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MCV: Mario & Pokemon coming within 6 months of NX launch, 3rd parties, exec comment


Maybe I am misunderstanding but Smash being in development for 3DS+Wii U was announced by Iwata at e3 2011. That was the 3DS panic mode phase not the Wii U panic mode phase.

About a week after Wii U's unveiling at E3, they had some video by Nate Bihldorf or someone like that say 'yeah guys, we're doing Smash, we hired Namco to do it so we could do it fast cuz we suck at HD.' It was a total shitshow.


So they have Ubi, EA and others on board but it won't be interesting for PS4 gamers? So what does that mean for multiplatform titles on NX? Vastly inferior? It's a bit odd.

EA doesn't really make any console based family or children's titles anymore, so if that's actually the pitch Nintendo has been going to Western third parties with instead of just the conclusion some of them have come to, then EA would be a harder fit. Ubisoft has a wide variety (Just Dance, Just Sing, Hasbro, Rabbids), Warner has LEGO, Activision has Skylanders and sometimes licensed titles. EA's closest fit is sports games, which was what they were rumored to be negotiating over.


I really don't like the "within 6 months" part, these really need to be at launch. Nintendo needs to be running out the gate, day one, hitting hard with their big franchises. If they can get big sales at the start, that's what will bring in the third party support - that's what both 3DS and Wii U were missing, and really is why 3DS flopped so damn hard for its first year.

Admittedly, this is a rumor, and maybe there's something super secret in the works that we don't know about - like a new Mario Kart for day 1 or something. Or the Final Fantasy VII Remake has suddenly become NX exclusive.

You don't need to blow your load on day 1, I see a scenario where they release a handful of titles (hopefully Zelda, Smash Bros port and some other stuff) and then over the next 6 months they have Pokémon after say 4 and then Mario after 6 as your big September/October release
Most of those gamers have already a ps4 and/or 3ds. I don't think that they really want that kind of gamers.

Also Nintendo seems not to be interested in those gamers:


Or they have changed their mind.

You honestly don't believe Nintendo is interested in the type of consumer who plays on smartphones? Really?

Nintendo's entire mobile initiative revolves around attempting to convince those players to purchase their dedicated hardware. So, the idea that NX will be aimed at that audience makes complete sense. That doesn't mean it's going to lack traditional Nintendo software.


Getting hopes up for a new Pokemon game... But will probably leave disappointed.

Will be the difference between if I buy one or not.
I'm setting my expectations to "Sun/Moon ports". I know Game Freak has never done it before, but that doesn't mean they won't.


Activision bring the Skylanders and Warners bring the Legos I assume... ugh... I expect third party support for this thing to be garbage.

Well, these franchises seem kind of guaranteed to come to NX:
Monster Hunter
Yokai Watch
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy something
Rune Factory
Rayman something
Bravely Default sequel
Something Shin Megami Tensei/Persona
just dance
Professor Layton sequel
Phoenix wright sequel

I also kind of expect something platinum (bayo 3 even?), something Omega Force and a lot of collabs with third parties like they did on wii u.


EA doesn't really make any console based family or children's titles anymore, so if that's actually the pitch Nintendo has been going to Western third parties with instead of just the conclusion some of them have come to, then EA would be a harder fit. Ubisoft has a wide variety (Just Dance, Just Sing, Hasbro, Rabbids), Warner has LEGO, Activision has Skylanders and sometimes licensed titles. EA's closest fit is sports games, which was what they were rumored to be negotiating over.

EA could still do the PvZ games too, assuming they think Frostbite is a good fit for that hardware.
Don't most smartphones have NFC capabilities now? That would likely be the simplest way to do that, no? Otherwise I would think syncing your Pokemon GO account and your My Nintendo/NNID would be another way to do it.

Most do, but I don't think the 3DS has capabilities to access NFC. They might be able to work with bluetooth, but I can't remember if that's what the portals (the amiibo and Skylanders series ones) use or not. To make it universal for all players, simply generating a QR code would probably be much easier.

You hope that Mario isn't Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games, but you want Pokemon to be a Stadium game instead of Sun and Moon?

Well yeah. The difference there is that Mario and Sonic games are hot garbage enough that even IGN wouldn't review it and Stadium games are well beloved spinoff parts of the Pokemon series by fans.

Well, these franchises seem kind of guaranteed to come to NX:
Monster Hunter
Yokai Watch
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy something
Rune Factory
Rayman something
Bravely Default sequel
Something Shin Megami Tensei/Persona
just dance
Professor Layton sequel
Phoenix wright sequel

I also kind of expect something platinum (bayo 3 even?), something Omega Force and a lot of collabs with third parties like they did on wii u.
Please give me a Monster Hunter on the TV again. I'm tired of trying to make out tiny details on a small screen. The MH games have such beautiful backdrops and it made me especially sad to see MH3U stuff in Gen.
So they have Ubi, EA and others on board but it won't be interesting for PS4 gamers? So what does that mean for multiplatform titles on NX? Vastly inferior? It's a bit odd.
I feel that the "PS4 gamers" they were referring to are the ones that wouldn't want to play the same games that is already available to them with downgraded graphics to some extent. I guess you can argue that Sony tried that with the PSVisa and ultimately failed, but that system had other marketing issues.


What clear is that Nintendo is not fixing what's not broken. They're continuing their handheld legacy but now they're adding all of their home console support to it. Right now they are unrivaled in handheld area, not even by smartphones, as they're still unable to provide core gaming experience. They know the difference of two markets and are working to get the best out of them both.

I actually really like their approach. Unless the handheld isn't really mobile or suffering from form factor issues then handheld fans will be pleased and if Sony doesn't provide a Vita 2 then Nintendo can combine the player base of the 3DS and the Vita with the NX.

Because you can also use the NX with a controller and plug it into your TV maybe some console gamers who don't like handhelds as much will still try it out. In addition if they somehow get mobile gamers to play on the NX as well, they could have a really successful product.


EA doesn't really make any console based family or children's titles anymore, so if that's actually the pitch Nintendo has been going to Western third parties with instead of just the conclusion some of them have come to, then EA would be a harder fit. Ubisoft has a wide variety (Just Dance, Just Sing, Hasbro, Rabbids), Warner has LEGO, Activision has Skylanders and sometimes licensed titles. EA's closest fit is sports games, which was what they were rumored to be negotiating over.

Star Wars, Plants v.s. Zombies, Sports games all make sense in that order.
does it really make sense to launch with a bunch of huge first party titles all at the same time?

resources aren't unlimited. nintendo doesn't have the luxury of... third party support, so they kinda need to stretch their software in order to avoid droughts.

I don't think it would kill them to have zelda at launch, then this pokemon title 2 months later, and then mario 2 months after that.
Yes, it makes all the sense in the world. A killer launch lineup is what is needed, they tried to spread things out for the 3DS, it flopped, they tried to spread things out for Wii U, it flopped. 3DS even had some pretty darn great third-parties at launch (Super Street Fighter IV was an amazing port), but sales didn't take off until it had Zelda, Mario Kart, and 3D Land, and because of that all the third party support that was promised before launch just dried up. I worked for a company making handheld games for publishers at the time, and it was terrible seeing all of our contracts disappear almost overnight (and then my company was sold to a mobile developer).

NX needs to launch with their biggest titles, make a big splash, and then the "drought" can be held off with smaller titles - it won't need a constant stream of AAA hits if it launches with them, that'll keep new people buying the console for a while because who can resist a console with huge super-popular games already available? People who don't like Zelda can buy Mario, people who don't like Mario can buy Pokemon, people who don't like Pokemon can buy F-Zero, people who don't like F-Zero can buy Zelda. It's the circle of life.
Yes, it makes all the sense in the world. A killer launch lineup is what is needed, they tried to spread things out for the 3DS, it flopped, they tried to spread things out for Wii U, it flopped. 3DS even had some pretty darn great third-parties at launch (Super Street Fighter IV was an amazing port), but sales didn't take off until it had Zelda, Mario Kart, and 3D Land, and because of that all the third party support that was promised before launch just dried up. I worked for a company making handheld games for publishers at the time, and it was terrible seeing all of our contracts disappear almost overnight (and then my company was sold to a mobile developer).

NX needs to launch with their biggest titles, make a big splash, and then the "drought" can be held off with smaller titles - it won't need a constant stream of AAA hits if it launches with them, that'll keep new people buying the console for a while.

What you're proposing is horrible. It would have been an awful idea to launch 3DS with Zelda, 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and Star Fox 64 3D. You're cannibalizing sales and setting the system up for massive droughts in the future. Nintendo should have delayed the system until the eShop and OoT 3D were ready to go (and the hardware should have been $199). Its launch lineup would have been just fine at that point.

NX needs a solid launch lineup for sure (one or two big projects, alongside a few smaller titles), but what it needs far more is a steady stream of software during its first two years on the market.


Would it be a true Sun/Moon port? I think a third version ('Dusk' Version? Haha) or even Sun2/Moon2 make more sense.

A third version usually takes more than a year difference in release dates, though wouldn't be impossible. (I think Crystal is the exception here.)

Sun and Moon come out in November and even at six months after an assumed March NX release, that'd only be September next year. So you're not even at a year. It'd be a stretch, probably. A port seems possible or a remake being made somewhat concurrently also seems possible. I suppose a third version could be made concurrently but it doesn't seem likely to me.


The Birthday Skeleton
I would prefer much more a schedule where there is a constant stream of games than a blowout at launch and then drought.


Gold Member
Sounds too good to be true.

If true, I expect Pokemon to be a port.

A new Mario game (a true 3D Mario hopefully) would be amazing, but likely will be Mario Maker port.
What you're proposing is horrible. It would have been an awful idea to launch 3DS with Zelda, 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and Star Fox 64 3D. You're cannibalizing sales and setting the system up for massive droughts in the future.
Better than massive third-party droughts. Do you know how many huge publishers announced 3DS support before launch, who then canceled their games after? A ton. 3DS launched with crap from Nintendo, no huge franchises - Steel Diver, Nintendogs, Pilotwings. Many people blame the price of the system for its initial flop, but when they dropped the price, sales didn't pick up. Not until it had Zelda, 3D Land, and Mario Kart did sales recover. Nintendo's big mistake in recent times has been to hold off on their big franchises, to keep droughts away and to give third-party launch titles a chance to shine. It obviously hasn't been working.


Pacing releases is common sense, but I expect Nintendo to bring bigger titles at a more frequent rate than any Nintendo launch in history. They've got a monumental amount of dev power backing this machine up. They'll hit hard but not just dump everything at once.
Better than massive third-party droughts. Do you know how many huge publishers announced 3DS support before launch, who then canceled their games after? A ton. 3DS launched with crap from Nintendo, no huge franchises - Steel Diver, Nintendogs, Pilotwings. Many people blame the price of the system for its initial flop, but when they dropped the price, sales didn't pick up. Not until it had Zelda, 3D Land, and Mario Kart did sales recover.

The 3DS had a rough launch, but releasing a bunch of AAA first party titles on day one wouldn't have been the ideal solution, when you're setting up your platform for a massive lull for an entire year afterwards. The price was absolutely a huge factor as well. You can't really discount that.

And Zelda released two months before the price drop.




The Birthday Skeleton


Iwata said:
We have come to the stage where we can say that we will be able to develop and operate software which, in the end, will not hurt the value of Nintendo IP but, rather, will become an opportunity for the great number of people around the world who own smart devices—but do not have interest in dedicated video game hardware—to be interested in Nintendo IP and eventually to become fans of our dedicated game systems.

Pay attention, people.

This really shouldn't be surprising to anyone paying attention, but Nintendo really won't gain anything but competing exclusively with Sony and MS. They're much better served trying to create their own market, which is what this report is suggesting when they say targeting "an audience that sits between smartphone gamers and the more hardcore users of PS4 and Xbox One."


I was formerly in the camp that wanted NX to be a powerful home console and was extremely disappointed with the revelation of the hybrid handheld/console device we're likely going to get, but after picking up a 3DS last week and loving the thing, I think I've come to terms with the NX concept and am slowly becoming more excited for it. I just moved in with two of my best friends who are also fairly avid consumers of digital content, so gaming in the living room where our single TV and all of our consoles and set top boxes reside won't always be feasible. Having a portable that can provide a console-like experience at graphical quality "somewhere between Ps3 and Ps4," is actually fine with me. If this report is accurate and third parties really are getting behind this system, along with the usual stable of great games from Nintendo themselves, then I could see myself playing my NX way more often than I do my Xbox One or my roommates Ps4.


This really shouldn't be surprising to anyone paying attention, but Nintendo really won't gain anything but competing exclusively with Sony and MS. They're much better served trying to create their own market, which is what this report is suggesting when they say targeting "an audience that sits between smartphone gamers and the more hardcore users of PS4 and Xbox One."

But dont you think "wont appeal to PS4 fans" is a bit of a red light...
EA doesn't really make any console based family or children's titles anymore, so if that's actually the pitch Nintendo has been going to Western third parties with instead of just the conclusion some of them have come to, then EA would be a harder fit. Ubisoft has a wide variety (Just Dance, Just Sing, Hasbro, Rabbids), Warner has LEGO, Activision has Skylanders and sometimes licensed titles. EA's closest fit is sports games, which was what they were rumored to be negotiating over.

Yeah true. But that leaves Square Enix and SEGA. But I bet Square Enix is for the mobile games and SEGA maybe both handheld and console. Or not and maybe NX gets those games like Deus Ex MD and FFXV as well, but it remains be seen how much downgraded it will be then.

It's just about goddamn time that Nintendo reveals the damn thing.
From that Metro article

That list isn’t necessarily the departure it sounds like though, as it doesn’t really imply anything other than the sort of family friendly titles that already appeared on the Wii U. Especially as there’s no EA, 2K Games, Rockstar, or Bethesda.

Can still happen but I'm not holding my breath.


But dont you think "wont appeal to PS4 fans" is a bit of a red light...

It basically means Nintendo's aim with NX isn't to attract the AAA multiplat home console gamer, i.e. the type of games that have dominated NPD charts for years now.

They're aligning themselves with the mobile crowd instead, in which case keeping the cost of hardware down is top priority.


You honestly don't believe Nintendo is interested in the type of consumer who plays on smartphones? Really?

Nintendo's entire mobile initiative revolves around attempting to convince those players to purchase their dedicated hardware. So, the idea that NX will be aimed at that audience makes complete sense. That doesn't mean it's going to lack traditional Nintendo software.

They have also told before that their mobile games purpose is to let smartphone gamers experience Nintendo their IP's. They ones that becomes a real gamer, that are the people Nintendo wants.

They don't want to focus on the smartphone owners that plays candy crush or angry birds. The ones that play only 1 time/week, because they know they wouldn't want to pay 40$ for a game.

Nintendo wouldn't only target that public but also the ones that own a ps4 or xbox one and wants to have second a console.

That makes more sense.

So i wouldn't expect many casual crap games like we did experience on the wii.


If it really is some kind of mobile handheld console and they dont have a mainline game like sun and moon on it, then Nintendo are truly the bungliest bunglers to ever bungle in the history of bungling.

If it's like heeeeeeey spin off game. Wow just wow.


The red light is on since years and it's called AAA 3rd parties support.

I would go more with price and gimmicks. Got my Xbox for AAA 3rd Parties. If the WiiU was sensibly prices and released with just a pro controller I would have one. To difinitively say it won't appeal to a PS4 player says more than just about the games to me.


Yeah, you aren't getting a new game or gen, 5 months after SM launch.

Why not?

OR/AS & X/Y were released a year apart.

Sure, it's a new platform, but this isn't your standard Nintendo console. It's unifying all their efforts onto a single device. It makes total sense and is in line with what Gamefreak have done previously. It's not even dictating launch either - just "launch window." That could mean, arguably, October/November 2017.
They have also told before that their mobile games purpose is to let smartphone gamers experience Nintendo their IP's. They ones that becomes a real gamer, that are the people Nintendo wants.

They don't want to focus on the smartphone owners that plays candy crush or angry birds. The ones that play only 1 time/week, because they know they wouldn't want to pay 40$ for a game.

Nintendo wouldn't only target that public but also the ones that own a ps4 or xbox one and wants to have second a console.

That makes more sense.

So i wouldn't expect many casual crap games like we did experience on the wii.

My goodness.


From that Metro article

That list isn’t necessarily the departure it sounds like though, as it doesn’t really imply anything other than the sort of family friendly titles that already appeared on the Wii U. Especially as there’s no EA, 2K Games, Rockstar, or Bethesda.

Can still happen but I'm not holding my breath.

They are extrapolating the rumors we had so far. There isn't more to it.


The 3DS had a rough launch, but releasing a bunch of AAA first party titles on day one wouldn't have been the ideal solution, when you're setting up your platform for a massive lull for an entire year afterwards. The price was absolutely a huge factor as well. You can't really discount that.

And Zelda released two months before the price drop.

I agree with you for the most part, but 3DL and MK7 really were massive sales drivers in the first holiday season. I don't think that can be discounted, but I agree the price was a huge factor, maybe the hugest, to turning around the 3DS's fortunes.
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