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Minnesota Republican Party Forgot to File Paperwork to get Trump on the Ballot

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you can't put a price on sparks
No one is running their campaign other than the local GOP offices. I don't think those offices usually deal with this stuff exclusively without campaign representatives right? Makes sense that there is at least one of the 50 GOP organizations that doesn't have its shit together
I have some buddies who work for MNGOP, they hate him and say his people have been absolutely terrible with communication and outreach lol

The state has been in the sorta-somewhat-kinda-maybe-half-tossup camp for the past few elections but Trump has the ability to nuke the party's historically pretty strong showings locally so they're frustrated.


This is the guy who first found out about it and started everything.
To those upset that I may have helped ensure Trump is on MN ballot, remember I did save ducklings from a sewer ->
UPDATE: The #MNGOP failed to elect alternate presidential electors - so the state exec committee did it tonight - without clear authority.
So after electing the alternate electors tonight, the #MNGOP will submit Trump/Pence names to SOS office for placement on MN ballot.
No procedure for #MNGOP state exec to elect/appoint national electors - problem now for #MNGOP in sending Trump's name to SOS for ballot.
The cleanest way for #MNGOP to solve mess is to call state convention to elect alternate national delegates - but they can't, no time.
UPDATE: Last night #MNGOP "appointed" alternate electors to fix problem - BUT this isn't allowed in #MNGOP constitution - so we have a mess.
UPDATE: Sources with RNC tell me they were aware Trump had a ballot access problem in MN because #MNGOP did not elect alternate electors.
UPDATE: Here is the MN Statute which the #MNGOP did not following regarding MN electors -> https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=208.03
UPDATE: Names of presidential electors & alternates in MN...again, #MNGOP did NOT follow law to elect alternates ->
UPDATE: Randy Gilbert is listed as alternate president elector - BUT Gilbert appointment HIMSELF as an #MNGOP elector - not elected.
UPDATE: Please note: No date on #MNGOP electors/alternates form. How can Downey "certify"? HUGE legal problems ahead
UPDATE: Legal document signed by #MNGOP is very problematic. They're certifying an election that DIDN'T happen ->
UPDATE: #MNGOP alternate elector - Jeffrey Williams - just told me he was APPOINTED in last few days, not elected ->
I'll be on @AM950Radio with @MattMcNeilShow in minutes to talk about the trouble with Trump getting on the MN ballot.
This is a legal mess MN never Trumpers will pounce on.
This years election really is amazing in so many ways.


This is potentially huge as Minnesota is a reasonably big battleground state (though it usually goes blue). You better believe that state Democrats will be fighting tooth and nail to keep Trump off the ballot.

It's not the absolute end of the world as Trump can apply as a write-in candidate, but if people don't know they can do that (you'd be surprised) it hurts his chances.

Minnesota hasn't gone red since 1972


Minnesota hasn't gone red since 1972

From 270 to win: http://www.270towin.com/states/Minnesota

From 1932 onward, the state has primarily voted Democratic, last voting Republican during Nixon’s landslide victory in 1972. Only Washington DC has a longer Democratic winning streak. In 1984, Minnesotans gave homegrown Senator Mondale his only state in the lopsided loss to Ronald Reagan. In 2012, Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney by 7.7%.

We're definitely not known for voting Republican.


Judicial precedent is in favor of bending the rules to allow candidates even if it violates specific laws (as to number of days overdue, etc), because it's in the interest of democracy and citizens to have candidates on ballots.

This is absolutely true. That said, it would be cosmically hilarious if they couldn't get this settled.


As much as I don't like Trump, and know if this were reversed the GOP would fight hard to keep Hillary off the ballot,and make it a huge issue, I hope the Democrats take the high road and not challenge Trump being on the ballot.
I love this state.

My father-in-law was a hardcore Carson supporter who hated Trump that now mysteriously supports him despite not agreeing with a single thing he says...would be absolutely hilarious if Trump got left off the ballot to see my two inlaws melt into a puddle doing mental gymnastics to justify this.
This is potentially huge as Minnesota is a reasonably big battleground state (though it usually goes blue). You better believe that state Democrats will be fighting tooth and nail to keep Trump off the ballot.

It's not the absolute end of the world as Trump can apply as a write-in candidate, but if people don't know they can do that (you'd be surprised) it hurts his chances.

I doubt the DFL will do anything about this. The last two presidential elections there's been some claims that Minnesota could be a battleground state but neither were that close. There's really no need to try and keep Trump off the ballot when Minnesota should be safe for Hillary.

If anyone contests this it will probably be Never Trump Republicans.


Tagged as I see fit
MN resident here - This is hilarious but I do want him on the ballot. Mostly because there is no way in hell he is winning Minnesota anyways and I want voters to see that 'R' next to Trump's name and potentially have an impact on the other 'R's on the ballot (i.e. not vote for them).

I wouldn't be surprised if this why they "forgot".
So the MN Republican Party Chairman certified individuals for a position where no election took place? That's election fraud right?
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