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More Mass Effect 3 DLC Leaks - Earth multiplayer pack, Extended Cut gets description

Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.
Nope, you're not the only one. Especially if they keep the current ending.
So is the retail copy of ME3 a complete product or do you need to buy DLC in order to get the ending? :\

You need to play multiplayer to access all the endings in ME 3. There is also a squad mate DLC that you have to pay for (your squad is pretty slim pickings without this squad member).


I'm in the same spot. I've made my peace with the ending now, and I'm not really into the multi-player anymore. I'd rather see completely new IPs at this point.

Likewise. The MP's fun, but it's fun in the sense of it's one of those games I have fun when I play, but I rarely go through the trouble of starting it up.

As for the single player, it's pretty much done in my mind. I'll play the EC and see what's up, but I don't care too much.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Humans are so booooring. Give me Volus and Elcor classes. :p

Don't care much for the Extended Cut until more info gets out, so for now it's just whatever.

Volus wouldnt be able to see what they shoot when taking cover, they wouldnt be able to jump over something or even run at a decent speed which is all important stuff for multiplayer. Let's not talk about Elcors. :p

I feel it's a bit unlikely that they will make notably new tilesets for new levels, but given that EA is publishing the series I would be surprised if we don't see them somewhere between Mass Effect 4 and Mass Effect 7.

Well, they DID make a new lvl in multiplayer that is nowhere to be found in the campaign. Too bad it looks like it could be someplace on Earth when actually its an alien planet.



The Elcor can just be slightly mobile heavy turrets.

The Volus could be slow 'n weak, but give 'em some kind of long, blunt object and a heavy melee that busts kneecaps.

The description of the ending, not the ending itself. :p
Oh, I see.

... Excuse me. ._.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The Elcor can just be slightly mobile heavy turrets.

The Volus could be slow 'n weak, but give 'em some kind of long, blunt object and a heavy melee that busts kneecaps.

Oh, I see.

... Excuse me. ._.

Being fast is very important in multiplayer, there's no way they could make Elcors, Hanars and Volus viable unless they gave them all jetpacks or something and that would be just silly.

Player 1 : "I'm down on the other side of the map!"
Player 2 Elcor : "Shamely, i cannot reach your corpse in time to revive you."
Stopped playing about halfway through the story (loved it up until that point), and I'm just going to wait to dive back in until we get a date on the extended ending. Whatever sour taste the ending left in the mouths from those who finished it, I want no part of it.

Thats the smartest thing to do really.
The new ending is not going to be really good, but I sure hope is at least better than the shit we got.


Was hoping for something more than a simple extension, even though it was unlikely. Although Bioware wish to convince us otherwise, shit wrapped in bonbon wrapper is still shit.
Well, i guess you could still beg Bioware to give Volus some kind of rocket boots. :lol

They can totally write in some stupid fanfiction, like that they wear their breathers to keep back their speed! When they take away their breathers, they gain super speed and... grow or something.

but seriously i just want them in to see how stupid they are
I just realized I haven't turned on my 360 since the day I beat ME3 a couple months back.

I hope the ending stuff will be worth coming back for.
: (
Anyone just don't care at all about the ending anymore? I cared a lot for the first month or so but I am so overwhelmed by Bioware's mediocrity now that I just can't make myself care anymore. I don't even know if I'll bother downloading the free ending DLC.

Nope. Youtube is the extent of my caring.

If they'd actually owned up to it being a completely shitty ending and had pulled a Fallout 3 on it (except removing the deus ex machina bullshit and coming up with a real ending), then I probably would've been curious enough to download and play through from my last save. Maybe it would've even managed to change my mind on Bioware. But this? Who gives a shit?


Oh hey, Mass Effect 3. Remember that game? Time sure goes by fast. I'll youtube the new ending, probably.
Did everyone skip past the new Multi characters and weapons??? this looks insane.

Dying to see the specs on the new classes. Also, Acolyte Pistol sounds awesome too.

Love the multi in Me3 and really appreciate how much bioware has been supporting it.

I just wish i had a bit more control in what im unlocking but i guess everyone wants that too.


With the release of the new Rebellion expansion I've really been enjoying the multiplayer, it's quite fun though when you get with a group of morons it's also quite painful ;_;


Press - MP1st.com
The EC is a classic case of "too little, too late". I personally feel Bioware should've just left the ending even if it has killed off Mass Effect as a single player game for many. The only way Bioware could've ever fixed the ending is with a complete rewrite of that sorry pile of BS. They clearly were not prepared to do that so they should've just left it.

Most people by now will have moved on. Those still playing ME 3 are doing so mostly for multiplayer which they can still milk but as a single player game the franchise is dead in the water and the EC will not change that.

I would've thought Bioware would be happy with these circumstances. It is pretty clear that the single player aspect of ME 3 has taken a massive backseat to multiplayer. So with the singleplayer aspect pretty much DOA they are free to go to town on multiplayer which is apparently "where the money's at".

Seriously? This has got to be one of the most inane comments I've heard on Gaf yet. I, too, didn't like the ending that much, but to say ME (the franchise's) SP is dead is just an asinine statement.

So, you really think BioWare shouldn't or wouldn't go back to the ME universe? Even with a different protagonsit? Or you think it won't sell?

They've already stated it publicly that they're thinking of more ME games after ME3. This "new" ending should gauge how/when they go about it, but to think ME as a franchise (SP) is dead, is just plain, i dunno, stupid.

So, people hating on Uncharted 3's SP and loving its MP, Uncharted franchise is dead, too?

You need to play multiplayer to access all the endings in ME 3. There is also a squad mate DLC that you have to pay for (your squad is pretty slim pickings without this squad member).

Clarified. The couple of seconds of after-scenes credit was the "best" ending. Did not know that was considered the BEST ending and your galactic readiness and military assets can't add up to make up for it.

Apologize if this has created any confusion in anyone. (Mostly ME).


Another gem of a comment (ironically, same person). You DO NOT need to play MP to access the "best" ending. You can get all that from harvesting resources/scanning, etc. If you've played the game, you'd know that. Playing MP will make it easier due to promoting someone to up your Galactic Readiness rating.
Unless they've patched this, it's impossible to get the 'best' ending unless you play a little MP to raise galactic readiness.

And yes, we have played the game.

Gaf, is it just me or does this guy seem to have an agenda? I repeat, I did not like the game's ending myself, but spreading false info is a tad too much.
Sounds like you're the one with the agenda, bro. The day-one DLC adds a rather significant character who is widely considered to be superior to the shitpile that is half the cast aboard the Normandy.


Unless this DLC adds 3-5 characters, if so, I've yet to hear of it. I'm guessing you're talking about the From Ashes DLC? If so, that's ONE character they've added.

To be fair, the From Ashes DLC has the best character in the game in it and I really do feel sorry for those who didn't experience ME3 with him in their party the vast majority of the game. His banter was some of the best writing by Bioware in a long time.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The multiplayer is fun though, so i dont see this as a negative if you have to play a few Bronze games to get the "best" ending. It takes like 15 mins to do 1 game and after a few games... if you like it as much as i do, you will want to come back for more multiplayer madness, ending or not.
Another gem of a comment (ironically, same person). You DO NOT need to play MP to access the "best" ending. You can get all that from harvesting resources/scanning, etc. If you've played the game, you'd know that. Playing MP will make it easier due to promoting someone to up your Galactic Readiness rating.

Also, squad DLC that will make it slim picking's without this squad member? Who?? I, along with a ton of people here, played the game without buying a single DLC pack. While its roster is nowhere near as ME2, I can't even remember which and how this DLC pack will make the squad choices more robust. Unless this DLC adds 3-5 characters, if so, I've yet to hear of it. I'm guessing you're talking about the From Ashes DLC? If so, that's ONE character they've added.

Gaf, is it just me or does this guy seem to have an agenda? I repeat, I did not like the game's ending myself, but spreading false info is a tad too much.
You don't know what you're talking about.


Press - MP1st.com
Unless they've patched this, it's impossible to get the 'best' ending unless you play a little MP to raise galactic readiness.

And yes, we have played the game.

Sounds like you're the one with the agenda, bro. The day-one DLC adds a rather significant character who is widely considered to be superior to the shitpile that is half the cast aboard the Normandy.

They've stated time and again (Mike Gamble) that MP is not a requirement to get the MP. I've gotten my galactic meter up by doing those side-quests/scanning stuff. Was it fun? Not realy, but it was just to build my meter.

Again, I don't like the game's ending and I've barely played MP since launch. I just don't like it when people spread false info.

Also, DLC for one character may be considered superior to everyone on the Normany, but to say your squad is "slim pickings" just by not having a character? That's a fallacy. Unless this DLC adds more than 2, then I apologize. I've actually yet to talk to anyone who bought From Ashes DLC. From the people who did buy it, they say it adds to the lore very much so, but I've heard nothing of it adding a ton to the actual game/combat experience itself.


Seriously? This has got to be one of the most inane comments I've heard on Gaf yet. I, too, didn't like the ending that much, but to say ME (the franchise's) SP is dead is just an asinine statement.

So, you really think BioWare shouldn't or wouldn't go back to the ME universe? Even with a different protagonsit? Or you think it won't sell?

Another gem of a comment (ironically, same person). You DO NOT need to play MP to access the "best" ending. You can get all that from harvesting resources/scanning, etc. If you've played the game, you'd know that. Playing MP will make it easier due to promoting someone to up your Galactic Readiness rating.
who really wants to play a prequel?

Regarding the ending, the burden is on you to prove that you can get the best ending without multiplayer (here's a hint-you can't)


Really Really Exciting Member!
who really wants to play a prequel?

Regarding the ending, the burden is on you to prove that you can get the best ending without multiplayer (here's a hint-you can't)

Well, i wouldnt say no to see the previous wars that we heard about so many times throughout the trilogy. Although it kinda sucks already knowing what will happen i guess.

At least there wouldn't be a shitty surprising ending no one saw coming :lol


From the people who did buy it, they say it adds to the lore very much so, but I've heard nothing of it adding a ton to the actual game/combat experience itself.

He also has one of the most unique combat skill sets int he game because all of his moves are rather foreign to the rest of the Mass effect universe, so he does get a large benefit in adding to the actual game/combat experience and not just being a "lore" based character. With that said though - this is supposed to be an RPG primarily... The lore/story is supposed to be part of its strongest suits, and when you have a character who not only fleshes out quite a bit of details you won't learn otherwise, as well as provide some of the best crew interactions moments (both in combat and out) in the game, his removal from the game really does significantly hurt the overall feel of the squad regardless of it being just 1 character.


Press - MP1st.com
who really wants to play a prequel?

Regarding the ending, the burden is on you to prove that you can get the best ending without multiplayer (here's a hint-you can't)

It really doesn't have to be a prequel now, does it? Anyway, I doubt we'll see that or any spin-off anytime soon. Not after this whole crisis has averted. Not really complaining, BioWare should seriously develop a new IP -- one that fans don't actually hate. Mass Effect and Dragon Age kinda tarnished now.

Also, for MP, here are two articles I found by Googling it.


It states that its "doubly hard" to get the best ending without playing MP. Harder but still doable.

If someone tried to play the SP completely and still didn't get the best ending, (ie: MP is indeed REQUIRED and BioWare are lying) then I apologize regarding that statement.

EDIT: In saying that, what is the "best" ending anyway? That 5-sec thing that "something" happens? Because for me, the ending was all the same and all that changed were the colors. Epilogue grandpa it?

EDIT 2: PC Gamer had this to say

"It is possible to get the best ending in single player without playing multiplayer, but it’s twice as hard. All your War Assets only count for 50% of their potential value. The biggest gains in War Assets come from a culmination of your decisions in the previous games and your decisions in this one: if you’ve helped a race before, and you help them here, it’s often possible to get their full support and resolve their conflict to get someone else on your side too."

Which, makes this all confusing. If the only way you can get the ending by not playing MP, is by having played ME1 and ME2, then, MP is still not a requirement but contingent on you having played the previous two games of the franchise.

If you're playing ME3 cold, then playing MP will be a better and more efficient option. If you're going that route, then MP is indeed needed.

Sorry for all the edits.


21 human classes when there is only 22 alien classes? I'd rather see things like Turian infiltrator or Quarian soldier than more humans.


If someone tried to play the SP completely and still didn't get the best ending, (ie: MP is indeed REQUIRED and BioWare are lying) then I apologize regarding that statement.

Spoilers here:

At the end of the destroy ending, it is possible for a scene to cut to Shepherd back on Earth taking a breath after the destruction of the Citadel/Relays. Regardless of how many assets you collect in single player, it is absolutely impossible to get this cut scene without playing multiplayer. The EMS and readiness ratings just don't line up. You can get all 3 choices in Single player, but you will be missing the bonus scene in one of the endings.


Press - MP1st.com
Spoilers here:

At the end of the destroy ending, it is possible for a scene to cut to Shepherd back on Earth taking a breath after the destruction of the Citadel/Relays. Regardless of how many assets you collect in single player, it is absolutely impossible to get this cut scene without playing multiplayer. The EMS and readiness ratings just don't line up. You can get all 3 choices in Single player, but you will be missing the bonus scene in one of the endings.

Yeah, I got that "snippet." That was considered the "BEST" ending? First off, I didn't even count that in the ending.

If that's not possible without playing MP, and that's considered part of the ending itself, I retract my statements regarding that and apologize.

Seriously, that is messed up if so.
They've stated time and again (Mike Gamble) that MP is not a requirement to get the MP. I've gotten my galactic meter up by doing those side-quests/scanning stuff. Was it fun? Not realy, but it was just to build my meter.

Again, I don't like the game's ending and I've barely played MP since launch. I just don't like it when people spread false info.
Guess what? Mike Gamble is full of shit.

You're confusing the entire War Assets system. I don't blame you cause it's poorly explained.

You have your total military strength. That is the bar you're filling up with War Assets (that don't do anything in the game).
Then you have your Galactic Readiness multiplier percentage. That only increases by playing multiplayer or using the iOS app and game.

Finally you have your effective military strength, which is your total military strength multiplied with your galactic readiness. A person playing single player only will always have galactic readiness at 50%.

So say you had about 7000 Total military strength. When you multiply that with your 50% Galactic Readiness, you get 3500 Effective military strength.

The "best" ending is only possible to get with 4000 and above.

Guess what? It's impossible to get enough War Assets in the game to go above that number by playing single player. There aren't enough war assets in the game. There aren't enough war assets even for an imported character.

Don't believe me? http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/347/index/10119654/1


Yeah, I got that "snippet." That was considered the "BEST" ending? First off, I didn't even count that in the ending.

If that's not possible without playing MP, and that's considered part of the ending itself, I retract my statements regarding that and apologize.

Seriously, that is messed up if so.

Yeah, most people count it as part of the ending, and yeah, it's impossible to get it without playing at least some MP. Even if you play 'perfectly' in terms of getting War Assets, you can't quite hit the number you need if your Galactic Readiness is at 50%.


Press - MP1st.com
Guess what? Mike Gamble is full of shit.

You're confusing the entire War Assets system. I don't blame you cause it's poorly explained.

You have your total military strength. That is the bar you're filling up with War Assets (that don't do anything in the game).
Then you have your Galactic Readiness multiplier percentage. That only increases by playing multiplayer or using the iOS app and game.

Finally you have your effective military strength, which is your total military strength multiplied with your galactic readiness. A person playing single player only will always have galactic readiness at 50%.

So say you had about 7000 Total military strength. When you multiply that with your 50% Galactic Readiness, you get 3500 Effective military strength.

The "best" ending is only possible to get with 4000 and above.

Guess what? It's impossible to get enough War Assets in the game to go above that number by playing single player. There aren't enough war assets in the game. There aren't enough war assets even for an imported character.

Don't believe me? http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/347/index/10119654/1

Yep, I think I had those military assets and galactic readiness thing mixed up.

Also, that post above you clearly stated that the "snippet" was THE best ending...which I didn't even know about was considered the best ending.

To me, it was just something I got and that's it.


Press - MP1st.com
Yeah, most people count it as part of the ending, and yeah, it's impossible to get it without playing at least some MP. Even if you play 'perfectly' in terms of getting War Assets, you can't quite hit the number you need if your Galactic Readiness is at 50%.

If so, then...OUCH! Go on with the bitching then.

I mostly associated good and bad endings with what happens in the major scene or if it's longer than a few seconds....say Lords of Shadows' major twist(S)?

Here, I just took it as a "oh, EA wants more of these, then."


If so, then...OUCH! Go on with the bitching then.

I mostly associated good and bad endings with what happens in the major scene or if it's longer than a few seconds....say Lords of Shadows' major twist(S)?

Here, I just took it as a "oh, EA wants more of these, then."

It's worth noting that the Mass Effect trilogy is over. Shepard story is finished and Bioware has stated having no interest in making a game taking place after ME3's ending.


If so, then...OUCH! Go on with the bitching then.

I mostly associated good and bad endings with what happens in the major scene or if it's longer than a few seconds....say Lords of Shadows' major twist(S)?

Here, I just took it as a "oh, EA wants more of these, then."

Fair enough. I don't have much of an opinion on it myself, but for some people the suggestion that
Shepard survives
is a pretty big deal, especially since it adds a layer of distinction to that ending from the other two.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, but it's an EA game!

So? Does EA tend to shut down servers of popular titles only 3 months after their launch?

They've released new multiplayer content TWICE since march, it's not getting shut down anytime soon...


you're wrong.
He's not wrong, your the one that's not wrong, it's been stated and proved that you don't need to do anything multiplayer or with IOS to get the best ending.
Edit: hmm I still don't know but reading that thread shows that it's not possible. I was sure it was and that I had got it.

Either way I am looking interested to see the expanded ending dlc.




It seems like Horde mode would get boring after a while

It would seem so, but ME3 has the power combos and mid-wave missions, AS WELL AS an addicting but annoying random loot generator. It's a pretty cheap way to keep interest in the game, but dammit, it works.
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