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More Mass Effect 3 DLC Leaks - Earth multiplayer pack, Extended Cut gets description


This is from the same person who correctly leaked the last pack.

The Extended Cut description isn't very useful, but I do know some people like to analyze each word in a statement so hey, why not.

Kotaku said:
Strikingly Accurate Tipster Resurfaces with Info on Mass Effect 3’s Alternate Ending DLC

While he offers no citation, the same Reddit tipster who absolutely nailed every detail of the Mass Effect: Rebellion Pack nearly three weeks before Sony's Hong Kong website outed it, is back at it again with information on Mass Effect 3: Earth, the upcoming multiplayer extension and, more broadly, the "Extended Cut" DLC.

Quoting derptemp6698:
Description said:
The fighting is fiercest when it's your home at stake! Mass Effect 3™: Earth adds mods, gear, and new maps for Rio, Vancouver, and London. It features 3 new weapons: Piranha assault shotgun, Acolyte pistol, and Typhoon light machine gun. Six new human N7 classes are also available: Destroyer, Paladin, Demolisher, Slayer, Shadow, and Fury!

derptemp6698 also mentioned the "Extended Cut" DLC, the one that provides the clamored-for alternate ending to Mass Effect 3 (called "expanded" here), but it doesn't shed much more light than what was already known.
Description said:
An expanded ending for Mass Effect 3. Additional scenes and an extended epilogue reveal the impact of Shepard's choices on the future of the galaxy.

He had no information on a release date for either pack, and noted that they are separate extensions.

Source: http://kotaku.com/5917131/strikingl...o-on-mass-effect-3s-multiplayer-dlc-extension


an extended epilogue reveal the impact of Shepard's choices on the future of the galaxy

Well that's a good thing, hope it's more like New Vegas than Dragon Age Origins

Hope it's not just about the final choice.
It would be pretty funny is the extended cut was just more Buzz Aldrin scenes blathering on about hanar and vorcha in an increasingly incomprehensible monologue until he fell asleep to his own words.


Tired of single player draining resources from multiplayer. Bring scenarios into multiplayer. I wanna see Shepard on Torfan.


I wonder if they'll do DLC for the main story other than map packs for multiplayer, like additional missions/chapters. I already 1050'd Mass Effect 3 on Xbox 360 and love the multiplayer; but I want moar!!!! :p

I do hope that the ending "expansion" clears some doubts about what happened to my characters. :p


Figured as much with the last two DLC packs but this really puts the nail in the coffin. ME3 DLC is pretty much all multiplayer packs. I guess that really is one way to release DLC that doesn't interfere with the story like they were hinting at.

So long Mass Effect Universe.


i'll watch the ending on youtube out of curiosity - there is no burning sensation to find out what happened to everyone from myself though, that died out a couple of days after finishing it.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Yeah, just saw this.

It certainly is interesting, I wonder how many micro-transactions people are buying given the rapid character/weapon updates. It's looking like League of Legends' model, and I know they're quite successful with it, but their list of items to buy as well as fanbase is much larger.

As for EC, Mike Gamble posted on his twitter that they'd have stuff for Comic-Con to "Show AND tell", so we'll probably hear a bit more about it there.

I'm also curious on how well any future single player DLC (if it's even in the works at this point) will do. Unless the EC massively changes public opinion, I can't imagine too many people rushing out to do Take Back Omega or whatever else comes before the end.

Wasn't it Christina Norman who said that Interest in DLC drops off rapidly after the 1 month mark for singleplayer content? I know she's with LoL now, but I'm pretty sure she made that comment before she moved.


Hmm, though Vacouver and London are expected (spoiler? since that's the
beginning and ending -intro is in Vacouver, final mission is in London-
of the game) so it kinda gives an idea of what kind of map to expect; as those are locations you play.

But Rio? Couldn't Rio be from
the last shot of the game after the Normandy crashes "in the forest"?
Or something else?
Hmm, though Vacouver and London are expected (spoiler? since that's the
beginning and ending -intro is in Vacouver, final mission is in London-
of the game) so it kinda gives an idea of what kind of map to expect; as those are locations you play.

But Rio? Couldn't Rio be from
the last shot of the game after the Normandy crashes "in the forest"?
Or something else?

Unless Rio de Janeiro is suddenly
on a different planet with 2 giant moons/planets visible from the surface
then no.


Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.


But Rio? Couldn't Rio be from
the last shot of the game after the Normandy crashes "in the forest"?
Or something else?

There's 2 moons in that sky. Unless beating the reapers summoned another moon out of nowhere I doubt that's it.

EDIT : Beaten


I wanna see Kahje, Dekuuna, Irune, and Khar'shan. Not destroyed Earth city. :\

I feel it's a bit unlikely that they will make notably new tilesets for new levels, but given that EA is publishing the series I would be surprised if we don't see them somewhere between Mass Effect 4 and Mass Effect 7.


Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.

I'd like to see what they do with it, but meh, I find it hard to really care about the series like I did before ME3 for some reason and barely played through it a second time on insanity. And this is after a whole lot play throughs of ME1/2.

Which was made worse by the GiantBombCast ME3 Podcast I was listening to yesterday, the lies whatever his name spouts off how our choices matter and a story unique to each of us, ergh, just made me really annoyed still.

nel e nel

Rio is N7 training headquarters:

masseffectwikia said:
Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) is the Systems Alliance's premier school for leadership and combat expertise. The Interplanetary Combatives Academy, sometimes called "N-School" or "the villa," recruits officers from every branch of Earth's militaries to partake in grueling courses at Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro.


Also, Jacob knows a nice little bar to get a drink there.


Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.

I don't. I did when it came out but I am completely and forever done with ME. And as someone who played the first and second one over a dozen times each it makes me sad. They didn't make me angry as much as completely not care about anything in that world again. I mean if they said ME 4-6 coming out and Shepard was alive I still wouldn't get it.

The ONLY thing that I actually have thought about for ME. Is I would have loved a smaller drama based around CSec with you perhaps taking one of the characters on the Citadel, fleshing that area out WAY more and having some kind of very intense very detailed drama played out. But the actual galaxy completely uninterests me now in an exploration way.
Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.

Yeah, I couldn't care less at this point. It's over and done with, and I've moved on. At the moment I'm not even sure I'll play the extended ending. Of course that will probably change when it comes out.


Awesome, more humans. But then again I guess they've used up all the bipedal species that aren't Volus or Prothean, so I guess I'm not too surprised.

Extended Cut DLC sounds like it'll be fancy epilogue slides. Wasn't expecting much else, but we'll see how it goes.


I'm just about to beat ME3 but I want the proper fucking ending. Gunna be pissed that I will beat the game, but can't sell it until the DLC ending is out.


Awesome, more humans. But then again I guess they've used up all the bipedal species that aren't Volus or Prothean, so I guess I'm not too surprised.

Extended Cut DLC sounds like it'll be fancy epilogue slides. Wasn't expecting much else, but we'll see how it goes.
female krogan adept and female turian infiltrator!!! :'(


I'm very close to being apathetic to all of this. I'll check out the Extended Cut but it would have to wow me in a very impressive way in order for me to give a fuck.
Humans are so booooring. Give me Volus and Elcor classes. :p

Don't care much for the Extended Cut until more info gets out, so for now it's just whatever.


Stopped playing about halfway through the story (loved it up until that point), and I'm just going to wait to dive back in until we get a date on the extended ending. Whatever sour taste the ending left in the mouths from those who finished it, I want no part of it.
I want single-player DLC. Multiplayer DLC is all well and good, but I want more single-player DLC. And seriously, how is it taking so long just to make an extended ending? I know they have to write it and record dialogue and everything but it's taking quite a while. Give me single-player DLC!


I'm very close to being apathetic to all of this. I'll check out the Extended Cut but it would have to wow me in a very impressive way in order for me to give a fuck.

I'm in the same spot. I've made my peace with the ending now, and I'm not really into the multi-player anymore. I'd rather see completely new IPs at this point.
The EC is a classic case of "too little, too late". I personally feel Bioware should've just left the ending even if it has killed off Mass Effect as a single player game for many. The only way Bioware could've ever fixed the ending is with a complete rewrite of that sorry pile of BS. They clearly were not prepared to do that so they should've just left it.

Most people by now will have moved on. Those still playing ME 3 are doing so mostly for multiplayer which they can still milk but as a single player game the franchise is dead in the water and the EC will not change that.

I would've thought Bioware would be happy with these circumstances. It is pretty clear that the single player aspect of ME 3 has taken a massive backseat to multiplayer. So with the singleplayer aspect pretty much DOA they are free to go to town on multiplayer which is apparently "where the money's at".
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