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May U.S. Primaries |OT| Glory to America

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Not at all, let's see if it happens.
You have a poor understanding of politics if you think the Republicans are going to kick Trump out of the convention now. The field is now only him and Kasich, and Kasich never got half the votes Cruz did. The establishment won't support Kasich and they won't bring in someone who conceded or didn't get a single vote. Doing that would tear their party apart, and unlike the numerous Sanders supporters here, the RNC knows political strategy.

It would be imperative for Bernie to stop wasting the Hillary campaign's money, time, and effort. The issue for me here isn't attacks on Hillary or double teaming or anything. The issue for me here is the needless waste of resources to handle Bernie when Hillary could focus on swing states instead. The more effort she can get into contestable states, the better it would be for down ticket as well, given that they can pool their phonebanking, fundraising, and registration efforts.

HillaryGAF never ceases to amaze me with their bigotry.
It would be nice if for once after a primary you would stop complaining about your opposition, rather than offering words of any value.

Also, 'bigotry' is one hell of a loaded word of zero substantiation. Who is the one being obnoxious here?
Eh? Not really. That fact is he isn't saying anything new (I mean he doesn't say much in the first place).

Or perhaps it means he's running on a set of consistent, substantive policies?

OT: As Bernie goes from state to state, he is bringing his message to new voters. Do you genuinely think every potential voter in upcoming states know of Bernie's platform? Very many do not. They matter as much as anyone else who has already voted. They matter for this primary and they matter for future elections.

It's over.

Bernie needs to drop the fuck out tonight.

RNC is about to go full scorched earth on Clinton. In Conjunction with Bernie being negative about Hillary, and Trump will undoubtedly fuel that sentiment("I like Bernie, he's a good guy, he's getting robbed by the DNC") which will get media coverage and out to the masses, it's going to be a goddamned mess.

Fuck. If Bernie doesn't drop out..

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Bernie needs to drop the fuck out tonight.

RNC is about to go full scorched earth on Clinton. In Conjunction with Bernie being negative about Hillary, and Trump will undoubtedly fuel that sentiment("I like Bernie, he's a good guy, he's getting robbed by the DNC") which will get media coverage and out to the masses, it's going to be a goddamned mess.

Fuck. If Bernie doesn't drop out..
He's not going to drop out on a night he wins a state, Jesus Christ listen to yourselves


Maybe instead of just wanting him and his followers to shut up and fall in, Hillary should try to work with Bernie to get his supporters on her side, like Obama did with her. I just get the feeling Hillary wants to just shut him out entirely.

Hillary and Obama were more negative in '08 and their supporters more divided compared to now. Yet both actively worked to unite democrats. Neither essentially said to their primary opponent "you figure it out" like Bernie has done. Hillary even relented once Obama won enough delegates, later releasing her delegates before the convention. Bernie on the other hand, in a more lopsided race, is fighting for a contested convention right after both democrats and republican alike acknowledged just how much damaging that scenario would have been for republicans.

Hillary Clinton to join Barack Obama on campaign trail in White House race
Clinton Ends Campaign With Clear Call to Elect Obama
Clinton likely to release her delegates to Obama
Clinton: Obama 'must be our president'

Hillary has already shown that she is capable of setting aside differences for the greater good of the party, how can you act as if she just wants to shut out Bernie? She's a smart politician, why would she just throw away important support? How is she the problem and not the guy who is only loosely affiliated with the party and is continuing to show he has no problem being the outsider damaging it for personal gain?


His delegate count balances between 200 or 300 behind Clinton stably

He's quickly getting to the point where he'd have to make Hillary non-viable in California to even have a chance, and she's currently *leading* there. Every day he stays in going forward is being done at the expense of party unity, and I don't think he cares - he's intoxicated by the roaring crowds who come to listen to a speech that could be just as effectively delivered by putting a record player up on the stage.

I suspect the party is going to put serious pressure on him to drop out, and they should now that the GOP side has been decided.

He's not going to drop out on a night he wins a state, Jesus Christ listen to yourselves

Oh yes, I'm sure that 3 or 4 delegates he pulls out of there constitutes a mandate, and he'll pull ahead of Hillary any day now. What's bad for him is that nearly 100 more delegates have been taken off the table, and he has essentially nothing to show for them. I'm sure he'll keep begging for his $27 donations though.

Velcro Fly

So people saying that Bernie should drop out so Hillary isn't fighting a two front war = bigotry? Or is there something else big that I'm missing from this thread.
He's not going to drop out on a night he wins a state, Jesus Christ listen to yourselves

wins the state
causes democrats to lose the election

Again, Bernie being negative towards Clinton isn't going to help democrats unite, not when there are those that believe that their vision of what a democrat should be is the right way and anything else is wrong.

Republicans will get in line. It's a reality. Again, this country elected Bush twice.
Sanders will tone it way down and ride it all the way to the end.

Relax, people. He's smart, he knows better.

Sanders can say whatever he wants, his supporters are the ones doing the damage and always have been. The only thing that will make them stop and take away their legitimacy is Bernie dropping out.

And that's why I have no issue with closed Primaries.

"I have no problem with millions of potential democratic voters being unable to participate in the democratic process because of a statistically small number of republican voters who will vote for a democratic candidate who I do not support if given the opportunity."

That's amazing, ha

Your sarcasm hurts, man. I thought it was okay...


All of that pales in comparison to the dirt on the hill. If you think the republican superpacs spent all there resources on Hilary already then your dead wrong. She literally has a FBI investigation on her and republicans would love to get her indicted. Trump has literally paid her for his own bidding.

Polling suggests majority of voters don't really care about emails or Benghazi or any of that outside the GOP, and haven't for some time.

They've unloaded all their ammo at Clinton and it hasn't taken her down.

This is real life

Two years ago, you would have been banned and laughed out of the internet for suggesting it as a real possibility. The only thing that can top this insanity is if Colonel Sanders or Ronald McDonald ran for president.

Miles X


And that's why I have no issue with closed Primaries.

District of Columbia June 14 20 (25) Primary Closed
California June 7 475 (71) Primary Semi-closed
Montana June 7 21 (6) Primary Open
New Jersey June 7 126 (16) Primary Closed
North Dakota June 7 18 (5) Primary Open
New Mexico June 7 34 (9) Primary Closed
South Dakota June 7 20 (5) Primary Semi-open
Puerto Rico June 5 60 (7) Primary Open
Virgin Islands June 4 7 (5) Caucus Closed
Oregon May 17 61 (13) Primary Closed
Kentucky May 17 55 (5) Primary Closed

West Virginia May 10 29 (8) Primary Semi-closed
Guam May 7 7 (5) Caucus Closed

Cali is the only one to watch right now.
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