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Microsoft respond to the EDGE article

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Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Where is the Cloud power?


If Microsoft falls too far behind the PS4 I fully expect them to start buying up big exclusives. It would be best for everyone if that didnt happen. I hope the sales are close.

It's funny because it's true.
How exactly is the Xbox One architecture balanced?

It looks like a mess to me.

It is a balance between TV, Windows 8 Metro apps, games, Skype, and being able to quickly switch between them. Microsoft has somewhat given up one of the advantages of a console, that it is a specialized gaming device, for support of more features. It is a gamble that the consumer wants more generality instead of a single purpose devices that excels at one thing.

Microsoft could have been right if it wasn't for one huge blind spot in their vision. The Xbox One costs $500. That is too much for the extra features that they are promoting.


I was waiting for a Cloud mention when they set it up 'nowadays you can't sum up performance with a single figure'.
I took that to mean the back'n'forth between MS' own internal PR machines. Clearly the left analog stick doesn't know what the right stick is doing over there.

Oh, well I'm not sure I agree with that anyway. If Penello and Major Nelson were posting all that bullshit without the knowledge of their PR machine, Microsoft are a far bigger clusterfuck than I previously thought.

More likely I think, is that they decided to go on the offensive with these figures, it backfired and now they're backing off.
Oh look it's this thread again. What is this, number 9? 10?

I guess if there was no non-news to post, Neogaf would just shut down for a while. But nope, gotta fan those console-war flames!


Gold Member
Microsoft will let their games do the talking?

... I look forward to their next response about the power of the console.


Can we please look at how Sony reacted in 2001 to the Gamecube and Xbox's more powerful hardware?

I'm guessing it was less "Secret Sauce" and more "Sure, but we got better games."
This whole thing is their fault in the first place. They tried to talk shit about how everything was going to be equal and the numbers were lies.

With the power of critical thinking and logic NeoGAF and to a lesser extent EDGE decided to call them out on their lies leading them down this very path and now they have to send more PR fluff out to try to calm the firestorm that was barely visible before they tried to spin it.

What's really pathetic is people still clinging onto the hope that this PR fluff stuff will hold true and all their rainbows and unicorn dreams will still exist. Fact remains the PS4 will have the better looking and performing games this upcoming generation, whether 50% or not the tables have turned. There's nothing wrong with it at all - the majority of people won't notice but you have to accept the truth that NeoGAF is the hardest of core and these things DO matter. It's a waste of time to downplay the differences.


Gold Member
It is a balance between TV, Windows 8 Metro apps, games, Skype, and being able to quickly switch between them. Microsoft has somewhat given up one of the advantages of a console, that it is a specialized gaming device, for support of more features. It is a gamble that the consumer wants more generality instead of a single purpose devices that excels at one thing.

Microsoft could have been right if it wasn't for one huge blind spot in their vision. The Xbox One costs $500. That is too much for the extra features that they are promoting.

that's one huge blind spot. there's another: the rest of the world outside the u.s...


Industry Verified
Didn't major Nelson state that all games at pax or gamescon was running on final kits, Why is it now near-final?


Should have said we believe there is more to games than just graphics, and Kinect 2.0 provides an unparalleled gaming experience.
Someone hire this fella now!

Say more than "we believe in games", start to talk more accredited and less like you are running around yourselves. SHOW SOME BALLS!


It is a balance between TV, Windows 8 Metro apps, games, Skype, and being able to quickly switch between them. Microsoft has somewhat given up one of the advantages of a console, that it is a specialized gaming device, for support of more features. It is a gamble that the consumer wants more generality instead of a single purpose devices that excels at one thing.

Microsoft could have been right if it wasn't for one huge blind spot in their vision. The Xbox One costs $500. That is too much for the extra features that they are promoting.

That balance seems wasted. While MS may have some exclusive deals with some apps. Sony pretty much stepped their game up when it comes to Os, with quick resume, multitasking, background downloads, party chat, Instant join, livestream, Share, and etc. Both systems seem pretty much similar when it comes to Os features and Media features. Except unless you love using voice commands and waving your hand about, there is really no advantage with Xbox One as a media machine, I feel people just say this as PS4 is superior in price and power they are desperate to give MS something.
I don't think the specs gap is big enough to matter outside of message boards. I expect them to have the same port troubles that PS3 did with Black Ops ports.

Actually Black Ops ports were horrid. MS is fucked if COD is half the frame-rate of the PS4 version.

But if XB1 games runs at 720p-900p versus 1080p on the PS4 and that's the ONLY difference, I think they should be fine as long as they price drop REAL quick.

This is what I have been expecting for a while as well. Most people I know can't tell the difference between 900p and 1080p. For some, even 720p (though it's pretty glaring for me).

But the comparison really does not matter all that much for me if I get a One.

Exclusives? They're not on PS4 anyway.
Multiplats? I've got a decent PC, which I will be upgrading sooner or later.
Multiplats not on PC? Destiny is about the only one that I'm interested in right now, and we still don't know if it's coming to PC for sure. One game is certainly not enough to change my console choice for just a matter of pixels.

Replace "PS4" in the first example with "Xbone" and change a few words and it applies to the PS4. It really isn't that huge of a difference. I'm not trying to defend the bone; it's just that I really don't care about the difference.



More complex design is better.

grab the straw warriors, grab it, grab it ...grab it !!

**it's actually straw # 176563


I said a few days back, why are MS picking fights regarding system power and such, they just needed to keep quiet and let their game & services do the talking.

But now - now they've picked a fight, and are forced to respond to each article and remark from devs and what not. Meanwhile, Sony focus on their games, with the likes of Evolution Studios communicating directly with gamers and getting people onside.

Edit - Oh, and the response they have given, it basically confirms the earlier reports. Once again, they could have stayed quiet, and let people give them the benefit of the doubt.


Edge to Time to MS to Sony to MS to the press to Major Nelson to 'its not about numbers' to 'infinite power of the cloud' to....



Junior Member
Should have said we believe there is more to games than just graphics, and Kinect 2.0 provides an unparalleled gaming experience.

Pretty much. I am however, glad they didn't try to dispute these claims coming from several different sources. They're sticking to the "the difference won't be too noticeable" line. And that's fine, I guess, because depending on who you talk to (casual vs hardcore) it may very well be true.

But yes, they really need to talk up their apps and features, and move the dialogue away from specs if they want to survive. I mean a few weeks ago, they almost did it, too. They kept saying that publishing numbers were meaningless. Sad to say, but Albert really screwed the pooch on this one, by conceding to TechGAF and trying to boast the Xbox One's lacking raw power.


I am Korean.
I said a few days back, why are MS picking fights regarding system power and such, they just needed to keep quiet and let their game & services do the talking.

But now - now they've picked a fight, and are forced to respond to each article and remark from devs and what not. Meanwhile, Sony focus on their games, with the likes of Evolution Studios communicating directly with gamers and getting people onside.
Fans of the system will latch on to any and all possibilities of hope. They're mainly just trying to give their fans blog fodder.
Yeah and it would be so awesome if a PC anywhere near the budget range of said consoles could do that.

Bad comparison.

Think about it: it's pretty much impossible to get along in the world without a computer. A good PC will cost you $500-600 minimum. The price of a console is, say $400.

If you buy an $900-1000 PC (which can do pretty much any game better than a console), then you have essentially just integrated the console into your PC while still getting a better experience.

+ the cheaper games, you are actually saving money by going the PC route.


The PR department should pat itself in the back. It's a pretty good response that neither admits or denies anything.


These are the most comparable machines we have seen in terms of architecture in a long time, and the PS4 specs unquestionably trump the One's. Not sure there's anything else they can say.


Bad comparison.

Think about it: it's pretty much impossible to get along in the world without a computer. A good PC will cost you $500-600 minimum. The price of a console is, say $400.

If you buy an $900-1000 PC (which can do pretty much any game better than a console), then you have essentially just integrated the console into your PC while still getting a better experience.

+ the cheaper games, you are actually saving money by going the PC route.

Why pay 60 bucks per game when you can buy almost a dozen for 60 euro's with different sales or deals and have all ready a huge library from AAA games to indies. Also autumn steam sale is coming. Prepare thy wallets!


all of my posts are my avatar
Bad comparison.

Think about it: it's pretty much impossible to get along in the world without a computer. A good PC will cost you $500-600 minimum. The price of a console is, say $400.

If you buy an $900-1000 PC (which can do pretty much any game better than a console), then you have essentially just integrated the console into your PC while still getting a better experience.

+ the cheaper games, you are actually saving money by going the PC route.

Most people have a phone\tablet that does everything they need it to do for every day life.....with that said I'd really love an Alienware X10 mounted in my home theater rack.
"We'll let the games speak for themselves until we feel like going onto forums and spreading FUD about the clear specs advantage our competitor has".


Post that again when the PC is begging for ports.

Ice cold.

Post that again when PS4/Xbox are begging for a 1080p resolution in BF4 and other games.

I hope the guys do not mean it seriously.

No one begs for that. Everyone begs for ports though.
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