable Thor scenes were him getting his ass kicked by Hulk.

I'll also say that, while the 3D didn't add much to most of the movie, it made Iron Man's HUD look really cool.
After seeing it again, I kinda feel like they could've done better with Thor. He didn't really add much to the story, but instead was really just there because Loki was there. He also didn't have a good "HOLY SHIT FUCK YES BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!" moment, like Cap and the cop, Hawkeye's exploding arrow or blind shot, Black Widow's first scene, Iron Man getting the new suit while falling, or Hulk's every single scene he was in. The most memorable Thor scenes were him getting his ass kicked by Hulk.

I'll also say that, while the 3D didn't add much to most of the movie, it made Iron Man's HUD look really cool.

Thor was the character who didn't have a big moment to shine. It did stick out a bit.


Just watched it a second time. Interesting the stuff I missed the first time through.

-When Loki mind projects back to talk to the "Other", he is constantly maneuvering and trying to see up the stairs to see who's really running things.

-After Loki arrives and steals the Cube, he is staggering and needing help to leave.

-Before the R&D room argument, Captain America starts to say that Loki's staff sounds a lot like the Hydra weapons from his movie. Nick Fury ABRUPTLY cuts him off. Later in the movie, Cap finds the Hydra weapons and they were of course created using the Cube.

I'm sure there's a ton more.


After Ruffalo was announced as the new Bruce, I thought he was going to suck badly, even though I've always appreciated his work.

I was gladly wrong, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see how Norton would have done in The Avengers.
I have seen it several times, I do not recall them ever stating why or how the cube fell to earth.

Watch Thor and Captain America back to back. The Norwegian town where the Jotun and Asgardians clash in the Thor flashback is the exact same town that the Red Skull attacks in Captain America in order to retrieve the Tesseract. Zola later mentions that the Red Skull believes that he walks in the footsteps of the Gods. The implication is obvious, the Asgardians deployed the Tesseract against the Jotun and somehow the artifact was lost in the chaos of the battle. The humans discovered it after their Gods retreated to Asgard, and then kept it safe and hidden until World War II.
Watch Thor and Captain America back to back. The Norwegian town where the Jotun and Asgardians clash in the Thor flashback is the exact same town that the Red Skull attacks in Captain America in order to retrieve the Tesseract. Zola later mentions that the Red Skull believes that he walks in the footsteps of the Gods. The implication is obvious, the Asgardians deployed the Tesseract against the Jotun and somehow the artifact was lost in the chaos of the battle. The humans discovered it after their Gods retreated to Asgard, and then kept it safe and hidden until World War II.

It's actually surprising that they explained it as much as they did.
A friend asked me how Renner was, and the funny thing is while I enjoyed watching Hawkeye in action scenes, I honestly don't think I find Renner interesting outside of The Town. This is also from recently watching Ghost Protocol and his character in that movie may as well have been exported to Avengers. He's like America's answer to Sam Worthington and now I will cautiously approach that new Bourne movie.
I have seen it several times, I do not recall them ever stating why or how the cube fell to earth.

They don't state how, but it's pretty clear it didn't "fall" to earth.

Red Skull found it hidden in a monastery, in a secret compartment with asgardian designs and an image of Yggsdrasil. It was also established that there was a secret order tasked with protecting and hiding it (obviously again by asgardians)- even going so far as to put out a convincing decoy.

Since it was established in Thor that Asgardians visited earth many times in the past leading to myths, it's not a huge leap of logic to conclude that it was intentionally hidden here. Why is it here instead of in Odin's treasure vault? who knows? maybe it was stolen and hidden, maybe odin feared its potential and didn't want it around. But regardless as to the motivations, the cube being on earth isn't really a "plot hole."


They don't state how, but it's pretty clear it didn't "fall" to earth.

Red Skull found it hidden in a monastery, in a secret compartment with asgardian designs and an image of Yggsdrasil. It was also established that there was a secret order tasked with protecting and hiding it (obviously again by asgardians)- even going so far as to put out a convincing decoy.

Since it was established in Thor that Asgardians visited earth many times in the past leading to myths, it's not a huge leap of logic to conclude that it was intentionally hidden here. Why is it here instead of in Odin's treasure vault? who knows? maybe it was stolen and hidden, maybe odin feared its potential and didn't want it around. But regardless as to the motivations, the cube being on earth isn't really a "plot hole."

Exactly what I'm trying to say. Thank you.
Exactly what I'm trying to say. Thank you.

It's actually even clearer than that. I don't think many people caught that the town in Captain America is also the town in Thor. I didn't notice until I watched them back to back.

It's actually surprising that they explained it as much as they did.
I mean the Jotun had a superweapon in the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Asgardians would've had to have used something of comparable power to defeat them. And it just so happens that the Tesseract wound up hidden at the precise site of their battle. Hm. Not hard to connect the dots.


I really don't think arguing the origin of the cube and claiming it as a "plot hole" really makes any sense.

I went to see this movie without knowledge of any marvel studio's works and knew nothing about these heroes except for the names. And I had a lot of fun. I think it is amazing. I did ask my friend who is Thor and they tell me he is the "God of Thunder". But when I watched the movie I didn't feel lost or anything, it just feel consistent and very self-explanatory.
The plot being basic and falling apart when applying any type of thinking is not a fault? Good day sir.

The plot of The Avengers is paper thin. There's nothing there for it to fall to pieces.

Threat to Earth
Avengers Assemble
Hulk Smash
Roll credits

That's the movie. And I freely admit to loving it.


Are we forgetting he basically took on hulk by himself and rocked his jaw with a hammer?

I cheered a bit at that part. Holding out his hand, summoning his hammer, it arrives just as the Hulk does, and WHAM!

Still, I feel like the impact was lost when he spent the rest of that fight, both before and after, pretty much getting the shit beat out of him.


Best Thor Moment: Bringing down the lightening on the incoming Chituri from the Chrysler building

Best Hawkeye Moment: "Look where I'm aiming? Lol"

Best Widow Moment: Hitching a ride to go close the portal.

Best Iron Man moment: Putting on the Mark VII armor

Best Cap moment: Why you should listen to Captain America: Lesson 1

Best Hulk moment: HULK SMASH PUNY GOD!


After seeing it again, I kinda feel like they could've done better with Thor. He didn't really add much to the story, but instead was really just there because Loki was there. He also didn't have a good "HOLY SHIT FUCK YES BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!" moment, like Cap and the cop, Hawkeye's exploding arrow or blind shot, Black Widow's first scene, Iron Man getting the new suit while falling, or Hulk's every single scene he was in. The most memorable Thor scenes were him getting his ass kicked by Hulk.

I'll also say that, while the 3D didn't add much to most of the movie, it made Iron Man's HUD look really cool.

I would say him pounding the shit out of Iron Man in the woods was pretty good.
I cheered a bit at that part. Holding out his hand, summoning his hammer, it arrives just as the Hulk does, and WHAM!

I really liked that as well. I loved how he just held there, waiting for the hammer to come to him, and you heard it clank and clunk around as it was coming to him, and just the close-up on his face before the WHAM. Great direction.

Best Widow Moment: Hitching a ride to go close the portal.

Best Iron Man moment: Putting on the Mark VII armor

Disagree with those two. Best Widow was the opening scene with the chair or her talk with Loki. Best Iron Man was Jonah and the Whale...or pretty much every snarky comment he made the entire movie.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Movie earned the record for the Hulk Smash Loki scene alone.

Still can't believe that was in a movie. The biggest Pop I've ever heard a crowd have.


An awesome moment that stuck with me was the ejecting pilot and Hulk. The whole theatre I was in audibly guffawed when that happened. So many great little scenes in this movie.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This movie had a lot of comedy throughout it and I like that a lot. If a movie isn't going to be tackling some Shindler's List level heavy themes then I like it if I'm laughing every now and then.
This movie had a lot of comedy throughout it and I like that a lot. If a movie isn't going to be tackling some Shindler's List level heavy themes then I like it if I'm laughing every now and then.

Agreed. Kinda reminded me of Doctor Who- it's all daft sci-fi, and takes itself seriously for the most part, but it's still littered with one-liners and humour.

It knows its place.
also, tense moment with busting out of the prison designed to hold the Hulk. You knew he would free himself, but still i was on the edge of my seat there.

It would have been so much more badass if he just stood there in the middle and let it smash into the ground exploding into a crater and then he just walks out.


Stark's "everything special about you was made in a lab" line- words to that effect, anyway- was brutal.

Yeah. And then Steve just wanting to pound the fuck out of the guy was great. He was all "Please put on the suit. Please. I wish you would put on the suit, Tony."
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