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May U.S. Primaries |OT| Glory to America

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Yeah? You've never heard of Mondale or McGovern? Bernie is them... with the Internet and 24/7 media.

Bernie is not so special that he should drag out the race until the convention and hurt the Dems chances in the GE. Get over it.

But Hillary was?


If Bernie weren't such a bullshitter by saying and proudly boasting about running a positive campaign, I don't think people would be so down and hard on him.

He's shown himself to be a typical politician, and that he's isn't above it all, after all! When push came to shove, he took the low road.


He likes winning with women. Also people bring up the fact he speaks like he's talking to a 5th grade class, it's kind of a scary clever move. He's talking at the level of your average Joe six pack to get them to relate. It's easy for us to mock but resonates with a large portion of the country. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but that speaking style seems planned and with a reason.
No they will kick Trump out AT the convention. this will be an election for the history books.
There will be so many protests from now until the convention against Trump (and also within his own party) that people will demand someone different. As the primaries continue it will look less and less viable for Kasich as that alternative. Even Limbaugh has thrown around the idea of reviving Jeb. This is an election where I believe the establishment will win out (unfortunately).
You're not thinking it through. Lets say the RNC decide to do this, maybe going with Bush or Rubio as their nominee. Trump would announce he's running as an independant because the republican party stole his nominee. And, most people would agree with him that it was stolen.

The republicans would be decimated in the election because most Trump supporters would still vote Trump, diehard republicans would vote for the usurper, but a lot of 'lite' republicans, undecided and independant voters would vote for the democrats, or not vote all. This would be the RNC's worst nightmare. Their party would not just lose a ton of votes, but a shitload of respect.


I specifically mention informing herself. Part of the reason Bernie protesters talk about 1 person 1 vote is because the money put into campaigning for a candidate unquestionably impacts the outcome of elections. People in upcoming states deserve, as much as anybody, an informed vote. An active Sanders campaign means his message is spreading for both potential future voters in this primary and in the long haul.

It's both. There has never been a candidate on the national stage spreading a message like Sander's. That is important too.

That's not true. Maybe they haven't been spreading Sanders exact message, but there have been many candidates that ran on very important platforms that have had to drop out before going all the way. In fact, very, very, very few candidates do go all the way to the convention. I don't see how Sanders should be any different.
Yeah? You've never heard of Mondale or McGovern? Bernie is them... with the Internet and 24/7 media.

Bernie is not so special that he should drag out the race until the convention and hurt the Dems chances in the GE. Get over it.

You should get over it, man. I'm not the one struggling to accept an uncomfortable reality. The reality is that he's in it til the convention. Why? To spread his message.

That's not true. Maybe they haven't been spreading Sanders exact message, but there have been many candidates that ran on very important platforms that have had to drop out before going all the way. In fact, very, very, very few candidates do go all the way to the convention. I don't see how Sanders should be any different.

Perhaps they didn't have a constant supply of record-breaking financial support from individual donors who also wanted to see them get their message out?
I said against, not for. They really haven't been all that hard on him yet.

I think they've absolutely been against him. The coverage has always been "look how crazy this guy is." The sad thing is while they have been doing that they are giving him a ludicrous amount of air time and the "no such thing as bad publicly" mantra has proven true.
I get your guys' point, but I guess letting Trump use those "talking points" to attack Hillary is better?

Regardless of who wins democratic nomination, I think scrutiny and criticism (both ways) is better for the party. It could lead to a stronger candidate, but this is just my opinion.

That's true, but accusations and insinuation without evidence is just damaging.


This is stupid. Hillary isn't entitled to the presidency.
Are you not paying attention to the facts? She's not entitled. She's winning and she earned the right to win. There's a difference and I'm disturbed that you can't seem to see this. Why is this so hard to understand? Are you in denial?


If you'be ever seen my posts you know I want Bernie to win. It's a long shot, but he's gonna make it.

Long shot is a kind way of putting it. He needs to make her non viable in California, and Bernie doesn't particularly do well with minorities. He is not going to win California 70-30. It's not going to happen, and no amount of wishing will make it happen.
A lot of college students are pro sanders here in Cali. Lots of classmates are talking about how they'll vote for him.

Congrats to Bernie he has the support of the weakest voting block in the U.S.


This is stupid. Hillary isn't entitled to the presidency.

I don't think anyone thinks that Hillary is "entitled the presidency". But a lot of us are voting for her because, frankly, it would be hugely against our own self-interests and beliefs to not do so. If your views on global warming, campaign finance reform, affordable college, the minimum wage, health care, immigration, minority and LGBT rights, gun violence, women's issues, voting rights, and worker's rights are more closely aligned with her than they are with Trump, then it would be harmful to yourself to not vote for her.

Hillary doesn't have to "earn" my vote. This isn't about her. This is about me and the people I care about. That's why I'm voting for her.

So does GAF largely dismiss the politico article about the Victory Fund?

I'm asking based on some of the comments I've seen in here.

GAF has a lot of diverse opinions, but I don't think it would be a stretch to say that most people on here think the Sanders' campaigns word choice surrounding the issue was reprehensible.


You should get over it, man. I'm not the one struggling to accept an uncomfortable reality. The reality is that he's in it til the convention. Why? To spread his message.

The same message he has been spouting since he started running. He is not saying anything new that people have not already heard him say already.

Miles X

The question you should ask is "how do I get me some of that optimism" :)

No, it isn't, because you shouldn't go through life ignoring the overwhelming reality.

Pretty sure he's only still doing the 'Bernie can win!' stuff because he knows it annoys Hillary supporters. It's kinda funny how people keep falling for it, I must admit.

I think he's genuine, you look on Twitter and there are thousands of them that really think he can do it. Ha


Long shot is a kind way of putting it. He needs to make her non viable in California, and Bernie doesn't particularly do well with minorities. He is not going to win California 70-30. It's not going to happen, and no amount of wishing will make it happen.

Congrats to Bernie he has the support of the weakest voting block in the U.S.

Amazing how he has damn near shunned the best voting block

black women
At this point, Hillary is getting the nomination. Doing the "corporate democratic
shill" schtick is not only not gonna help him win, it hurts her in the general. If Bernie actually cared about any of those "progressive values" of his, he would be doing everything in his power to ensure Trump won't get the Presidency. He would be helping with the downticket.

If Bernie weren't such a bullshitter by saying and proudly boasting about running a positive campaign, I don't think people would be so down and hard on him.

He's shown himself to be a typical politician, and that he's isn't above it all, after all!

This is key

Just looking at pledged delegates, the democratic race is a very close one.

Over 300 is close?


Unconfirmed Member
The question you should ask is "how do I get me some of that optimism" :)

If you're implying that I have less optimism about Hillary winning the nomination, then you're wrong. My optimism for Hillary positively correlates with the fact that she's getting nominated, that's it. Bernie is drawing out his inevitable loss. :)
Hillary vs Trump will be much closer in the GE than most people would like to believe.

She is just too political, you can sense every single word out of her mouth is a calculated move, it's off putting.

The dems will have a low turnout this election unless something changes, if Trump can bring out the Republicans along with some of the independent voters, he could win this...


I get your guys' point, but I guess letting Trump use those "talking points" to attack Hillary is better?

Regardless of who wins democratic nomination, I think scrutiny and criticism (both ways) is better for the party. It could lead to a stronger candidate, but this is just my opinion.

Claiming on your campaign website that Hillary Clinton is involved in a money laundering scheme (which is a crime) for LEGALLY raising money with the DNC is not scrutiny and criticism. It's lies and misdirection. It's a blatant attempt to win a primary you've already thoroughly lost by slandering your opponent and poisoning the well against them. That was cute when the GOP was in shambles, but as sure as the sky is blue, by this time tomorrow all traces of disarray will be swept under the nearest TRUMP rug and the GOP will be united in its mission to bring Hillary down.

Bernie's tactics are no longer cute.


Nice.... this presumptive Trump / Clinton showdown improves the chances of the Democrats taking over the Senate... and coming close to getting a majority in the House.


You needn't worry about me! Bernie will stay in till the end. Then I vote for the democratic candidate.

And by then enough white middle aged independents will have their heads filled with a double helping of isolationist change for the sake of change bullshit to put the general in serious doubt.

Hell, we're probably at that point already. Thanks Bernie.


Trump is the nominee so democrats need to gear up for the general election. Bernie needs to get onboard. Him being an obstacle will only tick people off.

Velcro Fly

Comparing this to 2008 is laughable.

It isn't even close to 2008.

Imagine if she wanted to pull a Donald Trump and be completely nasty to someone staying in the race when they have basically no chance.

His campaign accused her of money laundering this week. Is that his message? He says it will be a contested convention. Will it really be contested? When she wins more states and more votes, the superdelegates will be hers. Is that really contested? It isn't.

His message is out there. I highly doubt anyone hasn't heard it by now. He needs to dial it back and bow out gracefully.


suprised you guys havent' post this pretty map yet ;)

The same message he has been spouting since he started running. He is not saying anything new that people have not already heard him say already.

Do you really think everyone has heard his message? All the potential voters in upcoming states?

Of course you don't. Why do you think people campaign? Spend money on ads like they do? It's to get their message out. Knowing of Bernie Sanders doesn't mean you know about how his platform would affect your life personality.

EDIT: I also love the idea of a consistent message somehow being a bad thing. Lol alright.


Amazing how he has damn near shunned the best voting block

black women

My favorite part of the Sanders bullshit so far is how quick he brought out the dog whistle to explain away his loses in the southern states. His supporters ate that shit hook, line, and sinker too which was the most depressing part.


Long shot is a kind way of putting it. He needs to make her non viable in California, and Bernie doesn't particularly do well with minorities. He is not going to win California 70-30. It's not going to happen, and no amount of wishing will make it happen.

Not true, he only needs to win California 65-35 as long as he hits all these remaining targets.

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