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Merkel open to have a shared Eurozone Budget


So i thought this was pretty significant since previously most people thought she wouldn't compromise on a shared EU budget that Macron wanted.

Only a german source so i did a quick translation.

At a german campaign event:
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel will mit einem Investitionsprogramm auf Forderungen des neuen französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron zugehen. "Wir können gerne über gemeinsame Investitionsprogramme nachdenken, weil Deutschland im digitalen Bereich auch Nachholbedarf hat", sagte die CDU-Politikerin beim Düsseldorfer "Ständehaus-Treff" der "Rheinischen Post".

Über weitere Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Eurozone will sie mit sich reden lassen. "Ich denke schon seit 2013 über ein Budget in der Eurozone nach, mit dem wir reformfreudigen Ländern helfen können. Hier könnten wir zusätzlich zu den Fonds, die wir schon haben, weitere Mittel einsetzen, um den Ländern temporär in diesem Bereich zu helfen."

Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to approach the demands of the new French President Emmanuel Macron with an investment program. "We are happy to talk about joint investment programs, because Germany also needs to catch up in the digital field," said the CDU politician at the Düsseldorfer "Ständehaus-Treff" of the "Rheinische Post".

She is open to talk about further measures to strengthen the eurozone. "I have been thinking about a budget in the euro zone since 2013, which can help reform friendly countries, where we could use additional funds to help the countries temporarily in this area, in addition to the funds we already have."


Also Macron is gonna go visit her in Berlin on monday as his first trip as President.
I don't want to get giddy, but it really does look like all the attempts to destabilize the EU by populist right wing forces will in fact give an impulse to getting the EU stable again.

One can only hope.
I don't want to get giddy, but it really does look like all the attempts to destabilize the EU by populist right wing forces will in fact give an impulse to getting the EU stable again.

One can only hope.

At the very least, it seems to have given a kick up the ass to European Leaders: The project isn't finished yet, and there are forces who would seek it's undoing. They have to work to protect it, and the population of the continent, at least those that voted thus far, are behind them in doing so.
I like this. Honestly, she's a stellar chancellor even though I never voted for the conservatives in Germany. 2017 seems to have learned its lesson.


I don't want to get giddy, but it really does look like all the attempts to destabilize the EU by populist right wing forces will in fact give an impulse to getting the EU stable again.

One can only hope.

If these EU reforms really finally happen we can only thank the Brits and Trump for finally waking up our politicians.


Due to Great Britain's constant vetoing being a thing of the past soon, maybe this could actually happen.
Turns out Brexit could be a blessing after all, just not for Great Britain.


Costa Kid

If the Union survives throughout Brexit with no further casualties, which I'm confident it will, I think Brexit will have been a blessing as a lot more can get done in making Europe a more efficient and integrated federation.


and the union makes moves to become closer. this is good for the world. now that the bloody UK is leaving they will no longer be able to bitch and while about further intergration and co-operation.


Could someone explain what that would mean?

Basically all eurozone countries pay some % of their budget into this fund which would be used to invest into eurozone countries with problems (like high unemployment for example) additionally to the stuff(ESM) we have now.
People are "thanking" Brexit and Trump, and while I'm sure it helped, the truth is that with the "general" move towards Euro skeptic parties in Italy and France, something will have to be done.

Greece and Portugal can blow up (much to my woe, being Portuguese), and the Eurozone wouldn't reform, but if Italy or France keep going the same way, if Macron proves to be just more of the same, etc, eventually a government will be elected with the mandate to leave the Euro. And while Greece threatening to do that was met with a "And don't let the door hit you on the way", Italy or France could very easily think they're big enough to take the hit (France for sure, France is France).

Brexit proved a big enough country will believe it can go alone, and while I'm sure the British are generally in a category all their own on the "We're special scale", I don't think France is all that behind, not sure about Italy.


How did this turn into a bitch about Brexit so quickly? I bet those that voted for it are even more glad they did with this report.
Basically all eurozone countries pay some % of their budget into this fund which would be used to invest into eurozone countries with problems (like high unemployment for example) additionally to the stuff(ESM) we have now.

Heh, I thought we already did that? I't's how in Ireland we got such lovely motorways and disposable income.


Heh, I thought we already did that? I't's how in Ireland we got such lovely motorways and disposable income.

We do, to a certain extent.

There are multiple funds for infrastructure investment or agricultural investment but as i understand this it's basically funds for countries to start stimulus programs in addition to reforms.

For example:

Greece accepts a bailout package and gets XX amount of money on completion (this is how it is now), with this they would accept a bailout packe and get XX amount at completion plus XX amount of funds from this shared budget

Are there any articles people recommend that touch on this topic?

Don't think there is as this is still theory. It's basically what Macron wants but with some german amendments


I'm happy how Macron has been received here in Germany. e.g., within ten minutes of the first release of numbers on Election Day we had our foreign minister (Sigmar Gabriel) fall into lockstep behind him in a live interview, and now Merkel is openly building bridges and offering cooperation. So united. Much European. Very wow.

Now I just wish we could keep this "feel good thing" going and expand it towards other EU countries. Group hug time.


Due to Great Britain's constant vetoing being a thing of the past soon, maybe this could actually happen.
Turns out Brexit could be a blessing after all, just not for Great Britain.



The British government has voted against EU laws 2% of the time since 1999

I voted Remain. I would vote Remain again. I'm desperately unhappy with how things are playing out but please, educate yourself before submersing yourself in the constant 'hur hur fuck the UK' rhetoric that creeps into Every. Single. Goddamn. EU. Gaf. Thread.


People are "thanking" Brexit and Trump, and while I'm sure it helped, the truth is that with the "general" move towards Euro skeptic parties in Italy and France, something will have to be done.

Yeah Brexit isn't really the trigger element of such reflexions, it's more of a symptom of the things that caused it. Macron started his initiative back in 2014 when he realized that something had to be done to counter the rise of eurosceptic supporters, he didn't really wait for Brexit to set his motion.

I voted Remain. I would vote Remain again. I'm desperately unhappy with how things are playing out but please, educate yourself before submersing yourself in the constant 'hur hur fuck the UK' rhetoric that creeps into Every. Single. Goddamn. EU. Gaf. Thread.

I agree it's a little annoying. I certainly wish the UK was part of the EU and I feel no schadenfreude about their misery at all, considering that 49% will likely long with envy for European stabilization and integration which is likely to happen with France, Austria, NL and soon Germany voting against radical parties.


I agree it's a little annoying. I certainly wish the UK was part of the EU and I feel no schadenfreude about their misery at all, considering that 49% will likely long with envy for European stabilization and integration which is likely to happen with France, Austria, NL and soon Germany voting against radical parties.

Pretty much. I voted Remain. I feel we have no voice now. May is in full steam mode. Corbyn is harmless. Farron is all over the place.

No hope. No leader to steer back this madness. Just constant impressions on GAF that the UK never contributed anything of value and that we are fundamentally horrible people, along with regurgitating things they've heard (similar to Leave voters) like the 'the UK constantly vetoed the EU'.

It's like me writing off the whole of America because of Trump and his voters. I would never do that, Ive lived and travelled too much. I would hope the more rational around the world would do the same for them and us.


The Birthday Skeleton

I voted Remain. I would vote Remain again. I'm desperately unhappy with how things are playing out but please, educate yourself before submersing yourself in the constant 'hur hur fuck the UK' rhetoric that creeps into Every. Single. Goddamn. EU. Gaf. Thread.

You don't have to reach the voting phase to kill an idea when you have a veto. You just have to threaten with it.

And British leaders opposed to mostly anything that would have made EU more consolidated even before going into the concept phase.


You don't have to reach the voting phase to kill an idea when you have a veto. You just have to threaten with it.

And British leaders opposed to mostly anything that would have made EU more consolidated even before going into the concept phase.

The British Leaders weren't the most progressive in relation to this, it's true, but several notable countries have been very guilty of this same thing over the past two decades.

It doesn't make it right, but now all people can do is accentuate the negative traits of the UK whilst sweeping all the genuinely Pro-EU initiatives we have actively pushed and got behind. 'We were always dragging the EU back' is hyperbole.
Reminding me why the UK were so happy to leave you lot. Those who voted remain are gonna suffer and yet the EU says eh fuck em. I can see why more remain voters have turned to leave over time.

Lol want is the EU supposed to do? The UK is a sovereign entity, if they want to leave then they leave.

Do you actually think that the EU was for Leave? They weren't but now we have to move on because the choice has been made. Both party will have to look for their interest.

It was the EU that asked the question of what would happen to EU people leaving in the UK and UK people leaving in Europe. It was the UK would put intelligence regarding terrorism as a bargaining ship for a better deal. That shows both mentality regarding this situation.

So please don't blame the EU for something they have no control over.


disgusting. ever closer union bullshit aka bailing out countries that can't get their shit together.



I voted Remain. I would vote Remain again. I'm desperately unhappy with how things are playing out but please, educate yourself before submersing yourself in the constant 'hur hur fuck the UK' rhetoric that creeps into Every. Single. Goddamn. EU. Gaf. Thread.

The vetoing typically happens before the voting happens. The British were blocking initiatives that then couldn't be further pursued.

Edit: KingSnake already pointed this out.
Lol want is the EU supposed to do? The UK is a sovereign entity, if they want to leave then they leave.

Do you actually think that the EU was for Leave? They weren't but now we have to move on because the choice has been made. Both party will have to look for their interest.

Does it necessitate grave dancing? When this fucks the NHS and many people can no longer afford their healthcare were they "an acceptable sacrifice"?

I didn't ask if the EU could stop it, but it doesn't mean you need to be a dick about the fact the youth have no future and half the country never even asked for it.

And I didn't blame the EU so you can stop putting words in my mouth and actually read the post since you missed the whole point
Does it necessitate grave dancing? When this fucks the NHS and many people can no longer afford their healthcare were they "an acceptable sacrifice"?

I didn't ask if the EU could stop it, but it doesn't mean you need to be a dick about the fact the youth have no future and half the country never even asked for it.

And I didn't blame the EU so you can stop putting words in my mouth and actually read the post since you missed the whole point

You literally said "Those who voted remain are gonna suffer and yet the EU says eh fuck em. ".
You literally said "Those who voted remain are gonna suffer and yet the EU says eh fuck em. ".

The EU is a big place. I'm not talking about the governing body but people like the poster I responded to. It's clear we were never really allied if there's zero compassion for those who will suffer for this stupid shit. Hell that isn't the first or last post I've spotted.

Yes it's the fault of the idiotic British public but a little bit of compassion for those who will actually suffer can't be that much to ask? Rather than 'their lives don't matter so it's ok'.

My point was this attitude is why more people have swung leave since.


will learn eventually
disgusting. ever closer union bullshit aka bailing out countries that can't get their shit together.
The only bullshit is this kind of rethoric. Germany doesn't simply has its shit together, it has built its huge surplus on the backs of southern Europe, by keeping wages too low and ignoring EU rules that other countries​ adhered to.
The EU is a big place. I'm not talking about the governing body but people like the poster I responded to. It's clear we were never really allied if there's zero compassion for those who will suffer for this stupid shit. Hell that isn't the first or last post I've spotted.

Yes it's the fault of the idiotic British public bit a little bit of compassion for those who will actually suffer can't be that much to ask? Rather than 'their lives don't matter so it's ok'.

My point was this attitude is why more people have swung leave since.

If this one post is enough to make you change your mind then you were going to anyways.

That stance is far from being the standard train of thought in the EU, actually 70% view it as a bad thing for the EU.
disgusting. ever closer union bullshit aka bailing out countries that can't get their shit together.

Another quick driveby shitpost in an EU thread.

We all know that you either won't come back or grace us with one or two more of these, so why bother?
Another quick driveby shitpost in an EU thread.

We all know that you either won't come back or grace us with one or two more of these, so why bother?

This is hilariously ironic given the amount of anti-UK, or more specifically English, shit-posting that happens in these threads. See the very first post after the OP.
If this one post is enough to make you change your mind then you were going to anyways.

That stance is far from being the standard train of thought in the EU, actually 70% view it as a bad thing for the EU.

I'd never change my mind. We should have never left the EU and I'll fight tooth and nail to convince anyone I know we need to rejoin in the future should we ever get the chance again.

I was simply saying this is where some people switch when they see others celebrating their incoming suffering. It's just frustrating to see when us here who never asked to leave are rooting for France getting the right PM meanwhile others consider us a price worth paying.

It's just frustrating to root for everyone else despite the incoming shit for us here and be met with what seems like pointing and laughing. It'll never stop me rooting for the EU and wanting to be a part of it again though.
The EU is a big place. I'm not talking about the governing body but people like the poster I responded to. It's clear we were never really allied if there's zero compassion for those who will suffer for this stupid shit. Hell that isn't the first or last post I've spotted.

Yes it's the fault of the idiotic British public but a little bit of compassion for those who will actually suffer can't be that much to ask? Rather than 'their lives don't matter so it's ok'.

My point was this attitude is why more people have swung leave since.

What did you think was going to happen? First of all, all that "Bloody foreigners" stuff in your papers? We're the foreigners. And we can read English.
Rightly or wrongly, the vote can be seen as a "Fuck you" to us.

And after the vote, we've started getting less than glowing stuff about Britain on our own papers. The British remove kids from foreign families. The British don't like foreigners AKA us, too much. "I've lived in Britain for x yearsbut nowadays I don't feel like I'm wanted" "A kid spat at me once he heard me speaking <y> on the phone" "Had my car vandalized for showing <x> flag". "It's mostly the same, really" isn't going to show up on the news. So you get a loop.

So yeah. It's a shame, and it's going to hurt everyone, but at the end of the day if it's come down to hurting the British makes it hurt less for me, then fuck 'em. That's just human nature. If the Brexit vote had come at a time of plenty, when it could be seen as just "We just want different things", maybe there would be no bad blood.

But unless humans prove to be better than what I think we are, there's going to be bad blood. Welcome to the human race.
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