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Music: Eastern vs Western Devs

Japanese music tends to actually have a melody in their music. Western music is usually too boring for my taste, but they're exceptions though.


Outside of some iconic and memorable themes like the Uncharted and Skyrim ones, I don't care for western-centric AAA music.

How do you go from this:

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - An Empty Tome

To this:

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Music - Belmont's Theme

? I'm speechless. It's not just the music but every aspect of LoS was awful. I've been a fan of the series since the very first console game on NES and love both classicvania and metroidvania; but since they released LoS the series died to me.


Games like Nier, Ace Attorney, and Professor Layton still have better soundtracks than any Western game I've heard.


Currently listening to GTAV's soundtrack. Perfection.

sound to me like "music for cutscene and cinematic moments, dunno. maybe they aren't, i didn't play those 2 games.
i'll take Nier ost over those everyday

but i don't have an objective point of view, since i mostly play japanese games.

They're not. You get them while running through the game world. I love 'em.

Or a Brit. Harry Gregson-Williams is fantastic.

This was brain hiccup on my end.


Yeah, for me it's really no contest. Western games have some great ambient music (Uncharted, Mass Effect, Witcher 3, Deus Ex:HR, Skyrim) but really lack in creating truly memorable songs outside of some main themes.

Eastern games... they have that shit on lock. Lots of amazingly melodic tunes from many developers in many games (Persona, FF, Ace Attorney, Nier, Zelda, etc) that are so memorable and enjoyable that I could listen to them outside of their various games. One thing I will say, is that I'm a huge fan of vocals used in VGM and outside of hymns/licensed tracks most Western games don't ever use them.


Neo Member
I don't play many Japanese games so it's hard to judge what's out there, but pretty much every videogame soundtrack I love has been western. There are some exceptions with a few classic Japanese games and stuff like the Souls series, but if it sounds like j-pop I usually find it horribly grating.
Yeah, for me it's really no contest. Western games have some great ambient music (Uncharted, Mass Effect, Witcher 3, Deus Ex:HR, Skyrim) but really lack in creating truly memorable songs outside of some main themes. .
Man, y'all need to play more old-school PC games.

Any Blizzard game from the 90s has an iconic and unforgettable soundtrack (Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, even lesser-known ones like Blackthorne and Rock n Roll Racing).

C&C games had some great - if not campy - rock 'n roll music.

Total Annihilation (already mentioned) had an epic soundtrack.

Age of Empires has a lot of great themes. Very memorable.

Star Control II and X-COM both had great, atmospheric soundtracks.

And I'm not even really getting into the early 90s/late 80s stuff that I really enjoyed. Utterly unique music on the C64 and Amiga.


Most movie music is also quite forgettable and hollow, to the detriment of modern cinema.

John Williams knows what's up.
Both sides have lost their way somewhat as they've lost access to innovation and largesse in the key tools that can define a ubiquitous soundscape. Broadly looking back at the major lines:

In the west, the incidental lightning in a bottle was SID...then nothing.

In Japan, the incidental lightning in a bottle was FM Synth....then nothing.

All corners of the world united for .MOD and such...but only for a time.

What do they have to mess around with nowadays to push the envelope in tandem with the games doing likewise? Not a damn thing for the most part beyond extreme niche fringes running on spirit/fumes and save orchestras opening up as a "modern" option for the lucky relatively few on both sides and looking forward to an endless chasm of sampling tied to dongle hell with companies out to fleece the audiophiles en masse or just operating something like an Adobe not quite as divorced from reality and the concept of progress within a craft.

We need tremendous progress on audio, hardware/software/production tool chain, compared to it literally being phoned in on every major platform for the last few generations in lieu of everything else in a ridiculous manner compared to advances in input, 3D, storage/speed, etc---the stagnation is real, proper R&D can get things lively again and allow for these classical geographic groups to sizzle once more alongside new locales entirely in the modern age.


The vast majority of game music I would listen to outside of the game it came from ends up being Japanese.

A lot of Western music tends to be written to elevate another thing, like a game; but a lot of Japanese music does that but also cares about being entertaining and captivating on it's own right.


The way I see it is:

Western game music tends to work well when you're actually playing the game since it tends to suit what is being shown, but often times it's largely forgettable. Same as movies basically.

Japanese game music tends to be very melodic which whilst may not necessarily set of the tone of what is being shown on screen, it's more likely for me to remember the tune.

At the end of the day, I'm more inclined to buy OST's from a Japanese game instead a Western game.

Of course, there are exceptions.


Western indie games have some really great stuff but in general I don't like the moody, atmospheric approach as much as the stuff Japan does. FF7 for example has some really tense and atmospheric tracks that work super well in context while also being memorable on their own.

I dig the melodic stuff because it's easier to listen to out of context.


with the exception of street fighter i prefer western ambient music mostly, but sometimes i'll hear a japanese melodic track and really enjoy it. thats happened a few times so i have stuff from albums like ni no kuni, xenoblade, dark souls, mario galaxy, shadow of the colossus etc (even ace combat!)

Blizzard makes the best music in games, sorry.


knew that was going to be invincible, never got into wow but it makes me wish i had. thats a dangerous piece of music.


Junior Member
Eastern has Falcom, so Eastern kinda wins?

But yeah, both are unique in their ways. I actually do care about some good, subtle ambient music, sound that comes from environment and your footstep sound.
Meh... Japanese game music is overrated. I love Nobuo Uematsu and Koji Kondo especially, but the other Japanese guys are second tier compared to western greats like Jeremy Soule and Marty O'donnell. The younger guys like Jesper Kyd, Mick Gordon, Jason Graves and Gareth Coker are phenomenal as well. Japanese composers can move on over now.


At this year's E3, Horizon: Zero Dawn (a western game) had the second best soundtrack of the show only behind The Last Guardian, which isn't something to be ashamed of since both western & eastern games have lesser soundtracks than team Ico's games.


Uncharted had a great main theme for the trilogy, but I'm worried they're gonna abandon that theme for generic western stuff.

Come on Naughty Dog you can't abandon an iconic theme like that:


At this point you could say:

"All Eastern composers compose music like this--'Deet deet dooby doo bot bot deet bot doo"

"All Western composers compose music like this--"Skeet bop boo bop skibby dibby deet deet."

...and I'd probably agree. There's so many variations, so many imitations of each side trying to mimic the other, endless amounts of unique compositions and tunes with another endless supply of quirks. Ya just can't solidify one game, one theme, one artist, or heck, even one track to represent a brand. Doing so is a disservice. About all that can be done is picking out the ones you stick to the most.

Music in video games is so integral to the experience of playing the actual game. Nobody listens to every song, and definitely don't play every game. If you're skipping an entire score of music only because you haven't had a chance in your life to touch that specific game, there's really no choice in the matter. Or maybe you have never had access to these games. Not your fault, and no shame in letting your world shape your tastes in music.

L Thammy

Hey man, can't you appreciate it took someone 10 minutes to makes this? 10 WHOLE MINUTES! You can speed run crazy bus like 600 times in 10 minutes.

Hey, don't even bring up Crazy Bus. This is Eastern vs Western here. Not Eastern vs Western vs Indie.
I think the main thing is that eastern soundtracks tend to be more melodic and thus more memorable. Western soundtracks often are used in a more cinematic fashion, which is to say more of an "accompaniment."

Not including indie devs of course, many of whom seem to be inspired more by eastern console devs than recent western titles.


i like henry jackman so dont mind them bringing him in, but yeah the last uncharted with no nates theme 4.0 just seems wrong, he has to come up with something, its tradition god damn it!

Yeah, I'm fine with him doing the soundtrack, but the game's main theme has to be Nate's theme, there is no other acceptable theme.
Jesper kyd.

Exactly. Hitman 2's soundtrack is excellently memorable.

Outside of some iconic and memorable themes like the Uncharted and Skyrim ones, I don't care for western-centric AAA music.

How do you go from this:

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - An Empty Tome

To this:

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Music - Belmont's Theme

? I'm speechless. It's not just the music but every aspect of LoS was awful. I've been a fan of the series since the very first console game on NES and love both classicvania and metroidvania; but since they released LoS the series died to me.

Honestly both of those songs don't really fit Castlevania. Castlevania music has always been heavily inspired by 70's and 80s horror movie themes with its catchy tunes.


As someone with a general preference for melodic tunes I feel video game music in general has taken a dive, both from east and west. Too much generic movie style music that all sounds the same to me. Indies seem to be the best bet at the moment if you want actual catchy tunes you'd listen to away from the game.

I guess most of my favorite tunes are Japanese made though. Yuzo Koshiro wins over all. Frank Klepacki is easily my favorite western one.


I for one love the Lords of Shadow OST, one of the few AAA style orchestrated OSTs with real melodic / emotive power.
- Koichi Sugiyama
- Nobuo Uematsu
- Masashi Hamauzu
- Kenji Ito
- Hitoshi Sakimoto
- Yasunori Mitsuda
- Hirokazu Tanaka
- Koji Kondo
- Yoko Shimomura
- Go Shina
- Shogo Sakai

- Michael Giacchino (if he still counts)
- Jake Kaufman


Good western ost makers:

Darren Korb
the guy who made the JoyLancer OST
the guy who made the LISA ost
Oscar Araujo (haters puhleaze)

OH the Nuclear Throne ost is good too, not sure if it's original.
Western music has this talented man:

So anyone who doesn't like Western stuff can take a hike.


Gold Member
The West has (or had) Michael Giacchino. For me, that's enough to put that particular hemisphere at the top. But besides him, there's also Jeremy Soule, Jesper Kyd, Jeff Van Dyck, Harry Gregson-Williams, and Stephen Rippy, all of whom I'd count among my favorites.
They both have their strengths but I do think some western AAA's could do with using melodic music more even if it's only for the theme tune in the way Elder Scrolls does.

Western music has this talented man:

So anyone who doesn't like Western stuff can take a hike.



Every time someone mentions Micheal Giacchino, the theme of the mojo mansion starts playing automatically in my brain.
There's not a clear "winner". Some are good, others are bad. There are terrific soundtracks to be found from both Eastern and Western Devs.

It does make me a little sad that so many people simply classify Western OST's a something like a movie soundtrack wannabe...

A lot of times the music from Western Devs are more than just music, it's what elevates certain parts of a videogame, maybe more discrete than the Eastern music, but it makes an impact in its own way.

Darksiders II - War vs Death and The Guardian Theme

Skyrim - Streets of Whiterun

Wolfenstein The New Order - Ransacked

The Witcher: Vizima Trade Quarter

Anyway, can't be bothered to search for more. :p

There's quality on both sides and we (gamers) can only win.


I tend to prefer melodic catchy music so I'm usually more interested in Eastern game music, but there are plenty of stand out Western games with awesome music too. For me personally I love the Elder Scrolls and Halo(original trilogy) music.

Lately I've been playing the Xenoblade and Bravely Default soundtracks a lot.

Here are some stand out tracks from each:

Once We Part Ways - Xenoblade : https://youtu.be/TyXaS4OO5VM

That Person's Name Is - Bravely Default : https://youtu.be/TyXaS4OO5VM
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