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ME!ME!ME! | Short anime video by Studio Khara(Evangelion rebuild)

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I thought that was pretty incredible. Gratuitous, of course, but it seems like that's kind of the point. I loved the music, too.

It actually mostly reminds me of a far more explicit version of the scenes from End of Evangelion where Shinji watches Misato and Kaiji smanging and visits that playpark that looks like a woman's body in some shots.

Also, the looping is a nice touch


Decent video which attempts to have its cake and eat it, too.

It says something about overtly sexual anime, but the first run through is clearly the getting it all out there.
I've always .thought that analogy was kind of dumb. I mean why the hell wouldn't you eat a cake if you had one? Yeah it would be gone but if you don't eat it then there might as well not be a cake there anyway. What do you mean getting it all out there?

I'd admit I have a huge bias for the art style, Me!Me!Me!'s concept is stellar too though. The fact that on the loop you can see how each piece around his room, the figurines half made, the weapons, the posters, dolls, etc all fit into his escapist fantasy really does a lot to make it even more enjoyable. Also that fucking song bangs so there's that too.
It really all just comes together by the end to create a great work that deconstructs the ideas behind escapism and the mentalities it might create.

...I can't tell if sound like a pretentious git when I say things like that.

but that is something everyone should get while watching it.

All those elements point to that conclusion.

Great short! I hope I can use it in my bachelor thesis.
The elements do come together to create that picture but I wonder what other people's interpretations of the elements themselves might be.

What happens when an Elder Goddess decides she wants to.. Ravish you.
Okay... I laughed.


I want to play something like this... So bad...


I don't think I got the meaning of the video.
It was gorgeous, though.

Crying girl is Protag's ex-girlfriend. Either she broke up with him or he with her. Either way, he turned to anime/porn to get his fill on sexual stuff and overindulged. He's trapped in his room, socially dead, fapping his problems away.

In the end anime basically ate him alive, and he can't get away from it. That's why it loops at the end.
Crying girl is Protag's ex-girlfriend. Either she broke up with him or he with her. Either way, he turned to anime/porn to get his fill on sexual stuff and overindulged. He's trapped in his room, socially dead, fapping his problems away.

In the end anime basically ate him alive, and he can't get away from it. That's why it loops at the end.

I want this to tie back into Evangelion again, having the creators come out and say "Nah, it's nothing like that. None of the imagery meant anything." Just because that would be hilarious.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Good video and indeed there is a message within it.

The synchronization between the music and animation was fantastic too for some scenes.


Didn't do anything for me. It's well made but I'm not a fan of the in-your-face presentation which I understand was the point. I would have preferred subtlety but that wasn't what they were going and that's fine.


Certainly interesting. Pretty sad, too. An endless loop of depression and regret... Doesn't seem like his story, as well as those of people like him, have a happy ending.


Certainly interesting. Pretty sad, too. An endless loop of depression and regret... Doesn't seem like his story, as well as those of people like him,
have a happy ending.
I kind of look at the loop as a sliver of hope (I mean with the video it literally can't end)..
Eventually, a person can break themselves out of this kind of thing. The fact that he continues going through the process makes me think that eventually he might finally manage to... slay the giant demon tit goddess? I don't know how the symbolism would be handled. Probably killing the distortion and managing to save himself and his true memory or something.

guro porn, disgusting. this shit is filth 0/10
...OH I get it! lmao nice dude you had me there for a sec.


tbh the more i dwell on this the less i like it. weaksauce eru guro work with the subtlety of a freight train


Yeah the insistence on driving home a message that is in retrospect pretty trite cheapens the beauty of the formal elements.
Pretty much. The self destructive nature of escapism has been done so many times (and much better) it's getting kinda old now.


Yeah the insistence on driving home a message that is in retrospect pretty trite cheapens the beauty of the formal elements.
I don't agree at all that it's insisting on driving home the message. Heck, some people in this very thread wrote this off as flashy titillation.

There's something to be said for conveying a message in a (relatively) clear and concise way. Not every animated short needs to be vague/bordering on inscrutable.
What does that even mean?
I thought it was beautiful to watch, and it's a shame the creators are so determined to deliver a message about escapism and otaku culture that they resort to cliches which distract from how well designed and animated it is.
Pretty much. The self destructive nature of escapism has been done so many times (and much better) it's getting kinda old now.


I don't agree at all that it's insisting on driving home the message. Heck, some people in this very thread wrote this off as flashy titillation.

There's something to be said for conveying a message in a (relatively) clear and concise way. Not every animated short needs to be vague/bordering on inscrutable.
It's kinda refreshing to have something so blatant as opposed to "artsy" subtlety. There's room for both of course but damn do people love their rabbit holes (myself included).

I thought it was beautiful to watch, and it's a shame the creators are so determined to deliver a message about escapism and otaku culture that they resort to cliches which distract from how well designed and animated it is.

Thanks for the clarification.

While I can see your point, I think that it was put together well even if it might be bit off putting to some people. Sometimes I think it's good to have an anvil dropped. This was a really well animated anvil with a stereo system.
Crying girl is Protag's ex-girlfriend. Either she broke up with him or he with her. Either way, he turned to anime/porn to get his fill on sexual stuff and overindulged. He's trapped in his room, socially dead, fapping his problems away.

In the end anime basically ate him alive, and he can't get away from it. That's why it loops at the end.
...shit, how did I miss that? lol
Crazy stuff, for sure.


For the people who don't get it yet, this video is a condemnation of the anime industry and its obsession with sex over story, and of the otaku subculture and its downward spiral of escapism.

The main character is addicted to anime, manga, games, sexualized 2D girls, everything that comes with the otaku subculture. All those spent cigarettes strewn on the desk are blatant hints to how addicted he is.

He had a real girlfriend, but broke up with her as his otaku interests took over his life. He regrets it and is fighting with his demons, so to speak, but loses and wakes up to another morning in his broken, lonely life. There's variations I have read, but the core message has to do with the sexualized fantasy nature of the anime industry today.

I guess you need some knowledge of otaku subculture to understand the context within which this is supposed to be viewed.

What does that even mean?

He means that he feels the message of the video is so overly-done that it diminishes how beautiful the actual visuals are.

It's a fine art thing.

Also I personally think it's insulting that they think the suffering that otakus go through, no matter how much of it is self-inflicted, is a trite thing.


For the people who don't get it yet, this video is a condemnation of the anime industry and its obsession with sex over story, and of the otaku subculture and its downward spiral of escapism.

The main character is addicted to anime, manga, games, sexualized 2D girls, everything that comes with the otaku subculture. All those spent cigarettes strewn on the desk are blatant hints to how addicted he is.

He had a real girlfriend, but broke up with her as his otaku interests took over his life. He regrets it and is fighting with his demons, so to speak, but loses and wakes up to another morning in his broken, lonely life. There's variations I have read, but the core message has to do with the sexualized fantasy nature of the anime industry today.

I guess you need some knowledge of otaku subculture to understand the context within which this is supposed to be viewed.

He means that he feels the message of the video is so overly-done that it diminishes how beautiful the actual visuals are.

It's a fine art thing.

Also I personally think it's insulting that they think the suffering that otakus go through, no matter how much of it is self-inflicted, is a trite thing.
*whoops unnecessary post*
lol no worries. Thanks for the explanation.
Personally, I think that the fine arts are indeed interesting. However I don't think this was made with the "fine arts" in mind if my interpretation of what they are is correct. From what I understand the fine arts are primarily about the aesthetics of a piece correct?

The video does have gorgeous aesthetics, however it's using those aesthetics as a tool to drive a point forward.

I hadn't heard that spin on it before so that's an interesting take. Most of the reactions seem to go with him spiraling because of the break up as opposed to the break up being because of his spiraling.


It's kinda refreshing to have something so blatant as opposed to "artsy" subtlety. There's room for both of course but damn do people love their rabbit holes (myself included).
Agreed. But then again, I'm kind of tired of subtlety for the sake of subtlety.


Agreed. But then again, I'm kind of tired of subtlety for the sake of subtlety.
It can be tiresome when it dictates a lot of media regardless of whether it is necessary. It's almost like it's seen as a rule rather than a tool.
I think a sledgehammer can be just as effective as a fine blade. I enjoy both. I just think the important factor is what the point of the message is. Sometimes an anvil needs to be dropped. Other times subtlety is the most effective route.
For the people who don't get it yet, this video is a condemnation of the anime industry and its obsession with sex over story, and of the otaku subculture and its downward spiral of escapism.

The main character is addicted to anime, manga, games, sexualized 2D girls, everything that comes with the otaku subculture. All those spent cigarettes strewn on the desk are blatant hints to how addicted he is.

He had a real girlfriend, but broke up with her as his otaku interests took over his life. He regrets it and is fighting with his demons, so to speak, but loses and wakes up to another morning in his broken, lonely life. There's variations I have read, but the core message has to do with the sexualized fantasy nature of the anime industry today.

I guess you need some knowledge of otaku subculture to understand the context within which this is supposed to be viewed.

Or, it's about a guy who was lying in his bed bored one day when an Elder goddess decided she wanted a plaything, and thus took the form of his ex-girlfriend and trapped the poor guy in an endlessly looping Cycle of madness and pleasure. For HER.

The Elder god Equivalent of a one night stand, basically.


Hyper sexualization

who made the first bayonetta review and created a new term widely reused to describe something "erotic" but trying to give it an analytical, society-criticism and sociological intellectual tone?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
The chick with the mask is the manifestation of his physical relationship with his girlfriend which he turned to anime and such to continue the satisfaction brought from that after he left his girlfriend. But as you see in the video he realizes thats not all there was too the relationship when he remembers all the good things and attempts to break himself free from the false image of his former lover that he created on his own. But in the end loses to the realization she is no longer there so all he is left with is the instant gratification that his means of escaping the real world give him. Its why you see the masked form absorb the real memories of his former girlfriend.

The whole part where the girlfriend kisses his dead body shows that she supported and loved him even though he was falling apart.


Hmm but while thinking about that, last line above, it negates my initial paragraph and the whole situation can be viewed as the masked "false" girlfriend clone is "anime" or his "otaku lifestyle" more like it since you see various things linked to otaku culture in his place. And he allowed himself to be eaten away by that lifestyle which costed him his girlfriend who did love him even after all of that. And makes sense of the scene with him leaving her, which we can assume is so that he can do what he wants with his hobby and time.

Anyways interesting stuff, am sure you can view this from multiple perspectives and come up with different conclusions.


We have an Animator Expo thread already.

It's cute and all, and very pretty, but i don't like hypersexualization.
It's like they were saying "You really just want tits and asses, don't you? Well, here are your fucking tits and asses you fucking hermits...just be careful what you wish for."
It's like they were saying "You really just want tits and asses, don't you? Well, here are your fucking tits and asses you fucking hermits...just be careful what you wish for."

Yeah, that's basically the point. The villain (anime?) entices the mc with its sexuality and then proceeds to bind him through it. It's obvious that it is about the idolatry of anime girl imagery.
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