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Microsoft told Pachter their E3 focus is on services over games, is this a good idea?

Eh, predictable. The more interesting question is do the reset with the next console or do they keep the focus from the start?

Hopefully they keep it that way from the start, and hopefully that means that the entertainment service integration is more well done in the nextbox's ui.


New trend?

...Most successful consoles have had a "broader demographic" rebranding during the last years of their life. Nothing really new.

I was referring to a change in focus as in less focus on games and more on additional services and features. Older consoles focused on games exclusively for the entire generation.
Best of luck to them. I don't give a flip about whatever services they'll offer, but if that's how they want to position the console at the end of its life, that's their prerogative.

But then, I feel less connected to gaming right now than I have in the past 15 years or so, and I wouldn't have followed whatever they talked about anyway.


man, all the people trying to spin this as if it's a good thing. screw games!

Those are just the people who understand the context of the situation. If you open your eyes to the bigger picture it makes sense. It is the last E3 for the 360 and that means there isn't going to be any surprise gaming announcements. It is also an E3 where the WiiU has center stage. MS knows that the way to get mainstream media attention is through the added features not new games.

So while you may not personally like MS's direction, it is objectively the best decision for them.


Microsoft doesn't want to fund a lot of first-party projects -- they're doing fine with third-party games and one or two mega blockbusters. It's been the same for them since E3 2009. I had a feeling that this E3 will be a repeat, but Microsoft have confirmed that themselves now.


It must be a good idea if MS thinks it's a good idea, right? They are selling well (in the U.S) and seem to think that the majority of sales from E3 onwards will be to people who are attracted to a game machine that plays games and offers a lot of services.

Personally the services don't interest me but by the same token I'm not going to enjoy gaming on my 360 any less if E3 doesn't deliver info on upcoming exclusives.
I don't think Microsoft is that concerned with getting people excited about the Xbox 360. They've already proven that they can move units based on games and now they're focusing on a different demographic. Anyone who was going to buy a 360 solely for games has probably already bought one, they want the people that are going to buy the 360 for media apps, Zune marketplace, and the odd retail release (COD, Halo, etc.).

I think the most important thing to them is getting people excited about the Xbox brand so they can carry it into the next box. It's a gamble that may or may not work for them. Personally I think their lack of exclusives/studios is what might end up being their downfall next gen.


So while you may not personally like MS's direction, it is objectively the best decision for them.

The best decison for them objectively is to just build a credit card swipe on the front of the next xbox.
before the knee jerk reply, PS4 would follow suit


Its always kinda weird when people tot up who "won" E3's and rank MS anywhere near the others. MS seems to be struggling seemingly to bring much gaming content at all to their one box while Sony and Nintendo bring entire line-ups to home console and portables.

So I guess we'll get some third party cack like a COD walkthrough, Halo4, maybe Crimson Dragon shown for Kinect (it canz do da hardcorez!!!11) and maybe one or two XBLA games to look forward to.

What added bullshit service with incentive can they even plop on now? This Woodstock music thing?

I agree GAF ratings are usually topsy-turvy. MS routinely crushes the other 2, and yet folks on GAF seem to think they do poorly.

Service is where the value lies. There hasn't been a signficant game announcement by the big 3 since FF13 on xbox, and that was only significant at the final nail in the PS3 third party coffin.


The best decison for them objectively is to just build a credit card swipe on the front of the next xbox.
before the knee jerk reply, PS4 would follow suit

lol, nintendo is 99% likely to be already doing this with NFC so it's just about guaranteed to be in the XB3/PS4 as well


Unconfirmed Member
I agree GAF ratings are usually topsy-turvy. MS routinely crushes the other 2, and yet folks on GAF seem to think they do poorly.

Service is where the value lies. There hasn't been a signficant game announcement by the big 3 since FF13 on xbox, and that was only significant at the final nail in the PS3 third party coffin.

"Crushes" is hyperbole.

Also, what third party coffin? The PS3 has had and continues to have great third party support.


If I could peddle Youtube and Netflix access behind a $60 subscription, I'd be focusing on this kind of shit to. You don't like it, quit paying for XBL and quit buying Xbox games. Otherwise deal with it.

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
They've certainly had success by moving in that direction and away from making great gaming experiences in the past few years. Microsoft will run into the problem they've created once their next system launches.

The people they have been catering to for the past few years will already have a console that fulfills all of their multimedia needs in the Xbox 360. The "core" gamers that Microsoft has effectively abandoned in the past few years are looking towards Sony and the PC more and more because those platforms are providing more unique and innovative content than Microsoft has been, and unless Kinect 2.0+software is actually revolutionary, Microsoft will have precious little exclusive content to draw those original 25 million customers back, let alone to justify continuing to pay an extra $60 a year for services offered for free on other platforms.

Most consumers get one console a generation and stick with it to the end. The 360 has changed direction and focus a whole lot since '05, and when it comes time for consumers to pick a side again knowing what they know now about the focuses of each platform holder, will they make the same choice again?

Personally, I doubt it. Anecdotally, I know of several current Xbox Live subscribers who are tired of paying $60 a year for a service filled with ads that is providing less and less must-play games and are looking hopefully towards what Sony has to offer in the console space next time around.
Since I'm not a shareholder or a mom, no, I don't think its a good idea.

Focus on the games and leave all that other stuff to Good Morning America and Oprah.
depends on how much of the show is service stuff.

I'd rather see games, but I understand what they're trying to do.

Also if the service stuff is games related I'll be very happy. If they're announcing a waypoint like service for forza or fable then I'm all for it.


Ugh, man I knew MS conference was gonna be a drag due to no new system announcement. This just confirms it :/

Oh well, guess I understand why. They're making a killing with the 360 right now so why ruin the momentum? And they still have Call of Duty and Halo to sell to the core fanbase, and I imagine there would be a price drop soon so they don't need to concentrate much on games now. Still, the fact they concentrate more on their services instead of their games now really doesn't bode well for my confidence in their next system :/


How many more services could they possibly add? The 360 already has TV, music, Twitter, and like 20 different movie apps.


it was inevitable. mark my words, by next-gen games will no longer the focus of microsoft's console, but instead be another (subscription?) service offered among many.

game console to media hub
Given that next year they'll likely announce the 720, I hope they do something to at least get the core excited again. I'm willing to bet Todd Howard might announce Skyrim DLC info given the deal with MS, but I wish they'd just up and show something in development for next gen or at least a tech demo.

They can't just roll into E3 2013 and all of a sudden switch focus back to the core and pretend like the last two to three years never happened.


The Crimson Kid said:
Personally, I doubt it. Anecdotally, I know of several current Xbox Live subscribers who are tired of paying $60 a year for a service filled with ads that is providing less and less must-play games and are looking hopefully towards what Sony has to offer in the console space next time around.

I'd say your anecdote is uncommon. First off, I don't know anyone who pays $60 a year for Gold. It's much cheaper at retail and even MS offers it to you for $45 when you get close to the end of your subscription. Also, The number of gold subscribers continues to increase.

MS has publicly stated that services offered on Xbox Live eclipse game time. So it makes sense for MS to continue to add value to the Gold subscription.


Terrible idea. So much for the third time being the charm. Microsoft seems to aiming for three bad conferences in a row.

Guess I'll just have it on as background noise this year.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Considering these conferences as for the mass media, its a great idea. They don't give a shit about games. Anything for free press.
This is really unsurprising. Their E3s during the last half of this generation have been showcases of already revealed but high-selling games, followed by demo reels and promo vids of 360 dashboard functions and Kinect games.


It's neither a good idea nor a bad idea. This generation is slowing down in terms of quality output. They can only play what's in their hand and there probably aren't many new interesting games to show that haven't already been announced. It's like Nintendo's terrible E3 08 press conference. They had no games in the pipeline so their conference was consequently abysmal.
microsoft is also looking to transition into the 720 sometime soon, by reducing the amount of time shown on games, they can make the appeal for xbox live and sell their next system on the potential of live without relying on games, or worse, cg trailers.
Good idea.

I think that MS wants to be Verizon Wireless in your living room, I think they want you to pay monthly and that ultimately the best way to get there isn't to sell you 60$ games.

Personally it's terrible for me, I do not, have not, and will not pay monthly fees for games. So this is a future I won't be a part of. I can hardly blame them for heading this way though, MMOs work, freemium games work, Monthly fees to subsidize expensive devices work. And the more non-game content they can provide the better the whole package looks.

Games as a service are here with a vengeance, so focusing on service makes sense. Smart move for them, but the end of the line for me. I feel like that old man who constantly complains about cell phones.
Microsoft can do this because they have the (western) third-parties in their pockets this gen and don't have to focus on first-party software the way Nintendo or Sony do. Nearly all third-party games are built on the 360 first and then ported to the PS3 (with less than stellar results).

I am curious as to how this will play out, in that Microsoft creates a 'service' box, with gaming taking a backseat (it already has if you look at the new Dashboard), does this hurt third-party software either at the back-end of this gen or going into next-gen? If this does happen, can Sony or Nintendo create an ecosystem that is more about games, allowing third-parties to flourish in a userbase that turns on their system more to play games?


Can't say this is a bad idea from a financial perspective, because the traditional videogame console is a terrible business to be in if you want to make money.

That and Microsoft has long had aspirations for turning the Xbox brand into a multimedia hub for the living room.
It really depends on what these services are Microsoft plans to unveil, obviously I'd rather them focus on games but if they show off some pretty awesome functionality that can be surprisingly effective.


exactly why microsoft gets away with lack of 1st party titles.

people are fine with xbla and Microsoft knows it...

You make it sound all insidious or something.

Which consoles offer the most content on a weekly or monthly basis? The Wii and Vita would be pretty low down that list, that's for sure.


I agree GAF ratings are usually topsy-turvy. MS routinely crushes the other 2, and yet folks on GAF seem to think they do poorly.

Service is where the value lies. There hasn't been a signficant game announcement by the big 3 since FF13 on xbox, and that was only significant at the final nail in the PS3 third party coffin.

Did you even read the comment you were quoting? He's saying the exact opposite as you.

How is Microsoft crushing anything during E3, besides my attention span?


Meh. Halo 4 will do for me. Have my PC for everything else now. Though this is extremely disappointing. The 360 has been one of my favorite consoles so far, and XBLA is a treasure trove of fun.


who cares, these conferences are done to impress the shareholders not the hardcore gamers. if you want coverage on the actual games, watch the coverage of the games on the show floor not the conference. game sales aren't doing so hot right now so why shouldn't they try to broaden the appeal of their console?


who cares, these conferences are done to impress the shareholders not the hardcore gamers. if you want coverage on the actual games, watch the coverage of the games on the show floor not the conference. game sales aren't doing so hot right now so why shouldn't they try to broaden the appeal of their console?

A shareholder listens to an investor's meeting. Let's not act like these media spectacles aren't primarily targeting the media, consumers, and other developers.


E3 is for VIDEO GAMES not Social Services shit! FUCK!

Agreed, I don't mind hearing about apps for the marketplace etc. etc., but if this is going to be the main focus of their E3 presentation I'm going to more than likely be bored out of my mind. The only way I could possibly find this interesting is if they've inked a deal to offer major channels ala carte via apps. Other than that, show me the games MS! They do realize there are other cheaper devices to act as streaming media sources right?


No, people are fine with 3rd party games since that's what most gamers are buying the two HD consoles for.

I have to agree with this.
IMO exclusives are not that important for majority of people.People are buying these systems because they don't have capable pc or simply prefer playing multiplats on consoles for whatever reasons.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
more people are using the 360 now to watch movies or use apps, MS sees this and they want to take advantage of that. why wouldn't they? if the trend was the other way around, MS would make more games.


Did you even read the comment you were quoting? He's saying the exact opposite as you.

How is Microsoft crushing anything during E3, besides my attention span?

Lol, well that zoomed right over your head.

If you aren't capable of seeing how much better MS has performed at E3 than its competitors over the last several years then I am not sure how to explain it to you as you are not approaching the subject objectively.
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