So if I have to launch it, will I have a big fat 0 gs after I get a game refunded?
This is great. My son accidently purchased a game I would never play when I first got my ps4 when the tv was off and messing with the control pad. I hope Sony does this to.
Good stuff. Hopefully Nintendo and Sony follow suit sooner rather than later.
They already support refunds but not automated, you have to send a form.Nintendo will never do this. Sony will most likely follow, though. I'm sure all of us have games we weren't feeling after an hour.
Dumb people don't deserve to be catered to.
This kind of behaviour gave the US it's president xD
Seriously though. Tastes are subjective. A broken game is objective. Big difference.
That is a strange omission. Do they consider them one games or not. That should be included as its part of the ecosystem
I can't wait for Sony to not give me this option.
So if I have to launch it, will I have a big fat 0 gs after I get a game refunded?
I highly doubt people are going to be willing to permanently give up all rights to refund just to rip off a couple indie games.
Also make sure the game is closed...I actually had to close it and turn off my Xbox to get the refund
It gave me a warning please close the game and I did that and it didn't work till I actually turn off the console