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Muramasa & Little King's Story selling well thanks to EU: LKS 2 "awaiting greenlight"

DeaconKnowledge said:
Awesome. Please buy More Rune Factory Frontier so I can get a sequel of that too.

I borrowed a Wii and playing that right now. I love it. Well, it's not the greatest game on earth, but just a very solid game across the board. I hate the wife choices though.


Very glad to hear this, I got LKS about the first week after release and I have to say it's still one of the best games on the Wii.

Haven't gotten around picking Muramasa yet but I'm glad it's doing well as well.
Hell yeah for the success of Muramasa! Vanillaware deserves every penny.

Also not surprised for Little Kings Story. XSEED really dropped the ball on the marketing for the game. Little Kings Story went from being one of the most anticipated Wii games to being lost in the shuffle. Most people (including me) didn't even know when it was released. :/

As I've said before, there definitely is a market for the Wii for these types of games (ambitious niche), they just have to be marketed right.

markatisu said:
Last we heard Muramasa was selling fine in the US for what they expected, but glad that its doing well in the EU.

Two more examples of the long tail on Wii games and going from bomba at the gate to damn that thing actually sold some copies status like many games before it (De Blob, Boom Blox, Game Party, HoTD 2/3 Returns, etc)

Could "A Boy and His Blob" be next?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I'd love another LKS! :D

Also interested in what vanillaware is up to since I doubt it's Muramasa 2.


Jew Gamer
I have to say, the Wii amazes me most in the same way the DS does. Games don't just come out and disappear, they can sell for a long duration.

That is the impressive thing about the gaming market, games in GAF's eyes bomb instantly instead of selling well for a long period.


Junior Member
Told ya, Europeans have better taste because First Europeans were cannibals with taste for children.
frankie_baby said:
they've definately got new copies at my local GAME, was on the buy one get one free section last time i looked so i should go pick up a copy when i'm next in town

Muramasa or LKS? I've only seen Muramasa in HMV but I don't think I can pay the £30 for it. Game's website doesn't stock it (it never has) but if Muramasa's in the bogof promotion I'd bite.


iceatcs said:
Told ya, Europeans have better taste because First Europeans were cannibals with taste for children.



I still boggle at the stupidity of X-SEED, article states publishers pick when to release it.
Instead of releasing it alongside eur. release they waited and released around the same time as the number 2 selling game of 2009- WSR.
Don't see why they didn't release it sooner with zero competition. Regardless, loved RFF and LKS, did my part to support those titles in na.
Hopefully both get Wii sequels-especially rff- the series is growing nicely- rf3 sounds excellent.
Oh and bravo Europe, nice job.
wackojackosnose said:
Muramasa or LKS? I've only seen Muramasa in HMV but I don't think I can pay the £30 for it. Game's website doesn't stock it (it never has) but if Muramasa's in the bogof promotion I'd bite.
Muramasa, dont know if its still in the bogof though as i've not been able to get into town for weeks because of the snow


Will Eat Your Children
Europe, it's like that ex-girlfriend of developers that they keep abusing but she still comes back and please you despite that


Did these games get advertised in Europe when they were released? Seems weird that they would be selling there and I figure there has to be a reason for it.


An blind dancing ho
sweet news.

Japan is just Loli/moe land and NA is DudeBro exclusive, Europe Empire is the future of gaming now , the quicker the developers and publishers understand this the faster they sell their games better.

now we need someone to publish Demon's Souls in Europe Empire
Xseed increasingly seems like cool guys who bring over games no one else is willing to bring over but also incredibly incompetent at publishing.


Half Minute Hero and Little King's Story were two fantastic little games, both of which among the best on their platforms for 2009 IMO. So yes, kudos to Xseed.

No love for Muramasa though from me, ugh. Game was even worse than Odin Sphere, which I thought was just absolutely lousy outside of it's graphics. Princess Crown these new Vanillaware games are not.
Muramasa sold 35,000 according to the NPD in its debut month, and Ignition followed up saying that the NPD is like 15% off the actual total (probably due to not tracking Wal Mart (why is that again?)).

Anyone know where Muramasa and the other MMV Wii games are in the NPD?

The Media Create 500 in April will be very telling as we'll get numbers as of Dec 27th 2009, surely we'll see Arc Rise Fantasia and Muramasa, I think you usually have to sell only about 20,000 to be in the list, the lowest seller on the chart last year's was around 13-18,000 IIRC.


Hero of Legend said:
Muramasa sold 35,000 according to the NPD in its debut month, and Ignition followed up saying that the NPD is like 15% off the actual total (probably due to not tracking Wal Mart (why is that again?)).

Anyone know where Muramasa and the other MMV Wii games are in the NPD?

The Media Create 500 in April will be very telling as we'll get numbers as of Dec 27th 2009, surely we'll see Arc Rise Fantasia and Muramasa, I think you usually have to sell only about 20,000 to be in the list, the lowest seller on the chart last year's was around 13-18,000 IIRC.
NPD always estimates walmarts numbers. Your completely wrong.


We did it!

Let's give Silent Hill: SM some good numbers, too. It's coming out in March. And we may all be also interested in Rune Factory and Fragile?!

I'ld love to see a Little King's Story sequel. The first one had a few little flaws, but overall it was / is a great game. And the music... beautiful!
Hero of Legend said:
Hmm, bummer. Would be nice to have the complete numbers every month.

yeah I know, causes a lot of confusion around the time when a company talks about their sales of hardware/software and then people try to match them vs. what was released in NPD and they don't even come close. Then people wonder if the company is releasing shipped or sold numbers, etc.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, to be fair, we don't get European numbers, and in every other territory the game is selling worse than dick nails.
I believe we actually got LKS numbers back in June after MMV's stockholder's meeting or something comparable. It was something about ~70k if I remember correctly but I am currently to lazy to search. :x

Yu-On is seriously the absolute worst Wii game I have ever played. I'd rather see my entire family die in a horrible barbeque mishap than play that stinking piece of shit again.

It was shockingly horrible, even going in with absolutely no expectations. Wow it's bad.


Yeah, great.

Loved LKS, loved Kimura-san (he's all kinds of awesome) and lovin' Muramasa.

Now, let's wait if some western exec understands this.


DR2K said:
It's just an estimation, so you're not right.
Read again what I said. I am right. He said they dont estimate walmarts sales and I corrected him.

Do you even understand the concept of statistics? No where in my post did I say anything about what the actual total is but we know for sure that NPD only being 15% of the total is completely wrong.


Chumly said:
Read again what I said. I am right. He said they dont estimate walmarts sales and I corrected him.
I don't think that re-reading would solve anything in this matter since it seems to be more of a problem of different definitions of the word "tracking". :p


Chumly said:
Read again what I said. I am right. He said they dont estimate walmarts sales and I corrected him.

Do you even understand the concept of statistics? No where in my post did I say anything about what the actual total is but we know for sure that NPD only being 15% of the total is completely wrong.
Da fuck? You wanna try reading that again? 15% off the actual total. As in, real total +/- 15% = NPD number.

Neo C.

Effect said:
Did these games get advertised in Europe when they were released? Seems weird that they would be selling there and I figure there has to be a reason for it.

Totobeni's got the answer:
Totobeni said:
Japan is just Loli/moe land and NA is DudeBro exclusive,[...]
From my perspective, the Europeans didn't do something special, it's more like the US and especially Japan failed to buy the games which deserve success the most.
Huh. I work at a games store in the UK, and I can't recall the last time I ever personally saw a copy sell.

Still, great news though. I have LKS myself, but I haven't got around to playing it yet. I'm currently trying to go through my backlog, and right now I'm playing through Okami, but maybe I'll start on LKS next.
plank said:
Hopefully the'll add in IR controls this time.

There was a postmortem on Gamasutra explaining that they initially had them in but decided they didn't add anything to the game. Well looking back, it says Wii control functions, so I'm assuming this means IR as well as waggle.
Europe saves the day again. Thanks, guys. Too bad the game was ignored over here. Hopefully that won't hinder the chances of LKS2 making it over.


A Link to the Snitch said:
You have to appreciate the irony of the fact that the ony region people expected would give the games the most trouble actually saved them.

Really? Its influences, excluding Pikmin and Love-De-Lic, are all from Europe. The Little Prince, Aleksandr Petrov, European history, and nearly all of the classical music should have made them feel at home. Good for them, though.
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