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OP, you're right. Games look good enough, especially with upscaling or dlss, so it should be 60fps first as an absolute must.

Though 30fps works for some type of games.


It's all about options. 30fps high fidelity, max effects or 60fps with whatever compromises are necessary. Both should be available for all games.

It would be terrible if they mandated 60 and there was no high fidelity mode. I'm fine with 30fps.


Guys most of you didnt get my point. I have nothing against a 30fps 4k quality mode, as long as there is also an 60fps performance mode included. Both modes should be mandatory! As some said, PS5 has those modes included in the OS, so I guess Sony is already suggesting developers to include both modes in their games.

PS. , I already got a Gaming-PC guys. Chill.


Agreed. Console peasants are used to it now and it would be cruel to take it away. At least give us the option.

Spider-Man 2 better be 60fps.
Being able to play both Spider-Man and Miles Morales at 60fps is gonna spoil any future Spider-Man games that don't run at 60fps as well.


I don't buy games that are not smooth enough for me.

Which means I can tolerate 30fps in some rare cases. Pretty much all my games are 60fps.
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I think we'll carry on getting the performance modes.

It's even an option on the PS5 UI, so that suggests it's likely to be commonplace.

I'm so fucking sick of all the know it alls who insist this is impossible and will never happen. It's almost like they don't want it to happen, so long as they can be proven right.

The next gen games revealed so far suggest 4k or close to it is the standard resolution for the generation. That corresponds well to 1440p60, so there's no good reason it won't happen for the majority of games.


30fps sucks but for some games I settle with it, I don't prefer it but in TW3 for example its less of a burden than in say, Forza Horizon. Some 30fps games I avoid, like racing. Driveclub was an exception but I did dislike the framerate. DC however had other things going for it and it actually played well. I skipped all those WRC and V-Rally games because of the 30fps.

You can throw a lot of resources at a game and render it at 30fps, but I think it almost always looks worse than 60fps games. Because a game is in motion all the time.
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Just finished GhostofTsushima with 30fps and its not borthering me at all, but i played it mostly sneaky so its not such a big deal for me. Racing, FPS and BeatemUps on the other hand always greatly benefit from higher fps. Just let us toogle resolution, RT and FPS, its just simple as that.


Anyone advocating that 60fps should be mandatory needs to switch to PC. You ALWAYS have the option of 60fps.

Why limit yourself if 60fps is important to you?

You can't get Sony games on PC. They're most of the games I play, and they're also most of the best looking games on the market.

Trust me, if I could get all the games I want on PC I'd definitely get one.

But I can't, and playing Assassin's Creed on mega ultra hyper settings is scant consolation.
Considering how amazingly smooth and enjoyable some 30 fps games are (for example, Horizon on the PS4 pro) - no way. As long as the games have proper frame pacing, good motion blur and whatever tricks they're using, I will always choose 30 fps with better graphics. Miles Morales is another perfect example, good lord.

Ghost of Tsushima and God of War also comes to mind. Uncharted 4, etc.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA

All gaming hardware in the world has never been fps capped, but its the devs who always pick 30 fps.

It's not up to Microsoft or Sony, its the devs who decide.

If you hate 30 fps I'd suggest play on pc instead.


Valhalla is a perfect example of how this isn't possible :(

The game just doesnt run well at 60, even when they toned the GFX down, at least on XBX


Anyone advocating that 60fps should be mandatory needs to switch to PC. You ALWAYS have the option of 60fps.

Why limit yourself if 60fps is important to you?

It’s just not the same thing. I have seen this brought up many times before, people saying if you want 60fps get a PC. There is something blissful about console gaming, PC gaming just ain’t the same thing.


I think we will see 60FPS modes in every single 1st party title from Sony and MS. Hard to force it on 3rd party titles tho, that one is all up to the customers to vote with their wallet and simply not support games that are 30FPS only, which again, console crowd seems to be totally fine with, some even prefer it due to better visuals. But I agree with OP, it would be a blessing if every game offered either 4K+RT @30FPS or 1440p w/o RT but 60FPS, everyone would get what they prefer, with not much work having to be done from the developers side, as we already see in the titles released so far.


The thing I find really irritating is this unexamined insistence that casual gamers will always prefer fancy graphics at 30fps.

Even though such niche games as COD, Fortnite, FIFA, Madden etc are all 60fps.

And that for most people 60 vs 30 is WAY more noticeable than, say, 4k vs 1440p.

Yes, most casual gamers won't know WHY a 60fps game looks and plays better than a 30fps one, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't care if they did.

In truth, the really marginal, nerdy, priority are the tiny improvements to clarity offered by native 4K, or higher graphics settings, or accurate RT reflections.

Most uninformed people couldn't pick that shit out even if they were shown side by side comparisons.

And with almost all media now in (compressed) video form, the far more impressive modes to casuals will be the performance ones.


Please don't force anything on developers. This is just not a good idea at all. Not all games need 60hz.
Innovation does not come easy.


This is a very strange next gen as so far we don't actually have any next gen games. Because of this we have these powerful new consoles with no next gen games to play but they do have last gen games so we get 4k "ish" and 60fps ( sometimes even 120fps )

But next year and in 2022, REAL next gen games will start coming and those resolutions or framerates or both will start to drop on consoles.

It will be interesting to see where both resolution and framerate settle into.

Will console gamers be willing to go back to 30fps after being treated with near universal 60fps at the start of the gen?

Is 1440p and 30fps "good enough" if the graphics are properly next gen?
Whats not strange in 2020


Please please please MS and Sony. PLEASE LISTEN. Make 60fps mandatory for any upcoming games on next gen consoles. Almost every game that launched has an option for smoooooooooth 60fps. A couple of exceptions like Watch Dogs: Legions have 4k/30 as of right now, but as stated by DF, a 60fps mode was found in the game files, which has yet to come out via patch (like ACV on XSS).

- Please make 60FPS Mode mandatory for upcoming games on your platforms. They can have a mode for 4k 30FPS with RT and every eyecandy option you can think of, but most games/engines easily scale to 1440p/60 with RT off on PS5 and XSX . I am pretty sure XSS is capable of dynamic 1080p 60fps on "medium settings" and dynamic 1440p 30fps + "high settings + RT (ok maybe RT off)

Please don't. I don't just want games that Look "nice" that have some wasteful native 4k "fidelity mode" tacked on.
I want games that push the consoles to their limit at 1440p 30fps. I want games totally based around new visuals, not something you can just turn of with a button press.

That said I'm fine if they slap on a dynamic resolution option that drops the resolution as low as needed to hit 60fps as long as the main modes visuals aren't made to accommodate it.

If people are willing to do 720p 60fps then let them.
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Well not really, given that most other games ALSO target 30. So it can hardly be the distinguishing factor.
The reason they target 30fps is because you have twice the rendering time per frame. This allows more detail in each frame. That's very much why the games look as they do, and why "other games" also target 30fps. It's so that they can increase the visual fidelity. This is as old as time. Even before 3D, 2D games often fell short of 60fps, especially when there were lots of sprites on the screen. Additional sprites were like additional polygons and effects today. They added more visual fidelity to each frame. We're still a few generations away from visuals hitting a point of diminishing returns, where improved fluidity of motion supersedes the improvements provided by layering additional effects into a frame. So expect 30fps to lead the way for another decade or 2. I'd be quite surprised if this isn't the case, as I don't know why developers would take the risk that 60fps will sell their game in a crowded genre more than having better RT, or a bunch of light sources. They're not making these games in a vacuum, they're competing against other similar games. You need to make your product standout, and visuals are the first thing a gamer sees. Sell them the shiny new car, or pitch the used beater with aftermarket parts. Some people will go for the beater, but most will go for the shiny new car.


Please don't make it mandatory, things are fine as they are being down to each developers artistic direction.

Some Devs want higher frame rates and lower graphics.

Some Devs want swanky graphics and lower frame rates.

These days a lot of Devs even give you both options with consoles being nothing more than a pc.

Stfu and be happy we have the choice.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Valhalla is a perfect example of how this isn't possible :(

The game just doesnt run well at 60, even when they toned the GFX down, at least on XBX
I wouldn't take ubigames as examples of good game optimization.

I would love if consoles where able to sustain 60fps during all the generation, but I doubt that'll happen.


The thing I find really irritating is this unexamined insistence that casual gamers will always prefer fancy graphics at 30fps.

I don't know, if you look at the most played games, with biggest player bases, what titles people spend the most time with, it turns out most if not all are 60FPS titles, and it's not a coincidence, those games simply feel so much better to play, people might not be tech-savvy, they might not know that's the difference between 30 vs 60FPS, that the is even such thing to begin with, but they just know, that the moment they grab a controller into their hands and start playing the games, that for this game plays so much better than the other one. Not only do the games control better but they look so much better in motion, whereas 30FPS titles look great on static screens on forums, but not while actually playing them. But then again, people won;t put hundreds-thousands of hours into SP because there's only like 8-15h plot in them regardless, so the trade-off is somewhat justified there, but in Mp and Co-op modes that offer countless hours of gameplay 60FPS is simply a must.


The reason they target 30fps is because you have twice the rendering time per frame. This allows more detail in each frame. That's very much why the games look as they do, and why "other games" also target 30fps. It's so that they can increase the visual fidelity. This is as old as time. Even before 3D, 2D games often fell short of 60fps, especially when there were lots of sprites on the screen. Additional sprites were like additional polygons and effects today. They added more visual fidelity to each frame. We're still a few generations away from visuals hitting a point of diminishing returns, where improved fluidity of motion supersedes the improvements provided by layering additional effects into a frame. So expect 30fps to lead the way for another decade or 2. I'd be quite surprised if this isn't the case, as I don't know why developers would take the risk that 60fps will sell their game in a crowded genre more than having better RT, or a bunch of light sources. They're not making these games in a vacuum, they're competing against other similar games. You need to make your product standout, and visuals are the first thing a gamer sees. Sell them the shiny new car, or pitch the used beater with aftermarket parts. Some people will go for the beater, but most will go for the shiny new car.

Lol do you think I don't know all that?

As for your car analogy, what about If you offered people a shiny new Ford, or an older but much faster, say, BMW?

People might prefer the performance.

And in the age of video media, imo 60fps modes look CLEARLY more appealing to me than more pixels and higher settings. Like, not even close.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I don't know, if you look at the most played games, with biggest player bases, what titles people spend the most time with, it turns out most if not all are 60FPS titles, and it's not a coincidence, those games simply feel so much better to play, people might not be tech-savvy, they might not know that's the difference between 30 vs 60FPS, that the is even such thing to begin with, but they just know, that the moment they grab a controller into their hands and start playing the games, that for this game plays so much better than the other one. Not only do the games control better but they look so much better in motion, whereas 30FPS titles look great on static screens on forums, but not while actually playing them. But then again, people won;t put hundreds-thousands of hours into SP because there's only like 8-15h plot in them regardless, so the trade-off is somewhat justified there, but in Mp and Co-op modes that offer countless hours of gameplay 60FPS is simply a must.
In that regard I think this generation of consoles could be educational to a lot of players. Having the option to switch between 30 and 60 fps will open the eyes of a lot of people.
As someone that loves 60fps+ seeing people say that 30fps feels like running through treacle does put a smile on my face.

There will still be 30fps games this gen and people will go wild over the graphics as per usual. While 60fps will always be better than 30fps given unlimited power that's just not the reality we live in so TLOU3 or Uncharted 5 etc will be a locked 30fps with mind blowing graphics no doubt.


I don't know, if you look at the most played games, with biggest player bases, what titles people spend the most time with, it turns out most if not all are 60FPS titles, and it's not a coincidence, those games simply feel so much better to play, people might not be tech-savvy, they might not know that's the difference between 30 vs 60FPS, that the is even such thing to begin with, but they just know, that the moment they grab a controller into their hands and start playing the games, that for this game plays so much better than the other one. Not only do the games control better but they look so much better in motion, whereas 30FPS titles look great on static screens on forums, but not while actually playing them. But then again, people won;t put hundreds-thousands of hours into SP because there's only like 8-15h plot in them regardless, so the trade-off is somewhat justified there, but in Mp and Co-op modes that offer countless hours of gameplay 60FPS is simply a must.

That's exactly what I'm saying.


As someone that loves 60fps+ seeing people say that 30fps feels like running through treacle does put a smile on my face.

There will still be 30fps games this gen and people will go wild over the graphics as per usual. While 60fps will always be better than 30fps given unlimited power that's just not the reality we live in so TLOU3 or Uncharted 5 etc will be a locked 30fps with mind blowing graphics no doubt.

It depends on what the standard resolution of 30fps games settle at. If it's 1800p or higher, then even graphically intense games like the next Naughty Dog title should in theory be able to be scaled down to a lower resolution at 60fps.

Particularly if those games also offer RT in the fidelity mode, as that's a relatively easy thing to disable to boost performance.


In that regard I think this generation of consoles could be educational to a lot of players. Having the option to switch between 30 and 60 fps will open the eyes of a lot of people.

Yeah, I think having 60FPS in almost every single title from launch day on new consoles might be a huge eye opener, the less 30FPS titles appear the more people will notice how hard it is to go back to the "cinematic" framerate.


Was going to post a thread about this but specifically for Bloodborne. Bloodborne sold many, many PS4's and is one of the greatest games of this generation. It's high time for a proper 4k (or 2k at least) patch with a steady framerate up to speed, at 60fps. Surely the PS5 can handle it? Now I'm aware there's some sort of patch which was made by a fan of the game, for the PS4/PS4 Pro. That was a start. SONY, let's get with the program and get it done. It's a bit painful to play Bloodeborne while jaggies are so prevalent and an inconsistent framerate which forces the player to just accept it. The time gone by since the PS5 release has seen a paltry selection of P55 games. SONY should focus on beefing up some of the classics. No excuses!


It does feel different this generation for keeping the 60FPS dream alive.

I remember Naughty Dog saying they fell in love with 60FPS with the PS4 TLOU remaster and originally suggested they were going to target that for Uncharted 4 on PS4.

You can see how easy it is to cave though, especially once you start asking how much better it could look at 30.

Take Dreams on PS4. Lots of creations tanked on framerate but they all run at a locked 60 now on PS5. 1st thing the community asks for is to unlock more thermo to make better looking creations.

Also, look at the backlash when a game is shown that sacrificed graphics for high frame rate. All the "looks like a last gen game" comments ignoring the fact that it's running at 120Hz for example.

Best we can hope for is the continuation of Performance and Graphics modes but hoping DF and other outlets make their lives a misery if they don't aim for locked 60 on performance!
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No thanks.
I prefer better graphics at 30fps.

You are basically asking them to cut GPU performance in half
Please make 60FPS Mode mandatory for upcoming games on your platforms. They can have a mode for 4k 30FPS with RT and every eyecandy option you can think of, but most games/engines easily scale to 1440p/60 with RT off on PS5 and XSX .
Why are so many of y'all saying no to this?
Do you just hate choice?
Or do you just hate 60fps in general?

Or did you simply not read the OP at all?

Yes having every game have a mandatory 60fps mode is a good thing, if you want to stick with your UHD30fps mode you'd still be able to do so; you lose literally nothing from this suggestion.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
It's saddening to see how many people prefer graphics to smooth framerates, something that's so closed related to gameplay.
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