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Mr Aladdin Sir you've never met a movie like me aka best 90s Disney movie

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I'm listening to the Lion King OST, oh man. It's bringing back all sorts of memories.

As much as I love Aladdin, and I love it a lot, Lion King is the GOAT.


I enjoyed watching Aladdin as a kid but as I grew older I began to notices a few glaring plot holes with Jafar's plan.

Jafar was always in control, but he wanted more. While being Sultan might be good enough for some having three wishes granted trumps that.
The reason he panicked later was that he knew the lamp was forever lost and that Jasmine had it out for him.

I've always felt his first wish was rather redundant, though.
So the theater version has less/no gargoyles?
Where can I see this!
But ew I don't like the more accurate ending
There are bootlegs. Some clips on YouTube. If you dig deep enough you can find it pretty easily.

Saw it when it premiered in New Jersey at Paper Mill Playhouse. Never had I felt more complete as a person.
exaggerating only a little, it's my dream to play Quasi on stage

The gargoyles in this version function more as a Greek chorus, they don't have specific personalities like in the movie and there's way more of them. But really, it's just Quasi hearing voices. There was kind of that implication in the film too and the directors play it up in interviews that there's some ambiguity as to whether they're really alive or not, but it seems pretty clear by the final battle sequence when they're doing things that are obviously outside of Quasi's abilities. And in the sequel his girlfriend can see them, but the less spoken about that the better!

I like the new ending personally. It is a tragedy after all. The Paper Mill version added a monologue at the end where Quasi's actor explains that he buried himself alive with Esmeralda and was found years later as a skeleton... Which is true to the book but a little grim for my liking. Like if you're going to craft your story around this deformed man finding acceptance in society and then you have him off himself at the end anyway it seems a little contradictory. The novel doesn't focus on that nearly as much (or at all - Quasi is downright unlikable in the book) so it's not as jarring. But whatever, it's still a great play all the same. It's a shame Disney isn't taking it to Broadway, but it was never going to have the same appeal as something like Lion King.
Genie couldn't even make Aladdin a real prince, instead guilt trips him into telling Jasmine "the truth".

A storytelling issue even a kid could pick up on. I give it an F--.

Got the Blu-ray. It's still a favorite.
Aladdin and Lion King have to take a backseat to the REAL Disney classic.... The Great Mouse Dectective

Brave Little Toaster gets honorable mention.


Both Lion King and Aladdin are



Even as a kid those felt off to me (I'm not from the USA so many went over my head too). The anachronistic pop culture jokes by the Genie would be torn to shreds by critics if the movie was released today.

This. Say what you will about the Lion King but it's timeless whereas Aladdin is already dated.
This. Say what you will about the Lion King but it's timeless whereas Aladdin is already dated.

Not only is this false, it's actually the opposite.

As far as I can remember, none of the other characters understand Genie's anachronistic jokes. It's an effective way to illustrate Genie's power and inhuman nature. If he only joked in era-specific ways it would lessen his sense of comparative power. It also gives a sense that Genie is messing with them by joking in ways he knows they won't get.

Also, anachronistic jokes aren't bad if they're funny in themselves. "Ha! I recognize that!" is usually bad. But many people wouldn't even recognize Groucho Marx or Jack Nicholson in Aladdin. The jokes stand on their own, not because you recognize them.
It always bugs me how everyone just talks about their childhood movies. Snow White, Pinocchio, and Peter Pan are miles beyond the 80s and 90s stuff and are truly timeless and don't need any cheap humor.

Goofy Movie is definitely the most heartfelt one they made in that era though, although it had way less of a budget and is far from a classic.

Anyways, current kids will talk about Tangled, Zootopia, and Frozen as being the best since it is what they grew up with.
Yep, Snow White is amazing even today and I would love to know the reactions to it at the time of its release, cause animation in there was mind-blowing.
I will also add Sleeping Beauty and Alice in Wonderland in there.
Peter Pan though... Nah, it stands in "didn't care for" tier for me, along with Jungle Book and Pocahontas. I found them pretty forgettable and even kinda lazy works.


Beauty and the Beast is my favourite, but Aladdin and The Lion King are up there with it. The Disney Renaissance was amazing.
I enjoyed watching Aladdin as a kid but as I grew older I began to notices a few glaring plot holes with Jafar's plan.

-Jafar had full control over the Sultan with his snake staff.

-Jafar clearly had control over the palace's guards.

-If Jafar wanted power then all he need to do was marry Princess Jasmine and then kill her along with her father, this was Iago's plan after they didn't get the Lamp.

Had Jafar done this then he wouldn't have been defeated as Aladdin would have no reason to stop him or would be able trick Jafar into making his final wish as the lamp would still be in the cave of wonder.
Whole point is that he's a complete megalomaniac. He wants absolute power. It's how Aladdin played him. Once he found out about the lamp (which, if I recall though it's been awhile, we don't know exactly when he did), he wanted that power for himself. Mind control and a young princess wasn't doing it for him anymore.


Lion King>Aladdin>Beauty and the Beast>>>>Hercules>>Notre Dame>>>>>>Everything else

One thing I will say about Aladdin is that it would be wrong not to admit that the films stature is well propped up by the masterful performance of Robin Williams. The genie was a character they drew the sketch of, then let Robin create the rest.
Got to agree with the OP, Aladdin is hands down Disney's best 90's era movie, easily in their all time top 5, and Jasmin is at the same time both the hottest, most well rounded as a character and most progressive of the Disney Princesses prior to the modern era.

Also, best TV show and tie in game. I love it.

Also, I agree the genies time displaced jokes and references work in his favour. He's a cosmic entity that's primarily amusing himself, more than anyone, and he's humour, not least of all thanks to Robin Williams unmatched timing and delivery, is still perfect today.


Beauty and the Beast was my first Disney VHS. I'll always hold a special affinity to it, being that it was the first Disney film that I would watch over and over. I did the same with Aladdin and The Lion King. Never saw The Little Mermaid 'till I was in my 20s, so I don't hold that nostalgic love for it. I'd say my strongest nostalgia for Disney films really ends with the big three, because those three were the only Disney films I remember watching religiously with my brother and sister (I'd also include The Aladdin sequels and the TV series in that). We'd sing the songs, draw the characters and wear out those VHSs. And I watched them all recently, and I was happy to find out they held up and it wasn't all just nostalgia.

Aladdin and Lion King have to take a backseat to the REAL Disney classic.... The Great Mouse Dectective
Oh shit, I forgot about this one. We'd watch this all the time too.


There's more love in my heart for Mulan than any of the other movies on that list, but I recognize that I'm in the minority there, and probably for good reason.
My favourite from the 90's is probably Tarzan. I was going to say emperors new groove but that was released in 2000.

Aladdin was great though. Regardless of your favourite, 90's Disney released some amazing classics that will stand the test of time for many years to come.
I love Aladdin, but it's one of those movies where all the colourful supporting characters are amazing to distract you from how generic and dull the main protagonists are. Jasmine and Aladdin are not exactly compelling characters. When the voiceless magic carpet is more charming than your girlfriend there's a problem.


Homeland Security Fail
I watched it a few months ago, after not seeing it for over a decade and I have to disagree. It was boring. The best thing about it is the Genie.
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