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More Mass Effect 3 DLC Leaks - Earth multiplayer pack, Extended Cut gets description

So ME3 multi is actually good? huh

It seems like Horde mode would get boring after a while

Trust me, when you find a team that plays well together, a group that supports you through a mission the multi player becomes amazing.

the group that gets you when you fall, that protects you when you need to carry something to the drop zone, i love it.

Its so much fun but i wish i could get more characters/better weapons without needing to play as much.


It would seem so, but ME3 has the power combos and mid-wave missions, AS WELL AS an addicting but annoying random loot generator. It's a pretty cheap way to keep interest in the game, but dammit, it works.

Yeah, usually I'm not a big fan of "horde modes", unless I play them with friends (like in Gears of Firefight in Halo) I just ignore them. But this one, for some reason..I don't mind playing with total strangers and even starting games on my own and let others join at any time.


It really doesn't have to be a prequel now, does it? Anyway, I doubt we'll see that or any spin-off anytime soon. Not after this whole crisis has averted. Not really complaining, BioWare should seriously develop a new IP -- one that fans don't actually hate. Mass Effect and Dragon Age kinda tarnished now.

It would be a prequel at this point because they kept saying before and after ME3 came out that if they did another they want to do a prequel, sure it doesn't have to be, but they haven't said anything else at this point and seemed quite happy with their ending even if most weren't.
Seriously? This has got to be one of the most inane comments I've heard on Gaf yet. I, too, didn't like the ending that much, but to say ME (the franchise's) SP is dead is just an asinine statement.

Well that is odd your post is one of the most misinformed I have ever seen on GAF well done. The SP of Mass Effect is dead because Bioware has killed any interest in it. You just need to look in this very topic to see people can't even be arsed with the EC. Now honestly if people can't be bothered with SP content that Bioware are giving away for free why on earth would they bother with paying for more SP content ?

So, you really think BioWare shouldn't or wouldn't go back to the ME universe? Even with a different protagonsit? Or you think it won't sell?
I am sure Bioware will try and get at least one more game out of ME they have heavily hinted that any future ME will be set in the past and from what I have seen there isn't a hell of a lot of demand for that with most people going "what's the point on playing prequels when the ending is like that ?"

This "new" ending should gauge how/when they go about it, but to think ME as a franchise (SP) is dead, is just plain, i dunno, stupid.

Not as stupid as that statement, you ARE NOT GETTING A NEW ENDING. Apologies for typing that in caps but it seems this statement keeps going over people's heads. You are getting CLARIFICATION of the ending. The shit ending is staying the same, but Bioware are going to explain it to us, because apparently we aren't "intellectual" enough to "understand their artistic vision".

So, people hating on Uncharted 3's SP and loving its MP, Uncharted franchise is dead, too?
Dunno never played Uncharted did it have a bullshit ending that can be interpreted in such a way as it completely
destroyed the universe

Clarified. The couple of seconds of after-scenes credit was the "best" ending. Did not know that was considered the BEST ending and your galactic readiness and military assets can't add up to make up for it.

Apologize if this has created any confusion in anyone. (Mostly ME).

I did not say "the best ending" I said "access to all the endings" The five second clip is a different ending in Bioware's books and it is closed off to anyone that does not want or cannot play multiplayer. This has been confirmed by Bioware and they are currently "looking" into it or do you want to argue that as well ?


Hopefully the Extended Cut is released soon. I've been waiting to play ME3 (already have it downloaded from Origin) until the extended cut is released.


Hopefully the Extended Cut is released soon. I've been waiting to play ME3 (already have it downloaded from Origin) until the extended cut is released.

Play it now. You deserve to suffer just like the rest of us.

And then you deserve to suffer again once you realize the extended cut doesn't make anything better
I'll play the EC, but honestly, after ME3, the ME universe is finished, done, dead and buried. Move on, BioWare. Ruin something else.
I'm so torn on this. I've been debating replaying ME3's campaign again. I really love the universe. Although I wasn't satisfied with the ending either, I stand by the fact that overall it's a great game, and a great universe. I really wish we'd get some single-player DLC to nudge me into replaying the campaign.


i'll watch the ending on youtube out of curiosity - there is no burning sensation to find out what happened to everyone from myself though, that died out a couple of days after finishing it.

Yeah I actually find this a case of "too little too late".


Unless they rip out space kid and make endings more than a pallet change I'm not going back.

Sold my copy on amazon the night I finished that pile of shit.

Ruined my favorite video game world, would have been excited for any half assed spinoff before that ending.
The only good think about the multiplayer is that it is 10 + 1 waves.

Its decent and its over quickly.

Nothing mind blowing and its almost dead online, unless you have friends, which is always a good thing.


I wish the ME2 cast got more than cameos, probably want that more than better endings. I'll give it one more playthrough once the EC is out and then I'm finished with Bioware's games.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Honestly I might not even bother with the Extended Cut. ME3 as a whole was such a let-down that I'd rather just pretend it never happened. It needed at least another year in development, there is just so little content there. Enemy variety, ME2 character interactions, explorable locations, dialogue trees, stuff like Tali's photo and of course the ending, the whole thing gives me that same feeling that KOTOR2 did, just not even close to being the game the developers had in mind.
LOL people are still bitching about the ending??

"ooooh it ruined all the previous games for me!"
"ill never buy another bioware product again!"

Game was fantastic - good scores all around, great multiplayer, lovely soundtrack and fun game. Keep complaining.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Honestly I might not even bother with the Extended Cut. ME3 as a whole was such a let-down that I'd rather just pretend it never happened. It needed at least another year in development, there is just so little content there. Enemy variety, ME2 character interactions, explorable locations, dialogue trees, stuff like Tali's photo and of course the ending, the whole thing gives me that same feeling that KOTOR2 did, just not even close to being the game the developers had in mind.

ME3 has the most enemy variety of the 3 games though. ME1 had Geths and mercenaries. ME2 had Collectors, mercenaries and Geths. ME3 had Geths, Cerberus and Reapers, where each enemies are unique, unlike mercenaries which are just ME races with guns. Previous games didnt have enemies like Phantoms, Ravagers, Banshees, Brutes, Engineers and so on.

Agree with everything else though, one more year of developpement would have change a lot.


LOL people are still bitching about the ending??

"ooooh it ruined all the previous games for me!"
"ill never buy another bioware product again!"

Game was fantastic - good scores all around, great multiplayer, lovely soundtrack and fun game. Keep complaining.

U r so kewl. Can I has ur autographs?

Edit: The game wasn't even that cool though. So many problems with it. Bad characters and so on. Keep having no quality standards.


LOL people are still bitching about the ending??

"ooooh it ruined all the previous games for me!"
"ill never buy another bioware product again!"

Game was fantastic - good scores all around, great multiplayer, lovely soundtrack and fun game. Keep complaining.

God forbid people expect a competent ending after three narrative driven games and 100-odd hours of gameplay.

I'm just glad that people kicked up enough of a shit-storm for EA/BW to be forced into action.

Luckily most people seemingly have higher expectations than yourself.


God forbid people expect a competent ending after three narrative driven games and 100-odd hours of gameplay.

I'm just glad that people kicked up enough of a shit-storm for EA/BW to be forced into action.

Luckily most people seemingly have higher expectations than yourself.

Yeah, but you know the Extended Ending is going to be just a bunch of slapped on screens about your companions that have no basis in the reality of the narrative wasteland that the ending left. The only possible out they had (indoctrination) that made sense with the story was left on the table.

Glad people kicked up a fuss, but I doubt we'll get anything that redeems what happened.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, but you know the Extended Ending is going to be just a bunch of slapped on screens about your companions that have no basis in the reality of the narrative wasteland that the ending left. The only possible out they had (indoctrination) that made sense with the story was left on the table.

Glad people kicked up a fuss, but I doubt we'll get anything that redeems what happened.

Considering they're taking a couple of months to make that content, i doubt they will just slap some static screens and call it a day. They want to make people "happy", not more infuriated so that they lose them for good.


I'd like to see what they do with it, but meh, I find it hard to really care about the series like I did before ME3 for some reason and barely played through it a second time on insanity. And this is after a whole lot play throughs of ME1/2.

Which was made worse by the GiantBombCast ME3 Podcast I was listening to yesterday, the lies whatever his name spouts off how our choices matter and a story unique to each of us, ergh, just made me really annoyed still.

Yeah Bioware really dropped the ball on this one I was excited as hell in April about the extended cut but now I am not sure I give a damn anymore.


I honestly don't know if I'm going to download the EC. I know I'm feeling super apathetic right now about it, but it's possible that I'll get interested and a little excited when it's actually available.

It really is sad, given that at one point ME was my favorite series this generation, and now I can't really muster that much emotion. Bravo, Bioware.

Just makes me wish that someone else would make a space opera WRPG.


I'd love to know what must be going on behind the scenes at Bioware these days between the problems with SWTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. They can't catch a break, lol.


I'd love to know what must be going on behind the scenes at Bioware these days between the problems with SWTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. They can't catch a break, lol.

They're probably starting to catch some heat with EA. If I had to guess, it's probably the Dragon Age team that's sweating the most, because if they bomb with DA3 that franchise is pretty much dead. And given that at one point it looked like it could be their best-selling franchise, that's a hard fucking fall.

I'm almost anticipating all the interviews that will come out around when DA3 comes out more than the actual game, because the tap dance of language as they shit all over DA2 while still defending it will be hilarious to see.


Really Really Exciting Member!
They're probably starting to catch some heat with EA. If I had to guess, it's probably the Dragon Age team that's sweating the most, because if they bomb with DA3 that franchise is pretty much dead. And given that at one point it looked like it could be their best-selling franchise, that's a hard fucking fall.

I'm almost anticipating all the interviews that will come out around when DA3 comes out more than the actual game, because the tap dance of language as they shit all over DA2 while still defending it will be hilarious to see.

Well, they could first start with not making promises in interviews. Casey did with ME3 and he couldnt keep his promises for stuff like "saving the Rachnis will have a major impact" for unknown reasons.
Well, they could first start with not making promises in interviews. Casey did with ME3 and he couldnt keep his promises for stuff like "saving the Rachnis will have a major impact" for unknown reasons.

Is there a collection of Casey-lies compiled somewhere in one place? Like the "we're not going to be shitting out an A/B/C ending here"?

I'd love to read them all. I want to know how much of my rage is directly tied to what I'd been told, and what was based on assumption...


Casey wasn't making promises. He was spewing buzzwords and lies.

They're probably starting to catch some heat with EA. If I had to guess, it's probably the Dragon Age team that's sweating the most, because if they bomb with DA3 that franchise is pretty much dead. And given that at one point it looked like it could be their best-selling franchise, that's a hard fucking fall.

A lot people complain about ME's progression since ME1, but Dragon Age's brand has undergone some outright baffling decisions. A traditional WRPG and their highest selling property reborn as a rushed, mediocre action RPG? An anime styled movie about tertiary characters? I'm not sure what the they were thinking. If the brand fails then it's well deserved.

I'm almost anticipating all the interviews that will come out around when DA3 comes out more than the actual game, because the tap dance of language as they shit all over DA2 while still defending it will be hilarious to see.

This is bound to happen given that I honestly believe they'll stick to DA2's formula and structure rather than just polish and refine the Origin's structure.
LOL people are still bitching about the ending??

"ooooh it ruined all the previous games for me!"
"ill never buy another bioware product again!"

Game was fantastic - good scores all around, great multiplayer, lovely soundtrack and fun game. Keep complaining.

This man is correct. The ending wasn't great but the game itself is awesome. I hope they make another trilogy.


ME3's ending was the worst debacle in the history of video games and Bioware deserves every last drop of backlash they get from the community if not more. Saying the game up until the ending was great is like saying you go to a 7 course meal and the first 6 courses are the most amazing things you've ever eaten in your life but for the 7th and last course they serve you a steaming pile of horseshit to eat.
Is there a collection of Casey-lies compiled somewhere in one place? Like the "we're not going to be shitting out an A/B/C ending here"?

I'd love to read them all. I want to know how much of my rage is directly tied to what I'd been told, and what was based on assumption...

Have a gander here :-


It is a pretty comprehensive gathering of the biggest pile of horse shit you will ever read. Read those and you will think to yourself "did they release the wrong game by mistake" ? My own personal favourite is :-

Bioware Bullshitter said:
“[The presence of the Rachni] has huge consequences in Mass
Effect 3. Even just in the final battle with the Reapers

Yeah those 100 war assets had huge consequences in the final battle.


ME3's ending was the worst debacle in the history of video games and Bioware deserves every last drop of backlash they get from the community if not more. Saying the game up until the ending was great is like saying you go to a 7 course meal and the first 6 courses are the most amazing things you've ever eaten in your life but for the 7th and last course they serve you a steaming pile of horseshit to eat.
No it wasn't, the thing that became a debacle is the outrage over it, it was by far the most ridiculous part of the whole thing and it's pretty much the same that we see in every mass effect thread.

The ending wasn't perfect but it wasn't that bad either.


No it wasn't, the thing that became a debacle is the outrage over it, it was by far the most ridiculous part of the whole thing and it's pretty much the same that we see in every mass effect thread.

The ending wasn't perfect but it wasn't that bad either.

I'm afraid a large portion of the gaming population would disagree with you there. It's fine and cool that you didn't mind it/enjoyed it, but it's an undeniable fact that a massive amount of people had large problems with it.


No it wasn't, the thing that became a debacle is the outrage over it, it was by far the most ridiculous part of the whole thing and it's pretty much the same that we see in every mass effect thread.

The ending wasn't perfect but it wasn't that bad either.

I see you're still in the denial phase.


Really Really Exciting Member!
No it wasn't, the thing that became a debacle is the outrage over it, it was by far the most ridiculous part of the whole thing and it's pretty much the same that we see in every mass effect thread.

The ending wasn't perfect but it wasn't that bad either.

When 99% of the trilogy depends on previous decisions made during nearly 100 hours of gameplay and the last 1% is a "Lol, Fuck your past decisions", it's pretty understandable why people would be upset. If the ending DLC can actually show what some of my past decisions did, i'll be happy enough. Even if the stupid
is still there.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
So should I hurry up and beat the game, before the changes come out, just to see how bad the vanilla ending really is?
So should I hurry up and beat the game, before the changes come out, just to see how bad the vanilla ending really is?

youtube it, save the real experience for this update which will more then likely just add in a few extra scenes for each choice but still be shit.
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