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Mike Ybarra: The best console to play Anthem will be Xbox One X.


Cooperations throwing punches at each other was fun at first when they did it every now and then... But now it's just boring and honestly takes the fun out of the competition. If feels like they have a quota to reach for "plays best on Xbox", "plays best on PS".... Like of course it's going to be best on Xbox one x because that's a beast when it comes to performance. But performance and graphics sadly are the only thing they can advertise because they can't say anything else. They can't say how much fun it could be to play with friends because they can't promise that your friends will get the game. They also can't promise on other social interactions because they don't know if you have gold or even want social interaction.


No only my experience but majority experience.

PS4 is the version to go this gen no matter how anybody tries to show a different “experience”.

Sales will trend on PS4 side like every other similar game because like I said userbase is there... and multiplayer Blume games rely a lot on userbase... look at Destiny on XB1 vs PS4.

No, you're correlating two different things that shouldn't be.

Yes the PS4 will have more players. It has a larger install base.

That in no way makes it the better place to play unless the Xbox had so few players that it was hard to find a match. Which will not be the case even by your own admission.

Having a larger userbase doesn't matter once you cross a certain threshold. At this point in the gen both consoles have plenty of players. Therefore the userbase is a nonfactor.

An apt comparison would be you claiming that the US is a better place to live than say Australia because more people live there.


Well we've heard many rumors since last year that Anthem is not running well on current gen consoles........Some leak says it's running 4k 60fps on a PS5 kit, same rumor said 720p 30fps on PS4.....Though I think base PS4 may be running higher now, I don't even want to see what it's like on XBONES......I'm pretty sure some of the graphics settings will be toned down on XBONES.......Hell, it's looking like there might have been a downgrade across the board.....

In any case, frostbite in Bioware's hands seems problematic, Andromeda was not the locked 30fps it should be on consoles.....and even on PC, I find performance should have been much better......So Ybarra is talking about "best place to play", but it's not like XBONEX will run this game perfectly or at 60fps......This game will be best played on PC.....I think they should have given mid-gen consoles a 1080p 60fps option (45-60fps), would have been the best way to play as opposed to 30fps with dips at higher rez......

Lone Wolf

Well we've heard many rumors since last year that Anthem is not running well on current gen consoles........Some leak says it's running 4k 60fps on a PS5 kit, same rumor said 720p 30fps on PS4.....Though I think base PS4 may be running higher now, I don't even want to see what it's like on XBONES......I'm pretty sure some of the graphics settings will be toned down on XBONES.......Hell, it's looking like there might have been a downgrade across the board.....

In any case, frostbite in Bioware's hands seems problematic, Andromeda was not the locked 30fps it should be on consoles.....and even on PC, I find performance should have been much better......So Ybarra is talking about "best place to play", but it's not like XBONEX will run this game perfectly or at 60fps......This game will be best played on PC.....I think they should have given mid-gen consoles a 1080p 60fps option (45-60fps), would have been the best way to play as opposed to 30fps with dips at higher rez......
I’m actually very surprised there is no 1080p 60 FPS option for Pro and X. A dynamic Rez would also help keep that frame rate steady. I’m a bit disappointed in BioWare.


I am stunned by this revelation.
Not as much as I am, it seems that XBOX just can't catch a break, every hook they seem to hang their hat on seems to fall.......

At the very least, I hope there's a patch to iron perf and niggling issues on all consoles, but I think we have a CPU issue here more than anything...


Im feeling opinionated and nosey today, so I will say after watching anthem on GB, it's so incredibly generic, boring, milquetoast, inoffensivly banale that I see no unique reason for it to exist. Where if you compare to something like Nier Automata (not exactly the same game type but with open world similarities), it asks lots of unique and interesting questions, has a story worth digging into.

I guess what I'm saying is, Anthem is typical western AAA fare, utterly safe, does nothing new, has no character, asks no brave questions of the audience. So the best place to play it is nowhere, the best thing to do is put your money towards a game that has something interesting to say. I think it might be no coincidence it coming from a studio known for being extremely PC internally. Anything interesting in the game has been ironed out as to offend absolutely nobody. Oh but there'll be a token bisexual character in it probably. Snore.

This is kinda elitist (idk if this is the right word).

Different individuals have different tastes, so they can have fun with something that is not your preference. Not every game has to "ask brave questions" or "have a story worth digging into". Not having a story or "something interesting to say" does not make something like Tetris Effect or Mario Kart less of a worthy game being played than some NieR Automata.

Believe it or not, some people will find the gameplay in games like Anthem or Destiny to be fun, and they are not doing anything wrong or are inferior beings of some kind.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Not as much as I am, it seems that XBOX just can't catch a break, every hook they seem to hang their hat on seems to fall.......

At the very least, I hope there's a patch to iron perf and niggling issues on all consoles, but I think we have a CPU issue here more than anything...
Thank you for your concern. Sounds like you are still bent out of shape over RDR2 crushing your PS Pro on XBX.


why these threads are made,I mean if a guy farts we don't need to create a thread because of that
Because everyone apparently loves the fact that the ms employees say shit like this rather than being quiet and pumping it quality games like Sony you know because doing that is worrying or something


They need to improve it before lauch for this to be true. I so hope they know how to push the X, the game is really good but performance wasnt so much.


This is kinda elitist (idk if this is the right word).

Different individuals have different tastes, so they can have fun with something that is not your preference. Not every game has to "ask brave questions" or "have a story worth digging into". Not having a story or "something interesting to say" does not make something like Tetris Effect or Mario Kart less of a worthy game being played than some NieR Automata.

Believe it or not, some people will find the gameplay in games like Anthem or Destiny to be fun, and they are not doing anything wrong or are inferior beings of some kind.

As far as I'm concerned, if you've gone to the trouble of registering to a gaming forum, to discuss your gaming habits and preferences, I would hope your level of taste and sophistication regarding your hobby would be above "well, it's servicable. It will do.". Pointing out that "not everything has to ask questions", well gee thanks. Stop putting your PC words into my mouth with "people are not doing anything wrong!". That statement is so blindingly obvious, I didnt feel the need to clarify my position on it.

It's of my opinion, rightly or wrongly, that most people I encounter on this forum have pretty smart views on games. If they want to play Anthem, I have no beef with them. People have fill levels of games they've played. Myself, and a lot of people here I would say, have done the shoot things with numbers coming out of them thing a lot. They need something new to bring them back in, or over from Destiny. Anthem needs to do something new, more than just be Destiny with a jet pack.

I don't care about your low standards, or your stating of the obvious. Your post is simplistic and brings nothing to the debate. Of course any child could have fun with a bat and a ball, it doesn't make them cutting edge entertainment. Please, dont come at me with resetera levels of taking offence or PC inclusiveness crap. There is not enough time in the day to make it worth reading. Yes, some people will enjoy Anthem, some will want more. We know this. I was stating my opinion. Now please, I don't need to hear your retort, I have already imagined it, and it wasn't pretty.

This is partially tongue in cheek, don't get upset.
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Not as much as I am, it seems that XBOX just can't catch a break, every hook they seem to hang their hat on seems to fall.......

At the very least, I hope there's a patch to iron perf and niggling issues on all consoles, but I think we have a CPU issue here more than anything...

Catch a break? What are you talking about?


So I got to play a little Anthem this weekend on Xbox One X. Sub 30fps I would surmise over 90% of the time, and the load times and the frequency of the loading screens were atrocious (I have a SSD in my 1X, too). Still unplayable. Abysmal performance, but the real kicker was being taken out of the experience so often and for so long on account of loading screens. A design constraint like this is game breaking imo, and I'm not sure there is anything they can do about it so late in the game. I cancelled my pre-order. I also played on PC, and while the framerate was silky, the constant load screens taking me out of the experience were just as annoying, if not as lengthy.


As far as I'm concerned, if you've gone to the trouble of registering to a gaming forum, to discuss your gaming habits and preferences, I would hope your level of taste and sophistication regarding your hobby would be above "well, it's servicable. It will do.".

I don't care about your low standards, or your stating of the obvious.

See, you are just doing it again. Now I have low standards, level of taste and sophistication because I supposedly like what you don't like :messenger_tears_of_joy: and if everything is obvious, then why keep saying the same thing? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

They need something new to bring them back in, or over from Destiny. Anthem needs to do something new, more than just be Destiny with a jet pack.

Didn't play Anthem yet, waiting for the public demo on the 1st. But, for what I've seen, gameplay wise it looks like a third person, Iron Man esque loot shooter, with freedom to fly around as you like and lots of verticality and speed on combat that takes place on big areas. So it does not seem like just "Destiny with jetpacks", because Destiny does not have this kind of freedom or speed in combat (and, because of that, has some level of platforming too).

Look past the surface of the games, because if you don't, Nier Automata is just another Yoko Taro game with meta stuff like deleting your save and branchs/timelines that you need to beat to see the true ending just like other 2 or 3 of his games, how innovative and refreshing.


Gold Member
Not really. Best meaning best performance, best graphics it’s not subjective at all. You can measure resolution, you can measure FPS.

LOL bloodborne is overhyped AF. Also, there is dark souls. Who needs bloodborne?

^^^^ Thank you!

Bloodborne is the 3rd or 4th best game of the souls series. Dark Souls 3 is better. Demon's Souls is better. Dark Souls 1 is better. Graphically Bloodborne is probably the best looking, but in terms of customization of builds it falls far behind the darks souls mainline games. The bellmaiden is the worst mechanic ever in a souls game. PVP is optional? WTF...this is DARK SOULS, BITCH...you don't get to CHOOSE! The magic system in bloodborne is horrible. Bloodborne is just short of being shallow. Chalice Dungeons ruined the entire experience for me. I can only get weapons specializations by going through your procedurally generated garbage box maze dungeons? Please. I can't see any true Souls Fan putting bloodborne on top of the major entries.


^^^^ Thank you!

Bloodborne is the 3rd or 4th best game of the souls series. Dark Souls 3 is better. Demon's Souls is better. Dark Souls 1 is better. Graphically Bloodborne is probably the best looking, but in terms of customization of builds it falls far behind the darks souls mainline games. The bellmaiden is the worst mechanic ever in a souls game. PVP is optional? WTF...this is DARK SOULS, BITCH...you don't get to CHOOSE! The magic system in bloodborne is horrible. Bloodborne is just short of being shallow. Chalice Dungeons ruined the entire experience for me. I can only get weapons specializations by going through your procedurally generated garbage box maze dungeons? Please. I can't see any true Souls Fan putting bloodborne on top of the major entries.

Chalice Dungeons were the most boring shit on my way to the Platinum Trophy. The game is cool, but the lack of build variety and armor being almost for fashion did put it just above DS2 for me.

I feel like Dark Souls 3 did everything better: the combat, variety, multiplayer... Being able to run with better performance and graphics on PC without begging for a Pro Enhancement is also a very huge plus.

I feel like Demon's Souls is still king (but DS3 and DS1 are right behind) and wish it was remastered for 60fps on PS4. It would be marvelous.
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