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Max Payne 3 screens


Cretinously credulous
No, Rockstar, no. Go play Max payne first and understand what made it great. It just doesnt have the soul of max payne.
Zeliard said:
I don't know why so many people are against this. Let the character and the series evolve a bit. I don't see how yet another bullet-time shooter set in a dark metropolitan city is so much more preferable that it makes this something abhorrent.

The most important aspects of anything noir are the plot structure, the characters and the dialogue, even moreso than the visual style. The single strongest element to any powerful noir creation is found in its themes.

If this truly isn't a Max Payne game, it won't be because of how it looks - it'll be because of how it plays out.
Much as I want to hate on the game for how it looks, this is the truth right here. A lot of neo-noir is incredibly colorful and uses settings like this. Try and tell me that movies like Reservoir Dogs and Red Rock West aren't examples of noir tropes taken out of the gritty, dark urban space.

Granted, I'm approaching this game with huge amounts of trepidation because Sam Lake's not involved, but maybe we should, oh I don't know, see how it plays and how the story is first before calling it a failure. Because Lord knows, much as I love the first two games, nothing about the gameplay or the character design stands out now.

kittoo said:
No, Rockstar, no. Go play Max payne first and understand what made it great. It just doesnt have the soul of max payne.
Oh, so you've played the game, seen the story and dialogue and cutscenes, and know everything there is to know about how it all comes together, right?

Maybe you should go and play Max Payne again. The game was more than just a dude in a trenchcoat wandering around grimy hallways.


NullPointer said:
mighty_ you are my new favoritest person.

:lol :lol

well tbh I didn't make that one XD it was posted a while ago in comments section of Shacknews, but it just captures my feelings perfectly so I just had to post it


Cretinously credulous
I AM JOHN! said:
Oh, so you've played the game, seen the story and dialogue and cutscenes, and know everything there is to know about how it all comes together, right?

Maybe you should go and play Max Payne again. The game was more than just a dude in a trenchcoat wandering around grimy hallways.

Its not about the grim hallways only. Do you really see this generic 'beefed up bald marine' as Max?


Cat in the Hat said:
Explain. Since you know. It's like some of you have the design document.

I dont know why Im wasting the keystrokes on a guy with a MAX PAYNE 3 avatar, but its pretty obvious. The art design couldnt be any less Max Payne, nor could the setting or character design. Gameplay looks like GTAIV (which in turn is a low grade Gears), complete with cover system and all that shit. Max Payne is pulpy, noir-esque stuff with gritty settings and bullet time. This thing looks like GTA and Splinter Cell: Conviction (the aborted version) had a lovechild. Yuck.
Solo said:
I dont know why Im wasting the keystrokes on a guy with a MAX PAYNE 3 avatar, but its pretty obvious. The art design couldnt be any less Max Payne, nor could the setting or character design. Gameplay looks like GTAIV (which in turn is a low grade Gears), complete with cover system and all that shit. Max Payne is pulpy, noir-esque stuff with gritty settings and bullet time. This thing looks like GTA and Splinter Cell: Conviction (the aborted version) had a lovechild. Yuck.
O I C you work for Rockstar. You have actually seen it in motion to be able to comment on the gameplay. Wow what an honor.


Cold-Steel said:
bad day for milk pic

Fixed :D

Awesome :lol

This is not the Max Payne I know, that's for sure. Maybe it turns out to be one hell of a game, who knows.. its just not a great sign if you don't recognize that this is a Max Payne game without someone telling you that it is. So I don't get the people really that much defending this stuff..

Its not so much if this looks Noir but if this looks like a Max Payne game. Defend all you want..I never would have imagined Max going on vacation to get some more of that ice cream.

I don't want palm trees and a beach.. give me street lights on a dark road in NY.


Cat in the Hat said:
O I C you work for Rockstar. You have actually seen it in motion to be able to comment on the gameplay. Wow what an honor.

Yes, I work at Rockstar. And I can tell you that this is Max Payne in name only. We thank you for your $60, though.
kittoo said:
Its not about the grim hallways only. Do you really see this generic 'beefed up bald marine' as Max?
How is "generic beefed up bald marine" as Max any worse than "generic hard-boiled cop in a trenchcoat" as Max? The Max Payne games had excellent stories and writings - some of the best in any game ever created - but let's not kid ourselves here. Nothing about the character or the setting were in any way special or unique.

They're changing up the character. Would I rather they continue right where Max Payne 2 left off? Sure. But it's not as if they've somehow ruined the character or the style of the game by aging Max and moving him to a new setting. It's all going to come down to the writing, story and the character development for me; if they can capture the feel of Max in that sense, why the fuck should I care what he looks like? It'll still be Max.


kittoo said:
Its not about the grim hallways only. Do you really see this generic 'beefed up bald marine' as Max?

He looks like any formerly young, fit adult who gave up on himself as he grew older, which is a logical follow-up to what happened at the end of Max Payne 2.

Max Payne is supposed to look like a piece of shit now. The subtitle to MP2 was "The Fall of Max Payne", if you guys needed a refresher.


Solo said:
Gameplay looks like GTAIV (which in turn is a low grade Gears), complete with cover system and all that shit.

Did you never hug the walls in the previous games to then bullet dodge to get the jump on people? I don't see its how a major difference to a cover system, I actually welcome it, I feel it's a great addition to help with the game.
One of the first screenshots of Max Payne:


One of the first screenshots of Max Payne 2:


One of the first screenshots of Max Payne 3:


To paraphrase President Obama, this is not the Max Payne I knew.


Cat in the Hat said:
O I C you work for Rockstar. You have actually seen it in motion to be able to comment on the gameplay. Wow what an honor.

Some people defending the game sure sound like people working for Rockstar.

"Wait until you see this, wait until you hear more about the story, the gameplay."

Well, we are voicing an opinion on what was shown so far. And it looks nothing like Max Payne. And it's also another studio behind it. Right now, I'd rather be a skeptic instead of a cheerleader. That might change in the future.


Cat in the Hat said:
Explain. Since you know. It's like some of you have the design document.

Because it virtually has nothing in common with the series. Even Max is modeled differently and with a different voice actor. Hell, it doesn't even have the noir theme it's popular for. How about Sin City 2 or Blade Runner 2 looking like that? People would go ape shit.

If this was a series of movies. Max Payne 1 and 2 would be shown at the movies with a great cast and a great director. Max Payne 3 is straight to DVD like Behind Enemy Lines 2. That's how I see it at the moment.


Confirmed Asshole
This shit is what I'm talking about. Fuck Rockstar. They can buy the game themselves or whatever.
I AM JOHN! said:
but let's not kid ourselves here. Nothing about the character or the setting were in any way special or unique.

I all ways felt MP had a great sense of place,
The game would often take you around lots of places in the city that all felt like they were used and where connected to all the other places you have been.
Kifimbo said:
Some people defending the game sure sound like people working for Rockstar.

"Wait until you see this, wait until you hear more about the story, the gameplay."
I'm not really seeing how saying that we should wait for them to talk more about THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE GAME AND WHAT WILL BE MORE TELLING OF WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS MAX PAYNE IN NAME ONLY before writing Max Payne 3 off as a failure, as most people in this thread are being quick to do, is being anything but rational.

Christ, I'd hate to have seen what this place was like when Old Snake was revealed.

B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
I all ways felt MP had a great sense of place,
The game would often take you around lots of places in the city that all felt like they where used and where connected to all the other places you have been.
I completely agree with you, and it's part of why I think the first two Max Paynes are brilliant. But not only does this not change the fact that "gritty, empty, desolate New York" is not a unique setting for a noir story, it does not mean that Max Payne 3 cannot do the same thing in where it takes place.


Cat in the Hat said:
Any other insights into to gameplay or the story? no?

Gameplay will be a Gears clone with maybe bullet time thrown in, and the story will be some "Academy Award calibre" bullshit from Rockstar.


Confirmed Asshole
I AM JOHN! said:
I'm not really seeing how saying that we should wait for them to talk more about THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE GAME AND WHAT WILL BE MORE TELLING OF WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS MAX PAYNE IN NAME ONLY before writing Max Payne 3 off as a failure, as most people in this thread are being quick to do, is being anything but rational.

Christ, I'd hate to have seen what this place was like when Old Snake was revealed.
Be realistic. There's nothing that is going to turn this shitfest around. What you see is what you get.


Solo said:
Gameplay will be a Gears clone with maybe bullet time thrown in, and the story will be some "Academy Award calibre" bullshit from Rockstar.

Not just bullet time. Ultra violence bullet time!

Seriously, straight to dvd squeal.

Christ, I'd hate to have seen what this place was like when Old Snake was revealed.

He still looked like snake and was voiced by the same guy so it's nothing like that. If he looked like some random old man and david hayter wasn't voicing him would be more accurate to this.


it is possible it will turn out to be a solid game, but those screens.... that not Max Payne at all, looks nothing like the previous titles one bit at all.


i don't know why there's so much hate just based on screen and no backstory or game play. For all we know he could have unfinshed business in south america, maybe he moved there to get away from New york and something happened there. Maybe once again something was taken from him and he's out for revenge. I mean if you wife and child were murdered and somehow someway it was connected to South America, you wouldn't go because it doesn't fit your vibe or style?


Titles role. we fade into a lush Brazilian jungle, followed by a gunshot.
We see a fat fucking bum chasing around some hooker who stole his money.
The guy takes cover, and takes 3 shots at the hooker, still behind his cover.
3 ninjas fall from the fucking sky, and start hitting the fat bum with a 20 inch dildo.
We hear a loud roar, and see a laser beam frying the ninjas, followed by a dinasour kicking the fat bum in the face.

We quickly fade out to Max Payne, waking up in a dark alley in New York in a puddle of his own vomit.
He starts to vomit all over the place, followed by "what a shitload of fuck."
Real game starts.

THAT'S how it should be. No fucking around, jesus. I still have my hopes up for it to be.. okay.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I AM JOHN! said:
Christ, I'd hate to have seen what this place was like when Old Snake was revealed.

Old Snake was accepted with open arms.

I'll give this a chance, but it's already marked down as a renter just because of the change in devs (no, I'm not automatically accepting of Rockstar). I don't mind the Old Pops Max.


there was a game called El Matador that used the Max Payne 2 engine and was set in Mexico complete with bullet time.


and it's amazing how stupid people must be to not understand the negative reaction to this. Yes, this is really on the same level as Old Snake *roll eyes*.
Eh, these days if you've played one third person shooter, you've played em all.

Given, Max Payne games were THE 3rd person shooters of their time, but now you can get something almost if not just as good out of a decent open world game.
so they've abandoned the noir movie cliche world of max payne and gone with a take on current gen third person shooter video game cliche fest instead. could be a brilliant strategy for success and money. é


I'd just like to throw my hat in with the all the naysayers, though enough has been said about why this title already looks to fail as a Max Payne title.


I was really hoping for another gritty NYC romp through whorehouses, drug factories, and all kinds of seedy shit, but I bet this will turn out great regardless.


Kintaro said:
Old Snake was accepted with open arms.

I'll give this a chance, but it's already marked down as a renter just because of the change in devs (no, I'm not automatically accepting of Rockstar). I don't mind the Old Pops Max.
What the hell? This is entirely different from the inclusion of Old Snake, which made perfect sense and meshed well with the storyline of the series. The reason I'm turned off by Max Payne 3 has nothing to do with the fact that Max is balding. The setting is the complete opposite of noir, Max is now sporting a tanktop and sweatpants, and they've shown absolutely nothing that seems to be in line with the theme of the series. Sure, gameplay should be in constant evolution or at least refinement, but when you strip a title of all of its character and fashion it into a amalgam of shit then you have a problem.


Druz said:
Probably not as much since it's likely to be a console game first PC second... another reason to look so generic.
Alan Wake looks generic? I can't think of any game made in the past few years that resembles its setting.
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