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Marvel's The Avengers |OT| (Dir. Joss Whedon) [Spoilers unmarked]

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Mr. Sam

BTW: I seem to recall that Robert Downey Jr. is only signed on for one Avengers film (in addition to his three Iron Man). If true, I wonder if they'll convince him to be back.

They'll approach him with a briefcase stuffed full of... artistic integrity.


How does the level of violence/gore compare to the other Marvel movies?

Sorry if this has been asked. It's a big thread!

its a 12 in the UK, not a 12A, so a little firmer on the certificate. Most of the violence isn't focused on, just superheroes smashing through walls etc, and the enemy cannon fodder are mostly dispatched bloodlessly.

However there are a few scenes that are stronger. A few blade based attacks, and one quite nasty scene where Loki
uses a machine on a guy's eye to get past a retina scan door
. You don't see the details but its still pretty nasty

TBH its a shame, because without those I'd have been happy to let my 10 year old see it. I don't really understand the reasoning behind such tiny moments that otherwise skew a certificate of a movie - they don't seem that central to the plot or motivation of the characters (to my mind they could certainly have been changed to less violent options without issue)
one question for those that have seen it - and I realise this is maybe thinking things over too much.

why was the hulk
smashing stuff up like normal hulk on the base
but then later on
he's teaming up with the heroes and seemingly under control of his anger

Here's my theory on that.

I hope this one won't.
It's difficult enough finding room for all the heroes, so one villain (plus his evil army) is enough. Especially if more heroes join.

I just don't want to see the next film's climax be generic alien army + the big bad who everyone gets a chance to scrap with again. That's been done. At least if they threw in the Skrulls too, you'd get the opportunity for some infiltration subplot.

I guess it depends how they expand the Avengers line-up, and how much focus they place on integrating new characters within the reformed team vs building up the villain. And I think next film will require better character development for the villain- Loki got away with this film because of his being in Thor, but that's not an option for
Thanos, they need to introduce him thoroughly in A2. Unless he shows up in GotG.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I am excited as fuck for this movie and I am thrilled to see all the positive feedback, planning to see it several times with different people who all want to go with me, so I'm glad it's that good.


the final denouement was a tiny bit disappointing. Overwhelmed by the rest of the goodness of course so forgiven.

if they
fire a nuke on Manhattan, why not try that through the portal first?

I'm waiving the really anal nitpick about how
the nuke would have exploded as soon as it got to Manhattan as it'd have been triggered by location not impact
So what are we talking about here people? The Fast Five of 2012?

The feel good action movie of the year?

That's what I said after seeing it. Obviously, quiet different films in various aspects (surprisingly, it's the tone they share most), but I feel like the part of my brain that responds to excellently done superhero action is close enough to the part of my brain that responds to excellently done car chase action.

Both left me smiling like a fool, basically. Avengers more so, but when you can have shit like
Iron Man blasting AC/DC through Black Widow's speakers before kicking Loki in the chest at like 100mph
, it's kind of an unfair comparison.

...Fast Five probably has a better plot.


Don't think 2012 has a Fast Five.

I kinda think there's always a movie like that for me each year.

Maybe not on the same level but The A Team was that movie for me in 2010. Kinda I guess...

...Fast Five probably has a better plot.

What were the great action movies of the past 4 summers
2008 Speed Racer
2009 (inglorious bastards, GI Joe, District 9, Star Trek)
2010 ( A Team, Kick ass)
2011 (Fast Five, X Men First Class, Thor)
2012 (Cabin in the woods, Avengers)


corporate swill
What were the great action movies of the past 4 summers
2008 Speed Racer
2009 (inglorious bastards, GI Joe, District 9, Star Trek)
2010 ( A Team, Kick ass)
2011 (Fast Five, X Men First Class, Thor)
2012 (Cabin in the woods, Avengers)

Not so sure I'd list Thor as great action movie. Hell, I'm not so sure I'd even list it as an action movie.
What were the great action movies of the past 4 summers
2008 Speed Racer
2009 (inglorious bastards, GI Joe, District 9, Star Trek)
2010 (A Team, Kick ass)
2011 (Fast Five, X Men First Class, Thor)
2012 (Cabin in the woods, Avengers)

I would remove Inglorious, Thor, D9, First Class and Star Trek. I expect a certain amount of action from an action movie (Inglorious utterly fails in this department, for example). Really, Avengers is the only massive blockbuster movie I'd call an actual action film from recent times, beyond Fast Five. (I have no idea how actiony Cabin is, don't let me know either.)


Saw it last night

It was good, something about it left me cold coming out but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Hulk and Banner were the best characters I thought


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Just got back. LOVED it. Made me appreciate all the work that has gone into getting us up to this point. Also sad that DC are seemingly a decade away from getting a possible JLA film up :(

Only thing that really annoyed me was
Coulson getting killed off, but thats Classic Wheedon for you. Kill the most popular character. It is a comic book movie though. He can come back.
Only thing that really annoyed me was
Coulson getting killed off, but thats Classic Wheedon for you. Kill the most popular character. It is a comic book movie though. He can come back.
I just assumed that Fury was
bullshitting about Coulson being dead to get them to take action


Still Alive
I just assumed that Fury was
bullshitting about Coulson being dead to get them to take action
I hoping so too, and having this mentioned/common knowledge in the future standalone sequels
as a reason not to trust Fury or something, like how it went down in the Ult. comics.

Makes perfect sense.

Sure, but then you run the risk of getting a Roger Moore or Pierce Brosnan and your series is fucked. You might try to 'reboot' it with a new actor and you might get a hit, but he'll ultimately turn out to be from the Sam Worthington, Jeremy Renner, Channing Tatum school of acting and will completely lacks any kind of screen presence and your series will fall further into mediocrity.
What were the great action movies of the past 4 summers
2008 Speed Racer
2009 (inglorious bastards, GI Joe, District 9, Star Trek)
2010 ( A Team, Kick ass)
2011 (Fast Five, X Men First Class, Thor)
2012 (Cabin in the woods, Avengers)

I would take out:

Inglorious Bastards
District 9
Cabin In The Woods

None of those are action movies in my eyes. Some of those left in are barely that too.

From 2011:

Kung Fu Panda 2
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (if you're one of the few who liked it)
Cowboys & Aliens (about as actiony as many above)

If we're talking about the Fast Five of 2012, then it has to be GI Joe or Battleship. I've seen the latter and it's surprisingly good fun. You have to leave your brain at the door, but I was amazed I even liked it, because I had full on rage for the trailers. To like it as much as I did seems nuts. It's very much an Independence Day for 2012.


Sure, but then you run the risk of getting a Roger Moore or Pierce Brosnan and your series is fucked. You might try to 'reboot' it with a new actor and you might get a hit, but he'll ultimately turn out to be from the Sam Worthington, Jeremy Renner, Channing Tatum school of acting and will completely lacks any kind of screen presence and your series will fall further into mediocrity.

One of these is not like the others...
Don't bring back Coulson. They had enough personable moments in the film to allow his death to be poignant and heartbreaking, bringing him back would undo all that. Just introduce newer and better characters, keep the story moving forward

Anyway, enjoyed the fuck out of this film. Definitely one to see in the cinema. Just wish 3d would die already
I hoping so too, and having this mentioned/common knowledge in the future standalone sequels
as a reason not to trust Fury or something, like how it went down in the Ult. comics.
It makes sense when you consider that they've established that
Fury is a rule breaker and went against the Council, plus now that Coulson is "dead" he can't be imitated by the shape shifting skrulls (if they go that route). I imagine they'll definitely go down the Ultimates comic path when it comes to story for the Avengers 2
Fuck that. I hate the recasting bullshit in these movies already, if he isn't in at least the Avengers 2, i'm gonna be bitter.

Typecasting is usually main reason for recasting roles. Understandable really, but fortunately he's managed to break out with Sherlock Holmes, so here's hoping he stays onboard both for many years to come.

One of these is not like the others...

Nah, they are all vacant actors who lack screen presence.


They'll renegotiate. I think Downey truly likes playing the character and I think Disney is smart enough to realize that RDJ is Marvel Studio's MVP. At the very least I think he'll sign up for Avengers 2.


fuck me, that's a lot of black bars on the last few pages.

I...sadly need to go on media blackout before something big is spoiled for me.

I still hate you, Xia
I've seen some signs of life from Renner. He wasn't too bad in MI:GP but he's definitely not leading man material.

Cruise oozes so much charisma, that it made it appear as those Renner was better than he actually was.

As someone said not too long ago, some people just are born to be supporting actors. The above are all supporting actors, Hollywood's lack of good leading men has forced them to scrape the bottom of the barrel and propel otherwise B list actors into the A list/A list roles.
Cruise oozes so much charisma, that it made it appear as those Renner was better than he actually was.

As someone said not too long ago, some people just are born to be supporting actors. The above are all supporting actors, Hollywood's lack of good leading men has forced them to scrape the bottom of the barrel and propel otherwise B list actors into the A list/A list roles.

I still want a Worthington and Tatum buddy copy comedy with Renner as their captain.

I'd watch that train wreck.


tagged by Blackace
I don't want Ultron to be shoe horned in alongside the next villain. Kind of pales in comparison and trying to intertwine the two might lead to movie magic. I like focused films with less villains at once rather than going for half the rogues gallery. Though, they'd have to work hard to get Ultron to be a satisfying follow up to the Avengers 2 villain.
I dun know about you gents, but I want the next marvel movies to build up to Avengers vs. Thunderbolts. Now thats an awesome premise that should get some screentime.


well shit. Went to buy my ticket literally one hour after they became available and best i got was one of the back corners :( meaning im gonna be sitting off to a side turning my head to the right.

This kinda shit seriously ruins my movie experiences, aagh
well shit. Went to buy my ticket literally one hour after they became available and best i got was one of the back corners :( meaning im gonna be sitting off to a side turning my head to the right.

This kinda shit seriously ruins my movie experiences, aagh

I hate assigned seating. Thankfully I've not been to a cinema in the last 25yrs that does it.


Still Alive
well shit. Went to buy my ticket literally one hour after they became available and best i got was one of the back corners :( meaning im gonna be sitting off to a side turning my head to the right.

This kinda shit seriously ruins my movie experiences, aagh
Damn, what cinema are you going to that assigns your seat for you? Have never experienced that in my life, apart from some classy specific theaters.
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