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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Well, have you?


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
At the very least, Israel is doing the same.
US is, wait for it:

South Korea had special rights vs infested persons back from years ago (I guess from influenza times).
It's pragmatic, hardly draconian.

Not having your movement tracked is not a special right in my mind, but I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

By this logic, it should be very easy to handle it in NY and in the NY City in particular.

It probably would have been if the same methods we're employed. Good luck getting New Yorkers to comply, though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Totally agree with the bolded. Some people have been chomping at the bit to harangue China and the Chinese about anything and everything. It has been simmering for years and this has just given them an excuse to go full blown dumbfuck bigot and racist. It’s disgraceful. You might not like their government, but their people are human beings for fuck’s sake. Just like you. Some of the shit I have seen written is just horrible.

I’d bet my left nut that if this thing had originated in the U.S.A. or the U.K. these same people wouldn’t be spewing the same hatred.

I can’t stand American government and foreign policy, but I don’t hate the average American citizen for it or blame them. I don’t spout racist shit about them either.

Some people need to take a long and hard look at themselves.

I really haven't seen anyone hating on Chinese people. Maybe some dumb jokes about eating bat soup, but almost all of the heavy criticism and anger I have seen has been leveled at the government of the PRC for their shameful actions taken over the course of this pandemic (and before it). People spouting racist shit should be reported.


Not having your movement tracked is not a special right in my mind, but I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Your movement is tracked by: Google or Apple, already.
On top of your provider, that is.

It probably would have been if the same methods we're employed. Good luck getting New Yorkers to comply, though.
Oh, please, we are talking about a city that is essentially on quarantine.
Nothing of that sorts happened in South Korea.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sufficiently small to whom? I’ve seen plenty and on GAF, too.

I’ll continue to point it out. What’s that quote about “they came and I said nothing, then they came for me”? Hmm.

Point out specific posts and report them, then. Racists have no place here.

Personally, I don't think it's racist to call out the shitty practices of the wet markets and wild animal harvesting/consumption, which is suspected to be the source of this and other viruses, unless that person is implying that all Chinese people or people of Chinese descent eat bats or something.

Oh, please, we are talking about a city that is essentially on quarantine.
Nothing of that sorts happened in South Korea.

Yes... because they were proactive and mostly contained it. Meanwhile New York health officials said there was nothing to fear and encouraged people to go to parades.
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damn my dentist just called to confirm tomorrow's appointment at 7am. lol guess they are open.

im going to risk it cos i have a temporary crown that broke a week or two ago and need the real one put in ASAP. also i think they are removing a wisdom tooth. if im going to spend a week on pain meds and in bed i guess right now is the time to do it.


Gold Member
damn my dentist just called to confirm tomorrow's appointment at 7am. lol guess they are open.

im going to risk it cos i have a temporary crown that broke a week or two ago and need the real one put in ASAP. also i think they are removing a wisdom tooth. if im going to spend a week on pain meds and in bed i guess right now is the time to do it.

In my state, dentist are open for non-cosmetic procedures. My hygienist is furloughed, but the dentist is working as normal.


Gold Member
Russia has been becoming more and more detached from the world economy and focusing internally. Basically what the anti-globalists in the US want for the US. Ironically places like Cuba and Russia who have survived decades of economic and trade sanctions might be the most resilient ones to endure when a crisis that relies on more local means of production happens.
That’s cute Russian bot, but with oil trading at what it is, their economy will be significantly impacted.


Count of Concision
I'm starting to think about some of the possible mid-term implications of the situation in the US. I am concerned about the very real possibility of violence, particularly towards other people (as opposed to looting of stores). I am working off the assumption that most people who were not criminally inclined, or who could have gone either way, will only engage in violence against others should they be unable to procure their or their family's basic needs of food and shelter. Consider the following points:

1) Lockdown/quarantine may last 1-3 more months, and if it falls on the mid-high end of that range the economic implications would be disastrous. We'd be talking about millions of people without jobs, which means no income save for what the government provides.

2) Government provided CV19-related relief and state unemployment payments will, at some point, run out (note: this can be somewhat forestalled by the Fed continuing to devalue our currency and just printing more money by fiat for the gov't to give to citizens. This would hurt us long-term in relation to the world market, but within the country that money should still be worth enough to provide you with the necessities).

3) Supply chains to stores may be interrupted/broken due to upstream economic impacts (note: I don't know enough about macroeconomics to say that this will likely happen; I only mention it as a possibility).

4) If there is either A) no food in stores, or B) people have no money to buy it with, how long will it be before we start to see violence in our streets? If the stores have food, it will likely come in the form of looting etc. That's bad enough, but what I'm more concerned about is the possibility of armed bandits attacking other folks in their homes in the hopes of stealing whatever food/resources they may have stashed.

I'm mostly thinking about this for my parents' sake, since they live alone and are older. Am I being paranoid/nuts? Is that just so remote a possibility that I shouldn't even be worrying about it? Should I have bought a gun last month? :messenger_squinting_tongue:

Re-posting the above in the hopes of getting some feedback. Another point which I forgot to mention initially, as regards people not having enough money to buy food etc.: realize that every person who didn't file taxes (which includes tens of millions of illegal aliens as well as I'm sure millions of American residents/citizens) will not be receiving government aid, and those here illegally (at the very least) will also not be eligible for state unemployment payments, as I believe these require a SS# or Tax ID #. This will leave literally millions and millions of people without money in a very short time.


That’s cute Russian bot, but with oil trading at what it is, their economy will be significantly impacted.

Vladimir putin is no doubt feeling smug. The Russian economy ought to be in crisis, but it is not. Covid-19 is causing a global meltdown. The price of oil has slumped below $30 a barrel, half what it was two months ago. Oil and gas traditionally account for two-thirds of Russian exports. That has sent the rouble sliding. The currency has lost nearly a third of its value since early January.

Yet even as the world’s richest countries are in turmoil, taking on vast sums of debt to cushion the blow, Russia’s economy shows few signs of panic. This is not because Russia has diversified, defeated corruption, protected property rights, or boosted competition, investment or growth. It has done none of those things. Rather, the Russian economy is less sensitive to the shock because it has already been self-isolating for the past six years.


Guys, could someone enlighten me please.

So we have territory T with number of infected X, which is in thousands.
And then we do self isolate, pray to C'tulhu or whomever, and the spread of infection slows down, so X still grows, but slowly.

Exactly what will prevent C19 from rapidly spreading again, if businesses of territory T re-open pretty please?
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  • Dr. Fauci says 100k-200k Americans may die from COVID-19
  • Trump extends guidelines to April 30
  • Spain case total passes China
  • Maryland Gov. issues 'stay at home order'
  • South Korea reports worrying rebound in cases around Seoul
  • Russia expands Moscow lockdown throughout country
  • NYC remains undisputed center of US outbreak
  • Seattle area reports optimistic slowdown in new cases, deaths
  • New York surpasses 1k deaths
  • Indian migrant workers 'washed' with disinfectant
  • Netanyahu goes on quarantine
  • Trump: US has enough medical equipment & ventilators to deal with peak of virus outbreak
  • Mnuchin says front-line workers deserve 'hazard pay'
  • Spike in cases should arrive around Easter, Trump said, deaths expected to be "very low"
  • JNJ announces encouraging progress on vaccine
  • Mexico refuses "to implement state of siege" as case numbers remain low
  • Russia ramps up testing
  • Chinese press publishes photo of Xi standing in public without mask
  • UN proposes $2.5 trillion global rescue program
  • Australia launches worker subsidy program
  • Tokyo Olympics officially delayed until 2021
  • Poland imposes more restrictions on life
  • Amazon workers planning strike

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, could someone enlighten me please.

So we have territory T with number of infected X, which is in thousands.
And then we do self isolate, pray to C'tulhu or whomever, and the spread of infection slows down, so X still grows, but slowly.

Exactly what will prevent C19 from rapidly spreading again, if businesses of territory T re-open pretty please?

Nothing will prevent it from rapidly spreading again. Some will have likely developed immunity, so the next spike should be smaller, though.


  • Dr. Fauci says 100k-200k Americans may die from COVID-19
  • Trump extends guidelines to April 30
  • Spain case total passes China
  • Maryland Gov. issues 'stay at home order'
  • South Korea reports worrying rebound in cases around Seoul
  • Russia expands Moscow lockdown throughout country
  • NYC remains undisputed center of US outbreak
  • Seattle area reports optimistic slowdown in new cases, deaths
  • New York surpasses 1k deaths
  • Indian migrant workers 'washed' with disinfectant
  • Netanyahu goes on quarantine
  • Trump: US has enough medical equipment & ventilators to deal with peak of virus outbreak
  • Mnuchin says front-line workers deserve 'hazard pay'
  • Spike in cases should arrive around Easter, Trump said, deaths expected to be "very low"
  • JNJ announces encouraging progress on vaccine
  • Mexico refuses "to implement state of siege" as case numbers remain low
  • Russia ramps up testing
  • Chinese press publishes photo of Xi standing in public without mask
  • UN proposes $2.5 trillion global rescue program
  • Australia launches worker subsidy program
  • Tokyo Olympics officially delayed until 2021
  • Poland imposes more restrictions on life
  • Amazon workers planning strike
Man he is holding on to that easter narritive
Fucking bunny better show up.

By the way not to brag but i already shopped for easter in march knowing whats coming.
At least my child gets to do some egg hunt and just enjoy being a kid again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yep, it's all about dulling the curve until we have some kind of vaccine.

Which I suppose means gradual easing of restrictions and swift lockdowns when we see hot spots forming. Probably going to have to be the new normal for the next year or so as long as it doesn't lead to extreme social unrest.
Which I suppose means gradual easing of restrictions and swift lockdowns when we see hot spots forming. Probably going to have to be the new normal for the next year or so as long as it doesn't lead to extreme social unrest.

Yeah, most likely. The only real way to stop the spread is to be immune and that means recovery from infection or a vaccine. Just a waiting game, really. The economy is what worries me the most but hopefully, we see a change in how manufacturing is handled and we don't throw all our eggs in one basket and have China make everything.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
And we are supposed to pretend it is high enough?

Yeah. I suppose the hope is that there will be good treatments developed in the meantime, too, but that's neither here nor there at this point. At least for the next round we'll be far better prepared in terms of testing (fast, accurate tests, as well as antibody tests) and healthcare equipment (ventilators, masks, gloves, beds, etc.).
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All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Re-posting the above in the hopes of getting some feedback. Another point which I forgot to mention initially, as regards people not having enough money to buy food etc.: realize that every person who didn't file taxes (which includes tens of millions of illegal aliens as well as I'm sure millions of American residents/citizens) will not be receiving government aid, and those here illegally (at the very least) will also not be eligible for state unemployment payments, as I believe these require a SS# or Tax ID #. This will leave literally millions and millions of people without money in a very short time.

I think there will be isolated cases of looting, theft, and home break-ins, but nothing widespread unless we lose total control of the virus.
If we want to make sure that people stay home, we need to make sure they have the food and supplies necessary to survive.


So i was talking to my wife this morning how her shift was.
She said a lot of disturbing things mostly related to lack of ppe.

Its too much for me to remember so i will try to convince her to write down her story for me so i can forward it here.
She is hesitant as she has to keep hospital privacy protocol and she doesnt want to get in trouble.

But i think its better that it comes from her than me trying to remember and just pass on half ass faulty information.


Gold Member
So i was talking to my wife this morning how her shift was.
She said a lot of disturbing things mostly related to lack of ppe.

Its too much for me to remember so i will try to convince her to write down her story for me so i can forward it here.
She is hesitant as she has to keep hospital privacy protocol and she doesnt want to get in trouble.

But i think its better that it comes from her than me trying to remember and just pass on half ass faulty information.

A ton of hospitals lack so much proper protocol, that this needs to come out more.
Im not in Cali, but some of our labs are so backed up that some tests are taking up to 8-9 days to come back with results

That's not good. I have to imagine the # of people tested who don't quarantine themselves is a not zero number too.

They need to get those rapid tests ready and distributed or this is gonna linger on forever.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
I'm happy for Italy. Now really everyone has to realize that we will see more and more positive developments in the coming weeks. :messenger_peace:

These are expected developments. Lockdowns work.
It's only positive if it doesn't give people a false sense of success or comfort.


The only thing that will prevent it is if the cured proportion of X is high enough to create herd immunity.

That is not true and that is and can certainly not be the goal. There are several reasons for this.

1) COVID-19 could disappear this summer or next year. There are several reasons for this, including favourable mutations. Many pandemics and epidemics have happened in the same way. The Spanish flu is the only pandemic that MIGHT have disappeared just because 50% of the people had it. But more likely there are other reasons for this.

2) Immunity may only be temporarily present if the virus mutates, as is the case with seasonal flu. So a social infestation would encourage unnecessary deaths, just to get back to where you were the next year.

3) Immunization by infection (without vaccine) would require that people be intentionally infected. Other more natural measures would hardly be controllable and would lead to an overload of the health care system, as is already partly the case now. I imagine this to be morally and also generally very difficult for our society. Especially with regard to China, South Korea and some other countries, which show that it can be done differently.

The main goal must be to get back to the point through lockdowns and social distancing and to reduce the number of cases to such an extent that first of all the spread of the virus is prevented regionally through strict contact tracing and quarantine. This can then be extended bit by bit. Epicentres will of course require much longer measures than rural areas, which in some countries will certainly have to cope with only a few active measures from June onwards.
That will of course mean change for all of us and the social rulebook will be different from now on. But people will quickly get used to this and, in the end, everything will be back to the way it was before. That will probably happen sooner rather than later.


These are expected developments. Lockdowns work.
It's only positive if it doesn't give people a false sense of success or comfort.

That's true, but I was one of the few positive people here who already said 2-3 weeks ago that the numbers will decrease due to the lockdown at the end of march.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
That's true, but I was one of the few positive people here who already said 2-3 weeks ago that the numbers will decrease due to the lockdown at the end of march.

My comment wasn't directed at you. You've been positive throughout, but you're also clearly paying attention.

The issue will be those who haven't paid attention, or those who believed the situation isn't serious. They need to understand that the only reason we're seeing positive results is because of strong actions, and that we can't even consider loosening requirements for the next month (which is why Trump extending to April 30 was very good).
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