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Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

The first thought that comes to mind is "Who gives a damn?" I don't see this hurting or helping them. Basically, it's a non-product. If you want it, buy it. If you don't, don't. I won't. I'm just relieved they didn't announce a 360 HD-DVD revision - which would have caused me to give a damn.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Orin GA said:
I dont understand how do they label it as external. Isnt it just a HD DVD player that needs the xbox 360 to work :\
That's why it's so absurd. Either just promote Toshiba HD-DVD players, or release an MS-branded player. There's no point in releasing an "external" HD-DVD player. What the hell is the point?


BigBoss said:
How about this? Instead of having a rushed launch Microsoft should've waited a couple more months so that every Xbox 360 would have an HD-DVD drive and games could be shipped on HD-DVD discs as well.

Future proof indeed.

Blaster1X confirmed 360 was future proof and that we'd see soon. He told us to JUST WAIT.

Guess he was right.


Wow, this thread will go Platinum in no time. :lol

But again, whats the fucking problem? Gaf cry that Xbox 360 will not the option to play HD movies. They announce an OPTIONAL external HD-DVD drive to please those that want HD movies but GAF still bitch? Seem whatever they do, Microsoft can't win.


If the add-on is used for game, the 360 will be splintered into 4 platforms:


disastrous, considering how little 360 games use the HDD right now.


JackFrost2012 said:

Xbox 360: You must be here to play HD-DVD's.
Maude Lebowski: Lord, you can imagine where it goes from here.
The Dude: He plays HD-DVD's?
Maude Lebowski: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
First Pics...



Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Redbeard said:
And the console would be $100 more than it is already. That'd be great!
Everyone calls the core pack "retard pack" and paid $100 more for the hdd etc. So I guess that wouldn't have been too bad now would it?


But again, whats the fucking problem? Gaf cry that Xbox 360 will not the option to play HD movies. They announce an OPTIONAL external HD-DVD drive to please those that want HD movies but GAF still bitch? Seem whatever they do, Microsoft can't win.

Alot of it is backlash from the Fight Night demo. :)
How about this? Instead of having a rushed launch Microsoft should've waited a couple more months so that every Xbox 360 would have an HD-DVD drive and games could be shipped on HD-DVD discs as well.

They would be taking a lose up the ass more than they are already


elostyle said:
Everyone calls the core pack "retard pack" and paid $100 more for the hdd etc. So I guess that wouldn't have been too bad now would it?

A $500 console w/HDD? Yes, that would be bad.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
colinisation said:
Why ? Fragmentation, not if all games are released on DVD. With the next gen TVs integrating cell i assume that the propsed hi-def content that will be pushed is going to require significant amounts of processing power, which is just sitting ther on the X360.

Because MS doesn't even know if HD-DVD will be the winner.


SiNCeRe said:
Wow, this thread will go Platinum in no time. :lol

But again, whats the fucking problem? Gaf cry that Xbox 360 will not the option to play HD movies. They announce an OPTIONAL external HD-DVD drive to please those that want HD movies but GAF still bitch? Seem whatever they do, Microsoft can't win.

Amen brother. It's just MS hate. if you only got the system for the games, then don't get one.

I would never buy a console for movies also. I would be a seperate player for movies...but that's just me. Whatever format is the most popular/has the most support is the one I will buy a unit for. I don't care of Sony, MS, or Jesus promotes the lesser brand. Main format = has my money.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
m0dus said:
And at what point, my friends, did we begin to assume this addon won't supply that port? or 1080p support? (considering ATI stated at E3 that xenos was more than capable of 1080p if necessary?)

most of the ROLFMAOMGWTFBBQAMIRITE responses in this thread seem to be coming from people for whom MS can do no right. and that doesn't make much sense. :)
Ok so the external drive reads the disc, then the xbox decodes it and the external drive outputs it? That's weird.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mckmas8808 said:
Because MS doesn't even know if HD-DVD will be the winner.

THis is the correct answer. If Blu-Ray fails, then Sony fails. If HD-DVD fails, Microsoft moves on to something else.


MightyHedgehog said:
I doubt they will...that's insta-Sega-CD action right there... Still, seems like a waste of time to me. I suppose it might be a nice less expensive alternative to buying a dedicated player...but...still...

might i doubted they do all the thigns they have so far.. but they keep makign the WRONG CHOICES everytime they come to a fork in the road.. its like they either

a. dont learn from past mistakes or
b. think they will suceed where everyone else has failed

oh man they have a real solid machinee with the 360 and all this garbage is going to make it much arder for it to succeed.. why oh why :(


Not bitter, just unsweetened
what if it's a hard drive hookup that just has the final roms/decoders or whatnot and the drives in the 360s were actually HD-DVD ready? now that would be interesting. I'm just waiting to see what they mean by external, because There's really no hookups on 360 that have the bandwidth for HD-DVD


Great news!

Now we just need an external HDMI card, an external slimline power supply and an external larger hard drive!

Seriously though, Microsoft had better pray like hell that Blu-Ray doesn't catch on.
m0dus said:
And at what point, my friends, did we begin to assume this addon won't supply that port? or 1080p support? (considering ATI stated at E3 that xenos was more than capable of 1080p if necessary?)

Does HD-DVD even support 1080p? I haven't seen that ANY of the news released so far state that.
crunker99 said:
might i doubted they do all the thigns they have so far.. but they keep makign the WRONG CHOICES everytime they come to a fork in the road.. its like they either

a. dont learn from past mistakes or
b. think they will suceed where everyone else has failed

oh man they have a real solid machinee with the 360 and all this garbage is going to make it much arder for it to succeed.. why oh why :(

Yeah, I can sorta agree. If anything, just because you want to keep things simple and focus on one product at a time in its infancy. Too many things start to complicate things for the worse, IMO...even if this is just a non-game-related option for people who own the system. Focus on the games and the main system, MS...don't get caught up in this shit yet. Ahh...too late. I'm sure it'll be a non-issue long-term, but it's still too early for this crap, IMO.

Clearly, a marketing/political move to say that X360 has the ability* to play next-generation optical media-based movies...so they don't look like less than the PS3 or something... I dunno. *scratches head*
JackFrost2012 said:
the HD-DVD add-on is the "strap-on pack"

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

BTW, doesn't this thread remind you of the whole "Retard Pack" thread? In the end, just as with that one, it won't make a difference. Of course, the two skus made ~some sense. This, I just don't get.


SiNCeRe said:
Wow, this thread will go Platinum in no time. :lol

But again, whats the fucking problem? Gaf cry that Xbox 360 will not the option to play HD movies. They announce an OPTIONAL external HD-DVD drive to please those that want HD movies but GAF still bitch? Seem whatever they do, Microsoft can't win.

I agree. I'd rather they come out with an external HD-DVD player rather than a revised Xbox360 with an internal HD-DVD drive and rendering my current system obselete. It appears that the external HD-DVD drive will be used for movies only and not for games. However, this is GAF so I expect this thread to be an utter shitstorm of Microsoft hate.
vatstep said:
That's why it's so absurd. Either just promote Toshiba HD-DVD players, or release an MS-branded player. There's no point in releasing an "external" HD-DVD player. What the hell is the point?

Yeah thats smart. MS should start to be Toshiba's marketing department.
m0dus said:
No, the external drive may, in theory, simply supply a high-bandwidth connection to an HDMI compatible port. That's it. All the 'drive' does is act like removable media storage, in the same manner your DVD drive in your PC works. the 360's chipset provides all the decoding/video acceleration/etc. I'm only theorizing here, mind you, but it's not rocket science.

Still, the doomsayers in this thread are absolutely ADORABLE

It's still reading the disc.


How about this? Instead of having a rushed launch Microsoft should've waited a couple more months so that every Xbox 360 would have an HD-DVD drive and games could be shipped on HD-DVD discs as well.

Raises the price of the system and PS3 will be quite literally right in its ass.

Everyone calls the core pack "retard pack" and paid $100 more for the hdd etc. So I guess that wouldn't have been too bad now would it?

Everyone ? or hardcore gamers.
I personally would be picking up a retard pack if i had the time, money, incination to play games anymore. Primarily cosI will not pay for live and dont need internet play/all the rest of it.

Because MS doesn't even know if HD-DVD will be the winner.

Precisely why its an add-on, we should be leveling this arguement at sony eventhough BR looks to be on top its not guaranteed. As long as they sell the required number they will make a profit with minimal investment on thier part.


not a medical professional
Kobun Heat said:

"Hey guys, did you hear the news?"


"No, what is it?"


"We're going to have a NEW FRIEND!"


"Oh yay!!!"

Oh jesus LOL... So appropriate that it's post 69 in this thread ;)

Red Scarlet

Buy it at release and keep it sealed so you can sell it later for the people that collect rare game console-type stuff.
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