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Metal Slug 3 announced for Steam


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
At this point in time, it's Anthology or bust.

I personally wouldn't care to have individual Metal Slug titles cluttering up my library.

Er-Anthology would just be these as individual excutables. You'd be getting the same thing. Like buying the "Counter-Strike Collection" on Steam would give you GO, Source, 1.6 as individual executable to install.

My impressions:

- While obviously a more minor point, the menus are pretty crappy. The announcer saying "okay!" every time you select something on the menu is immediately annoying, and the redone character portraits are frankly just crap. And while an even more miniscule point, it's a little odd that after you choose your character, the panel that slides down with your character's sprite on it doesn't make it all the way down before the game starts. Seems like a silly thing to whine about, but the reason I bring that up is because it contributes to the interface's generally unpolished feeling, particularly for those who have played Metal Slug 3 before.

- You can't set the number of credits available. This is dumb. The number of credits should changeable, but the achievements should be locked for anything above 5 credits. This provides incentive for players to challenge themselves, but doesn't require the rigor of a 1CC run. It's the best of both worlds.

- The frame rate seems to be too slow. I don't know if it's dropping frames or what, but the game just feels choppy. I tried comparing it with a couple of emulators and the JP PS2 version, and that only confirmed it for me.

- The slowdown is messed up. I'm not convinced that Metal Slug 3 has intentional slowdown, but even if it does, this release botches it. The slowdown is there, and it's even more dramatic than in the already slowdown-prone Neo Geo version. Bits where there's slowdown in the original also slow down here, but it drops even more frames and seems to last longer here. It's jarring when the slowdown ends and the game immediately snaps back to running normally. I understand that slowdown is difficult to emulate properly, but if you're going to have it in this release, give players the option of this faux-slowdown, or just playing the game without it.

- There's slight input lag. It's not dramatic, and certainly not as bad as the atrocious PS2 anthology's input lag, but it's definitely there. Try jumping in place in this version, and then in the MAME version. It's pretty evident, even though MAME, itself introduces some slight input lag.

- The scanlines option needs to be improved. The scanlines are way too thick. Players should have more options for scanline thickness, just like any emulator or the XRGB implements it.

- A number of sound effects are off. The sounds when the "GO!" arrow pops up and the bit at the end of a stage where the game counts up the POWs you saved are pretty clear examples.

Ultimately, I can't recommend the game as it currently stands. The various performance issues make the game play like a bit of a mess any time there's a lot of activity on-screen, particularly during boss fights. It feels imprecise, and if you're the sort of person who wants to get good at the game, the general sluggishness is a buzzkill.

When the emulated version of the game on the same platform is better and has been around for more than a decade, I have a really tough time telling someone that they should shell out for a flawed product.

Post it in the Closed-Beta forum on Steam. You'd be better off giving those impressions there.


One step closer to WINDJAMMERS

That would be easier of WJ was an SNK(P) game, but it's by Data East, and IIRC it's G-Mode who currently owns the rights to their games.

I mostly played 2 in arcades, but I'm enjoying this a lot, though I still need to get better at it - I recall seeing a guy play through the last level and that thing was a spectacle in itself.

I hope this paves the way for other games - SS2 would be a nice one, but it hasn't been long since it was released on iOS, so I'm not betting on it anytime soon.

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, however, did get a nice repolished version for the 360, so maybe it has a better chance...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The netcode is pretty awesome. If it keeps up like that I can see me pesting Dragonlife to play online pretty often.

My only issue is it randomly desyncing us. That and it not having the X-box 180 port's "lock the vehicle fire with auto-fire" I hate the vehicle controls for MS3 even in the arcade version because they always reverse fire in the opposite direction of where I want to be firing while I'm moving around/dodging fire. The X-box version solved this by having me just hammer X->Fire and move around/dodge while firing in one direction with releasing the button to make minor corrections. Doesn't seem to be an option here. :(

I got up to Mission 3 with like one credit or two before screwing up. So I'm not completely rusty, but man those vehicle controls... ugh. I could beat the mission 1 boss with the vehicles no sweat if I could just lock the damn turret while dodging his fire.


I'm still waiting on my MVS, but i'd still like to test the game on steam/give feed back. If only to have more online enabled SNK games hit "mainstream".


When the emulated version of the game on the same platform is better and has been around for more than a decade, I have a really tough time telling someone that they should shell out for a flawed product.

A bit unfair to compare it to the emulated version considering it took (from what I remember) quite some time for them to emulate it perfectly.
SNK are obviously wanting to do a proper port and aren't cutting corners and just grabbing an emulated version.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
No it isn't. Otherwise GGPO would be shown before boot like Third Strike OE's licensing did.

Edit: https://twitter.com/dotemu/status/428125292008177664

Weird. Wonder why GGPO doesn't show up on bootup as it's licensed.

And it desyncs, so it isn't GGPO or roll-back.

GGPO desyncs quite a bit here and there, especially the other day when I was playing Garou and it would either desync right whenever a match ended so we had to keep restarting the lobby until it got worse and worse until it desynced right after the first input.


I'm pretty sure they said it's licensed GGPO with roll back on the forums.

And wow this game is really hard. The only Metal Slug I have a lot of arcade experience with is X and I can't make it through stage 4 with 10 continues (starting from the beginning)


I'm improving. Only had one stupid death in stage 1


New patch just hit:

Release v1.20 is here!

Be sure to update your game on Steam. It should do so automatically (as long as you are not playing a game).

This update includes:
- Online mode improvements. This should solve the desync problems.
- Number of credits is now set to 15.


Hello everyone!

Release v1.21 is here!

Be sure to update your game on Steam. It should do so automatically (as long as you are not playing a game).

This update includes:
- Core game improvements.
- Number of credits is now set to 20.

We are aware of the desync issues you may encounter. Be sure that we are doing everything we can to solve it.

Thank you again for playing Metal Slug 3!


What are "core game improvements"?


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
How can we get beta keys? Would love one. "Liking" them on FB and commenting had no effect.

Well you missed out on the easy steam forum giveaway so either facebook or twitter is the only way unless someone does another giveaway(which a few us gave away on release), quote for key, or pms you. I'd give you a key if I had one but I did a raffle a few days ago, sorry man
Well you missed out on the easy steam forum giveaway so either facebook or twitter is the only way unless someone does another giveaway(which a few us gave away on release), quote for key, or pms you. I'd give you a key if I had one but I did a raffle a few days ago, sorry man
Thanks anyway, man. I'm guessing they're all out of keys now. :( But if anyone somehow does have one, I'd love it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Desync is still there. Hopefully they fix it before the 8th, otherwise :( It's ruining what is otherwise a fun online.
How the hell did this thread get buried and is only 2 pages long?

Any PC release from a Japanese dev/pub on Steam is a momentous occasion!

Day 1.
I saw somebody on my Steam friends list playing this and I wondered where it came from. Would have loved to get on the beta, as I am a huge fan on the Metal Slug games, but I bet I missed that opportunity. Oh well.

Kind of an odd choice choosing Metal Slug 3 though, it wasn't one of my favorite ones in the series. I always liked Metal Slug X the most, and spent a lot of time playing X in the arcade. I would love to see a Metal Slug 2/X compilation on Steam next.

What are the chances of this being ported to linux?

It depends. Is this game running natively on PC? Or is it using some sort of Mame or Neo-Geo emulator? There are a couple good Neo0Geo emulators on Linux, and Mame works great under it (well, there are multiple flavors).


I pre purchased the game because I had this rule that all games released by SNK must be purchased on day 0 if possible


I saw somebody on my Steam friends list playing this and I wondered where it came from. Would have loved to get on the beta, as I am a huge fan on the Metal Slug games, but I bet I missed that opportunity. Oh well.

Kind of an odd choice choosing Metal Slug 3 though, it wasn't one of my favorite ones in the series. I always liked Metal Slug X the most, and spent a lot of time playing X in the arcade. I would love to see a Metal Slug 2/X compilation on Steam next.

Metal Slug 3 is generally recognized as the best one.
Looks like they've fixed the desync problems when I tried the game yesterday, before that every game I tried to play with my mate end up getting desynced after a few minutes.

Now they need to add a lobby/matchmaking system.


I just noticed that this has both "Partial Controller Support" and "Full Controller Support". First time I've seen that, what's up with that?

Are there any significant issues with the port? because otherwise I'll probably get it today.
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