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More Microtransactions, from the fine folks at EAsports! BOHICA TIME


From the MaddenMania Forums.
NCAA 07' 360
"i spoke with Galaron(one of the guys who has the game..(http://profile.mygamercard.net/Galaron) last night on xbox live..tried to get him to sell me his game..didnt work..but i did manage to ask a ? before he signed off."

Q: "Does this game have alternate jerseys in it? like oregon/yellow..miami/orange..notre dam/green..ect"

A: "Sorry but it doesnt look like they have been included in the game. i just see home and away uniforms. However there is an option that states "Xbox live marketplace" and when i click on it, it shows uniforms and gamer pictures. looks like the alternates are avail to purchase individualy"

I fixed the guys profile link, showing he does have the game. Its also been established he works for EA. Having people pay extra money for Alternate jerseys is a ****ing joke. So what current gen owners get for free, we pay an extra $1-2(just guessing). EA can suck me on this one.
The worst kind of microtransaction, the kind you know the company is only holding back on so they can make some extra money. No one is to blame here except EA for pulling this.


Wouldn't the Xbox Live Marketplace stuff he's talking about be visable for everyone on XBL? Like the Chapter 2 GRAW download, or Map Packs for any other game. Because I don't see ANYTHING for NCAA Football up for download, including Gamer Pictures.
DMczaf said:
Wouldn't the Xbox Live Marketplace stuff he's talking about be visable for everyone on XBL? Like the Chapter 2 GRAW download, or Map Packs for any other game. Because I don't see ANYTHING for NCAA Football up for download, including Gamer Pictures.

maybe partnernet?

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
SolidSnakex said:
The worst kind of microtransaction, the kind you know the company is only holding back on so they can make some extra money. No one is to blame here except EA for pulling this.

Yeah, because EA is clearly the only company doing this.


Reilly said:
Eventually, you're going to have to pay to update the rosters.

Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.
Amir0x said:
Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.

What about Xbox live multiplayer though?


Reilly said:
Eventually, you're going to have to pay to update the rosters.

Maybe for Madden, not NCAA. And if they did that for Madden it wouldn't make sense because people make their OWN rosters which can be downloaded over the internet(using that new data link cable from codejunkies).


Second-rate Anihawk
Amir0x said:
Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.
Amir0x said:
what about XBL? That is where we'd presumably be downloading the roster/stats from right?

Ack, was gonna edit more into there. What if by sticking with a specific year of Madden you're seperating yourself from the wave of gamers who grab the newest Madden each year? It may become a tad difficult getting online games...but the whole issue depends on whether you even care about Madden online.
Favre4435 said:
Yeah, because EA is clearly the only company doing this.

They probably aren't, but that's what they're doing here. It's like if they shipped the new NFS with only 2 cars per car and you had to buy every other color.
Amir0x said:
Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.

that doesnt sound like what they are doing but that would be pretty great IMO if they were. although i dont play these games and i assume there are Madden fans that really want a whole new game each year.


force push the doodoo rock
Amir0x said:
Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.

haha tiny fee. More like 29.99 or some bullshit like that.


Well we can also thank MS for not having regulations, so that allows this crap to happen.

But it is only alternate uniforms so I don't give a sheet about it and wouldn't use them anyway.


sp0rsk said:
haha tiny fee. More like 29.99 or some bullshit like that.

Well I'd pay up to ~20 dollars IF they, you know, added in the new players who joined the latest season and also perhaps if they added a new mode onto the game to keep it up to date with the latest versions. But what would really sell me is if it was playable across other versions of it in the same gen.
Amir0x said:
Well I'd pay up to ~20 dollars IF they, you know, added in the new players who joined the latest season and also perhaps if they added a new mode onto the game to keep it up to date with the latest versions. But what would really sell me is if it was playable across other versions of it in the same gen.

uhm, why the hell would they do that when they sell 5 million copies of the new madden each year with the new rosters being a major selling point?


Ninja Scooter said:
uhm, why the hell would they do that when they sell 5 million copies of the new madden each year with the new rosters being a major selling point?

No, they wouldn't. You're absolutely right. I'm just saying that I'd love it if they would.


Amir0x said:
Well I'd pay up to ~20 dollars IF they, you know, added in the new players who joined the latest season and also perhaps if they added a new mode onto the game to keep it up to date with the latest versions. But what would really sell me is if it was playable across other versions of it in the same gen.
:lol oh amirox thats a good one...that is never going to happen.


DaddyZ said:
:lol oh amirox thats a good one...that is never going to happen.

I know man. I was just responding to the thought earlier in this thread about paying for updated rosters via microtransactions... which would actually be a GOOD use of microtransactions :lol


Amir0x said:
I know man. I was just responding to the thought earlier in this thread about paying for updated rosters via microtransactions... which would actually be a GOOD use of microtransactions :lol

Like I said earlier though, it would never happen for Madden. You see what people are doing with NFL2k5, (a 2 year old game) they have updated rosters and the whole shbang for free over the internet. Exactly what people do for NCAA games (have the players names instead of #55)...It's just to easy for rosters to be made with an NFL game.

"I'd like one map, please."


Amir0x said:
Wait, if it's a full updated roster and statistics for a new season then that'd totally be worth paying for. As someone who isn't as dedicated into Madden or whatever as some of the more dedicated sports games player, it'd be nice to buy only one or two of 'em per gen and be able to update the roster/stats at a certain point for a tiny fee.

Farming sequels IS EA, they could never let this happen.


This is getting out of hand...

I swear EA, if you make extra jerseys in NHL 07 cost MS points I'll put the kibosh on you.


Now, GT5 shippin with one car and one track doesn't seem so impossible.

I love how compnies just hate their customers.


These will probably be free in a preorder bonus, and then EA won't follow through like they did when they screwed a ton of people with Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2.


http://static.flickr.com/67/171277505_38ad397e95_b.jpg <--- pics of new Oregon jerseys:lol

The new Oregon Uniforms are worth every penny. ..
from Uniwatchblog.com .. . which btw is a great site to see all the new jerseys

Oregon’s new Nike-designed football uniforms are being unveiled today. No, they’re not quite as extreme as the illustration shown at right, but they’re predictably silly nonetheless, featuring four different jerseys, four different pants, and three different helmets, all of which can be mixed and matched (plus there will be several different undersleeve options, creating even more of a crazy-quilt effect). They’ve also reprised the diamondplate pattern and the “Oregon” and “O” on the pants, all of which first appeared in last year’s Civil War game. Basically, the whole thing is ridiculous, which is pretty much what everyone expected.

I got a sneak peek at the new designs because I wrote a short piece about them for the new issue of ESPN [the] Magazine, which hits newsstands today. Naturally, I poked fun at the new unis, although I didn’t go overboard because by now everyone knows what to expect from an Oregon uniform. If ever there was a case of “Dog Bites Man,” this is it.

Anyway, here’s what I want to talk about today: While working on that article, I spent the better part of two hours interviewing Nike VP Tinker Hatfield (the guy who’s also largely responsible for the Air Jordan line) and Nike Creative Director Todd Van Horne. And as is so often the case when dealing with people you supposedly revile but have never actually met, they turned out to be really interesting folks. I remain diametrically opposed to their notions of branding, and I think their idea of good design is very, very different than mine (and, I hope, yours), but I enjoyed talking with them and gained a lot of respect for them in the course of our discussions. I also give them a lot of credit for being so open and forthcoming with me, even though they knew my feelings about a lot of their work. In short: classy guys.

Stockholm Syndrome? Yeah, maybe, at least in part. But the reality is that it’s easy to demonize a faceless abstraction called “Nike” (which is why I’ll no doubt continue to do it), but things get a bit trickier when you put living, breathing human beings into the equation. With that in mind, and in the spirit of fairness, I want to share some of the things that came up in our interview but didn’t make it into the short article I ended up writing:

• The Nike people are well aware that the approach they’ve taken with Oregon and with some other schools wouldn’t fly with some the country’s more conservative programs. “The University of Oregon is willing to partner with us on this approach, and I don’t think you’d find that in too many Division I programs,” Hatfield told me. “If we walked into Joe Paterno’s office and said, ‘How about putting “Penn State” on the left leg of the pants?,’ we’d probably get tarred and feathered. We think it’s great that there are these storied programs around the country that have tradition, and you just don’t mess with them. I love Michigan’s uniforms; I love the simplicity of Penn State.” He sounded pretty sincere about this (although, as I pointed out to him, Nike did “mess with” Michigan’s road jersey last season). Of course, it would be nice if he could bring some of that simplicity to other Nike-outfitted teams, but that’s another matter.

• If you look again at this photo, you’ll see that Oregon’s new pants and jerseys come in green, yellow, white, and black, but the helmets only come in green, yellow, and white. Why isn’t there a black helmet? “That was discussed – some players thought it’d be pretty cool,” Hatfield told me. “But I didn’t think it would be right, out of respect for Oregon State, because they have black helmets. So I vetoed any black helmet.”

• On the performance side, the new uniforms are made of a fabric called FA05, which is supposedly much lighter than its predecessor, FA04. You can see some statistical comparisons here and here.

• Nike’s Oregon program is all geared toward catering to the athlete — not just in terms of the uniform’s performance-based aspects (which makes sense), but also in terms of aesthetics (which doesn’t, at least to me). They hold focus groups with the players, have the players submit design sketches, and so on. So if you think these unis look like they were designed by a bunch of 20-year-olds, well, to a certain extent they were. “They want to feel intimidating, like gladiators coming into the arena,” Van Horne told me. And about the diamondplate pattern, Hatfield said, “It’s basically a graphic representation of toughness. The players want to look tough – it’s a tough sport, there’s a lot of intimidation.” Frankly, I think this is all pretty stupid, but hey, 20-year-olds are stupid (if anyone reading this is 20 years old, I apologize, but trust me, your smarter years are ahead of you). Of course, the larger issue is why Nike would cater exclusively to the athletes when there’s a much larger group of people who have to look at the uniforms, but that’s a separate issue.

• It could have been worse: Many of the players were in favor of going with the asymmetrical-sleeves look, but the Nike people decided against it.

• The tapered uni numbers (here’s the full set) are a new typeface called Bellotti Bold. They were essentially art-directed by Oregon coach Mike Bellotti, who didn’t like the numbers used in the Civil War game (and hey, who can blame him?). Hatfield said, “The tapered number just adds a little more of a dynamic attitude. Basically, if a player feels more invincible, he’ll go out and play better. That’s sports psychology 101.” Again, I think this is silly at best, but it appears to be another case of giving the players (and, in this case, the coach) what they want.

• Speaking of the numbers, the actual number fabric is stretch twill, so the numerals will stretch and give along with the rest of the jersey — apparently a first in uni design.

So have I suddenly become a Nike apologist? Hardly. I still think they’re the biggest problem in sports design today, I still think they usually have the manufacturer/team relationship backwards, and they reeeaaaalllly need to cut back on all the swooshes. And when Hatfield trots out a talking point like, “We’re used to the criticism, because that’s the role of the leader,” as he said to me toward the end of our interview, that’s just a convenient all-purpose dodge.

But it was good to trade ideas with Hatfield and Van Horne, and to be able to put a human face on Nike — to see the man behind the curtain instead of the Wizard of Oz, so to speak. Only problem is, the curtain is covered in

Ranger X

theREBELins said:

err, sorry, it's 100% our fault (customers).
Even people that did participate in transaction they thought were reasonnable encouraged the model then help it to grow --- means also more scams and wallet rapping.
If people wouldn't buy download content, they would stop making you pay for it.


Ranger X said:
err, sorry, it's 100% our fault (customers).
Even people that did participate in transaction they thought were reasonnable encouraged the model then help it to grow --- means also more scams and wallet rapping.
If people wouldn't buy download content, they would stop making you pay for it.

Lies. Sony and Nintendo would never plan or allow third parties to sell downloadable content to customers. ;)

Ranger X

Mrbob said:
Lies. Sony and Nintendo would never plan or allow third parties to sell downloadable content to customers. ;)

Watch Nintendo with the Wii connect 24 system. You're gonna wake up the morning and turn on your Wii and on the screen it says "X content for X of your game had just been updated. Do you want to keep the download?" with a little, VERY LITTLE message at the bottom right telling you "warning, your credit card will automatically be billed as you agreed in our terms of service".


someone somewhere needs to come up with a list of microtransaction rules.

this shit is unacceptable - paying for the alternate jersey? come now.
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