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Mike Pence (Indiana Governor) signs Religous Freedom Bill into Law

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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
How about we list how many kids have been beaten and bullied because they were straight?

Many of those who would discriminate against gays do it every fucking day.

That has nothing to do with Friedersdorf's point. Offer still stands. Lets make cultural majority lineups. I think ill bat Wal-Mart third and have Pres. Obama cleanup. The Kochs would be leadoff maybe.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'm a lawyer, and if a judge asked me what the standard should be I wouldn't say "that's for you to decide!" with some empty pablum about a diverse society.

That's a politician's cop out, not a lawyer's answer.

I also wouldn't characterize a refusal to do business with someone as "dissent" for fear of being laughed out of court.

Being an advocate for your client in the adversarial system has nothing to do with drafting legislation. Thats what comes after its drafted and it collides with the complexity of human community life. I think the legislation should direct a balancing test, each party make its case through advocacy, and an impartial judge/jury decide. It's not perfect, but ill take it over the alternatives.

Dead Man

That has nothing to do with Friedersdorf's point. Offer still stands. Lets make cultural majority lineups. I think ill bat Wal-Mart third and have Pres. Obama cleanup. The Kochs would be leadoff maybe.
Are you intentionally not getting it?

Now that those who would discriminate against gays are a powerless cultural minority
Is not fucking true, not by a long shot. They may not have as much legal or financial influence, but powerless? Not even a fucking bit.
Okay, lets make lists and compare.
You don't need to make a list to compare. You just need to not be oblivious to reality. If you need proof that what you're saying is wrong, look no further then that pizza place that was getting lambasted on the Internet for their comments, and then look at the $20k+ people have raised for that pizza place in about a day.

The only thing making lists up would do is waste everyone's time on something that should be obvious to you in the first place.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
People who anonymously donate small amounts of money to a mom and pop pizza place in Nowhere, Indiana caught in a liberal moral panic and media shitstorm are comparable to the cultural and institutional forces lined up behind same sex marriage? That would be a clever argument. Since I "don't get it" maybe you can convince me.


List wars! Gay edition. As the rulings over the last year and a half have shown again and again, gays as a group meet the definition of being a traditionally politically powerless group.

Bring Your Gays to the Ballpark Day clearly shows all the progress and power from the LGBTPAC's.

Not sure if you guys are even talking about the bill in here anymore, but Bosma says a "fix" is essentially ready to be signed. Press conference right now.

Bosma -- have made it clear in new language that RFRA does not allow discrimination against LGBT community.

Also the reaction from business owners in my county on the border has been pretty much disgust at the thought of turning people away (no one actually asks about the bill, just about potential discrimination) so that was nice to see. In SE Indiana, with all the Kentucky and Ohio influence...you just never know.


Bring Your Gays to the Ballpark Day clearly shows all the progress and power from the LGBTPAC's.

Not sure if you guys are even talking about the bill in here anymore, but Bosma says a "fix" is essentially ready to be signed. Press conference right now.

Also the reaction from business owners in my county on the border has been pretty much disgust at the thought of turning people away (no one actually asks about the bill, just about potential discrimination) so that was nice to see. In SE Indiana, with all the Kentucky and Ohio influence...you just never know.

As long as people use Mustard they will be welcome at my ballpark.

We will lock and jail the ketchup users.
People who anonymously donate small amounts of money to a mom and pop pizza place in Nowhere, Indiana caught in a liberal moral panic and media shitstorm are comparable to the cultural and institutional forces lined up behind same sex marriage? That would be a clever argument. Since I "don't get it" maybe you can convince me.
It quite clearly shows that there are people willing to support these businesses enough to where they can keep their doors open while adhering to their bigoted viewpoints and policies. It shows that the people with these viewpoints are not powerless in the least and are often supported by large swaths of the population. Which is exactly what you asked for.


As long as people use Mustard they will be welcome at my ballpark.

We will lock and jail the ketchup users.

Keep your fucking bourgeois condiment, ketchup is the condiment of the people. When the class war comes, mustard snobs will be the first against the wall.

Dude Abides

Being an advocate for your client in the adversarial system has nothing to do with drafting legislation. Thats what comes after its drafted and it collides with the complexity of human community life. I think the legislation should direct a balancing test, each party make its case through advocacy, and an impartial judge/jury decide. It's not perfect, but ill take it over the alternatives.

So essentially the legislature should just punt and make judges decide between competing policy claims - i.e. make judges do a politician's job.

On another note, I wonder how this powerless cultural minority keeps managing to get these bills enacted. I wish i was that powerless.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It quite clearly shows that there are people willing to support these businesses enough to where they can keep their doors open while adhering to their bigoted viewpoints and policies. It shows that the people with these viewpoints are not powerless in the least and are often supported by large swaths of the population. Which is exactly what you asked for.

So you would agree because large swaths of people donate money to get Elizabeth Warren elected to the Senate to support her views, she has comparable "support" as the array of business and financial interests arrayed against her? Goldman, the big banks, the Kochs, Wal-Mart, Big Pharma, etc.? What's the difference?
So you would agree because large swaths of people donate money to get Elizabeth Warren elected to the Senate to support her views, she has comparable "support" as the array of business and financial interests arrayed against her? Goldman, the big banks, the Kochs, Wal-Mart, Big Pharma, etc.? What's the difference?
I wasn't trying to make them comparable. You claimed one side to be powerless against the other. Which is fucking delusional considering the side that you're saying is powerless are the ones that are passing laws to support their ideals.
If you know of a better way to decide which aide of the debate has more influential and powerful interests behind it, lets hear it.
Whatever side is getting the laws passed. If the other side opposing it was more influential and powerful, the laws would never be passed in the first place.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I wasn't trying to make them comparable. You claimed one side to be powerless against the other. Which is fucking delusional considering the side that you're saying is powerless are the ones that are passing laws to support their ideals.

Conor Friedesdorf said it. If you want to escape on a technicality about the dictionary meaning of the word "powerless" thats fine. If you actually want to debate what he was describing, lets do it. Did you read his piece?



Memories Pizza, a takeout restaurant in Walkerton, Indiana, has closed its doors following outrage over remarks the shop owner made regarding same-sex marriage.

Early Wednesday, one of the shop's owners Crystal O'Connor said she would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding as the shop was a "Christian establishment." Phone calls and social media responses over the remarks have now forced the restaurant to shutter until temperatures cool.

Co-owner Kevin O'Connor, whose relation to Crystal is unclear, said Memories is "temporarily" dark until "threatening" calls and online posts die down, according to TMZ.

TheWrap's repeated requests for comment via email and phone have not yet been returned.

"If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no," O'Connor told local affiliate ABC 57. "We are a Christian establishment."

Crystal O'Connor said the business is not discriminating against anybody, but she and her family has her beliefs and other people are entitled to their own. Kevin O'Connor reportedly echoed this sentiment."We definitely agree with the bill," Crystal added of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act, saying she doesn't think the bill targets gays or discriminates but instead protects businesses like hers who have a religious belief.ABC also spoke to her father: "That's a lifestyle that you choose, I choose to be heterosexual, they choose to be homosexual--why should I be beat over the head because they choose that lifestyle?"
Conor Friedesdorf said it. If you want to escape on a technicality about the dictionary meaning of the word "powerless" thats fine. If you actually want to debate what he was describing, lets do it. Did you read his piece?
Yeah, and it's proven wrong merely by the fact that the Government is still passing laws that can discriminate against these people. It doesn't matter what big corporations and well known people you have behind you, if you can still get the law passed even with their disapproval, you're obviously the side with more power.


Yeah, and it's proven wrong merely by the fact that the Government is still passing laws that can discriminate against these people. It doesn't matter what big corporations you have behind you, if you can still get the law passed even with their disapproval, you're obviously the side with more power.

Indiana will pass a law today that will be signed next week that will include the same protections as the other states with similar laws. Powerless!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Whatever side is getting the laws passed. If the other side opposing it was more influential and powerful, the laws would never be passed in the first place.

37 states have legal same sex marriage. Eight more have overturned bans and the issue is currently on appeal. The Supreme Court is widely expected to legalize same sex marriage on a federal level in a few months. In fact, I would bet on that happening too if there are any takers. Anyone?

By your own measure, the side 'getting the laws' passed is that favoring same-sex marriage.
37 states have legal same sex marriage. Eight more have overturned bans and the issue is currently on appeal. The Supreme Court is widely expected to legalize same sex marriage on a federal level in a few months. In fact, I would bet on that happening to if there are any takers. Anyone?

By your own measure, the side 'getting the laws' passed is that favoring same-sex marriage.
Just because everyone you're talking about is part of the same Government doesn't mean that they're on the same side. The fact that you think that just speaks to my point that you have no idea what you're talking about. The people who are passing these laws are not on the same side as the people who have fought to have gay marriage legalized. They aren't on the same side of the argument just because they both have the ability to get laws passed. The fact that ANY of these states can get away with passing a law like that still shows that they're in more power then the people they're discriminating against and that those individuals influence are at least on the same level of power as the people who can legalize same sex marriage. If they weren't then other people in the Government who don't like the law would have come in and squashed it by now.
pizzas being catered to a gay wedding. lol. Thats worse than bringing ice cream as a gift to a gay person's house.


Why can't these people not give a fuck about who's fucking who and just worry about their damn money. It annoys the hell out if me when these religious freaks are like:

"Oh no, we aren't discriminating, it's against our religion to serve gays or whomever we can make an excuse to not serve because of our religion"

But can talk to a paper and be SINFUL of the same ideals that they are against. God never said to have or discriminate or even judge other people. Didn't he say to love and care for all. What religion specifically says you can't serve gays? Asses
Cafe next to my work had conservative radio on this morning (as they always tend to do). Was talking about local businesses worried that teachers and gays were going to go around and burn their pizza place down or harass them for embracing the new law.

Also brought up the argument of "Well gay people, you don't want to be forced to cater Christian weddings, do you?"
Cafe next to my work had conservative radio on this morning (as they always tend to do). Was talking about local businesses worried that teachers and gays were going to go around and burn their pizza place down or harass them for embracing the new law.

Also brought up the argument of "Well gay people, you don't want to be forced to cater Christian weddings, do you?"

Ironically that would be a much much more hostile environment than the reverse they are so keen on protecting.


Conservatives spend so much time telling everyone that we don't need laws against discrimination because the free market will take care of it, then when people boycott/protest they whine about how the business is being treated unfairly and raise money to help. It's ridiculous.


Conservatives spend so much time telling everyone that we don't need laws against discrimination because the free market will take care of it, then when people boycott/protest they whine about how the business is being treated unfairly and raise money to help. It's ridiculous.

Ding ding ding.
Conservatives spend so much time telling everyone that we don't need laws against discrimination because the free market will take care of it, then when people boycott/protest they whine about how the business is being treated unfairly and raise money to help. It's ridiculous.

STFU sheeple! Bof sides r da sayme!!
With so many US (I assume) lawyers here in the thread, can't any of you take a minute to answer my simple question above? Please?

Cornburrito is not a lawyer. I think she made a thread about working a non-paying job and getting abused by her boss.

Anyway, if you're doing cater to a wedding, do it right: all you can eat BBQ rib night at the sizzler!


Conservatives spend so much time telling everyone that we don't need laws against discrimination because the free market will take care of it, then when people boycott/protest they whine about how the business is being treated unfairly and raise money to help. It's ridiculous.

Why? Is gofundme not the free market as well? No one (that I've heard anyway) is saying the State should outlaw boycotts. Die by the Invisible Hand, live by the Invisible Hand.
Why? Is gofundme not the free market as well? No one (that I've heard anyway) is saying the State should outlaw boycotts. Die by the Invisible Hand, live by the Invisible Hand.

Business refuses to serve certain customers: free market at work!
Customers refuse to eat/buy at business, or protests (free speech!): RUBBLE! RUBBLE! RUBBLE! LIBRULS!

Cognitive dissonance, folks.


Business refuses to serve certain customers: free market at work! RUBBLE! RUBBLE! RUBBLE! CONSERVATIVES!
Customers refuse to eat/buy at business, or protests (free speech!): RUBBLE! RUBBLE! RUBBLE! LIBRULS!

Cognitive dissonance, folks.

I'm not hearing people say the free market isn't working in the case of a boycott, just people saying they don't like to be boycotted, which seems like the natural reaction? I don't see the supposed hypocrisy here.


So apparently Angie's List is not satisfied with the amendment to the law and is saying it wants LGBT to be a protected class.


Remind me to never visit this state. Holy crap. I hope some business's will choose to not serve politicians or straight peoples weddings.
I'm not hearing people say the free market isn't working in the case of a boycott, just people saying they don't like to be boycotted, which seems like the natural reaction? I don't see the supposed hypocrisy here.

Of course there's hypocrisy. How is it not when as you've said, it's a natural reaction to being angry over something that's a free market principle? This isn't about people not saying the free market isn't working. It's about the free market benefiting someone, but when the table flips around, they're angry at the free market approach against them.
What I don't get is all the hate for pizza at the wedding? We did it at my wedding and it was the best thing ever! It's not the main course meal, it's for at 10 at night when the reception turns into a dance and people haven't eaten in hours on a stressful day.
What I don't get is all the hate for pizza at the wedding? We did it at my wedding and it was the best thing ever! It's not the main course meal, it's for at 10 at night when the reception turns into a dance and people haven't eaten in hours on a stressful day.

If people haven't eaten in hours at your reception, that's a long-ass reception.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Indiana will pass a law today that will be signed next week that will include the same protections as the other states with similar laws. Powerless!

I think only Texas excludes its civil rights laws from the effect of its RFRA.


I'm not hearing people say the free market isn't working in the case of a boycott, just people saying they don't like to be boycotted, which seems like the natural reaction? I don't see the supposed hypocrisy here.

I think his point is that the invisible hand of the free market will fix issues. You should boycott and the place goes out of business. See, problem fixed, discrimination gone because people to care of it.

Free market doesn't solve shit because nothing is local anymore and there are always people lining up for an opposite cause. Although maybe it will work here because I'd assume 65k is more than a shitty little pizza place would make in a year, take the money and run. Torch the place, blame the gays and get your insurance money too



Here's the language that's going to be added from the Conference Committee Report

Freedom Indiana is pretty happy about it, but they're going to push to add LBGT as a protected class under state law next

Haha, the religious fundamentalist crowd must be having their head melt right now. Aw poor guys can't discriminate anymore *sniff*

And then those hilarious few businesses that have been outing themselves as intentionally discriminatory in the days since the law has been passed? Now we have names and businesses to actually test out and see if they break the law when the changes are made, by straight up intentionally sending "teh gays" into these shops. It's gonna be amazing. It was a trap all along >:)
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