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ME!ME!ME! | Short anime video by Studio Khara(Evangelion rebuild)

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I've always .thought that analogy was kind of dumb. I mean why the hell wouldn't you eat a cake if you had one? Yeah it would be gone but if you don't eat it then there might as well not be a cake there anyway. What do you mean getting it all out there?

The idea is you cannot hold the resource (cake - "Look at this awesome cake!") and put the resource to its intended use (eating your cake). The meaning of the phase is that one can enjoy eating the cake, but somehow still have a cake to show off.

And by "getting it all out there", I mean they leaned hard in the first section into the sexual nature. The intended point would've been completely the same if they had stopped at the idol or bathing suit bits.

As noted by others in a roundabout way:

And they still got to draw some ass 'n' titties so, success

Great video, the art of making fun of waifu weaboos without them noticing it and even liking the video, the creators succeeded.

It's like they were saying "You really just want tits and asses, don't you? Well, here are your fucking tits and asses you fucking hermits...just be careful what you wish for."


Didn't do anything for me. It's well made but I'm not a fan of the in-your-face presentation which I understand was the point. I would have preferred subtlety but that wasn't what they were going and that's fine.

I think it goes both ways. Sometimes these 'concept films' have meanings that get lost in obscurity. This one is so in your face you get the message at some level.

I suppose the end irony is the amount of "that's [still] hot" comments or fan art surfacing more of the 'sexy' nature of the film who are indeed able to shelve away the message for the pleasure of the visuals. :p


I think it goes both ways. Sometimes these 'concept films' have meanings that get lost in obscurity. This one is so in your face you get the message at some level.

I suppose the end irony is the amount of "that's [still] hot" comments or fan art surfacing more of the 'sexy' nature of the film who are indeed able to shelve away the message for the pleasure of the visuals. :p
Oh for sure and furthermore I think Khara played to their strengths here which is what everyone should do. Maybe if the Rebuilds kept some of the more introspective/surreal parts of the original Evangelion series I would have expected something less over the top but the Rebuilds as they are, are flashy roller-coaster rides.

Haha there will always be such comments and fanart, not surprising considering some people missed the message which is kind of scary, no disrespect intended. Having said that, I guess this approach reaches a wider audience so I have no faults with it really. It managed to get some discussion going and people seem to be going out of their way to analyse it so good job Khara. Now back to 3.0+1.0 :mad:
I'm having trouble viewing the video on a newly formatted Macbook Pro. I'm using Chrome 39 and nothing happens when I press the play button. Do I need to install Adobe Flash and override the Flash player in Chrome?


The idea is you cannot hold the resource (cake - "Look at this awesome cake!") and put the resource to its intended use (eating your cake). The meaning of the phase is that one can enjoy eating the cake, but somehow still have a cake to show off.

And by "getting it all out there", I mean they leaned hard in the first section into the sexual nature. The intended point would've been completely the same if they had stopped at the idol or bathing suit bits.

As noted by others in a roundabout way:
I think that was the point though. They could've gotten the point across sure, but it wouldn't have had the same effect.
They were dropping an anvil. A very big anvil with tit cannons and spit made of acid.

The phrase is certainly a fun one to use and I appreciate the explanation (that was my understanding of what it meant as well) but I don't think it works very well. If you have a cake you should eat it otherwise the point of the cake is void. You can still indulge in something while also making a solid point.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Got to say the music has been stuck in my head for a while now ever since viewing the vid.

Id imagine if they did release a small single with these songs would do pretty well with how many folks have viewed this by now lol


The idea is you cannot hold the resource (cake - "Look at this awesome cake!") and put the resource to its intended use (eating your cake). The meaning of the phase is that one can enjoy eating the cake, but somehow still have a cake to show off.

And by "getting it all out there", I mean they leaned hard in the first section into the sexual nature. The intended point would've been completely the same if they had stopped at the idol or bathing suit bits.

As noted by others in a roundabout way:

Nope. I need muh themes to be super-spelled out clear. For research purposes.

Also, why couldn't you have your cake and eat it?

Just buy 2. Or take a picture of one. And then print it out. We don't live in the stone ages anymore.


This is incredible.

Love the message, coupled with the music and art.

Very well done.

Otaku's have wrecked the Anime industry with their unhealthy sexual obsessions.


This is incredible.

Love the message, coupled with the music and art.

Very well done.

Otaku's have wrecked the Anime industry with their unhealthy sexual obsessions.

I still do not understand how 4-stupid-girls-doing-stupid-shit anime sells.

Like, there's 5 or 6 of them every goddamn season. Why?!



This is incredible.

Love the message, coupled with the music and art.

Very well done.

Otaku's have wrecked the Anime industry with their unhealthy sexual obsessions.

or how about otaku's are the only thing that have kept the anime industry afloat during recessions.

you say it if otakus forcefully took over the industry and forced them to adhere to their tastes.

newsflash, if shit sells it's because lots more people want shit than your idea of what anime "should" be.

you want less sexy shit to sell? buy less sexy shit, buy more everything else.


This music is incredible - guess I'm going figure out more about this Panty and Stocking now.

Video itself is great, love the energy/colors.
Gratuitous or not, the theme is excellently handled here.


So the guy had a girlfriend he had fun, satisfying, fulfilling times with. Despite all that, though, he ends up getting addicted to (sexual) fantasies due to their short term, more satisfying stimulation over what his real life relationship provides? And, in the end, he leaves his SO due to his dissatisfaction with a normal relationship, opting to immerse himself in escapism instead? And, only realizing it once it's too late, he's become addicted to these fantasies.

Guess I was just wondering why he left his girlfriend in the first place, even though it seems she was willing to stick by him once his addiction started.

Edit: Oh, and before the music had started, my first thought when I saw the two girls in the monitor was "Stocking", so it was pretty fitting to hear the music afterwards, heh.



when I saw that image for the first time I was like "what is Tsubaki & Izayoi doing with that guy? is this a new Blazblue character?" then I watched the video was like "stocking...? hey, evangelion girls!"

I didn't get it at first, but yeah, seems pretty much like a take on the waifu stuff getting too serious, cool animation and really good music thou


Just saw this and mmm, anime t&a.

Anyways, music was nice, and animation was kinda cool I guess. I don't really know what was going on, though. Did I see boobs shooting bullets and buttplugs? Oh, and the part with the chick throwing up in the dude's mouth was gross.

Edit: Where can I find gifs of the sexy parts?


This could also be taken as a metaphor for the state of anime/manga/video games as a whole: whilst pandering more and more to one demographic and ostracizing others through an increasingly narrow focus (usually hyperviolence/hypersexualization) may lead to increased immediate profits seen as "reliable money" by creators, they are really severely limiting the appeal of their artform and losing out on growing the appeal of their artform and therefore making more money from a wider audience in the future.

And of course, the effect such a hypersexualization has on the psyche of individuals as well.


I think, this isn't really a meta-discussion on otaku culture, or that he regrets that they've broken up. Those are certainly parts of it, because he certainly is an otaku and he really does want her back. But, the thing is, this is about how people perceive media and how they base themselves around it.


Meme represents lust, naturally.

Hana is herself: A loving and innocent girl.

Masked Hana is what she believes Syu wants her to be which is why this version of her is completely sexual.

Transformed Hana was once Masked Hana. But instead of being an alter ego, she became the main ego.

Now,I'll explain my interpretation using as many timestamps as possible so I can be as through as possible.

1:30 - 1:50
The video opens up and Syu is awake and lying in bed. We also see a nice view of Syu's room. It's a mess. A lot of anime merch, with figma pieces lying around on the desk as well as an image of Meme. For some reason, Syu is in a daze...

Meme brings us into her little world and shakes it like her mother gave her and isn't afraid to show it. Syu is more than thrilled since he has a "nothing can go wrong," type of smile on his face.

At this point, it's pretty clear that the reason why he's dazed in the real world is because he's busy fantasizing about Meme.

Meme, brings us a little deeper into her world and we're immediately faced with a Masked Hana watching Meme's new and very suggestive performance. During said performance, Hana reveals herself to Syu and he's shocked that she's there. The scene reaches a climax (in more ways than one) by having Masked Hana mount Syu and squish him with her breasts.

Now, it's weird to say that he's surprised that she's there when it's his fantasy. However,it is possible for outside influences to, well, influence what kind of dream you're having. So, Hana has more than likely decided to stop by which is what killed the party.

Syu regains consciousness only to be greeted by Masked Hana yet again who somehow manages to come in via digital photo frame. And like last time, he's shocked to see her. So shocked in fact, he attempts to get away so she doesn't pounce him. He fails due to how cluttered his room is and she moves towards him. She notices his penis, looks at him sexually, and projects a ton of fluid from her mouth to his. Syu goes unconscious.

The beginning of this part is sort of interesting. In the last part I said that Hana must be stopping by, which she did. But it's the way the shot was done is the interesting part. Instead of him opening the door, or her already being there, we see her come through the picture frame. Doing that feels like she's following him. She seemingly snuck into his fantasy possibly through the frame (since that's how we the viewer got there) only to come out of it the way she came.

But besides all that, the scene also suggests that she put his semen in his mouth after she gave him a blowjob, poor guy. With the look on her face it was on purpose too. Pretty gross.

This part begins with a zoom into Hana. The more it zooms into Hana, the more her face deteriorates into just that of a skull. Then we see a shot panning up Hana's leg all the way up to her nipple, looking lost and confused. Zooming through his eye, we see an unmasked Hana, and zooming past her we see Hana way back in the distance. Looking through her eye we see a pair of breasts and a wandering eye. Said eye sees 2 Memes suggestively posing and that the photo frame is that of Meme. Although, the photo frame changes to that of Hana and Syu together.

So, there is a lot of things going on here. For one, with the way Hana began to smile as the camera zoomed in on her revealing her skull, it suggests that she was slowly becoming the masked version of herself. That said, we're actually looking inside of Masked Hana at this point. So, we're actually seeing a pan up of Masked Hana's body with Syu just standing there, looking lost like he has nowhere to go. This means that he doesn't know how or where to "get started," in terms of touching her. The fact the fist thing he sees is the Masked Hana and not Hana herself with her all the way in the distance, means that this masked variant has been showing up quite a bit lately. More so than the real her. The pair of breasts and eyes reinforce that we're seeing through Hana's perspective, which is that Syu is paying more attention to Meme than her. When in fact, Syu was always paying attention to her. Just the old her. Not this new sexually charged persona version she's wearing.

Syu begins to think about the past, specifically on when they broke up and walked out on her. He wears a sorrowful expression and tries to go toward her only to fall over. It turns out (un)Masked Hana was eating him. She leaves only for her other self to come up and kiss him. This reawakens Syu along with the good memories they had together. Hana then transforms and leaves.

I believe the reason why Syu broke up with Hana is not because anime>everything, but because he was falling out of love with her. Or at least, he doesn't like the Masked Hana version of her. He doesn't know what to "do" with her and is intimidated by her. So he walks out. In turn, on one hand Hana is upset. She wants something done to him which is why the video shows her (un)Masked self ravaging him. He's being eaten alive at the very thing he unintentionally created. But, on the other hand, she still loves him deeply and wish they could still be together and kisses him. Regardless, she transforms and is outright the very definition of a vixen minus not being a fox.

At this point, Syu also remembers the Masked version of her and yells. His body resembles and is now wearing some sort of power suit and a gun taking down Meme as he goes. Then we see the Transformed Hana phazing out with Hana phazing. Hana is free falling with Syu trying to catch her. Try as they may, they were only a fingertip's away from each other but, Hana falls into a pitch-black abyss allowing the Transformed Hana to reawaken.

It's funny to see that Syu's idea of what a "White Knight" looks like is an Evangelion rip-off title Noilegnave. But, I digress. The fact that the transformation was having trouble keeping it's form together means Hana is fighting back.

6:38-7:55 FIN
Here we have it. The grand finale. Syu vs an army of Meme and a Transformed Hana whom are on a Battleship. To cut it short, ultimately, Syu can't keep up and is blown to bits. He's surrounded by Meme and is kissed by the permanently changed Hana and is eaten.

I'm pretty convinced that the interior of the battleship is supposed to be a vagina. That being the case, it's more than likely s metaphor for a new Hana being born which is where the picture frames comes into play. When it was whole, Hana was all there still. When it cracked, she was absorbed by her new self, and when it was shattered, she was completely gone. The reason why Syu initially refused the Transformed Hana's kiss only to go into it because to him, it felt like Hana - the Hana he knew. But in actuality, it wasn't. He was being tricked. She did that to give him false hope that Hana was still there. In the end though, the Transformed Hana ate him, or in real life terms, more than likely got back together with him just to dump him.

So what is the story behind this? Well:

Due to all of the sexual anime Syu watches, Hana took that as a clue for her to be like that too. As such, she creates this sexually charged alter ego. But, he doesn't want that at all. The mask in itself is a part of that. It's to block the face he doesn't want to see because this Hana isn't the one he loves. With her becoming increasingly sexual towards him, he believes she stopped being who she was and she changed too much for him to take causing him to walk out and her crying. On one hand Hana is very upset. She changes herself to fit what he likes to see only to be dumped on. The reason why it shows her eating him is a way of saying she wants to do something to him; she wants revenge. But, simultaneously, she still loves him a whole lot and even kisses his dismembered state. When he decides to come to her rescue, he keeps his lust under control. This makes Hana come back for a brief moment only for the Transformed Hana to take reign and completely takes over and he gives up into this lust and this new Hana. This new Hana tricks him into believing her old self still exists when that isn't the case and dumps him. The fact the video loops means that Syu hasn't given up yet and will try and get her back.

This ties in with media perception because Hana tried to emulate something Syu kept looking at and fantasized over. If he didn't fantasize over it, or just viewed it less often, she wouldn't have gone to such lengths. Instead it caused a friction in the relationship and broke up over implications that were created over the type of anime he watched.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
That was simply incredible. I understand why people my think this is hyper-sexualization but taking in the entire visual narrative of the animation, i feel coming to that conclusion is missing the point entirely unless the work is unclothing one's personal demons. Like someone else pointed out, it feels like allegory for being completely consumed by lust to the point you're trapped in a nightmarish cycle where youre will is no longer able to fight it.


All the ""Otakus"" in my area keep posting status about how obsessed they are with this video and its characters, meme is so sexy, the red head is so "rapeable" (disgusting I know)

I can't believe the point of the video flew so high over their heads....

Now I remember why I stopped associating with these guys and girls


New video is pretty lame.

Also i'm pretty sure that's not vomit, looks more like snowballing but to the extreme
The original was like a more intense condensed version of Welcome to NHK's message. Since it's satire, and a very stylised one, the surface might be all that sticks in some people's minds rather than the want to make sense of it. But the looping is smart, and reinforces the nightmare.
The original was like a more intense condensed version of Welcome to NHK's message. Since it's satire, and a very stylised one, the surface might be all that sticks in some people's minds rather than the want to make sense of it. But the looping is smart, and reinforces the nightmare.

i don't know, NHK is about different kinds of neets and escapism, not necessarily obsessive animu girl loving
I listen to the original periodically and yesterday actually had the itch to watch the original's video again. Weird timing.

While the Chronic edition isn't as good, it's interesting as a remix. I'd gladly add the remix version in with the original music.
i don't know, NHK is about different kinds of neets and escapism, not necessarily obsessive animu girl loving

The specifics are different, but it's the same look at depresed, anti-social people living in escapsim. There's also that second episode where the main character meets his neighbour anime otaku who has sexy posters, collects many anime girl figures, hentai games, and thinks girls are the worst.


And he's overly dramatic about videogames :p


Remix has some good moments but jumps around too much imo. The actual animation is... well if you're looking for some good material to trip to this seems good. Compared to the original though it isn't really at all necessary. It's not bad by any means but it doesn't add anything to the overall picture.

Personally I think it would've been more interesting had they explored actually escaping the cycle and succeeding, along with a bit of the aftermath in which we see how he has grown from it.
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