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Mighty No. 9 Will Not Release In 2015 (According to GameInformer)


Didn't they later state they had extra funding aside from the Kickstarter? They launched a 2nd fundraising campaign, right? I'm guessing Deep Silver might have helped throw in some coin into it too, considering they're publishing it?

that was for the japanese voice overs.


Neo Member
Backer here, this is the first Im hearing about enemy transformations being scrapped. Any confirmation on this? What I can say about the project updates is that apparently some people have not been getting their platform surveys
I could have bought 6 sandwiches with the money I backed into Mighty No. 9. Would have gotten way more enjoyment and the sandwich shop wouldn't ask me for more money when I already paid them.
Um.. yea, critics are going to tear this thing apart. At least I'll get to find out what it felt like back when Daikatana was released.
Um.. yea, critics are going to tear this thing apart. At least I'll get to find out what it felt like back when Daikatana was released.

It was honestly really quiet.

By the time Daikatana came out, Ion Storm was already mostly shut down, nobody really cared about the game, and Deus Ex was the one critical darling out of the whole Ion Storm mess.

Had Daikatana been crowd funded, it probably would have been a bigger PR mess. Instead, 1998 had a bunch of other options for people to spend their $50, and Daikatana was mostly a running joke by 1999 anyway.


I've disliked Inafune ever since he hastily ended the X series and then wrote X out of the story for the Zero series. I got the translated MM and MMX art books and in one of them, a designer mentioned how he felt that X and Zero had a great dynamic together as X represented the player at first and Zero represented what the player strived to become. Inafune's obsession with Zero (getting him into so many other crossover games) really put me off. I figured he was a hack.

Ironically, I felt that Project X Zone got X and Zero's dynamic down really well. Pretty sure Inafune had nothing to do with that game.

It's weird to see him start to prove those assumptions right. I'm not happy to see MN9 get bad press, though. I think some people are being way too harsh on the game. To me, the game looks fine, but some people are saying it looks outright terrible.

Still, Inafune is really making himself look bad with these recent developments.


Um.. yea, critics are going to tear this thing apart. At least I'll get to find out what it felt like back when Daikatana was released.

actually everyones been giving it a lot of praise ever since e3. but it'd be pretty silly if its controversy some how effected it's review scores


Backer here, this is the first Im hearing about enemy transformations being scrapped. Any confirmation on this? What I can say about the project updates is that apparently some people have not been getting their platform surveys

Yeah, the enemy transformations getting scrapped was known for a while on the backer forum. Which is odd, because they pulled it off in X7 with some (keyword some) enemies and Axl’s copy ability.

And that would have likely been the end result anyway, only some enemy transformations leading to special collectables or something like that. To do something more in depth would have turned this into an Igavania. I’d be OK with that, but still.

I’m like Whitney Houston on this one, they could clear up so much misconception on this project if they showed the receipts. Either way, this is the last Inafune project I back.
actually everyones been giving it a lot of praise ever since e3. but it'd be pretty silly if its controversy some how effected it's review scores

Usually I'd say: well, I guess we'll wait and see what happens when the reviews come back in the next month of so.... eh, never mind. Let's see if they give us good or bad news after Red Ash KS wraps up.

It's not uncommon for critics to be courteous to a game, then bash it in a review. Check out Code Name S.T.E.A.M. reviews.

But like I said, let's wait and see. How long we'll have to wait is up in the air it seems.


It's really a shame what this game turned out in the end.

4.1 million dollars (for only backers, dont forget the money sony gave to them) for 8 stages and you cant even do it half sprite based?

I dont doubt the goodwill in Inafune's actions when he started this project though, but yeah, the result is no good.


It's like Inafune wants to kill all of his goodwill.

After reading up on how he handheld relations with his fellow developers at Capcom (RIP Clover and REmake 2 :'() I honestly have no respect for the man at all anymore. His past alongside what he does in the present (the Red Ash KS for example) really present him as how Kamiya put it; he isn't a creator, but a business man.

For a business man though, he has been making a lot of mistakes lately though :(. Hope Inti-Creates produces a great product with Mighty No. 9 (which I'm sure they will :D; they are great developer) and Hyde does good work with Red Ash (feel really bad for them being attached to a project aimed with such toxicity).

I guess we will see what happens with Mighty No. 9 during Gamescom this week and we get clarification regarding if its delayed or not for real.

Edit: To back up my statements about Clover and REmake 2, here is a long post made by another Gaffer who explains Inafune's role in Capcom during the early 2000's.

Yes and no. Mostly no, but more yes than one might be comfortable with.

At the start of this century, Mikami was upset with Sony. He got a PS2 devkit in preparation for a new generation of Resident Evil and he did not like what he had to work with. As far as he could tell, his team would have to code to the metal to make the games he wanted to make. So he goes to Capcom executives and, as the creator of Resident Evil, has significant cachet within the company and got to make the call on his series. Mikami at this point decided to hold a meeting with Microsoft, who had been knocking on Capcom's door for almost a year at this point. Microsoft was willing to bend over backwards, but the way they ran the meeting intending to court Mikami actually ended up pissing him off. They had no idea how to deal with Japanese developers and their body language, people interrupting him, talking over him, as well as their lack of direction on what they wanted games to be caused him to stand up, bow, and leave the meeting before the end. He was at Nintendo's door soon and Capcom decided to trust his call.

Parallel to all this, Inafune was rising up the ranks as a producer within Capcom. He was making calls that were moderately successful to fully successful, he went out and worked the interview circuit, Capcom was happy with him. Inafune wasn't terribly happy with Mikami's Resident Evil decisions, though, and made this clear to Mikami. This caused some friction and simultaneously pushed Mikami to make the best RE4 he could make to prove a point but also double down dramatically on his decision. Ergo, "I will cut off my own head."

The thing is, Inafune was right. And Capcom knew he was right. Inafune earned a lot of credibility when REmake came out and bombed, killing plans for REmake 2. He was made a corporate officer and established as the producer for Resident Evil 4 PS2. In 2005, he was promoted again to Senior Corporate Officer and ended up saying yes or no to projects given to him by former colleagues.

All of this is important because you need to understand where Inafune's mind was at in 2005. He was repeatedly promoted because he was right about financial decisions and other people were wrong. People who were making decisions based on their gut or emotions were incorrect and he was correct and that's how he was going to change the industry. In some other people's words, he was a businessman, not a creator.

So parallel to all that, Clover was Capcom's prestige brand that began as Team Viewtiful. They were the tip of the spear of Japanese development, uniquely Japanese things that Capcom's best designers could make. Viewtiful Joe was this pseudo-hollywood, half-sentai game that split the difference and appealed to no mass market, Okami was super Japanese, God Hand was Japanese-wacky making fun of the west, these were not international games. By the time Inafune became a SCO, he had gotten a look at the Xbox 360 and saw that the days of the super Japanese game were numbered.

During the development of Okami, Inaba was making a similar gambit to Mikami's. It wasn't about console, but he was asking Capcom brass to trust him, that he would make sure Okami was successful even despite its long development time and seemingly limited appeal. At the end of the day, this gambit was what lead to the dissolution of Clover. It didn't work and Inafune signed off on it, believing that Clover's brand of game had no place in the coming market.

So it's not that Inafune marched to Inaba's office and fired him, Mikami, and Kamiya. But he definitely created an atmosphere where failures were punished harder and none of his former colleagues were happy answering to him as their superior. They didn't feel he had the love of games as his motivation and didn't like what he was trying to do with Capcom. In short, "You've changed, man."

It was a bad situation all around that stretches back fifteen years.

Xaero Gravity

After reading up on how he handheld relations with his fellow developers at Capcom (RIP Clover and REmake 2 :'() I honestly have no respect for the man at all anymore. His past alongside what he does in the present (the Red Ash KS for example) really present him as how Kayaba put it; he isn't a creator, but a business man.

For a business man though, he has been making a lot of mistakes lately though :(. Hope Inti-Creates produces a great product with Mighty No. 9 (which I'm sure they will :D; they are great developer) and Hyde does good work with Red Ash (feel really bad for them being attached to a project aimed with such toxicity).

I guess we will see what happens with Mighty No. 9 during Gamescom this week and we get clarification regarding if its delayed or not for real.
I don't know why, but that cracked me up.


I don't know why, but that cracked me up.

Did I misspell something or break any thread rules?

Because I have no problem deleting my post if that was the case :(.

Edit: Damnit X(. Will fix that spelling right now. Thank you for point it out Xaero Gravity :).


I get the feeling we'll hear of Mn9's delay after Red Ash's kickstarter fails. If they announce a delay before it's over, it'll take away the 0.01% chance of it succeeding.

If Mn9 is not a good game, or at least the extent people were hoping for, I think it deals a really big blow to Kickstarter games in general. I know there have been other projects cancelled and not been good before but this one is pretty high profile and reeks of abuse of the system, given what they've done with the branding before the game has even come out.


I get the feeling we'll hear of Mn9's delay after Red Ash's kickstarter fails. If they announce a delay before it's over, it'll take away the 0.01% chance of it succeeding.

If Mn9 is not a good game, or at least the extent people were hoping for, I think it deals a really big blow to Kickstarter games in general. I know there have been other projects cancelled and not been good before but this one is pretty high profile and reeks of abuse of the system, given what they've done with the branding before the game has even come out.

I don't think it will have a massive impact with Kickstarter games; there are too many examples of strong games being made with Kickstarter.
-Shovel Knight
-Broken Age
-Freedom Planet
-Spark the Electric Jester (I have a lot of hope in this one when it comes out next year :D!)
-Various PC RPGs made through Kickstarter

All of the above games are quality and its from Kickstarter being a great platform for game funding :D.

If anything, Mighty No. 9's and Red Ash's failings (if they fail) will be on Inafune's head, not the Kickstarter program.

A simple look at ShockingAlberto's post I quoted before, the negative press he has been getting recently and being a big figure for Capcom shoving western devs. on to JP IP (Lost Planet 3, Bionic Commando 2009, DmC, Operation Raccoon City; I really like BC2009 and DmC through :D) all show how he can make some toxic moves :(.


I've disliked Inafune ever since he hastily ended the X series and then wrote X out of the story for the Zero series. I got the translated MM and MMX art books and in one of them, a designer mentioned how he felt that X and Zero had a great dynamic together as X represented the player at first and Zero represented what the player strived to become. Inafune's obsession with Zero (getting him into so many other crossover games) really put me off. I figured he was a hack.

Ironically, I felt that Project X Zone got X and Zero's dynamic down really well. Pretty sure Inafune had nothing to do with that game.

It's weird to see him start to prove those assumptions right. I'm not happy to see MN9 get bad press, though. I think some people are being way too harsh on the game. To me, the game looks fine, but some people are saying it looks outright terrible.

Still, Inafune is really making himself look bad with these recent developments.

I kind of like that X5 put an end to it and X6 sort of functioned as an epilogue that tied into mmzero pretty well (depending on what ending you got.) X7 through X8 kind of don't make sense against the context of what happens in X5, since the planet is nearly wiped out and turned into a wasteland to set up the events of MMZero's Neo Arcadia (In Zero 4 it's implied that the only other habitable location on the planet is where the colony crashed in x5, Area Zero, having grown new natural life in the meantime. I also always kind of wondered if it was implied that Dark Elf was in some way tied to Iris and that purple energy she used at the end of X4.), and I kind of prefer the idea of them just taking place in between the snes and psx games anyways. Less plot holes that way. Axl isn't even a leftover because he's sort of taken out at the end of X8 anyways. Closed loop. 3 sets of 3 games. SNES, PS2, PSX. That order works better than the actual order of release. (And it's all 21XX anyways)

I am kind of bummed that X got shafted so hard. He's a cool robot cop...

Edit: What I mean is, the SNES games all pick up where the last one left off, the PSX games pick up DIRECTLY after the previous (If you play X4 and then immediately X5 it feels like the crashing colony is just the repliforce colony from x4 refurbished, which I believe an art book mentions.) and then X6 is exactly after the X Good Ending of X5, and picks up the cliffhanger about obviously-wily helping sigma behind the scenes in that game (I believe it's supposed to go that Wily, Isoc, and Weil are the same "person".)

Meanwhile the PS2 games have an arc in that X7 introduces axl, CM is an adventure where axl is an established member of the group, and then X8 takes axl out and he didnt show up in another game after that (until ZXA i guess). The world is also in a not-destroyed state in these games, so it creates a plot hole for the overall franchise story arc if they take place after the PSX games.
I kind of like that X5 put an end to it and X6 sort of functioned as an epilogue that tied into mmzero pretty well (depending on what ending you got.) X7 through X8 kind of don't make sense against the context of what happens in X5, since the planet is nearly wiped out and turned into a wasteland to set up the events of MMZero's Neo Arcadia (In Zero 4 it's implied that the only other habitable location on the planet is where the colony crashed in x5, Area Zero, having grown new natural life in the meantime. I also always kind of wondered if it was implied that Dark Elf was in some way tied to Iris and that purple energy she used at the end of X4.), and I kind of prefer the idea of them just taking place in between the snes and psx games anyways. Less plot holes that way. Axl isn't even a leftover because he's sort of taken out at the end of X8 anyways. Closed loop. 3 sets of 3 games. SNES, PS2, PSX. That order works better than the actual order of release. (And it's all 21XX anyways)

I am kind of bummed that X got shafted so hard. He's a cool robot cop...

Edit: What I mean is, the SNES games all pick up where the last one left off, the PSX games pick up DIRECTLY after the previous (If you play X4 and then immediately X5 it feels like the crashing colony is just the repliforce colony from x4 refurbished, which I believe an art book mentions.) and then X6 is exactly after the X Good Ending of X5, and picks up the cliffhanger about obviously-wily helping sigma behind the scenes in that game (I believe it's supposed to go that Wily, Isoc, and Weil are the same "person".)

Meanwhile the PS2 games have an arc in that X7 introduces axl, CM is an adventure where axl is an established member of the group, and then X8 takes axl out and he didnt show up in another game after that (until ZXA i guess). The world is also in a not-destroyed state in these games, so it creates a plot hole for the overall franchise story arc if they take place after the PSX games.

Oh man, after reading your post I just realised how much I miss the X-Series.
I don't think delays always mean that bugs will be fixed and game will be better. Besides, isn't IntiCreates working on Bloodstained now? Unless Comcept has staff to do this type of stuff, I thought they were in charge of creative planning only.

Steam's release date hasn't changed, so it must mean only physical versions are being delayed.

I was wondering what happened to this game, and thought it would come out eventually... guess not. Hopefully something like that doesn't happen to Inafune's kickstarter projects.


A pretty good argument against going to tumblr, because anyone who thinks about it a few seconds will realize how dumb this comparison is.
Not a fair comparison at all. Those games had competent developers at the helm.
It was honestly really quiet.

By the time Daikatana came out, Ion Storm was already mostly shut down, nobody really cared about the game, and Deus Ex was the one critical darling out of the whole Ion Storm mess.

Had Daikatana been crowd funded, it probably would have been a bigger PR mess. Instead, 1998 had a bunch of other options for people to spend their $50, and Daikatana was mostly a running joke by 1999 anyway.

I'll second this.

1998 was one of the best years in gaming history, there were way too many options and gaming/social media was too disconnected for there to be anyone to get riled up about a hyped game being bad.

Really I feel like there was less collective fury back then period, and I kind of miss that.


It's like Inafune wants to kill all of his goodwill.
His goodwill is based on the misconception that he is the father of Megaman so it's not surprising.

It was honestly really quiet.

By the time Daikatana came out, Ion Storm was already mostly shut down, nobody really cared about the game, and Deus Ex was the one critical darling out of the whole Ion Storm mess.

Had Daikatana been crowd funded, it probably would have been a bigger PR mess. Instead, 1998 had a bunch of other options for people to spend their $50, and Daikatana was mostly a running joke by 1999 anyway.
Anachronox, while being niche (it's "console RPG"/"JRPG" exclusive for PC), was the other great game Ion Storm released.
His goodwill is based on the misconception that he is the father of Megaman so it's not surprising.

"I'm often called the father of Mega Man, but actually, his design was already created when I joined Capcom," he explained. "My mentor [at Capcom], who was the designer of the original Mega Man, had a basic concept of what Mega Man was supposed to look like. So I only did half of the job in creating him.


A quote from 2007. Not his problem if people is uninformed.
Really sad to hear this. Hopefully it does still come out digitally but I won't hold my breath.

Disappointing that he's not the savior I was hoping him to be with Comcept. Soul Sacrifice was fantastic though :D


I know I said they wouldn't even acknowledge this rumor until after the Red Ash campaign ended, but I guess I was secretly hoping that they would prove me wrong.


Oh man, after reading your post I just realised how much I miss the X-Series.

Here's something from the SNES games I didn't realize until much later: Sigma is likely using a parts from Agile's body in his return appearance in X2.


When you fight him in the X-Hunters base he's a head attached to an odd machine, which is a pretty weird shift. If you look at the sprites, and do some color switching, it becomes super obvious how similar the two designs are.
Here's something from the SNES games I didn't realize until much later: Sigma is likely using a parts from Agile's body in his return appearance in X2.


When you fight him in the X-Hunters base he's a head attached to an odd machine, which is a pretty weird shift. If you look at the sprites, and do some color switching, it becomes super obvious how similar the two designs are.

Holy shit, nice find. I did not know about this either.


I'm honestly astonished there's no news on this yet. Japan's already closed for the day for Monday. Really baffled that nobody has reported on this today with an update. Perhaps Comcept, as some have speculated, were waiting for Red Ash to finish its campaign, and now that it has we'll hear something.


Have Comcept still not made an official statement on this? If this is false information, it really seems like the kind of thing they should clarify ASAP, before the story gets too much traction. What are they doing?
news: seems like the release has been pushed to first quarter of 2016

its a german source, but they contacted the publisher directly and deep silver confirmed the new release date (no reason for the delay was given).


still no news on the digital release date.

Is that a reliable site?

Yes it is, and it was confimred by Deep Silver so this is real.


I don't think it will have a massive impact with Kickstarter games; there are too many examples of strong games being made with Kickstarter.
-Shovel Knight
-Broken Age
-Freedom Planet
-Spark the Electric Jester (I have a lot of hope in this one when it comes out next year :D!)
-Various PC RPGs made through Kickstarter

All of the above games are quality and its from Kickstarter being a great platform for game funding :D.

If anything, Mighty No. 9's and Red Ash's failings (if they fail) will be on Inafune's head, not the Kickstarter program.

A simple look at ShockingAlberto's post I quoted before, the negative press he has been getting recently and being a big figure for Capcom shoving western devs. on to JP IP (Lost Planet 3, Bionic Commando 2009, DmC, Operation Raccoon City; I really like BC2009 and DmC through :D) all show how he can make some toxic moves :(.

It only takes 1 bad experience to ruin it for everyone else. Mighty No 9 has been a bad experience. It might be a decent to good game, but the ride to get there hasn't been enjoyable in the slightest.

I'm not saying there can't be other successful Kickstarters after this, but it's going to make it that much harder for them to be successful, as well as to gain back the trust of consumers that this kind of process works.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Maybe they're fixing the shit everyone is salty about?

By the way, this is so clearly the fact of Kickstarter putting consumers in the executive role and facing all the issues that they have to deal with. Lowered expectations, delays, fatigue from looking at the thing for too long.

Next time you rage on Konami for shitcanning Kojima, just imagine how the fans might react the exact same if MGSV were on Kickstarter.....
The type of realism and skepticism that should come out of this should be ideal. Everyone got a little high on the idea of paying to make the games they want, but you have to trust the developer to deliver that product.

Kickstarter is a tool, the people who use it should be assessed by individual backers.

By the way, this is so clearly the fact of Kickstarter putting consumers in the executive role and facing all the issues that they have to deal with. Lowered expectations, delays, fatigue from looking at the thing for too long.
Exactly so, and it's compared to other kickstarter campaigns that people paid for and enjoyed the product. Delays even happened with good games like Shovel Knight, but they did a much better job of being apologetic, forthcoming, and being communicative with backers. Inafune/Comcept is treating Kickstarter exactly like a publisher, and they fail to realize we're the consumer as well.
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