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Mike Ybarra: The best console to play Anthem will be Xbox One X.

Im afraid Anthem is not a good selling point for any console, that game is gonna flop epicly.

it's normal Ybarra says that for it's objectively correct most games run better on X, being the superior console. But there is even a bigger difference on a gaming PC and the stans of "true power" shut up about that one, very conveniently.


Im feeling opinionated and nosey today, so I will say after watching anthem on GB, it's so incredibly generic, boring, milquetoast, inoffensivly banale that I see no unique reason for it to exist. Where if you compare to something like Nier Automata (not exactly the same game type but with open world similarities), it asks lots of unique and interesting questions, has a story worth digging into.

I guess what I'm saying is, Anthem is typical western AAA fare, utterly safe, does nothing new, has no character, asks no brave questions of the audience. So the best place to play it is nowhere, the best thing to do is put your money towards a game that has something interesting to say. I think it might be no coincidence it coming from a studio known for being extremely PC internally. Anything interesting in the game has been ironed out as to offend absolutely nobody. Oh but there'll be a token bisexual character in it probably. Snore.
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Im feeling opinionated and nosey today, so I will say after watching anthem on GB, it's so incredibly generic, boring, milquetoast, inoffensivly banale that I see no unique reason for it to exist. Where if you compare to something like Nier Automata (not exactly the same game type but with open world similarities), it asks lots of unique and interesting questions, has a story worth digging into.

I guess what I'm saying is, Anthem is typical western AAA fare, utterly save, does nothing new, has no character, asks no brave questions of the audience. So the best place to play it is nowhere, the best thing to do is put your money towards a game that has something interesting to say.

My thoughts exactly and the game you brought up to the table, Nier Automata, melts my heart. But Ybarra, like most Microsoft executives have the same vision as EA as to what the industry should be and what kind of game they want to promote. The equivalent to Michael Bay movies. Soulless blockbusters for the truth is that there's a huge audience for those.


My thoughts exactly and the game you brought up to the table, Nier Automata, melts my heart. But Ybarra, like most Microsoft executives have the same vision as EA as to what the industry should be and what kind of game they want to promote. The equivalent to Michael Bay movies. Soulless blockbusters for the truth is that there's a huge audience for those.

I run the risk of sounding pretentious here, but what I think Anthem does is perfectly demonstrate a difference in culture. Top notch Japanese games, like N:A, have "interesting story, pose modern questions about life through the medium of games", as a feature. Like, it's as essential a part of the game as having working collision detection or controls. Ask a question, tell a new story. Whereas Anthem, im sure will be technically beautiful, control like a dream, have fewer rough edges..but it says absolutely nothing. They will have never ever considered "being interesting" as a feature worth pursuing. More just make it work, polish it, incorporate microtransactions.

Ironically I think the downfall is that focusing so hard on this polish makes them deeply unmemorable, and players don't connect with them. I'll remember Nier Automata in 10 years. I bought figures. I'm invested because they made me care. I am absolutely guaranteed not to be invested in generic solder A, token bisexual, strong female leader, sacrificial black guy, quiet wisecracking but nimble kid. And you can double-guarantee that whatever the "Anthem" is will be about as revelatory as No Man's Sky centre of the galaxy, ie: it's fucking nothing.

I'm an awful person, I know, im sorry.


The best place for the money an X1X would cost to replace my X1 is in my bank.

Yeah, I’d like to get both an X1X and PS4 Pro but for the price difference the regular versions are just fine for me, that money can be best used elsewhere at this point.


The thing about "best place to play" is that it means nothing without quantifying it........

With multiplatform games going sometimes 80:20 in PS4's favor, I'd argue that PS4 is the best place to play....

With the much larger installbase PS4 has over XBOX, I'd argue that PS4 is the best place to play multiplat games this entire gen, you have no issues getting games, No crossplay begging needed etc.....

And it all rings true, because mostly all your friends are on PS4 playing Destiny, Fortnite (actual Free to Play) and Cod, so it makes sense that they get Anthem on PS4 too.....

However, if Ybarra was only talking performance and visuals, this means the PRO and PS4 version would really have to be butchered so people would think of spending $500.00 to play Anthem.......So the question would be; Is Anthem 60fps on XBONEX and 30fps on PRO? I think that would be unquestionable if that was the case, but we all know that XBONEX is not that powerful.......

I mean at 30fps, it's very possible that XBONEX is the best version, especially since they have the marketing, knowing MS, they will ensure it, check out Witcher 3 running better on a weaker OG XBONE over OG PS4, the same XBONE which is being lapped silly in current multiplatform releases and faceoffs....So for a better box, yeah, I'm thinking it will run better on XBONEX with marketing and everything....Yet, not all games run better on XBONEX, so it's not an automatic statement to make either.....Lots of games run better on PRO...

As for Anthem, I think this game won't be the hit MS thinks it will be, there's just too much competition in the space...Anthem would have to be the second coming of shooters to make a major dent here, especially commensurate with the insane hype...I look at Anthem and I think it will have the same fate as Evolve.......

MS seems to be on every bandwagon, trying to attach themselves to a game which they feel would take off and set the world on fire.....They started with Titanfall, they hyped indie games and 60% Meta games to kingdom come, the entire gen it has been hype and over-exxageration on pretty much everything.......They even hyped Red Dead 2 the same way they're doing for Anthem, "best place to play", thinking people would associate XBONEX with RDR2's success and that would propel the platform, but no, people started complaining of RDR2's control scheme and input lag, how molassesly slow it starts, then when MS thought they could come and say "RDR2 GOTY, best place to play is XBONEX".......GOW came and mucnhed that lunch, a game released much earlier in the year and yet people remembered how great it played, controlled and what it brought to the table.....It sweeped GOTY awards everywhere, even at the Exodus congregation.....

It seems that everything MS overhypes fizzles, whatever they're on board of, there seems to be an imminent fire waiting to be ignited in a dumpster near you.......So I won't be too sure about this Ybarra guy, he also said gamepass is not about the money, surprised that tweet was not posted...and threaded...


Im afraid Anthem is not a good selling point for any console, that game is gonna flop epicly.

it's normal Ybarra says that for it's objectively correct most games run better on X, being the superior console. But there is even a bigger difference on a gaming PC and the stans of "true power" shut up about that one, very conveniently.

No. People just ignore PC gamers because they refuse to actually show us a $500 PC build that outperforms the 1X. The same nitwits that argue that it’s unfair to compare the 1X to Pro because of a $100 price difference have no problem with comparing the 1X to a PC with a $500-$1000 graphics card.

We saw Linus and a slew of PC gamers try and fail to build a PC better than the 1X at launch. The guys who came close had to buy used parts and cram them into the biggest ugliest cases imaginable. It was hilarious. When I go on vacation I take my 1X with me. Am I supposed to do that with a tower?

There is no PC that can touch the 1X at $500 (and now that it’s $400 the point is even starker). That is why no one with a 1X listens to the pleas of PC gamers on this issue. It’s just hot air.

Build you $500 PC (I’ll be generous and spot you that price) and benchmark Anthem on it against the 1X. I’ll be waiting. Short of that. Hush. 🤫
Isn't this always the case? The X is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, just like the regular PS4 is more powerful than the regular Xbox or S.
You probably wouldn't really notice a difference unless you watch a video comparing them though. If the X versions of games were 60 compared to 30 on Pro or something, that would be something to brag about.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Just imagine you're a kid, and have just gotten a One S this Christmas/holiday season....

Its mind-boggling to me that MS messaging is so one-sided, they are treating everything but the One X like a legacy platform.


Well shoot, I love my PS4, all my gaming buddies are on PS4 and several are also getting Anthem and we're planning on playing together when we can, and very few of the Xbox exclusives appeal to me, but shoot I'll buy an Xbone X because I clearly won't be capable of having fun with Anthem unless I'm using the "best console".

Hey, remember how PS2 was not as powerful as either GC or Xbox (original, god I will never forgive Microsoft for the worst console name ever with Xbox One. It's like they saw Wii U and said, "hold my beer"), well CLEARLY everyone who bought a PS2 regretted it.......


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Some of the comments in this thread are really weird. So what, he's said the best place to play Anthem is Xbox. It's no big deal, infact it's not even worth a thread.

Its almost as if PlayStation hasn't spent the last 15+ years telling us the same message across every marketing platform.

In fact they did it as recently as Fortnite.

I don't find anything wrong with it, but I do think it's funny.

That being said, I know how this place would get if Sony did something like this. I'm sure you would hear many people say, "Sony is getting arrogant again."


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The best console to play Anthem will be Wherever Your Friends Are Playing It



Not really. Best meaning best performance, best graphics it’s not subjective at all. You can measure resolution, you can measure FPS.

But you can’t measure controller preference, friends list, gaming setup, achievements vs trophies, and console preference.

“Best” is very subjective when it comes to consoles; that’s why there are gamers who have a preference. He didn’t say the X1X has the best performance. He said it’s CLEARLY the best place to play, period.

If all of your friends are on PS4, and you’ve invested in the system, and you prefer the controller, he’s clearly wrong. If you’re an XB gamer, and your friends are on there, and you’ve got the setup to get the most out of your X1X, he’s clearly right.

Point being, his tweet is not accurate to 100% of gamers. That makes it very subjective.
But if you’re me, the best place to play Anthem is nowhere at all.



You probably wouldn't really notice a difference unless you watch a video comparing them though. If the X versions of games were 60 compared to 30 on Pro or something, that would be something to brag about.

It's not unusual for games to have twice the resolution on the 1X. It's a big difference.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Man when did gamers become such sensitive little bitches?

“We have Blast Processing”
“Well fuck you we have 32,000 colors”

“The most powerful console is the best place to play multi platform games”
“This is problematic, he needs to speak in a more humble tone. And, and, and, we have BLOODBORNE! Right guys?”


Well, if i cant have the best then i wont bother. I actually dont like feeling like second class and i aint buying a new console or pc for this. Just saying thats how i feel, shrug.

Why do people still get so bent out of shape about execs talking about their products?

Because it makes them feel bad, not that hard to understand really.

Which is why itll be decsion time come next gen for me, :), so this microsoft guy has done his job by making people like me feel bad, even if it costs anthem a few sales, lol.
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Isn't this always the case? The X is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, just like the regular PS4 is more powerful than the regular Xbox or S.

If it's a single-player game, typically it is.

But if it's multiplayer, then it really depends on what your friends play on, right?

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Man when did gamers become such sensitive little bitches?

“We have Blast Processing”
“Well fuck you we have 32,000 colors”

“The most powerful console is the best place to play multi platform games”
“This is problematic, he needs to speak in a more humble tone. And, and, and, we have BLOODBORNE! Right guys?”

2013 - 2017:
"Xbox One is more balanced"


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If they said Xbox is best place to play Anthem, I wouldn't bother commenting. Talking up your stuff is expected.

That said though, its always, always, specifically about the X. This cannot be accidental and must be MS official messaging, and is really fucking weird if you ask me.

I mean honestly, its not usual to so deprioritize an active product, especially the one which is likely to be the biggest selling SKU.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

I think you’ve said that the game won’t be running at 60 fps on consoles.

Well, I didn’t say that, but…

I know somebody said it at some point! Is that something you might be able to target in the future on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X?

Yeah, in the future — that is a very good question. We need to make sure many parts of the game are running smoothly. It can be done, yes, for the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X in the future.

Note: The following answers were provided by BioWare’s tech team (specific names weren’t provided).

What’s the native target resolution on PS4 Pro/Xbox One X, respectively?

4K on Xbox One X, 4K Checkerboard on PS4 Pro.

Are you planning to support NVIDIA tech on PC? Will DLSS be available at launch and could ray tracing be added in the future?

DLSS will be available shortly after launch. It’s possible that ray tracing could be added later, but we don’t currently have anything to announce in that space.
The best console to play Anthem will be Wherever Your Friends Are Playing It

The real answer is this. These games are really only enjoyable (IMO) with friends. However it will obviously be best on Xbox One X from a technical standpoint (excluding PC).

I played it a bit earlier solo and it was fun but got old pretty quickly (Xbox One X). Oddly enough I felt like the framerate was all over the place not during combat but during the town areas.


It is not question of have too smaller userbase... it will be fine to find matches.

But a question of where your friends will be... that is actually what happened with DestinyGAF... a lot of XB1 players ended migrating to PS4 because they could find a group in DestinyGAF to do the activities on XB1.

Not everybody like to play with randoms.

So userbase in these MP focused games affect some players puschase... you can read comments of players with both consoles saying they will buy the PS4 version even being efetuar to X because it is there that his friends are playing.

Same happened with 360 last gen... now it is inverse.

That's awful thin ice to back up your point with. You're assuming that people who buy this on XBX,

1. Won't have any friends who are playing it.
2. Can't make any online friends to play it with.
3. That the friends they do have, and will play Anthem.... Will be playing it on PS4.

Your experience may differ, but I have a group of friends on xbox. Several of these friends plan on getting Anthem. If I get it as well, I can play with them, and meet other people in game, who I can continue to play with. If all else fails xbox has a nice little clubs and groups feature built right onto the dashboard where I can meet all kinds of people to play Anthem with.


That's awful thin ice to back up your point with. You're assuming that people who buy this on XBX,

1. Won't have any friends who are playing it.
2. Can't make any online friends to play it with.
3. That the friends they do have, and will play Anthem.... Will be playing it on PS4.

Your experience may differ, but I have a group of friends on xbox. Several of these friends plan on getting Anthem. If I get it as well, I can play with them, and meet other people in game, who I can continue to play with. If all else fails xbox has a nice little clubs and groups feature built right onto the dashboard where I can meet all kinds of people to play Anthem with.
No only my experience but majority experience.

PS4 is the version to go this gen no matter how anybody tries to show a different “experience”.

Sales will trend on PS4 side like every other similar game because like I said userbase is there... and multiplayer Blume games rely a lot on userbase... look at Destiny on XB1 vs PS4.
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I would be a bit concerned if the most expensive and powerful console wasn’t the best place visually and performance-wise to play a high profile third party console game.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I’m kind of over all this hyperbole from different console brands. The best place to play it is the system that you own. Period. The definition of the word “best” is very subjective. Technically, I’d say that PC is going to be the best place to play Anthem, and this is from a console gamer.

The best place to get a hamburger is very clear: McDonalds.

I understand what you're saying but I'd say your country has poor choices of food restaurants if McDonald's is the best place to get a hamburger.


Well i dont own an Xbox X but it is kinda obvious it will have a better performance than the others

And im sure people on PS4 vanilla or Pro could not care less, because like people here already said: the best console to play a game is the console you own and where your friends are.


RSI Employee of the Year
Played them on both consoles at home. It looks the same on both consoles so everyone will have the same experience. The only difference will be wish one has the most steady fps, but it runs smooth on both consoles.

Funny how people claimed at the reveal that the X version would look miles ahead in graphics....lol.
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I understand what you're saying but I'd say your country has poor choices of food restaurants if McDonald's is the best place to get a hamburger.

Tell that to the constant lines through the drive-thru. Even though there are much better burgers out there, people still prefer McDonalds. Their fries are still one of the best though.

It’s a metaphor for console preference and how “best” doesn’t mean squat.

The Alien

The Sony snowflakes are easily offended. They act like this any time someone from MS says or insinuates (micro aggression) that Xbox is better in any way.

Many would say Microsoft has been overly passive towards their competition in the past. Now something vaguely 'bold'...sets off all these negative takes.

It's almost as though the first half if the gen didnt exist when 'Resolution Gate' was happening with EVERY game. 🤔

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Indeed.. we are getting to the point that we all know xbox one. X versions are always better than ps 4 pro... so no point reiterating it.
Maybe he wasnt speaking to those so easily triggered? Perhaps he's just doing his job - which is promoting his product.

Jesus. If Microsoft were to listen to the Sony crowd when it came to Xbox, I'm pretty sure the Xbox division would've died a cruel death a decade ago. You guys are so up in arms about even the most basic business practices....it's actually pretty bizarre.

The guy even said he was playing on PC. So really....he's just doing his job. I'm sure he means what he stated and it is factually true so......there's that.

Take it easy Sony fans. Because another product is spoken in a positive light, you can still love your system just the same - good god! Lol
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Im feeling opinionated and nosey today, so I will say after watching anthem on GB, it's so incredibly generic, boring, milquetoast, inoffensivly banale that I see no unique reason for it to exist. Where if you compare to something like Nier Automata (not exactly the same game type but with open world similarities), it asks lots of unique and interesting questions, has a story worth digging into.

I guess what I'm saying is, Anthem is typical western AAA fare, utterly safe, does nothing new, has no character, asks no brave questions of the audience. So the best place to play it is nowhere, the best thing to do is put your money towards a game that has something interesting to say. I think it might be no coincidence it coming from a studio known for being extremely PC internally. Anything interesting in the game has been ironed out as to offend absolutely nobody. Oh but there'll be a token bisexual character in it probably. Snore.

Interestingly enough the best console to play Nier Automata is also the Xbox One X so I guess it shows that the console and serve multiple tastes.
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