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Microsoft: Xbox One reversals haven't hurt us; "we're in an enviable position"



The role reversal from this launch to last gen is amazing. Looking at MS launch positioning and tactics for 360 the PS4 looks like the real successor to that (games first, lower price point, more choice options and media as a bonus) whereas the XB1 looks like the successor to the PS3 launch message (all in one media and entertainment hub, single box to sit under your TV, higher price but worth it, etc).

Must be driving both sets of hardcore fans mad with indecision what to do.


I really needa start avoiding Xbox One threads on here and elsewhere, especially since I can already predict the type of comments.

Yes, you can use dismissive action as opposed to telling everyone how dismissive you would be theoretically.

As for the op, Microsoft stuck on stupid.


He's claiming that they weren't "hurt" because their engineers literally flipped a switch and turned off the DRM that was so integral to the console. All the bad stuff is gone (day one patch still?) so they're back to square one apparently.

Yeah, edited my post. Missed there were two links...and even re-read them both a couple times :).


Junior Member
MS needs to get better at how they word PR messages. He could have simply said something like:

"Our initial decisions definitely hurt us and we apologize for not fully understanding what our fans wanted. However, we've worked hard every day to try to make the Xbox One the console that will live up to our fans' expectations. We're not quite there yet, but we're getting closer every day, and our preorder numbers are showing that."

But then again MS is an American company and the words "humble" and "American" are almost antonyms.

Didn't realize I was on Reddit.

I don't know what is so "Wow" about it. Having spent virtually all of my life in the US, that's exactly how the culture is. It's a me, me, me culture where admitting you are wrong somehow shows you are not confident, and being confident is better than being right.

Yea, you should probably stop flinging your anti-nationalist poop in this thread.

They tried something new. They heard the loud minority and have changed their stance. Sometimes you try something new... it doesn't work you go back to what people wanted in the first place.

Time to let go of your anger.

That's a funny way to spell pre-orders.
This is a good thing for us as the only way to fix that problem is through compelling software.

Yep it's a good thing for sure

Although with MS's approach to game exclusives it will likely mean more timed exclusives than anything new

Maybe they are starting to foster more 1P studios as others have stated elsewhere?

I know black tusk is working on something

There were a lot of games I loved on the OG Xbox so maybe they'll get back to that creativeness?


These are the actual comments:
Q: Do you feel that the overhaul you’ve made to Xbox One’s strategy has hurt its momentum?

A: No. And look, we remain true to our vision that we want to be wherever our consumers want us to be. We think that digital consumption patterns will change and grow over time. We think that the Cloud gives you a level of sophistication, depth and breadth that people can only dream of. And overtime more people will embrace that.
That said, we want to offer consumers choice, including physical discs and being able to do all the things that they want with those physical discs. We want to be available in any format that our consumers are looking for. We’ve always been very committed to consumer choice.

Q: Why not stick with your strategy, and just try and educate consumers better on what it was you were trying to do?

A: As a business, the minute we don’t listen to our customers attentively, and adapt and react in an appropriate way, then we would be in a dangerous place. I love the fact that we are reactive and agile in that way. We remain true to our vision – digitally and physically – and we are genuinely in an enviable position versus anyone else in being able to deliver that. I wouldn’t trade places with anybody.
Most of the answers are fine.

Seems the summary makes it sounds inflammatory.


Didn't realize I was on Reddit.

Yea, you should probably stop flinging your anti-nationalist poop in this thread.

Nope, definitely GAF not Reddit, where being dismissive is always better than having a discussion or presenting counterpoints. I mean seriously just do a Google search, it's not like this is an uncommon view of American culture. There are many, many studies and articles about American exceptionalism and how children are brought up regarding independence, standing out and above everyone else, etc.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Mindshare, consumer/public attitudes, polls, preorder ratios, word of mouth....

Well if they have no supply issues why are they selling out of their new console well below the number of orders taken for the PS4?

I know it is anecdotal, but nearly every account a person has made inquiry about preorders has shown the PS4 to have 2 to 3 times more preorders. Zomgbbq received info from a major retailer in the UK that had hard number that showed a 2 to 1 ratio in favor of PS4. BTW the PS4 is launching in more countries. Something doesn't add up there. I own a Vita so sales are not the end all be all to me, but I do find it annoying when a company is trying to mislead people. You can't say preorders are outstanding and we are selling out, then offer preorder incentives in the form of Forza and Fifa 14, and still be so far behind Sony in preorders. Then launch in less territories and claim to have no supply problems, even though they are "sold out" and again well below PS4 orders. Again it doesn't add up, and it comes across as if they are trying to hide a problem(s).

There is no evidence of this, it is all anecdotal. They are still selling more consoles than Sony in both the US and UK. The Forza/Fifa deal was obviously aimed at mainland Europe with the UK included because they couldn't justify not including them.


NeoGAF is predominately pro-PS4. I don't think I am going that far out on a limb. So, it's easier to simply say "NeoGAF" as a collective, with the understanding that we are all in the pro-PS4 camp. How would I better communicate this?

Reality has a well known PS4 bias.


Here is what I don't understand:

How hard is it to just come out and say:

"You know what guys? We screwed up. We thought that the cloud stuff was a great idea, but we really didn't take into account the backlash we would see on our DRM policies. Bottom line we made mistakes with our business plan. So we've tossed those policies out the window ... you the consumers have made it crystal clear what you want and we are now trying to listen to that better than we did before.

Again guys we are sorry for our initial screwup, but we want you to know we will do better going forward."

Instead of

"We're in a fucking awesome spot right now, shit man people envy us brah. Mistakes? Microsoft doesn't make mistakes bitch."


I think people are too quick to jump back into bed with Microsoft just because they put the handcuffs back in the drawer.

The XBO isn't going to go away after Christmas, it's a 5+ year console, that's plenty of time to show me there's a genuine interest in producing quality content that doesn't rely on timed 3rd party exclusives and DLC. I also have no interest in the NFL, using the XBO as a TV guide, or buying a Kinect, but I'll be interested to see how those things play out as bullet points on the box when the system is on shelves.

I was also disgusted by the sheer amount of control they worked to exert over smaller developers this generation, strong arming them into bad situations and then not working to add visibility to those developer's products, among other things. There are clearly some talented, well meaning individuals working in the Xbox division, but up until now, it seems those people were mostly reporting to and taking instruction from people with no real long term vision or interest in the platform. If next generation ends up with those same people making the calls, then all of this is likely for nothing.

Words are wind, show me real intent, long term desire to improve a bad situation and not just put a bandaid on the wound until the itching stops. Then we'll talk about me buying what you're selling.


The role reversal from this launch to last gen is amazing. Looking at MS launch positioning and tactics for 360 the PS4 looks like the real successor to that (games first, lower price point, more choice options and media as a bonus) whereas the XB1 looks like the successor to the PS3 launch message (all in one media and entertainment hub, single box to sit under your TV, higher price but worth it, etc).

Must be driving both sets of hardcore fans mad with indecision what to do.
I don't think there is really any indecision at all. I know myself and core group of friends are jumping over to ps4 next gen. We've been on 360 playing halo for years but Microsoft really screwed themselves this time.


I'm still waiting for someone at Microsoft to say they won't bring it back, it's funny how they are avoiding that question and giving BS replies to it. Makes you think they still have same plans to get it back.

You are going to solely disappointed when everything is a digital in 10 years.

I wouldn't expect it to change this gen though.
It's better to not communicate that at all. Better to just ask the question what can Microsoft do to appease the haters.

What can Microsoft do for me personally? They have to come out with the most powerful console of the generation for the lowest price and provide a wealth of first party exclusives from a wide range of genres. Then provide greater value in the non-paywall system with media apps for free.

this is what I was hoping for at the May21st reveal. I wanted them to blow me away with a video game console. That didn't happen and we got what some analysts said years earlier, a microsoft branded box in the living room.


Here is what I don't understand:

How hard is it to just come out and say:

"You know what guys? We screwed up. We thought that the cloud stuff was a great idea, but we really didn't take into account the backlash we would see on our DRM policies. Bottom line we made mistakes with our business plan. So we've tossed those policies out the window ... you the consumers have made it crystal clear what you want and we are now trying to listen to that better than we did before.

Again guys we are sorry for our initial screwup, but we want you to know we will do better going forward."
They kinda have already...




With a title like "ahead" of consumers, that's not at all what the poster was suggesting MS should have said. What they said was belittling. You should never tell your consumers that they "don't get it", which is exactly what saying their ideas were "ahead" of their consumers means.

Also add to that MS has been stubbornly adamant in not admitting that their original ideas were horrible, only their messaging of those ideas. That again suggests that your consumers are idiotic sheep who can't see a bad idea for what it is, only being able to be dictated to on whether an idea is good or bad.
There is no evidence of this, it is all anecdotal. They are still selling more consoles than Sony in both the US and UK. The Forza/Fifa deal was obviously aimed at mainland Europe with the UK included because they couldn't justify not including them.

How can you say there is no evidence of the PS4 outselling the Xbox One, then turn around and say the Xbox One is selling more consoles than the PS4?

Do you even understand what you are saying? lol.
They tried something new. They heard the loud minority and have changed their stance. Sometimes you try something new... it doesn't work you go back to what people wanted in the first place.

Time to let go of your anger.

This is cute. If it was a loud minority then why the pre orders did not reflect that? MS changed their anti consumer policies because very few people wanted to buy that anti consumer piece of shit prior to the policy shift. It was a clear majority, and MS´s policy change reflected that very clearly.


These are the actual comments:

Most of the answers are fine.

Seems the summary makes it sounds inflammatory.

GASP. SHOCK. Someone cherry picked and massaged a response and presented it in a way that would get already hostile anti-MS posters to leap on and lol? That's how you get popular threads going.


The quote in the title alone is insulting, the rest of the article is basically just a way of saying their customer base isn't advanced or mature enough to understand how wonderful the plans MS had in place were.
I guess I need to work on my anti-MS reading comprehension because I didnt get that at all. Oh well carry on...


There is no evidence of this, it is all anecdotal. They are still selling more consoles than Sony in both the US and UK. The Forza/Fifa deal was obviously aimed at mainland Europe with the UK included because they couldn't justify not including them.

Where did get that from?


It does not matter i have my xbox one on preorder when it comes its staying sealed then i am going to watch DF on muilti plat games on eurogamer and guess what is there is a big difference its going back
There is no evidence of this, it is all anecdotal. They are still selling more consoles than Sony in both the US and UK. The Forza/Fifa deal was obviously aimed at mainland Europe with the UK included because they couldn't justify not including them.

Anecdotal or not, but where are you getting this from? I assume you are talking about the 360? Because that is meaningless to next gen. Also the figures Zomgbbq posted were not anecdotal.


This is for a single retail chain in the UK that showed LTD preorders up to mid July being 3:2 in favor of PS4. With each new week bringing in 2:1 ratio of orders in favor of the PS4. Granted there haven't been any updates since. Which is a shame.


To some extent, Penello says, he understands when some people say they don't completely trust Microsoft following its reversal on Xbox One licensing. "I think over the last couple of years, we were focused on those new customers coming in, and I think we lost touch a little bit with the core gamers," he said. "My joke internally is our relationship with the core gamer is like your best friend whose phone calls you didn't return until you asked him for $500.' I think it's fair feedback. I think it was a wake-up call for the team."

At the same time, though, he admitted to some frustration that customers haven't given the company more credit for actually listening and changing things for the better. "I'm more surprised that [feelings of mistrust are] lingering now than that they lingered [after the announcement]," he said. "We had seen that people had been concerned about when it was rumored to be happening, so I sort of wasn't surprised [when it was announced]. But then when I changed back, we were like, 'Hey, we did it, we listened, we're with you,' and now everything we say gets criticized."

Penello also expressed frustration at the way Microsoft was getting treated by the press and observers when compared to a certain unnamed competitor. "I do feel like there's more scrutiny on what we do than on what our competitors are doing," he said. "We have been more transparent, and through that transparency you get to see the sausage getting made. You get to see the warts. Things that the other guys are getting away with is mind-boggling to me."

Holy fuck that article is infuriating.

It's like "yeah we basically ignored you guys for a few years. But shit man why don't you want to give us 500 dollars now? And for fuck's sake we listened to your whines and we took back our awesome DRM policies, why are you still complaining bitches?"


In what way are they worse off? Have they not sold out their new console in both the US and UK whilst continuing to dominate the sales charts?

What else can they do at this stage?

Launch sales mean nothing. Both consoles will sell out. On preorders they are behind at least 2:1 and many people have said it is as high as 4:1. Those initial policies have been tremendously damaging to their reputation, which wasn't particular sparkling to begin with.

BTW: 3DS outsold 360 in the last two months in NPD. "Dominating" the charts is a bit of a leap.


Whatever. It will take them this entire generation to gain my trust back.

"To some extent, Penello says, he understands when some people say they don't completely trust Microsoft following its reversal on Xbox One licensing. 'I think over the last couple of years, we were focused on those new customers coming in, and I think we lost touch a little bit with the core gamers," he said. "My joke internally is our relationship with the core gamer is like your best friend whose phone calls you didn't return until you asked him for $500.' I think it's fair feedback. I think it was a wake-up call for the team.'"

At least they acknowledge it. Showing TV features for so long during the announcement and showing fantasy football on the first commercial isn't doing them any favors in changing this perception.


I'm still waiting for someone at Microsoft to say they won't bring it back, it's funny how they are avoiding that question and giving BS replies to it. Makes you think they still have same plans to get it back.

Why, it's not like you'd believe them if they did.



Ohhhh you lot. You're like them little kids in the playground at first-break!

I don't remember what grade it was, somewhere between 1st - 4th? But, me and this other kid had a planned fight every single day. It was by the oak tree, and it lasted until after the recess bell. They just let us fight, until it go too violent.

I was fight club way before Fight Club.


This is cute. If it was a loud minority then why the pre orders did not reflect that? MS changed their anti consumer policies because very few people wanted to buy that anti consumer piece of shit prior to the policy shift. It was a clear majority, and MS´s policy change reflected that very clearly.

The poster was talking about the loud minority that normally preorders 100 consoles on launch day each, so their absence caused a huge drop in preorder numbers, obviously.


I don't see the big problem. People assumed they were being evil. What they were planning will probably eventually happen. Perhaps their plans were a bit too early.

But to attack them for their vision,
And then attack them for changing is silly.
You have to listen to your customers.

Business does have to have a spine and not listen to everything, but it is game over if you completely ignore the noise. Filtering and reacting appropriately is necessary.


Nothing! I said nothing!
How can you say there is no evidence of the PS4 outselling the Xbox One, then turn around and say the Xbox One is selling more consoles than the PS4?

Do you even understand what you are saying? lol.

Did you read what I was replying to?

There is no evidence that the PS4 has more preorders in the UK/US than the XB1.

Separately in the UK/US MS are still easily outselling Sony, so there is no mind-share issue, people haven't stopped buying Xbox.


Did you read what I was replying to?

There is no evidence that the PS4 has more preorders in the UK/US than the XB1.

Separately in the UK/US MS are still easily outselling Sony, so there is no mind-share issue, people haven't stopped buying Xbox.

Where are you getting your pre-order data to support these claims exactly?
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