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Metacritic should just remove the user ratings at this point and follow OpenCritic as a Critics Only Aggregate.


I mean... if they could moderate reviews and make sure that their points of view are valid and aren't obvious hate/troll reviews meant to bring down the games user rating...
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So, straight negative reviews are “a review bomb,” but all the 5-star reviews on PS Store before it ever came out and the “10 out of 10!!” obvious shill reviews are NOT a review brigade? Sure, Jan.

I don’t know how you’d do it, but the only reviews that matter should be from those who actually played the game. Ever.
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I don’t know how you’d do it, but the only reviews that matter should be from those who actually played the game. Ever.


I've watched the entire game like twice now.

The gameplay seems pretty much the same as the first one. Playing the game is not going to change my opinion on the story, which is the main focus of this type of game anyway.
OP that's got to be one of your dumbest ideas ever! You want to take away the voice of the people in exchange to giving it full control to sjw critics, because you don't agree with the general consensus? Fuck that. How about we do the reverse and eliminate useless critics instead? I like that idea better. Then the rating system will be more similar to steam, a system rated by gamers for gamers who bought and played games based on their own personal experience, which I find that vastly superior than critics reviews and paid shills.
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I honestly think the majority of negative reviews are from people upset over a certain incident involving a certain character at a certain point within the first couple hours of the game.

And it's not even because of the incident itself, but the logic surrounding it purposely dumbing said certain character down to force the situation. It was all for shock value and a large amount of genuine fans aren't happy with that.


If this was an actual problem then the site would fix it. It’s literally one of the only things the site exists for. So as long as metacritic is ok with it that’s the way it stays. Metacritic themselves don’t care so why should we? Are you really that invested in a score for a video game? Lol

People just neEd to get a grip. Professional reviews are meaningless. Most game critics are mediocre and any jackass could do that job. There is no special training or skills required. They have no deeper insight that the normal gamer doesn’t not have. The only difference between a professional reviewer and a gamer is the first one is paid. That’s it.

If they aren’t happy with users being able to have a say they will do something about it. Until then all your complaining about review bombing is entirely in vain. Get the fuck over it.
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Why? It's user reviews. If someone wants to give a game a 2/10 because they don't like the woke stuff in it, or the direction the story goes, or any other reason , it's their own opinion.

The one thing that would be useful is if they had some way to link your various accounts to your metacritic one so you could filter reviews from people that actually own or have played the game


I trust user reviews far more than bought and paid for "critics" at this point, there have been glaring problems with preferential treatment and nepotism in the industry for years now.


Not one person would change their mind on buying a game based on the user review section of metacritic, the only people who give a damn about MC scores are publishers who like to use them as an excuse for their own failings.


The obvious solution is a robust user rating system in the online store like Steam does, if someone downvotes for whatever reason, the vote is earned by having paid for it.
Would I trust Sony not to obfuscate statistics and manipulate the score?
... noooooope, maybe have an impartial third party do it for them.


If it was for me, i will literally delete all the score metrics.
(from journalists and from users)
And I will maintain only reviews without any kind of score.


The obvious solution is a robust user rating system in the online store like Steam does, if someone downvotes for whatever reason, the vote is earned by having paid for it.
Would I trust Sony not to obfuscate statistics and manipulate the score?
... noooooope, maybe have an impartial third party do it for them.

Dats reysis. You are literally denying poor people, college students, and "immigrants" from participating.
I honestly think the majority of negative reviews are from people upset over a certain incident involving a certain character at a certain point within the first couple hours of the game.

And it's not even because of the incident itself, but the logic surrounding it purposely dumbing said certain character down to force the situation. It was all for shock value and a large amount of genuine fans aren't happy with that.

Notice people only get real concerned with logic problems when it hurts their feelings, though? That said the logic is fine.

El Sueño

I have the game and I know how Naughty Dogs works, that's closed the deal for me. I see the reviews and make no sense at all. You can´t score The Last of Us 2 objectively with a 30. I mean that's plain trolling, Nobody with a normal IQ would pay serious attention to that review (or alike).
I don't think they should. I think there have been some trolling and review bombing at the start but the user score went to 3.5 or something like that when it was under 10k reviews. Its now at almost 50k user reviews and its still the same. From playing it and watching social media a lot of people just don't like it like the first one so its gonna score lower. I think the last jedi comparison is fair. It does make me wonder too if so many people dislike it why are reviewers rateing it so high? Whole thing just shows meta critic is a joke


I rather they develop a system to prevent abuse rather than prevent user reviews. User reviews are very valuable for me nowadays, the genuine ones anyways.


Metacritic is bullshit. Some of my fav games have low scores. Same with rotten tomatoes... pitch black is like my fav movie and it's crap according to RT.
This is something crazy as this game get's all 10s and it is clearly not a 10 game... especially as a game or story
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It's annoying how this conversation only comes up when people won't play along with the "greatest game ever" or "most important movie of our times" narrative.

Like there's a desire to "brag" about how amazingly good the newest corporate product is but those naughty customers keep leaving troll reviews.

Personally, I loved Death Stranding. I know many other hated it.
I'm fine with getting into arguments with people about it online.
I don't really care if it gets a bunch of zero star reviews on some aggregator site.

Removing the user scores does nothing other than protecting the products and brands of these corporations.
I don't think that should be Metacritic's responsibility.


Gold Member
There's only one important rating telling about how likely you are to like a game, and it is on the right side, with the word "user" or "player" nearby.

"Professional" reviews are nice as a player to get some information, but how someone of the access media rates a game made by someone who indirectly (or directly...) pays their bills is of no importance.
It is widely known that "professional" critics are easily wooed by a big marketing campaign, certain keywords and generally show strong favoritism to games that are "brave and stunning" or push the right agendas.

For some wild reason, actual players show a much better grasp of what a game is actually about and how well it achieves what it sets out to do. Without buying as much into bs marketing as "professional" critics do.
On average, anyway.
It should be the other way around, really, if "professionals" actually did their job but that's where we are right now.

Still, review bombing is a problem and there's no doubt that it is the case here.
Don't really know the solution to it, though. Steam's approach of not counting reviews from a certain time is BS as it eliminates valid reviews as well.
After all, though, it is very obvious to anyone looking at a game's rating if there is some kind of review bombing going on - tons of 0 or 5-start rating generally give it away.
Let's be real, only few games are so terrible as to deserve 0-1 stars.


Hell no. How else are fans allowed to use their voice? And you want to silence them. Let me guess you are the type who likes extra moderation, anti free speech and suppression of opinion. It's as bad as when all these news publications shit off their comments section. Or how Google goes after site ad revenue based on comments. People can disagree.

I relate this to how awful the last jedi and other recent movies are. Fans need to let these companies know.
I know that but people have different opinions and nobody is going to like every game. Being this angry over other people liking a game you don't is not healthy. I actually thought Bloodbourne was a letdown but I am not man at gaming forums for hyping it up. I accept that many people get enjoyment out of it. Why is it so hard to accept that some people get enjoyment out of a game like TLOU2. Why this need to revolt when critical opinions don't line up with yours?
Why the need to shut down free speech. The game is still going to sell millions. Unless you are company shill I don't see the problem. People are upset, let them have a voice to express. Maybe devs won't shit on their fan bases and take them for granted.

I speak this way after countless movies and shows and some games, over the last few years getting glowing press praise but audiences hated them.

The press wants to keep their access, they also are ideological. I bring up last jedi as the movie was a shit show and had a lot of intersectional feminist Inc.. Written all over it. Those type of people praised it and if you thought otherwise they labeled you muhsyginist and were silenced.

Same thing goes the other way too. Look at a game like kingdom come deleverance. Awesome original rpg that had new fresh ides. Amazing graphics, story and fighting mechanics. Paid reviewers were mostly in lock step giving it bad to mediocre reviews not for game play but because there were no black people in 1421 Bohemia countryside. People spoke praise Jesus. It was historically accurate, can't have that as woke police its problematic/blasphemous. They also judged game on lead directors comments supporting gamer gate and how he didn't bend the knee.

Regular gamers didn't agree. Some brought up issues with save system as it made save summing hard as it relied on a potion to save the game.

User reviews in that case allowed a game to get known how good it was even when games media panned it. In today's political world where many creators have tds and they push their politics into everything we'll it makes user reviews so much more important.

When the pros are being corrupt, dishonest and many in a secular cult, user reviews shine a beacon of light down a dark tunnel.


This is why the best review is always the personal review

Yea but I've gotten old, I don't have the time I used to have to invest in games and I do want to avoid games if there are not good, I've been bitten on a few where the major publications rave and give it high scores only to find, this is meh.. then feel a little relieved when I find other users feel the same way I do. Now I tend to never buy a game a launch unless until I've heard some feedback from a variety of sources.
If it wasn't a problem when people gave a game a score you agreed with, then it shouldn't be a problem when people give a game a score you disagree with. A number on a website should have no bearing on your personal enjoyment of said product.

Censorship is never the right answer. A small group of connected and established media companies should not have a monopoly on whether a game, movie or tv-show is liked or disliked, and a discrepancy between review scores and user scores is not a valid argument for doing away with user scores all together. That takes away the only avenue regular people have right now to express themselves about a commercial product.



I've watched the entire game like twice now.

The gameplay seems pretty much the same as the first one. Playing the game is not going to change my opinion on the story, which is the main focus of this type of game anyway.


"Hey guys i listened to the NBA Finale on Radio. It was boring af i don't know how anyone could follow that"


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I still dont understand the huge reliance of reviews in this day and age.

1. Make up your own mind.
2. You can just watch someone play it and make a judgement whether you'll like it or not.
3. Someone elses opinion =/= Your own opinion

Fanboys use it to back up their opinion is the right ones because the media tells them it is.



"Hey guys i listened to the NBA Finale on Radio. It was boring af i don't know how anyone could follow that"

I watched the entire story, how exactly is my opinion of the story invalid because I didn't play the game?

Your analogy should be that only people who go watch the game live can have an opinion on it. Which would be just as retarded.


I watched the entire story, how exactly is my opinion of the story invalid because I didn't play the game?

Your analogy should be that only people who go watch the game live can have an opinion on it. Which would be just as retarded.

No a Game should be PLAYED. You can't "watch" a game and expect to have the same result as playing it.
It's like saying that fapping to the sextape of your and your GF is the same thing as fucking her.

Beside that saying "The gameplay is the same as the first" makes your whole argument invalid and clearly shows that just "watching the game" is not enough. It's wrong on hilariously many levels.

To top that off: Watching a Playtrough of a Game that takes 25 Hrs while not liking it and doing it TWICE seems like a insanely stupid waste of time. Like really really stupid.
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Gold Member
My experience is that people very rarely check metacritic before deciding if they buy a game. Most people seem to use youtube, the IGN reviews are quite popular in their 8min format and there is hundreds of hours of gameplay to check if it matches what you're looking for. Being honest people will check metacritic after their purchase or during it to validate their choice which is why it's so filled of fucking hate. The problem you have with critics is that they just reflect the fan voices before release. Before the game released, the only question was how many 10's it would get. Critics and sites want to keep their traffic. Same thing with RDR2, if they sense a title is not going to be received well they get brave and edgy like Tomb Raider 2013 or AC:Syndicate. Their reviews are basically collating all the wider views, presenting the most sellable one and packaging it to say they are in 'tune'. They basically photobash reviews together, injected with the equivalent of a personal youtube video with sad music for sympathetic melodrama.

Also, scores are weighted for most individuals. What pushed average gameplay up into the stratosphere for TLOU was the story, the world, the characters and how it was pinned together with this genuine raw strand of emotion through it all. I haven't played TLOU II yet so not going to offer an opinion, but most of the negative reviews focus on the complete bastardising of that, some retcon and some elements that just don't make sense and therefore stick out, as the first game was so carefully prepared and believable. So it's likely that a game weighted more favourably because its story appeal was good, will be weighted negatively, if the element which drew people in is poorly delivered.

Of course, there will be no reflection on this and people will just see sales. If your attitude is that you just want the freedom to do whatever you want in a story with no respect for the fanbase, or you can't be bothered doing the legwork to earn the big plot 'twists' then you should probably focus on telling different stories in the same world.

There is already a segregated list of people who did not purchase the game. It's called the "Critic Review" section.



Nope, user reviews, whether it be MEtacritic, steam or browsing forums, is the best way for me to gauge if a game is worth my time and money. Generally though, you want to be looking at the wordier reviews that give good detailed reasoning as to why they did or didnt enjoy the experience... and see if the criticism or praise aligns with your standards....not just a quick glance at some scores.


No a Game should be PLAYED. You can't "watch" a game and expect to have the same result as playing it.

For the story? How exactly does playing the game change the story.

It's like saying that fapping to the sextape of your and your GF is the same thing as fucking her.

Your analogies are trash.

Beside that saying "The gameplay is the same as the first" makes your whole argument invalid and clearly shows that just "watching the game" is not enough. It's wrong on hilariously many levels.

The gameplay is essentially the same as the first with minor improvements, this isn't just my opinion, people who have played the game seem to agree.

To top that off: Watching a Playtrough of a Game that takes 25 Hrs while not liking it and doing it TWICE seems like a insanely stupid waste of time. Like really really stupid.

I watched the first cause I wanted to see the story.

I watched the second because it's Internet Historian and the guy is funny. Not sure what your problem is, you haven't really explained how my opinion of the games story is invalid.


Yes, lets trust paid reviews from gaming sites more then user reviews... /s

We need a site that confirms you actually own the game, played it for at least a couple of hours and only then you can review the game with a score of 1 to 10.
It would be something similar to Steam reviews, but better. Not fond of those Recomended/NotRecomended from Steam reviews (a game that's worth a 5-6 review can be Recommend as well as a game that's worth a 8-9).


Yea but I've gotten old, I don't have the time I used to have to invest in games and I do want to avoid games if there are not good, I've been bitten on a few where the major publications rave and give it high scores only to find, this is meh.. then feel a little relieved when I find other users feel the same way I do. Now I tend to never buy a game a launch unless until I've heard some feedback from a variety of sources.

Look some YouTube gameplay video, from different channels, can give you a more than complete perspective about what game you are interested to play.
(even spoiler free, of course)

All the reviews, even the journalists review, can be pilotate in some form or in some way. This is why I don't let anyone decide for me what I'm going to purchase with my money.
And in this way I give my personal opinion about all the things that gives me some interest or curiosity.
(because it's my hobby, after all)
I watched the entire story, how exactly is my opinion of the story invalid because I didn't play the game?

Your analogy should be that only people who go watch the game live can have an opinion on it. Which would be just as retarded.

Because it's easier to empathize with a character if you play as them.


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That would require paying for this trash.

I've watched spoiler reviews on Youtube, and that means I can give an opinion on this disaster of a story whether you like it or not.

I find it interesting that many reviewers do not even finish games before providing reviews (this is well known in the industry), and it has already been shown that people have provided positive reviews for fear of blacklisting by Sony, that they will never be called into question, simply because they give the impression "they played the game".

Well then I guess I "played" the game also.

Heading over to Metacritic to post my review. (joking)
no one's stopping you from doing anything we're just explaining to you why we take your ideas less seriously.



"Hey guys i listened to the NBA Finale on Radio. It was boring af i don't know how anyone could follow that"

It's more like "I downloaded the movie instead of going to the cinema". The only games where the story is different depending on who and how plays it is Quantic Dreams games, but other than that, especially games that are heavily depending on scripts, cut-scenes and QTE are always the same, it's always the same thing, no matter who holds the controller. No one needs to blow 60$ just to be able to talk about the exact same plot available on YT, Twitch etc.
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