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Most Disappointing 2014 - Destiny Vs. AC Unity and Halo MCC vs Driveclub


I wasn't at all interested in Driveclub. Watched trailers and read about the concept behind it, but didn't think I would ever buy it. When I got a PS4 it came bundled with it, and now I think it's one of the best racing games I've played. I pretty much assumed the gameplay was going to be nothing worth talking about, but it turned out to be excellent. So, the opposite of a disappointment for me; it was a very pleasant surprise.


Destiny man...Destiny...*sigh*

Was expecting another Halo sized epic campaign. I was all on board after reading this , seeing trailers, seeing Dinklage, Bungie's pedigree...hype was through the roof.


If I only had a PS4, yeah. I think I understand where you guys are coming from. This is about our own personal disappointments, and not what IS the overall disappointment.

But man I'm telling you, there is nothing worse than expecting something from an established franchise like Halo, and then it not working. It just being broken. There is nothing worse then paying $60 and then your game not work. So if someone was to ask me: what was the biggest failure/ let down of 2014...I will say MCC every time.

If it's more of a subjective/ what is YOUR personal disappointment, then I can understand someone picking Destiny as not everyone had an X1, or even wanted MCC. OR..maybe Destiny was a bigger disappointment then a game that doesn't work (assuming you had both, and still thought Destiny was worse).
Love DriveClub and love Destiny. In fact playing Destiny as I type this at a loading screen.
MCC is disappointing and definitely made selling my X1 an easy choice.
So the winner is guess who?


Its weird. Of those games listed, Destiny actually works and had a stable launch. It shipped fairly polished.

At the same time though, when you compare it to what it could have been, its *soul crushing*


The only one of those Games that I played was Unity. Note I actually purchased a PS4 on the 1st only to finally play that game. As a big AC Fan and having just beat Rogue, when I finally beat the main story I felt so...displeased.
  • I actually play AC games for the Overarching storyline in the Modern Era...there was barely a grain of that.
  • The fact that most commonplace AC skills since Brotherhood were now hidden behind an unlock bar was pure shit, plus getting Sync Points to even unlock such things required you to play co-op.
  • Certain chests were restricted, either by the above said point, the Companion app, or apparently the Initiatives site [when I jumped on, all those chests were free game]. Or to even view ALL of the collectables, you either had to fully traverse the whole map or unlock it by buying helix points.
  • Ending Spoilers:
    Mix in with the fact that the game is LITERALLY pointless in the mythos of AC, Sure there is a Piece of Eden involved, but the point of Find the Sage only to go "NOPE, TOO HARD A FIND, NOT WORTH IT. KAY THANKS ANYWAY, CALL US IF YOU ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING NOTEWORTHY."
    I damn near flipped my shit.


After playing the alpha I was psyched for destiny, I played that alpha non-stop but after the beta, Idk. It didn't look like it was going the way I expected. Didn't end up getting it and seeing by the reactions I'm glad I didn't.

I didn't get watch dogs but most of my friends enjoyed it, but got bored of it pretty quickly. So I can't say anything about it.

I really enjoyed drive club. Yes, it didn't start off great but the game played great. Really enjoyed the gameplay, and everybody knows the graphics are no joke. Now that online is getting better everyday, it's even better.

I can't say much about MCC except that my boss took his vacation time during the week it came out and came back super pissed. Even now he hates me because I bring up MCC(purely out of curiosity to see if it got better) haha.


Its weird. Of those games listed, Destiny actually works and had a stable launch. It shipped fairly polished.

At the same time though, when you compare it to what it could have been, its *soul crushing*

Whilst I agree, I feel like expectations may have been a bit too high for this game from many, including myself. This is not only the first game in a new franchise for Bungie (generally first releases are less content rich due to more time being spent conceptualising and building the engine), but it's also the first game they've done in a while that is multi platform. Here's hoping a sequel will right many of the wrongs, bring along more content, and with it, less repetition.


Destiny. Just bland, repetitive and boring.

Halo was fucking 10/10 for me since I never played the games before.

Haven't played DriveClub/AC.


Destiny and Driveclub were two of the very best games of the year (next to Talos Principle, Thief, Mario Kart 8, Escape Goat 2, and Naissance), AC Unity and Halo MCC were unplayable

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Updating my answer to MCC from a technically perspective. God damn it's so broken and likely to never be 100% fixed.

Destiny is still the most disappointing actual game though that isn't broken.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
MCC was, and still is.

Destiny didn't impress me until I started to read the opinions of Gaffers playing that Alpha or whatever it was. Then I wanted to pick up a PS4 in time for the Beta. I don't understand why everybody liked it and continues to like it so much. If anything, the Alpha and Beta for the game were only bigger turnoffs than the initial trailers and previews.

For me this is the biggest 'whut' of the whole thing.

I remember before launch when a few people were questioning whether the game would be all that, a lot of people were saying, 'well I played the beta, it was amazing, so I know the final game will be too'.

So I played the demo, which, as far as I understand, is the beta.

Yeah this is just inexplicable to me. That got people hyped?


It's gotta be Destiny for me. The combination of the pedigree of the developer plus the amount they talked up the franchise really set my expectations high. I never expected Destiny to launch in the state that it did.

I was in denial for the first few days. I gave it a go. But man, it just feels so soulless and empty, something I never expected from a Bungie game. There's so little there.

edit: The thing about the alpha and beta is that they were pitched as a "small sliver" of the world. I think it's easy when playing essentially a demo to let your imagination run wild and fill in the blanks with this sprawling universe of content.

Instead we got barely anything more, pretty much zero story, and insultingly sparse DLC as a cherry on top.
Destiny is like if mike tyson quit boxing right when he got a title. so much potential and hype and in the end we ended up replaying his old fights over and over wondering what could have been.


Come on.. the rock-solid 30fps is not an issue, and ... they hinted at it? When? Five years ago? I'm sure 30fps was confirmed way before the actual launch. So how is that disappointing?

Basically you are upset that the PSN version is delayed, which is fine.

For a racing game, I'd argue that's it's an issue. But I do freely admit that it's quite nitpicky.

I'm just being slightly hyperbolic in response to the other poster who claimed there was nothing remotely disappointing about DC.


- Corridor conected sections sold as open world.
- 10 minutes of incoherent cinematics sold as inmersive storytelling.
- 8 weapons with different stats solds as zillion on weapons.
- Tiny area with 3 useless vendors sold as multiple huge social hubs.
- Endless loading screens with spaceships sold as space exploring.
- 20 missions (most of them in same places) with almost same objetives, played again and again, sold as MMO progress.
- No lore sold as huge and deep lore.
- Etc...

Not sure what this Bungie guys did for 5 years of development, I guess browsing porn and shit.


It's so strange. I agree that destiny was a letdown and very disappointing but it is also one of my top played games of 2014. I can't stop.
It's so strange. I agree that destiny was a letdown and very disappointing but it is also one of my top played games of 2014. I can't stop.

thats how a lot of us feel. I finally found my exit. with the new croata hard mode its clear they cant do anything creative or interesting. im come back next xpac cause i paid for it and if its more of the same i will be done


destiny - lacking

driveclub - upsetting

halo - exhausting

unity - insulting

Halo MCC isn't insulting? Shipping a broken game, and still 2 months out it's still not 100% fixed isn't insulting? Even worse when you consider this was a well established franchise and fans and consumers had an expectation.

Even more insulting because MS used this to sell people on their console during the holidays.

Edit: sorry. That was uncalled for. I'm still really wound up over MCC. I wanted it so badly and I'm so angry they shipped it broken :( gah

I can accept not everyone will agree with me on this. I need to chill out. Should just be glad I got a refund. But I refuse to buy Halo 5 now and I've really really soured on MS and my x1


Didn't care about any of these games, so I couldnt call them disappointing.

Smash 4 was most disappointing of 2014 for me.


While destiny and watch dogs both disappointed me I'd say destiny was worse because I feel like there's more to do in watch dogs. That and it has a story I could remember each time I played the game. I had no clue what was going on by the second time my friend and I got on to go play the story in destiny.
- Corridor conected sections sold as open world.
- 10 minutes of incoherent cinematics sold as inmersive storytelling.
- 8 weapons with different stats solds as zillion on weapons.
- Tiny area with 3 useless vendors sold as multiple huge social hubs.
- Endless loading screens with spaceships sold as space exploring.
- 20 missions (most of them in same places) with almost same objetives, played again and again, sold as MMO progress.
- No lore sold as huge and deep lore.
- Etc...

Not sure what this Bungie guys did for 5 years of development, I guess browsing porn and shit.
There's an immense amount of detail in the world, a large amount of encounter space, a lot of activity choices among cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes and a lot of polish in the moment-to-moment action gameplay. Add to that the fact that the game runs quite consistently across the four platforms to which it simultaneously released, despite them having significantly different architectures.


mcc and drive club.

i dont own any of these games, just tried to play them at a friends house. online was not working, for a week or so.

i think dc takes the cake since the announced stuff and the shit we had so far are too different.

dont forget that that we still didnt get the ps+ version.
Destiny man...Destiny...*sigh*

Was expecting another Halo sized epic campaign. I was all on board after reading this , seeing trailers, seeing Dinklage, Bungie's pedigree...hype was through the roof.


Have to agree with this. At least with Unity, you could see the trainwreck coming from a mile away.

With Destiny, it caught many off-guard with its barebones content and lack of story.


How anyone can post anything but hmcc, its the biggest dissapointment it still doesnt work when your in a party its laggy its broken and its months after launch, biggest fuck up ever and easily beats out other broken games this gen.


Own MCC and Driveclub only so I can't comment on Unity. On a technical level MCC was and still is broken. I never owned Driveclub when it was broken (I only got it recently in a sale). So with that I'm going to have to go with Halo being the most disappointing technically broken game.


Destiny by far simply because it's a really good game that should have been great. They nailed the co-op stuff but completely flubbed the PVP and solo stuff. Lots of promise for future games, but I have no faith in Bungie to address the many issues the first game has with DLC. They appear to be fine milking the shit out of the faithful for now.

Driveclub didn't disappoint me because I didn't expect much of anything from it, and I didn't get much of anything out of it. Nice driving engine, mediocre game. MCC is very disappointing because the individual parts are all great, but they come together into one giant clusterfuck. But I've played them all before, so the disappointment isn't on the same level as Destiny.

But the game that was my most disappointing of 2014 was Infamous Second Son. Destiny disappointed, but at least it was fun to play.


Junior Member
DESTINY was the biggest in terms of actual content, but there's no way this doesn't go to MCC. I was so ready to lose hours of my life in a Halo infused nostalgia haze. The game's online portion is still broken. Take a look at some of the recent patch notes and you think "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU PATCHING SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN TWO MONTHS LATER?!" Absolute embarrassment.

Owned DC since day one. That game needs to win most improved game of 2014. Online didn't work for a month, but it's been nothing but massive improvements since. If you don't know, you better ask somebody. DC is where it's at.


I've only played MCC a couple of times, but knowing the history & pedigree of Halo - especially the MP & online - I can sympathise with Xboners' feelings.

DC has gone from a really great SP racer to the game that I'm playing for whole nights after being determined to dig into AC:U, GTAV & TLOU:R. I just see a challenge in my notifications or I'm just 'I'll have a quick pen at the leaderboards.' And then I look at the clock and it's almost midnight. The driving physics are exactly where I love them and above all, I know that the only thing holding me back from better times & racing is my own skill. Not because I haven't made some adjustment to to suspension or gearing, just my skill.

AC:U I haven't played enough of - I've only just got my assassin's outfit thanks to DC. But - I'm finding Arno really engaging and it looks fucking gorgeous, even at 900p.

I'll ne honest - personally 2014 wasn't remotely disappointing for me gaming-wise at all.
Destiny is bad game
AC unity is broken game
Driveclub is unfinished game
Halo MCC is disappointing? um how? just because first monthit had problems with servers does not mean game is broken. game is working just like original games.


- Corridor conected sections sold as open world.
- 10 minutes of incoherent cinematics sold as inmersive storytelling.
- 8 weapons with different stats solds as zillion on weapons.
- Tiny area with 3 useless vendors sold as multiple huge social hubs.
- Endless loading screens with spaceships sold as space exploring.
- 20 missions (most of them in same places) with almost same objetives, played again and again, sold as MMO progress.
- No lore sold as huge and deep lore.
- Etc...

Pretty much. How Bungie went from epic campaigns to horde mode the game we will never know.
1. Halo MCC
2. Destiny

Can't really comment on the other two because I haven't had the chance to play Driveclub, and I haven't given Unity a chance yet. I'll comment on them anyway though.

I started Unity, but decided to wait for all the patches to fix its issues. I haven't gotten around to continue the story yet. I've enjoyed what I've played up to this point, granted I haven't made it too far. I've always been a sucker for Assassin's Creed games so I suppose I tend to have a bit of a swayed opinion on them. The framerate issues stood out to me from the brief time I played so I decided to put it on the shelf for the time being.

I'm still waiting for the PS+ version of Driveclub. Graphically the game looks great and has great weather effects; but just from watching videos I'm not too sure I would like the handling model. Cars just look a bit to grippy for my liking. It just looks like you don't get punished enough for braking too late and mashing the accelerator mid-turn to me. Some of those hyper cars just straight up do not have ABS systems, but it looks as if there's no consequences for just mashing on the left pedal. And that's my preference, and not a testament towards the game itself. I'm sure they designed the handling model to behave exactly as it does, and maybe it's not for me. Still want to try it though.

Now to the disappointments.

2. Destiny - It's been reiterated time and time again, the gun play is great in this game. I really liked the shooting and the enemy interactions. I just really thought the story was lacking. I finished it and had no idea what the hell I had accomplished as a character. I didn't buy the game till late December and I just feel like the progression isn't worth my effort any more. I have a level 22 hunter. I'm not at a high enough level to do the raids with my friends, and that's about all they have been doing lately. I played for 2 hours straight without ranking up. I just don't have the desire to play anymore. I've just just have no incentive to rank up any more when I'm fighting the same shit as before but with more health. I mean, I've done the same thing at a level 8 as I'm doing at a level 20.

1. MCC - I'm getting older, and a lot of the people I continue to stay in touch with from college loved Halo 2 and 3. Some of the greatest memories I have are from LAN games from Halo 2 and 3. I thought this game was gonna give us the means to have a mutual interest where we could just play together and have a good time. These are people I don't normally go out of my way to call, but people I enjoy talking to and catching up with. We all bought the MCC thinking we'd have some sort of mutual gaming interests to where we would talk a play on a regular basis. The game is fucking broke though. Parties still don't work properly, matchmaking still doesn't work properly, no even teams, splitting teams, the input lag in coop. The issues are endless. We rarely ever even try to play it anymore because it's such a pain in the ass. So for me, the MCC is the biggest disappointment.

Sorry for the wall of text.


1. Halo MCC - dysfunctional mess still
2. Destiny - Bungie expecations and promises

Unity - No play time post patch
Driveclub - Questionable driving model for me


It's a win win for AC Unity for me. I have bought Unity on ps4 exclusively for my tech curiosity. I know, it's just crazy. But I absure to everyone this game it's even more terrible than you could expect.I'm not talking of the tons of bugs, glitch etc etc but of the core gameplay mechanics, the level design, the controls. AC3 in comparison it's simply another league of quality. More than a time the character stuck in the crouch position, the option botton not works, further more, the supposed rinnovate combat system it's an incredibly torture than an entertainment experience, for the terrible responsiveness of the controls. And the crowd stuff, Ubisoft pushed so much to the numbers of the npc in the area, without take count how design properly the character movements in this situation. I know it's difficult walk in the crowd but it's fucking annoying play with the character while he stuck, slow, repeatedly. Even the supposed rinnovative 'parktour' controls although the remarkable animations, it's incredibly annoying. Oh and I haven't mentioned the story. My God. If you think WatchDog was terrible, think again. I don't recommend it even extremely cheap. This is the DMC2 of Ubisoft without any doubt.


Junior Member
Destiny is bad game
AC unity is broken game
Driveclub is unfinished game
Halo MCC is disappointing? um how? just because first monthit had problems with servers does not mean game is broken. game is working just like original games.

DRIVECLUB is perfectly finished and has a TON of content.

MCC still doesn't work properly online. Matchmaking takes forever, FOREVER. Net code is inconsistent. Menus are still buggy as shit. It's still missing a boat load of playlists. MCC is a shit show. They're not giving away an entire SP campaign for nothing.

EDIT: Sade dropping them DESTINY truth bombs tho...


The most disappointing game of 2014 for me was Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, with Bravely Default in a close second. I had pretty high expectations for both (Ace Attorney has never let me down and a PS1-style FF game sounded awesome), but I found both to be mediocre at best.

I was never hyped for most of the AAA games. I will say that Destiny is disappointing as that is one that I was hyped for, but at least the core mechanics are solid if nothing else. Halo MCC seems like it could be up there if I had an Xbox One but I don't have one yet and by the time I get around to getting one it'll probably be fixed (and the online will probably be not super active but eh I'll deal). Evil Within actually seems like it could be the most disappointing of the AAA games although I haven't really sunken my teeth into it yet, and I doubt it'll be anywhere near as disappointing as PLvAA or BD since I wasn't all that hyped for it to start with since it didn't look great and I'm not a huge fan of classic RE anyways. Was never hyped for DriveClub or Unity and still don't give a shit about either.
Let's see... This gets more nitpicky as the list goes on, but I think all are valid concerns.

  • They significantly scaled back the PS+ edition at the last minute from what was earlier implied, from complete-ish game to large demo.
  • Botched netcode to the extent that the PS+ version is still not released to avoid putting stress on the servers.
  • Completely broken online at launch for paying customers, that has only recently become sort of reliable.
  • Failure to meet 60 fps target hinted at by team earlier.

Driveclub is weird in the sense that the customers it has primarily let down haven't actually bought the game, although they have paid for it in the form of the PS+ subscription, and as such, I think, have a right to be disappointed.

I don't really want to get into another Driveclub debate, but the two I've highlighted aren't true. The PS+ was and still is the full game with reduced content (unless that has changed recently?) and the game was never anything but 30fps.


Oh, another Destiny thread?
On a serious note, what the hell were they doing for all those years. The core gameplay sure is fun, but repetitive. The amount of content might be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history for me.
Its not like Bungie did not overpromise in the past, but so few planets? Small areas? Shitty "campaign"?


Oh, another Destiny thread?
On a serious note, what the hell were they doing for all those years. The core gameplay sure is fun, but repetitive. The amount of content might be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history for me.
Its not like Bungie did not overpromise in the past, but so few planets? Small areas? Shitty "campaign"?
You should play AC Unity. Your vision of Destiny could change. Don't let me wrong I understand your frustration but if you want to see a real mess in action, try it.


Destiny not only disappointed me, but caused me to feel disappointed in the low standards that it's fans have. That took that facade of a game and ate it up. Ugh.


Junior Member
Destiny not only disappointed me, but caused me to feel disappointed in the low standards that it's fans have. That took that facade of a game and ate it up. Ugh.

That's a low blow to the fans especially the gamers from GAF. I feel like fans of Destiny never fell for the marketing hype and enjoy playing the game as is. If the game play was terrible, no one would force themselves to play it at all. That's why new people continue to purchase the game through word of mouth on how great it feels/most played game of 2014.

MCC has always been about having fun with your friends online. If the online continues to remain broken, what good is it to play? At least Bungie continues to patch Destiny for the better since launch. MCC became the reason why people are skeptical about Halo 5.


I don't really want to get into another Driveclub debate, but the two I've highlighted aren't true. The PS+ was and still is the full game with reduced content (unless that has changed recently?)

It was detailed a while ago that PS+ was only the India tracks and like 10 cars. All launch game modes, but not exactly what people were expecting. Also, it's not out yet, so it's pretty much too late.


( I own the full game already, just trying to pass the news along)


Destiny still. The others I wasn't so interested in at the time (and AC:Unity just kept coming with more shit the more I heard about it, parity, microtransactions, etc.), and I sag Destiny simply because I expected much more. The story wasn't one worth telling, the missions are pretty much the same and the campaign was SHORT, and you were expected to be happy with playing the same mission several times. The only thing in it for me is grinding to get higher levels/better armor in order to do raid and that's it.

I don't see such a problem with MCC... Personally I was in it for the campaigns primarily and I got that, the achievements were buggy, but it was more the servers I believe, being slow to unlock instantly. Other than that, I did have problems with the game sometimes on the main menu being slow and eventually crashing and closing. The other disappointing thing was Halo 1 co op. Not sure how it is for Halo 2 or anything else, but Halo 1 STILL has that lag for the person who isn't host which makes it pretty much unplayable for them, so co op is still dead for me in that game. As for multiplayer (at that time), I could actually get some games, it was just that it was VERY slow to get one and the parties weren't full like you'd expect. I didn't get into a game where the game disconnected early or whatever. I guess if I was in it for multiplayer I'd be more disappointed, since it was in a pretty much broken state.

So yeah, with 343 you can question whether you like the direction they're going in and that's fine, but what I'm most worried about is their dedication to making a game fully work as intended and I can see it happening again in Halo 5 in someway. Like for Halo 4 with some achievements not popping, they couldn't even confirm they were going to fix it. Microsoft biggest game and they can't even tell their fans they'll fix any bug that plagues them. Same for Halo 4 at the beginning with the heap of problems it had like dlc not sharing between accounts and etc. The most polished game they made was Halo 1 remake, and that still has unplayable co op, so while I'm open to the direction they want to take Halo, I'm not at all happy with their polishing record, puts me off wanting Halo 5 to be honest.

AC:U, well I didn't foresee it being that broken, but I just heard more negative stuff each time something new came out, so I guess my expectations weren't great by the time it came out the game was in a bad state.

Driveclub, don't see it being as high up with these games in terms of disappointing. At least for me I would have just played the tours straight away and the game wouldn't have stopped me doing that, it seems just the sorta mini challenges you get in races which admittedly are sorta cool, but I don't think I would have been screaming broken! I'd say it was most disappointing because it delayed the PS+ release indefinitely, but as a game I wouldn't say so.
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