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Multiple people shot at Wisconsin Sikh temple

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Already seeing far right people on websites like Free Republic begin the usual conspiracy theories that he's actually an Obama false flag operative designed to take away the guns. Also, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberal socialists, so clearly he's in league with the Democrats.



The gunman who allegedly attacked a Sikh temple in southern Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding four, was a “white supremacist skinhead” and “frustrated neo-Nazi” who led a white power punk and metal band, groups that track extremism said Monday.

Wade Michael Page, 40, was the founder of End Apathy, according to Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research for the Anti-Defamation League, said Page was a mem­ber of the Ham­mer­skins, "one of the oldest and largest hardcore racist skinhead groups," and iden­ti­fied him­self as a North­ern Ham­mer­skin, part of the group’s upper Mid­west branch.

End Apa­thy had been a fea­tured band in recent years at many Hammerskin-organized white power music con­certs, such as the August 2010 “Meet & Greet BBQ & Bands” in North Car­olina, the Ham­mer­skins’ St. Patty’s Day Show in March 2011 in Orlando, Fla., and Ham­mer­fest 2011 last Octo­ber in Orlando, Pitcavage noted in a blog post, in which he described Page as a "white supremacist skinhead."

The FBI was “looking at ties to white supremacist groups” in the case, said Teresa Carlson, FBI special agent in charge in Milwaukee. They were also investigating the attack as possible domestic terrorism, which she noted meant use of force or violence for social or political gain. The FBI did not have an active investigation on Page before Sunday.

Since 2009, the United States has been in the middle of a “huge resurgence” of right-wing extremism largely split into two spheres: an anti-government extremist one, such as the militia movement, and white supremacists, Pitcavage said. The number of militia groups has quintupled in the past three years and there have been many arrests of white supremacists over the same time for acts of violence, he said.

The election of a non-white president and the struggling economy were the triggers, Pitcavage said.

“It’s just a huge number of incidents from the extreme right since 2009. It’s the biggest resurgence of right-wing extremist activity since the mid-1990s and the Oklahoma City bombing (in 1995), and it’s causing problems all around the country,” he added.

On End Apathy's Myspace page, the group listed its location as Nashville, N.C., and said they had finished recording for an upcoming release on Label 56, which the ADL described as a Maryland-based company that distributes racist skinhead music, videos and merchandise. The last login for the page was dated Feb. 21, 2012.

Label 56 issued a statement Monday saying that all images and products related to the group had been removed from their website.

“We do not wish to profit from this tragedy financially or with publicity,” said the label. “In closing please do not take what Wade did as honorable or respectable and please do not think we are all like that.”

Yeah, sure okay.
Already seeing far right people on websites like Free Republic begin the usual conspiracy theories that he's actually an Obama false flag operative designed to take away the guns. Also, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberal socialists, so clearly he's in league with the Democrats.

its almost comical how inane these conspiracy theories are. jesus
its almost comical how inane these conspiracy theories are. jesus
Whackjobs like those are one of the reasons I own guns. Its the sad cost of free speech, but protect the worst to protect the best.

I also wonder how much of SF and FreeP traffic are readers looking for laughs or hate monitoring groups.

Guy looked the biggest loser from his pic, an overweight Dave Cross singing abouy WHITE POWER. At least the victims wont have to sit through a trial for the scumbag


Junior Member
Already seeing far right people on websites like Free Republic begin the usual conspiracy theories that he's actually an Obama false flag operative designed to take away the guns. Also, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberal socialists, so clearly he's in league with the Democrats.

Wait.... people actually think that Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberal left wingers?

There are people who really think that white supremacists are on the same ideological side as the Civil Rights Movement?
Yeah, I wouldn't even worry about it. GAF tries too hard at times, when you know damn well they were all thinking it too.
It was just too painfully obvious, I know practically around the country Sikhs were targeted after 9/11 because people thought they were Muslims. Most conservatives STILL don't know what a Sikh is. So many 7/11's were firebombed and destroyed here in Indiana.

As a Muslim and Arab, I feel terrible that they are receiving the brunt of the attack just because they look like the stereotypical "durka durka" image that this country has created.

The police officer who got injured is in the headlines of one big newspaper in India.


Bless that man for being there. I know he didn't bring down that man, but he was trying.
I was told my bullshit wasn't allowed that I made the assumption it was some white trash that hated foreigners and probably thought they were Muslim.

Guess my bullshit was right.

There was no other explanation whatsoever. Sikhs have seen a terrible rise in violence against them from idiots who mistake them for Muslims since 9/11. This is simply a horrific culmination of that idiocy.
There was no other explanation whatsoever. Sikhs have seen a terrible rise in violence against them from idiots who mistake them for Muslims since 9/11. This is simply a horrific culmination of that idiocy.

Why is it impossible for any other outcome? I agree that it was the most likely reason, but other explanations could be possible.

Remember all the inter-community violence in India after Operation Bluestar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Blue_Star) and the assassination of Indria Ghandi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_anti-Sikh_riots), it's not impossible it could have been from another ethnic group besides Nazi honkey (granted it seemed the most likely)



Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
i think hes trying to say that the shooter was an atheist. he was a white supremacist but you dont need religion to be a nazi

fuck this guy though

Actually....White Supremacy in the US is initimately tied with Chirstianity, or specifically the Christian Identity Movement.

His community under attack, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin president Satwant Singh Kaleka fought back with all his strength and a simple butter knife, trying to stab a murderous gunman before taking two fatal gunshots to the leg.

Shot nine times and left for dead as he tended to a wounded victim outside, Oak Creek police Lt. Brian Murphy tried to wave off his colleagues' aid, insisting worshippers indoors needed their help more.

Under fire in the temple parking lot, 32-year veteran Oak Creek police officer Sam Lenda took aim and shot back, downing the gunman who refused to drop his weapon after killing six people as they gathered for Sunday services.

Kaleka, Murphy and Lenda — one dead, one critically injured and one physically unharmed — are being hailed as heroes for saving lives in the shootings that sent more shock waves through the nation just two weeks after a gunman killed 12 people inside an Aurora, Colo., movie theatre.

Police say gunman Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old army veteran and former leader of a white supremacist heavy metal band, unloaded a 9-mm handgun at the temple. They have not determined a motive.

What they have done is hailed the actions of those caught in the crossfire.

Kaleka, 65, helped found the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in 1997 with a couple of dozen families. They met in rental halls as the congregation grew to about 1,000 before it moved into its current location five years ago.

Staring down the gunman Sunday morning, Kaleka managed to find the butter knife and tried to stab Page before being shot twice near the hip or upper leg, his son Amardeep Singh Kaleka said Monday.

His son said FBI agents hugged him Sunday, shook his hand and said, "Your dad's a hero."

"Whatever time he spent in that struggle gave the women time to get cover" in the kitchen, said Kaleka, whose mother was among more than a dozen women and children who took cover as Page forced his way into the temple. She dialed 911 while hiding.

Officer shot 9 times at close range
It took less than four minutes for Murphy, a 21-year veteran and native New Yorker who was a finalist to be chief two years ago, to arrive on the scene. He saw a victim lying in the parking lot and was tending to him when Page approached.

Page shot Murphy at "very close range" nine times, Oak Creek police Chief John Edwards said.

"He clearly was in a blaze of gunfire," said Dr. Gary Seabrook, director of surgical services at Froedtert Hospital, where Murphy and two other survivors were treated.

Moments after Murphy was shot, more officers arrived at the scene. Lenda was among them.

He and the other officers heard gunshots, but didn't know who had been hit. They did know that a man with a gun was walking toward them.

The officers ordered Page to stop, drop his weapon and put his hands up. Instead, Page fired at least two rounds, hitting one of the squad cars.

Lenda returned fire with his department-issued rifle, and Page went down.

Lenda and other officers radioed Murphy, who was supposed to respond with his badge number, but they didn't hear back.

They soon saw him lying on the ground.

"As they approached him, he waved them off. He had been shot nine times, one of them very serious in the neck area, and he waved them off and told them to go into the temple and assist those in there," Edwards said Monday.

Despite his pleas, officers removed Murphy from the scene, quickly carrying him to a squad car before entering the temple.

While Murphy remained hospitalized in critical condition Monday, Edwards said he was resting and surrounded by his family. Lenda did not wish to discuss the shootings Monday.

"Lenda does not consider himself a hero and is not interested in being a part of any story to that effect," said Jim Palmer, executive director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association. "He feels as though he was only doing his job."
Actually....White Supremacy in the US is initimately tied with Chirstianity, or specifically the Christian Identity Movement.

oh yeah i know, but im saying dudes like "he was probably an athiest which is why he did this" etc. etc.

actually i dont even know why i bothered to clarify since im just reiterating what was being said. must have had a brain fart moment earlier today lol
I found this little tidbit interesting:

In 2011, Page wrote an e-mail — with a subject line reading, "No registering of long guns" — to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives: "Wake Up!!!! No more restrictions on law abiding gun owners! These restrictions do nothing about the criminals they are meant to affect. Why punish and render defenseless the very people that deserve to be protected while HELPING the offenders with such laws? The only other use for such laws is for government to gain control over the people. This is America, and I AM THE GOVERNMENT, not you! Remember who you work for, and your oath!"


He essentially hid behind the usual pro-gun arguments last year. "Law abiding gun owners" indeed, until his brain fills with piss and does this a year later.


Junior Member
I found this little tidbit interesting:


He essentially hid behind the usual pro-gun arguments last year. "Law abiding gun owners" indeed, until his brain fills with piss and does this a year later.

This is lame. You are using some sick fuck who used a faulty argument, and are trying to use that manipulation as a reason to justify different policies. Look at the link. sikh-temple-shooting-gunman-neo-Nazi-musician...
This is lame. You are using some sick fuck who used a faulty argument, and are trying to use that manipulation as a reason to justify different policies. Look at the link. sikh-temple-shooting-gunman-neo-Nazi-musician...

Overly defensive much? I'm saying Page was a hypocritical psycho, nothing else.
This is lame. You are using some sick fuck who used a faulty argument, and are trying to use that manipulation as a reason to justify different policies. Look at the link. sikh-temple-shooting-gunman-neo-Nazi-musician...

the fuck?

did you even bother to read his post?

Ok then that is cool. Sorry if I misrepresented you.

Sorry if I misrepresented you.

if I misrepresented you.

you can't be fucking serious.


Junior Member
the fuck?

did you even bother to read his post?

you can't be fucking serious.

You quoted a single sentence 5 times, 4 of which were out of context.

I may have misunderstood the person I was responding to. But I did not 4 times over attack them because I made a mistake.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I posted this the other day:

How long till the conspiracy theories pop up? (you could just copy and paste this question into every major news event btw)

And now...

Already seeing far right people on websites like Free Republic begin the usual conspiracy theories that he's actually an Obama false flag operative designed to take away the guns. Also, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are liberal socialists, so clearly he's in league with the Democrats.

Wow how did I predict that? I must be some sort of prophet! Who would have ever thought that a major news event would get conspiracy theories???

Whether or not there are real conspiracy theories... the conspiracy theory industry is so full of shit. If there ever was any truth to any one theory, it is actually the conspiracy industry that has reduced the credulity of conspiracies to such a ridiculous level, and obscured any real ones. What a moronic culture, and what a gift to those who actually want to pull off a conspiracy......
Update: Wisconsin temple shooter killed himself, FBI says
Wade Michael Page, who police say fatally shot six people in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Sunday, died that day from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding officer, Teresa Carlson, the special agent in charge for the FBI in Milwaukee, said Wednesday.

Police previously said that he was shot to death by an officer responding to the attack in Oak Creek.

Page, a 40-year-old Army veteran who neighbors say played in a so-called hate-rock band, was the lone gunman in the rampage at the temple, police said.
I posted this the other day:

And now...

Wow how did I predict that? I must be some sort of prophet! Who would have ever thought that a major news event would get conspiracy theories???

Whether or not there are real conspiracy theories... the conspiracy theory industry is so full of shit. If there ever was any truth to any one theory, it is actually the conspiracy industry that has reduced the credulity of conspiracies to such a ridiculous level, and obscured any real ones. What a moronic culture, and what a gift to those who actually want to pull off a conspiracy......

What... the fuck?


Junior Member
Well, he's right. Conspiracy theories are so absurd and widespread nowadays that a real conspiracy can easy remain hidden or receive close to zero attention.
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