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Most Disappointing 2014 - Destiny Vs. AC Unity and Halo MCC vs Driveclub

Only problems I'm having with DA:I is that I can't connect to the EA servers, in turn making it worthless to start up the game for a second time.

Buggiest and most disappointing is shared with Halo: MCC. What a pile of shit.
Destiny and MCC though I don't think any game can beat MCC.

On PS4?
115 hours not one bug. Clipping here and there and hilarity with the horse but thats it.

I played it on PS4, it crashed maybe twice, I had that weird bug where it looks like the character is hanging his arms and trying moonwalk. I think the most irritating thing I experienced was the bug where the characters freeze during conversations and you have to jam on the square button to skip that section of dialogue.

I definitely wouldn't call what I played broken though.


The only one of those I played this year was MCC, and only for the local multi and single player so I wasn't disappointed.

True disappointment? Dangan Ronpa 1. When it was announced, the announcement thread didn't make it past page 1, and it was like 4 of us hyping it and the rest like "what even is it." I was so excited for it, and while it's not a bad game by any means it was nowhere near as good as the 999/Ace Attorney series in my book. Fortunately the 2nd game was light years better.


Compared to expectations, I would definitely say Destiny.

I mean that's a game from the creators of Halo, and that was hyped as being the "next Star Wars or Harry Potter" in terms of scope and lore.

I am not a big MP person, so maybe that would explain my choice, but I was at least expecting a coherent story tbh.
Driveclub is actually an awesome game, can't say the same from the rest (haven't played Halos that much). Destiny is still a decent game when played with friends.


Neo Member
I'm going to have to go with Master Chief Collection. This was supposed to be the game that convinced me to pick up an XB1, which I held off on after hearing about how broken the entire thing was. :(


I love Halo MCC, but seeing the potential makes it a bit disappointing. Driveclub isn't a bad game, but is the biggest scam of 2014.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Th is entire generation has been a huge disappointment so far.

Fair statement. There hasn't been a single current gen console exclusive that has gotten me excited or been really good. A lot of people seem to like Sunset Overdrive, but the design of that game is pretty repulsive to me.

I think Bloodborne is going to be the first truly exciting game for me this generation.
MCC doesn't really qualify for this thread,at least in my opinion. The core gamed are good because they are the same if not better than the origianls. The only problem the game suffers from is online issued which is extremely frustrating believe me but its nothing that can't be fixed with a proper patch or two..

This is really hilarious 2 months later. Sorry!


Tales from where ever...

last night I have 180 friends on psn of gaffers and other sites, 56 people online- 21 people playing destiny 7 players playing DC- 1 player on unity

98 friends on Xlive 24 people online - 12 people playing destiny - 3 on unity - 1 on MCC

Answer is in the crosby pudding
Destiny is more of a personal disappointment for me as it simply wasn't the type of game I expected or wanted. I was hoping for an epic single player story with massive worlds to explore, not a loot driven grindfest, though I respect that some people enjoy games like that.

As for a more general disappointment I have to go with MCC, simply because it's shocking how badly Microsoft/343 fucked up their most iconic franchise.


Fair statement. There hasn't been a single current gen console exclusive that has gotten me excited or been really good. A lot of people seem to like Sunset Overdrive, but the design of that game is pretty repulsive to me.

I think Bloodborne is going to be the first truly exciting game for me this generation.

I think MGSV will be my first new gen game I'll really enjoy.
Destiny bungie oversold or i believed too much in bungie to not see it.
After that MCC for sure it had so much potential while i didn't had a lot of problems with matchmaking it wasn't optimal.
MCC because it was not what i expected it to be since it did not work.

Bought unity this week and it seems to work fine so im ok with it.

Destiny i knew was being overhyped so i was not dissapointed overall, still was a little shocked by how little story there was.


Broken games automatically win by default.

I only played Destiny out of those 4 and it definitely disappointed. I never played a game that punishes you so much by playing solo. Fucking pissed me off and traded that shit in immediately.


Junior Member
I think the Unity thing was completely overblown, there have been worse performing games that are actually celebrated here constantly.

I haven't had much issues with TMCC, But that game gets my vote, simply based on it still not being 100% fixed.

Destiny was pretty disappointing, but I expected as much after Reach and the beta cemented that, so I dodged that bullet.
Gotta be Destiny.

Driveclub doesn't deserve to be on that list, considering all the improvements they ultimately made to that game.

IT was worth it ....... in the end.

leng jai

I don't really see how DriveClub could compete with Destiny/MCC for most disappointing game. Destiny was a massive flop content wise from Bungie and MCC is a flagship port which flat didn't work for months (and still doesn't for some people). Driveclub for all its issues actually turned out to be a good game for the most part.

I'm not a massive Halo fan so my vote goes to Destiny, though they've both been a travesty in my book.


I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain why Destiny is the biggest disappointment of 2014...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think MGSV will be my first new gen game I'll really enjoy.

It's definitely got me excited, but I'm just focusing on games that will be available only on the PS4/XBO. I'll personally be playing MGSV on PC.


When I created this topic sometime ago (2014), I thought MCC - now it's just the nail in the coffin. What a mess.


It's one digital pre-order plus season pass that I wish I could get my money back for.

I actually like Destiny a whole lot, but sometimes I'm glad it happened just so that maybe people will stop buying these stupid Season Passes.

It's a trend that makes absolutely no sense. Why would you give a developer money for content that is months away and almost completely unknown? You get a meager discount at best for shouldering a pretty massive risk. At some point the person buying the DLC in advance has to shoulder at least some of the blame for this nonsense though. If you say to someone "Here's $30 and I'll take whatever you want to give me for it and waive any right to a refund," don't be surprised if what you get is $10 worth of product. When you explictly promise payment with no assurance of quality, any major corporation is going to jack up their profit margins rather than deliver value.


Destiny for all its issues, actually worked. Destiny has a ton of problems. A ton of flaws. But a large reason Destiny is a let down, is becaus Bungie lied to people and sold them on a game that didnt end up coming out. It was terrible marketing.

The game would have still been a let down regardless. But a big reason people are really angry, is because Bungie didn't live up to what they promised. Destiny itself has great gameplay. It has fantastic graphics. It has decent multiplayer. It's a blast to play co-op with friends (all the campaign missions).

So there is something worthwhile in Destiny for some people. I enjoyed the first 30 hours I put into it. I had a lot of fun with my friends. And again the gameplay was great.

Halo MCC on other hand, was broken. It didn't work. I spent the first two weeks trying to play with friends and I legitimately could not. So while MCC didn't promise me anything, I did expect the quality of previous Halo games in a single package. And the game did not live up to that. At all. To me, MCC is much more offensive and disgusting. To those saying MCC will be fixed someday, so Destiny still wins...

I feel like the damage is done. MCC's online will never be the same. People will lose interest. It can't ever be what it could have been if it worked at launch. And honestly, I don't even care if MCC gets fixed. It didn't work for 2 months. At this point I'm moving on and won't ever go back to it. It's infintely worse to me than Destiny because the damn thing didn't work.

I've completely soured on Destiny and agree with all the criticisms. Even had Bungie not lied and mislead during marketing, it would have still been a let down. But I still feel that I got something out of Destiny. I got some fun out of it. And that's more then I can ever say for MCC.

It kind of disheartens me to see so many people talk about Destinys failures over MCCs, when MCC doesn't work and many were ripped off of their $60 in a more compete way than those that feel ripped off from Desitny.


It kind of disheartens me to see so many people talk about Destinys failures over MCCs, when MCC doesn't work and many were ripped off of their $60 in a more compete way than those that feel ripped off from Desitny.

Most people didn't play MCC because they don't own an Xbox One, and people will pick whatever disappointed them most personally over what (IMO) was clearly the biggest screwup of the year.

It's one thing to have some mis-steps and over-promises with a new IP, but it's another to completely botch a cherished franchise that's been running for 15 years.


Lol MCC has a beta for patches now? Wow, i own the gane digitally but i haven't even tried to play it since october i think, such a dissapointing release.


AC Unity for me because it was the only game I was actually interested in. Have no interest in the other games even if they didn't ship with issues.
MCC was, and still is.

Destiny didn't impress me until I started to read the opinions of Gaffers playing that Alpha or whatever it was. Then I wanted to pick up a PS4 in time for the Beta. I don't understand why everybody liked it and continues to like it so much. If anything, the Alpha and Beta for the game were only bigger turnoffs than the initial trailers and previews.

Only clicked this thread because of the thread title including Driveclub in it.

If Driveclub was a disappointment to someone, I wanna know why.


MCC was, and still is.

Only clicked this thread because of the thread title including Driveclub in it.

If Driveclub was a disappointment to someone, I wanna know why.

This thread was made months ago back when it was completely broken.
MCC for me. HUGE Halo fan here and I was so hyped but the launch killed the game for my friends and I. We thought it would bring back the good old halo 2 days when we would get together on Xbox live and play for hours....except in MCC, it literally took us hours to get into a game or even the same party. What a fucking mess that game is and still is at times.

MCC is the game that made me go back to Destiny on my ps4 and give it another try. 80 hours later with 2 characters in I am hooked. I am about to start my third character and looking forward to it. I have over 30 friends on my friends list who play this game and some of them are my real life friends, most I have met through destinylfg.net or GAF getting in on raids and strikes. the community Imo is great in this game.

Was I orginally disappointed in Destiny? Yes, but I think that's because I wanted more reward and more from this games story but I then realized I was doing it all wrong. I could care less about the story because I love the mechanics and how tough some rewards can be to get. I guess I just love the grind.

I know a lot of people were disappointed in Destiny and rightfully so. Bungie made this game out to be more then it was. The game though is also very successful becuase the population on both systems is very strong.
This poll is not valid because watchdogs is not an option lol. But if I had to chose the ones that are part of the poll i will say destiny. What a sad excuse for a MMO. Its a MMO for people who never played MMO.


Most people didn't play MCC because they don't own an Xbox One, and people will pick whatever disappointed them most personally over what (IMO) was clearly the biggest screwup of the year.

It's one thing to have some mis-steps and over-promises with a new IP, but it's another to completely botch a cherished franchise that's been running for 15 years.

That's true. Good point. And is obvious. My bad. And I agree with you. MCC was MS flagship brand and it was shipped broken. For all of Destinys issues, at least the damn thing works.


How is DriveClub disappointing? The online works now, the game's in much better shape than it was at launch..

The post was made a few months ago judging by the dates - DC is totally fine now (and well worth the discounter 20GBP I paid for it last week). I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying it, even if I apparently suck at more realistic arcade racers. Burnour/NFS this ain't.

It's not quite the stunner I was promised, but that's mostly due to the inconsistency of the tracks. Anything with too much grass/trees doesn't look great due to a lack of shadows. Some of the areas do look phenomenal though. If they just added some AA to the cars, man, what a looker.
The post was made a few months ago judging by the dates - DC is totally fine now (and well worth the discounter 20GBP I paid for it last week). I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying it, even if I apparently suck at more realistic arcade racers. Burnour/NFS this ain't.

It's not quite the stunner I was promised, but that's mostly due to the inconsistency of the tracks. Anything with too much grass/trees doesn't look great due to a lack of shadows. Some of the areas do look phenomenal though. If they just added some AA to the cars, man, what a looker.
What? First I hear of that.


How is DriveClub disappointing? The online works now, the game's in much better shape than it was at launch..

Let's see... This gets more nitpicky as the list goes on, but I think all are valid concerns.

  • They significantly scaled back the PS+ edition at the last minute from what was earlier implied, from complete-ish game to large demo.
  • Botched netcode to the extent that the PS+ version is still not released to avoid putting stress on the servers.
  • Completely broken online at launch for paying customers, that has only recently become sort of reliable.
  • Failure to meet 60 fps target hinted at by team earlier.

Driveclub is weird in the sense that the customers it has primarily let down haven't actually bought the game, although they have paid for it in the form of the PS+ subscription, and as such, I think, have a right to be disappointed.


It's not that it's broken (although some people seem to have experienced major bugs), but I just think it's a really bad game and an even further leap in the direction I didn't want them to take with the series.

A lot of people seem to love it, though, and it certainly won its fair share of GOTY awards, so I'm sure Bioware is happy. I just think it's a really bland and boring RPG, but don't let my opinion affect your enjoyment.

We won't, don't worry. :)

130+ hrs and counting (2nd playthrough), and still loving it.
Let's see... This gets more nitpicky as the list goes on, but I think all are valid concerns.

  • They significantly scaled back the PS+ edition at the last minute from what was earlier implied, from complete-ish game to large demo.
  • Botched netcode to the extent that the PS+ version is still not released to avoid putting stress on the servers.
  • Completely broken online at launch for paying customers, that has only recently become sort of reliable.
  • Failure to meet 60 fps target hinted at by team earlier.

Driveclub is weird in the sense that the customers it has primarily let down haven't actually bought the game, although they have paid for it in the form of the PS+ subscription, and as such, I think, have a right to be disappointed.

Come on.. the rock-solid 30fps is not an issue, and ... they hinted at it? When? Five years ago? I'm sure 30fps was confirmed way before the actual launch. So how is that disappointing?

Basically you are upset that the PSN version is delayed, which is fine.
Destiny man...Destiny...*sigh*

Was expecting another Halo sized epic campaign. I was all on board after reading this , seeing trailers, seeing Dinklage, Bungie's pedigree...hype was through the roof.

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