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Mighty No. 9 Will Not Release In 2015 (According to GameInformer)


Games get delayed.

Correction: Most games get delayed. Nothing unusual (or specific to this being a kickstarter) about this really. If it turns Mighty No. 9 into a better game? Cool with me.


I thought this game was pretty much completed at this point? Tho the last few videos I've seen had a lot spelling mistakes, hopefully they'll clean that up in the... extra 3+ months they're getting now (if the 2016 release date is correct anyway...).

Still willing to play this. The "blandness" doesn't really bother me, aslong as it plays right.
Meanwhile at Comcept:

Has the delay out of 2015 been confirmed yet?

Received an email from Amazon this morning:

We now have delivery date(s) for the order you placed on June 18, 2015. We've listed the item(s) listed below with the expected delivery date(s):

"Mighty No. 9 Wii U - Standard Edition"
Estimated arrival date: January 09, 2017 - January 16, 2017

For what it's worth.


My preorder with Amazon Spain was changed to January 2016 already 10 days ago or more.

Edit: I checked, it was on July 21

Dr. Buni

I would be pretty annoyed if I had backed this. Thankfully I did not.

Still, I can't say I am not interested in playing Mighty No.9. I guess the Mega Man fan inside me still lives...
If this makes MN9 a better game I'm all for it. From the looks of the video from the 1st stage it sure as hell looked like it could use some additional tweaks. Wasn't sure those tweaks would need the game to get delayed all the way to 2016 though.
Never mind Capcom still made shitty decisions after Inafune departure. Never mind you are a mean spirited jerk by "I laughted when I saw this"...

A lot of it were parts of his legacy. Do you really think Capcom would be wheret heyare today if it weren't for all those Inafune decisions? And way to take what I said out of context.


Do you guys also think that Comcept is keeping mum about the delay (assuming it's true, which it might not be...) to avoid jeopardizing the (also messy) Red Ash Kickstarter (which finishes in 48 hours or so), and that they even consciously chose to start the Red Ash campaign before Mighty No. 9 was supposed to come out to avoid the backlash that would follow because of its (I suspect, already anticipated) delay?

If so, that would be some really devious moves made by them, or a very smart way of doing business depending on your point of view. Or perhaps things really did get out of hand for them. That is also still possible. Then again, how did they manage to complete those other games like Gunvolt before Mighty, or start work on even more games like Recore and Azure Striker 2? Why not give Mighty No. 9 priority over those other games to keep their backers happy (instead of outside publishers), especially because there is so much goodwill and - since its, to many, disappointing gameplay reveal - doubt riding on this game's coat-tails?

I wish someone (perhaps from our friends at 8-4, if they have any info to share) would shine some light on this messy situation because things are starting to look quite dubious I must say.

Edit: Ok, so apparently the rumored delay might not be true after all (going by the posts below, though some do create doubt again), in which case you can pretty much ignore my entire post.
Do you guys also think that Comcept is keeping mum about the delay (assuming it's true) to avoid jeopardizing the (also messy) Red Ash Kickstarter (which finishes in 48 hours or so), and that they even consciously chose to start the Red Ash campaign before Mighty No. 9 was supposed to come out to avoid the backlash that would follow because of its (I suspect, already anticipated) delay?.

If the delay is true. It's possible...
A lack of honesty and transparency. That would hurt comcept and Inafune even more.
And for nothing considering the kickstarter is failing unless a miracle happens.
Delays do often make for better games.

But giving a September date and then waiting until at least August to delay it, if that's the case, makes me suspect there's far more than just "Oh, we can make this better."

To me, that's "Something is catastrophically wrong and we have marketing reasons for not telling people."
Do you guys also think that Comcept is keeping mum about the delay (assuming it's true) to avoid jeopardizing the (also messy) Red Ash Kickstarter (which finishes in 48 hours or so), and that they even consciously chose to start the Red Ash campaign before Mighty No. 9 was supposed to come out to avoid the backlash that would follow because of its (I suspect, already anticipated) delay?

If so, that would be some really devious moves made by them, or a very smart way of doing business depending on your point of view. Or perhaps things really did get out of hand for them. That is also still possible. Then again, how did they manage to complete those other games like Gunvolt before Mighty, or start work on even more games like Recore and Azure Striker 2? Why not give Mighty No. 9 priority over those other games to keep their backers happy (instead of outside publishers), especially because there is so much goodwill and - since its, to many, disappointing gameplay reveal - doubt riding on this game's coat-tails?

I wish someone (perhaps from our friends at 8-4, if they have any info to share) would shine some light on this messy situation because things are starting to look quite dubious I must say.

The more I think about the kickstarter releasing before mighty is on sale the more this seems likely, they wanted to have a second big kickstarter (do well) before saying "welp sad news today, mighty is delayed while we make it better and fix bugs".

With red ash failing to even hit the base asking price and hen this news raising it's ugly head it's looking terrible for comcept.


Weren't there a lot of pissed off and angry whiny people constantly clamoring about the shovel knight delays too? And look how that game turned out -- Yeah I understand, especially backers have a right to be vocal about their concerns but honestly - Kickstarter in general is a fresh concept still, and a Japanese gaming dev doing a KS of this nature is much newer still.

All they have to do is deliver a decent game, even if it is somewhat late, and all will be well (if far from ideal).

Personally, all the MN9 stuff I've seen to this point looked fairly hack so I am honestly relieved if someone in that organization wised up and said "hold it we cannot release it looking and playing like this.." Actually the case? Time will tell. Gaf really needs to quit dog piling though.


Neo Member
Sheesh, this is getting more and more messy isn't it? So the official forum post that debunks the delay is outdated as well then, or just the Amazon situation?

There is no official forum post about this, as far as I'm aware. The only thing is a poster saying that somebody at Comcept PM'd them that the game is still on schedule.

Considering that it directly contradicts Gamestop's claim that the publisher initiated the release date change in the first place, it's kind of hard to believe at face value. Gamestop doesn't really have anything to gain from lying about this. Plus, if they had the time to PM someone outside of the company about the release date, they could have publicly put out the exact same message or sent it to retailers to get the release date cleared up in the week since it was changed. Having accurate release information with the largest retailers seems like it would be a high priority to me.

The guy talking about the Amazon situation is really just speculating too, and it doesn't explain why Gamestop, Walmart, and others have the same placeholder date.


Gold Member

That was a completely separate issue regarding the physical signature editions with all the collectors items swag and has no bearing on this current rumor. The forum posts shown as "proof" are dated a full week before the GameInformer article saw light of day. Those forums responses are regarding the erroneous e-mails Amazon sent out saying they were unable to fulfill the Signature Edition preorders, causing people to freak out, especially after Amazon reposted them with a different placeholder date.

Given that GameInformer's article came out later, the fact that GameInformer (for better or worse) is tied to the hip of owner GameStop and gets direct information from them about shipping information, and Comcept's silence, I'm inclined to believe this rumor is legitimate.

Legitimate or not, Comcept should grow a pair and make an official statement. The longer they let the rumor persist, the worse it makes them look. Just come out and be open with your backers and interested fans.


There is no official forum post about this, as far as I'm aware. The only thing is a poster saying that somebody at Comcept PM'd them that the game is still on schedule.

I can't imagine why Comcept would only make a statement that the game is on schedule via PM rather than just saying it. This situations is incredibly odd.
If it's not delayed Comcept should've released an official statement a long time ago.
Combined with the Red Ash kickstarter, it just makes it seem even shadier.
People were already speculating that maybe Red Ash's kickstarter came out when it did because MN9 isn't very good and Inafune wanted to get funding for his next project before people realized/it came out.
This can all be conspiracy theories or exaggerations, but they really are handling it poorly if it is indeed that.
Inafune might be more a businessman, but he's not a very good one.


Weren't there a lot of pissed off and angry whiny people constantly clamoring about the shovel knight delays too? And look how that game turned out -- Yeah I understand, especially backers have a right to be vocal about their concerns but honestly - Kickstarter in general is a fresh concept still, and a Japanese gaming dev doing a KS of this nature is much newer still.

All they have to do is deliver a decent game, even if it is somewhat late, and all will be well (if far from ideal).

Personally, all the MN9 stuff I've seen to this point looked fairly hack so I am honestly relieved if someone in that organization wised up and said "hold it we cannot release it looking and playing like this.." Actually the case? Time will tell. Gaf really needs to quit dog piling though.

It's one thing that the Double Fine kickstarter made pretty clear to me: that there's a pretty good reason devs usually aren't that open about development.

I don't think the development of MN9 was any more troubled than your average game, it's just that for a non kickstarter game you'd never hear about it.
Man if only this game got delayed to get a makeover and adopt the 2D art style of the concept art. Or at least look close to the thrown together demo at the end of the KS. Ah well, Making a masterpiece takes time, and with the feedback so far, looks like we have a long wait.
I don't think it's in the coming soon section of the Xbox store anymore, need to double check but It was there and I don't remember seeing it when I checked earlier today


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this game and Comcept largely about beating the traditional Japanese developer at their own game since they're so slow to develop and respond to criticism?


That was a completely separate issue regarding the physical signature editions with all the collectors items swag and has no bearing on this current rumor. The forum posts shown as "proof" are dated a full week before the GameInformer article saw light of day. Those forums responses are regarding the erroneous e-mails Amazon sent out saying they were unable to fulfill the Signature Edition preorders, causing people to freak out, especially after Amazon reposted them with a different placeholder date.

Given that GameInformer's article came out later, the fact that GameInformer (for better or worse) is tied to the hip of owner GameStop and gets direct information from them about shipping information, and Comcept's silence, I'm inclined to believe this rumor is legitimate.

Legitimate or not, Comcept should grow a pair and make an official statement. The longer they let the rumor persist, the worse it makes them look. Just come out and be open with your backers and interested fans.

No ist's not a complete different issue, here is the GAF Thread reporting that Gamestop and Amazon changed the Release date


Gameinformer only reported about this pretty late


But wait they have another project in the works, and the first one isn't releasing till 2016.

Lol, why would I support this. When the game releases from this guy ill buy
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