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Microsoft: Xbox One reversals haven't hurt us; "we're in an enviable position"

I understand that the general consensus is that Microsoft can do no good going into this upcoming generation, but, really, they've done everything you would want a corporation to do when faced with consumer backlash. They've listened, they've made changes, and they're ensuring to communicate that this is how they are going to operate moving forward.

So, what would MicroSoft have to do, beyond what they're doing now, to appease gamers?
Oh I don't know, keep those god-awful DRM policies they introduced to us out of the console? The only way Microsoft will ever get my trust again is if they never bring back those horrible policies.


That´s not a fine answer because it´s a bold faced lie. The Xbone did not have any momentum to begin with. That´s why MS changed the policies. Their policies were anti consumer as they come, so they were committed to themselves and third party publishers on the expense of the consumers.
You're wrong, them not being committed to customers would have been persisting with their DRM stuff even after the outcry. They didn't.


Junior Member
That's where you're wrong, partner. There is no such thing as "American Culture". We're all so damn different. So stop pigeon holing us, goddamn it.

But no wait! He's lived in one or small handful of locations his whole life, he totally understands the cultural makeup of the entire nation!


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Sony convinced me to go all digital because I want to play all of my games with Remote Play. Why should I do that with the XB1? Re-downloading takes too long to make it a viable option for playing on other systems. I can only play the games that are on my XB1 on the TV hooked up to the console. So I can snap stuff? I mean, sure... So I can tell Kinect to play Halo 5? Neither are good enough reasons.


You're wrong, them not being committed to customers would have been persisting with their DRM stuff even after the outcry. They didn't.

They waited until the pre-order numbers came in.

I'd hardly call that being "committed to our customers" more like "Oh shit nobody is buying our product"
When talking about mind-share current sales figures are a lot more important that minimal pre-order figures from the middle of June. XB1 is sold out of pre-orders, end of story.

Well you know except for the "fact" that ps4 has 2 to 4x the number of pre orders at most retailers, at least according to the all mighty internet. Saying your sold out of pre orders means jack squat until you actually say how many pre orders you had, kinda like what Sony did, yes MS has said anything similar (at least I think, I haven't seen anything).

Seriously though, saying they are sold out of pre orders is no different than saying you washed all the dishes. Well, if you only washed a bowl, a spoon, and a cup, BFD. If you washed all the dishes from a 500 person banquet, then its a big deal.


Holy fuck that article is infuriating.

It's like "yeah we basically ignored you guys for a few years. But shit man why don't you want to give us 500 dollars now? And for fuck's sake we listened to your whines and we took back our awesome DRM policies, why are you still complaining bitches?"

I didn't see anything that wrong with what Penello said there. He's right, they did abandon us until they wanted us to buy a new system. But what they have to understand is saying "see we have games now" doesn't mean anything to the people who don't trust them. It's obvious that you have to have games when you're launching a new system, it's 3+ years from now that we're worried about. We don't trust MS to support a system with a diverse catalog for the entire generation.


We've always been very committed to consumer choice.

Didn't the EU force them to pack in other internet browsers besides IE? I realize that PR is going to PR, but that quote right there is just...yeah.


The second answer is even worse.

That´s a lie as well.
How so? It's their vision. I don't see how anybody could be offended, except if put it against other competitors. Seems like injecting the quote with versus mentality will of course make it sound like the worst thing. But in practice, it's a pretty tame response.


So enviable that we had to give them 2nd tier European free game and add FIFA for day one free game.

seriously , how about we goofed. No excuses we goofed. like Sony exec having been saying regarding how they learn lesson from ps3 goof launch.

but, I will still give credit for 180, even though the reason was lack of Pre-orders not care for consumer rights. it still, they move part of it.

get rid of kinect and I will buy your inferior spec hardware at 350$.


They are the only console maker who's latest console is more successful than their last one. They dominate in the worlds largest home console market. They are in an enviable position whether some people like it or not.

PS2 was more successful than the PS1.

SNES was more successful than the NES.

One generational increase doesn't mean much at all. They would have almost had to work harder to make the 360 sell less than the OG Xbox than they did to make it sell more.

That's a grossly inaccurate statement that, even if it was true, assumes a lot when it comes to generational success.


It's really annoying to see so many folks try to belittle the conversation as people just piling on MS for the sake of it. Really, the problem with these interviews is that it's the same song and dance every time - MS representative says something stupid, and ends up either appearing totally out-of-touch or just trying to avoid the heart of the real issue. Whenever it comes to the DRM and other policies and their subsequent 180s, rather than fess up to their mistake, they dance around the issue by trying to paint it with "well consumers just weren't ready" or "we just didn't get the message out correctly" which simply further insults the intelligence of anyone keyed in.

On top of that, you've still got a few people defending the policies out of pure fanboyism. Those individuals represent a real problem for everyone - people who welcome the dissolution of consumer rights purely out of blind faith in a company that they can never see as doing any wrong by virtue of it being their favorite corporation. It sets an ugly precedent when you've got people just sitting by and accepting, even defending, those policies, even in the wake of their removal, and the potential for that attitude to spread just makes it that much easier for MS to justify bringing it all back.

With that in mind, of course you're going to see people quick to jump on MS whenever this stuff is brought up - until they outright apologize* for ever trying to implement these anti-consumer policies in the first place and acknowledge that their vision, in and of itself, was the problem, these threads are going to largely follow the same format - MS rep says something glaringly transparent, Gaffers call the statements out as such, and we get 20+ pages of laughing at a fool.

*No, I'm not referring to Nelson's "apology tour" that amounts to little more than a direct Q&A; I mean a direct statement from the likes of Spencer or some other head of the Xbox division.


They waited until the pre-order numbers came in.

I'd hardly call that being "committed to our customers" more like "Oh shit nobody is buying our product"
Customers speak with their money, responding to preorder numbers is responding to your customers. A good parallel is with New Coke, but at least MS never released the Xbox One in the state it was in.


eh, not really since the majority of Americans have internet that was good enough for the Xbox One's daily check ins and don't live in the woods/in a submarine underwater. The most anti consumer thing they did was try to block used games, even though they had the family sharing plan (which was confirmed to not be a 30 min demo or w/e the internet was saying at first)

America = world confirmed, again....

Btw 30% of americans don't have broadband. Although that still means the majority do, it's still really shitty.


Jus sayin'


Nothing! I said nothing!
Well you know except for the "fact" that ps4 has 2 to 4x the number of pre orders at most retailers, at least according to the all mighty internet. Saying your sold out of pre orders means jack squat until you actually say how many pre orders you had, kinda like what Sony did, yes MS has said anything similar (at least I think, I haven't seen anything).

Seriously though, saying they are sold out of pre orders is no different than saying you washed all the dishes. Well, if you only washed a bowl, a spoon, and a cup, BFD. If you washed all the dishes from a 500 person banquet, then its a big deal.

Again, this all started with me saying what else can they do than sell out their pre-orders.

They cant sell consoles they can't make can they.
Good for them. PR is doing their job and nothing really will matter until sales reports come in so spin baby spin for all you're worth.
I didn't see anything that wrong with what Penello said there. He's right, they did abandon us until they wanted us to buy a new system. But what they have to understand is saying "see we have games now" doesn't mean anything to the people who don't trust them. It's obvious that you have to have games when you're launching a new system, it's 3+ years from now that we're worried about. We don't trust MS to support a system with a diverse catalog for the entire generation.

I think this is a sentiment that a surprising amount of people share.

It's not just butthurt forum goers, it's everyone.
Just release an halo that has an fun multiplayer like people will care in a year..
They didn't with Sony or Nintendo mistakes(not sure if nintendo made big mistakes?).


Didn't the EU force them to pack in other internet browsers besides IE? I realize that PR is going to PR, but that quote right there is just...yeah.

Yep, gave them a big ass fine when they removed the choice screen in an update "by accident" of course, £484 million to be precise for removing the choice they were ordered to implement.
Again, this all started with me saying what else can they do than sell out their pre-orders.

They cant sell consoles they can't make can they.

So then admit there is a supply problem. Get out in front of the problem and stop the conjecture. After the RROD fiasco leaving a yield problem up to the imagination of the public is a terrible mistake, unless the truth is worse than the fiction.


I'd like the third monkey to happen. I'm fed up with the former two.


I think this is a sentiment that a surprising amount of people share.

It's not just butthurt forum goers, it's everyone.

I wish they would express it more often then. It seems like most of the criticism and lack of trust is over the pre-reversal policies, and I understand why one would not trust them after they tried to pull it.

But I like to think this place is mostly focused on games more than anything. Yet I don't see enough criticism over MS only releasing 7 non kinect retail games since late 2010. That's egregious and unacceptable levels of support and they largely get a pass for it.


Just release an halo that has an fun multiplayer like people will care in a year..
They didn't with Sony or Nintendo mistakes(not sure if nintendo made big mistakes?).

WiiU is arguably one of the biggest mistakes in the industry. The console simply cannot compete in the market coming. I would say this qualifies, and not in a Nintendo bashing way. It was simply a massive fuck up.

Every time I read articles like this I am shocked at just how much they sound like Sony circa 2006. I think what game companies forget is that product loyalty can only go so far. It happened with Sony moving from PS2 to PS3 and it looks like Microsoft is now getting bitten in the ass. I never thought I'd see the day when a new xbox console was not in the top 10 on amazon. It's shaking my world up quite a bit.


These are the actual comments:

Most of the answers are fine.

Seems the summary makes it sounds inflammatory.

I don't want to be that guy who waves a Xbox flag around, but there's a lot of that going around lately and will be a few more months at least until the system launches. If anything it's upto MS to clear the negative stigma that's hovering around most media sites and forums. Not us.


Nothing! I said nothing!
So then admit there is a supply problem. Get out in front of the problem and stop the conjecture. After the RROD fiasco leaving a yield problem up to the imagination of the public is a terrible mistake, unless the truth is worse than the fiction.

They have admitted there isn't a supply problem. You don't obviously don't believe them and that's up to you.


Gold Member
"That said, we want to offer consumers choice, including physical discs and being able to do all the things that they want with those physical discs. We want to be available in any format that our consumers are looking for. We've always been very committed to consumer choice."

how severe must one's memory loss be in order to be able to swallow this bs?...
Just release an halo that has an fun multiplayer like people will care in a year..
They didn't with Sony or Nintendo mistakes(not sure if nintendo made big mistakes?).

The WiiU is a big mistake, and the drought has also brought plenty of complaints towards them, and it took people a while to get over what Sony has done. It took years for Sony to repair the damage that they made to themselves and customers with their PR and the price of the PS3. Getting over what MS tried to do in short time might not happen. MS breached a lot of hardcore gamers trust and that will take a while to repair that relationship, and restore trust. These PR fluff piece are certainly not helping. Reversing their policy is first step in the right direction though.
Yet I don't see enough criticism over MS only releasing 7 non kinect retail games since late 2010. That's egregious and unacceptable levels of support and they largely get a pass for it.
I don't think they get a pass, more that MS is in the unenviable position of having more than one "big problem" to overcome, and people tend to focus on whichever one gets the limelight. Kinect, the paywall for apps and even free to play games, first party support, TV/Sports/TV/Sports in the US, hardware support, etc.

They've had these problems from day one and the TV focused reveal and DRM fiasco just made things worse.


I wish they would express it more often then. It seems like most of the criticism and lack of trust is over the pre-reversal policies, and I understand why one would not trust them after they tried to pull it.

But I like to think this place is mostly focused on games more than anything. Yet I don't see enough criticism over MS only releasing 7 non kinect retail games since late 2010. That's egregious and unacceptable levels of support and they largely get a pass for it.

Well they would, but many of those 360 games had to be converted to One Launch titles because they were so behind Sony in launch game development.

Forza is the only big game at launch exclusive that was day one Xbox. imagine XB1 e3 and launch games if it wasn't for 360 converted , CGI or cross gen games.

In comparison sony launched 3 ps4 ground up games. KZ, DC, Knack and just coup,e month latter Secound Son.

EDIT: They also messed up what used to be there strength , which was indie games. PS4 gets games announce almost everyday, while XB1 just recently set up there indie policies. And are already way behind. so now you will see those post launch droughts that should be filled with indie titles.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
So then admit there is a supply problem. Get out in front of the problem and stop the conjecture. After the RROD fiasco leaving a yield problem up to the imagination of the public is a terrible mistake, unless the truth is worse than the fiction.

Admitting that there is a supply problem will do a lot more damage to them than simply letting people conjecture.
Didn't the EU force them to pack in other internet browsers besides IE? I realize that PR is going to PR, but that quote right there is just...yeah.

That was a such a BS ruling. Everyone who buys/runs Windows has the choice to install whatever browser they please. Why shouldn't MS be allowed to pack-in another one of their leading products, especially if they're doing it for free?



Every time I read articles like this I am shocked at just how much they sound like Sony circa 2006. I think what game companies forget is that product loyalty can only go so far. It happened with Sony moving from PS2 to PS3 and it looks like Microsoft is now getting bitten in the ass. I never thought I'd see the day when a new xbox console was not in the top 10 on amazon. It's shaking my world up quite a bit.

Just like Sony but now, with ALL the moneyz!


That was a such a BS ruling. Everyone who buys/runs Windows has the choice to install whatever browser they please. Why shouldn't MS be allowed to pack-in another one of their leading products, especially if they're doing it for free?

Because when you buy a prebuilt PC, it comes packed in with Windows by default? Don't they have like 95%+ market share? Gotta offer consumers choice. They didn't want to because of dat ad revenue.


I didn't see anything that wrong with what Penello said there. He's right, they did abandon us until they wanted us to buy a new system. But what they have to understand is saying "see we have games now" doesn't mean anything to the people who don't trust them. It's obvious that you have to have games when you're launching a new system, it's 3+ years from now that we're worried about. We don't trust MS to support a system with a diverse catalog for the entire generation.

Pretty much spot on, xbox 360 was fucking amazing at launch and for about 3 years then it seemed to really stutter. They went balls deep on first party and buying up games at the start of last gen i worry that they will pull the same shit again. They without doubt have to build our trust back, not just because of all the terrible steps they did with drm and seeming to be oblivious to how fans felt till the preorder numbers hit, but also that we arnt going to be left high and dry three years in.


I'd be in the dick
I don't think the reversal's have hurt them but the initial announcements and price sure as hell did. Enviable is not how I would describe their position, although they aren't going to be anywhere near getting destroyed like they would have going through with DRM.
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