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Misfits Series 4 |OT| Alisha Gifs Everywhere

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Karla Crome (Jess) looks a lot like Selma Hayek.

She's definitely looks amazin'

"You're a peedophile's wet dream! Hey little boy, wanna come to the forest and suck on me cock flavored lollipop!"
Sad to hear these impressions. I intended to be done with the show any way after the last finale, but then seeing this thread pop up kind of got me excited and hopeful it could turn out okay. Guess not.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
didn't realise this was back and then I found out no invisible dude. god damnit.

Rudy was always better than the other can't take anything serious guy. They were both great though.

cast is pretty weak now though, pretty much just rudy carrying everything. The new girl is hot but it's almost a show about people without powers.

I can't remember what happened to all of em at the end of the last season, but 3 cast members gone :/

new guy looks like an interesting character for next season. Liked how his power was super crap and nobody was impressed.
Replace the creepy guy keeping the girl prisoner with Rudy's other personality. Please. It will save you a lot of what I'm sure is very difficult writing.
Wanted to add always love the music selection on Misfits. It was good to hear Kimbra playing this episode.

And again, Jess is hot.

That is all.


never left the stone age
Know what I'd like? Nathan somehow returning, I bet he'd have pretty interesting interactions with Rudy.

Anyway, I'm not going to dismiss this just yet. I felt this episode was more of a "Let's get new viewers introduced and shit" episode.


Pizza Dog
I'd completely forgotten what Curtis' third superpower was, then I looked it up and realised it doesn't matter as they'll never use it again now anyway. Thought the episode was alright, will stick with the show and see how it goes. It's not like there's going to be many episodes anyway.


Well that was bad. I think I'm out. Last season was decent enough but these 2 new characters are uninteresting and that was one of the worst episodes of tv I've seen in a long time.
Too much talking. needs more action. Episode 3 looks like the beginning of it too.

Episode 2 was mildly interesting. better than Episode 1 definitely.


I quite liked these last two episodes. Rudy is the best character on the show (everything he says is comedy gold) and this season he is getting the most screen time, so it's all good.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I kind of loved episode 2. Finn and his gf's relationship was strange but really well-developed. It was super condensed but it hit on some poignant points, while still providing the torque of storm-developed superpowers.

The random powers that the group encounters are still interesting and Rudy being the mouthiest member of the diminished group is great, especially when there are racist blind women involved. And that new parole officer-in-training-or-whatever is fine as hell.


This week was pretty good. The subject wasn't all that interesting but it still felt like classic Misfits.

What's up with the bartender? I don't think it's because he's gay. I think he's connected to the new girl somehow or he has his own story coming soon. We haven't found out much about her yet either.

Next week looks fantastic.


I forgot the show was back. Maybe I'll just wait until the season is over before I bother watching.


Hunky Nostradamus
Episode 2 was definitely an improvement over the first episode. I'm glad they chose to flesh out Finn so early in the season. Hopefully episode 3 will focus on Jess, and episode 4 will focus on Alex.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

much better then eps1. New characters still not as interesting.

and wasn't Nathan suppose to comeback? what was that Vegas short i saw earlier this summer?


Yes, episode 2 was a lot better and I think it was because it focused on the characters and the wacky hijinks were happening in the background.

So I guess now Seth's gone for good. Alex isn't that cute so Rudy is the only one left that provides some eyecandy (for me).

I don't like Finn but Jess is really nice. She seems too normal to be doing community service but again, Curtis is pretty balanced as well. It seems we might get to know about her past next episode based on the preview.

I'm glad to see the plots moving forward and I don't know what to make of Lola and Alex for now.

Still liking the new probation worker lol.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Episode felt a bit disjointed but the Rudy/Jess storyline was fantastic--that ending was good stuff. Also,


I'm still enjoying the episodes. The new characters are slowly growing on me.

This weeks was pretty good. I really enjoyed Rudy's bit.

I'm starting to wonder if this season was sabotaged a bit by lots of last minute writing changes due to Kelly being gone. There just aren't enough interesting group dynamics going on. Now Seth is gone and just the 4 of them just aren't making a great team.

Powers seem to be really underplayed this season too. Curtis mentioned he gave his power to Seth twice and both times were a mistake. Is he powerless now? Kind of boring if so. If they're waiting to reveal it, next episode looks prime for it. And Finn has barely used his. I wonder if it's weak on purpose for comedic effect or because he hasn't practiced?


Seth is one of the shows main problems-

He's another bloke in a show that a bit of a sausage fest anyway
He has had his story run its course
He isnt part of the gang
Having a character that can remove and give powers at will damages the feeling of the beginning of the show where people had to deal with their powers no matter what they were.
It feels really Lowest Common Denominator right now. Oh look, another hammy unlikeable probation worker (this is the worst we've had). It's become too much about sex and relationship drama. Curtis always has a new fling. Something with the bartender and Jenn. Jess and Finn.

There hasn't been any drive to do something more like the last season often had. Feels like filler. And now Seth leaving, it's only 3 left.

Instead of focusing on bettering their powers or making Rudy out to be villain, it's all resolved too quickly.

I don't want this to become Skins :(


Powers seem to be really underplayed this season too. Curtis mentioned he gave his power to Seth twice and both times were a mistake. Is he powerless now? Kind of boring if so. If they're waiting to reveal it, next episode looks prime for it. And Finn has barely used his. I wonder if it's weak on purpose for comedic effect or because he hasn't practiced?

1st Power = Time Travel - Gave to Seth
2nd Power = Gender Change - Gave to Seth
3rd Power = Resurrection (with Zombie side effect) - Still has?


Hunky Nostradamus
I liked the twist that there were was a third, evil version of Rudy. It was a fun idea, although I thought they could have gotten a little more mileage out of it.

What was up with Finn's dad? He just abandoned his adoptive son of 18+ years because he was sexually assaulted by his old girlfriend? So what if he wasn't his biological father? Biology isn't what makes a father a father. That whole storyline just seemed so random and poorly thought out.

Jess reminds me a lot of Kelly, but far less profane and harsh, with a dash of Alisha's sweetness. <3

waiting for bare bar butt bareback sex by bartender

Wait, is this going to happen?
I liked the twist that there were was a third, evil version of Rudy. It was a fun idea, although I thought they could have gotten a little more mileage out of it.

What was up with Finn's dad? He just abandoned his adoptive son of 18+ years because he was sexually assaulted by his old girlfriend? So what if he wasn't his biological father? Biology isn't what makes a father a father. That whole storyline just seemed so random and poorly thought out.

Jess reminds me a lot of Kelly, but far less profane and harsh, with a dash of Alisha's sweetness. <3

Wait, is this going to happen?

I totally agree. That scene kinda hit home for me, considering my son is being raised by his step dad (though my son knows he's not his bio-dad). Fucked up.
anyone one still watching this? I thought threewas a fantastic episode. I'm a big fan of Jess now. and that ending with evil Rudy was surprisingly emotional and well done.


anyone one still watching this? I thought threewas a fantastic episode. I'm a big fan of Jess now. and that ending with evil Rudy was surprisingly emotional and well done.

couple comments about the recent episode just above you. A bit Dues Ex Machina with the third Rudy but I much prefer these small scale power and relationship dynamics to the overreaching time travel shenanigans of previous seasons. As long as Misfits doesn't veer too much on the 'Save the Cheerleader, save the world' storylines then we good.

1st Power = Time Travel - Gave to Seth
2nd Power = Gender Change - Gave to Seth
3rd Power = Resurrection (with Zombie side effect) - Still has?

in the preview for the next episode
I think I heard some say "you have to resurrect her"
Jess is fucking gorgeous.




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