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My MGSV TGS Demo 1 impressions!



Hype Confirmed!!

damn did he really leak a release window ? contract breach confirmed :v

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

First the MGSV has better driving than GTA V thread and now this.

Sounding very desperate, why does your impressions deserve an entire thread when you haven't played the game and have seen the same exact footage as everyone else? It's like you gotta go tit for tat with the dissapointment thread.

This is a joke right? I mean....

Solid impressions OP.
This 'health regeneration has been there since MGS3!' stuff has to stop. MGS3 did not have the mechanic that we think of today when someone says 'health regeneration'. In MGS3 your health bar would refill overtime, dependent on a number of factors including Snake's stamina and whether he was injured. You had to keep your stamina up to keep your health up, which meant hunting and eating animals, or occasionally finding ready-made food in enemy bases. If you were injured, his health wouldn't refill until you'd dealt with the injury, and I believe you could actually lose health permanently if you left injuries untreated. You'd regenerate health slowly while running around, but the rate would speed up if you crouched or lay on your stomach. Most importantly, even under ideal circumstances (full stamina, no injuries, no leeches on you, lying on your belly), it still took minutes of time for your health bar to fill from almost empty to full again.

MGS4's health regeneration was governed by the Psyche meter, which is an unfathomable, arcane mechanic that I still don't think anyone truly understands. It does all kinds of weird things, like Snake experiencing battle highs and then making him all shaky when he's coming down from the adrenaline rush. It's ultimately the same story as MGS3, though: you have to lie on your belly in a calm area before the speed of his health regen even becomes noticeable. There's actually a song you can listen to on the in-game iPod to double his regen speed (which is a lifesaver on BBE runs), but it'll still take a couple of minutes to really make a dent.

I don't remember Peace Walker's system, because whenever I think of that game I just remember firing rockets at robots for forty-five minutes and having to call for more supplies constantly :p

Anyway, the picture that all those journalists painted of the GZ demo was that the player ran out into a firefight, took a bunch of bullets to the face that splattered blood all over the camera, the screen desaturated to show he was losing health, then he ran away and hid for a few seconds and all his wounds healed. It sounded exactly like modern-day regenerating health, like Uncharted or Gears or COD, where it takes like eight seconds to go from almost dead to fine again. That is not the same game mechanic that's been in the series since MGS3. Come on, sons.

I don't really think the issue's worth arguing, though, because we just have no idea what any of this is going to be like in the game when it comes out. All we're going off is some articles written about a demo that wasn't intended to be shown to the public, of a game that's still months from release. Demos are always played on Easy mode, if not just a straight up God mode built specifically for the show. There's no indication that this stuff is at all representative of what your experience will be when you eventually play the game. I like to obsess over every morsel of MGS footage just as much as the next guy (avatar quote :p), but all this doomsday prophesying seems uncalled for.

Tagging enemies doesn't look any different to the information you got from the Soliton Radar, or the Threat Ring, or Thermal and Night Vision from previous games. If anything, I'd say it'd take more skill to use, if only because you have to actually find the guys first to tag them. Seems like everyone's upset over it solely because the IGN guy namedropped Splinter Cell, but the 'mark' function isn't what's wrong with SC's Mark & Execute system. As long as MGSV doesn't have a button you press to kill everyone in the room I think we're good here :p

I don't have any excuses to make about the bullet time system, though. That looks straight up horrible. At least if it was limited to enemies you'd already tagged I might be OK with it, but the TGS demo showed that it magically swings the camera around to focus right on a guard that the player hadn't even seen, and then it slowed down again while he was attacking the next guy. It looks bad, and it's something I really hope they give you the option of toggling off, or just cut right out of harder difficulty modes.

EDIT - Oh no, did I just type all that?


In all fairness MGS4 was a blatant shooter as well. I could never bring myself to finish that game a second time, I was too busy playing TSNE in MGO. If MGS5 doesn't have TSNE for stealth lovers that'd be the real crime.


In all fairness MGS4 was a blatant shooter as well. I could never bring myself to finish that game a second time, I was too busy playing TSNE in MGO. If MGS5 doesn't have TSNE for stealth lovers that'd be the real crime.
No one played it that way and if anyone is associated with MGS franchise played that way then that person is a moron.
Previous MGS games were mostly played from top down with an up close perspective. Having the radar function was not only intentionally but was key to the original design of the game. An original concept that was well designed, which, also later on, had plenty of copy cats.

Get rid of that and replace it with design decisions that other games have already focused entirely on and yes, people are going to create parallels with those games. They do this because it's brain dead obvious and unoriginal to boot, which, if anything, was what the MGS franchise had going for it.


Previous MGS games were mostly played from top down with an up close perspective. Having the radar function was not only intentionally but was key to the original design of the game. An original concept that was well designed, which, also later on, had plenty of copy cats.

Get rid of that and replace it with design decisions that other games have already focused entirely on and yes, people are going to create parallels with those games. They do this because it's brain dead obvious and unoriginal to boot, which, if anything, was what the MGS franchise had going for it.

If they went with the same old then people would just complain about how its the same thing all over again.
If they went with the same old then people would just complain about how its the same thing all over again.

So you copy the overused concepts of other games to counteract the feeling of playing the same thing over and over again? Does that make any sense to you?


In all fairness MGS4 was a blatant shooter as well. I could never bring myself to finish that game a second time, I was too busy playing TSNE in MGO. If MGS5 doesn't have TSNE for stealth lovers that'd be the real crime.

I hate shooting and snuck my way through pretty much every scenario I could. Act 5 was brilliant. I wish the game would have had more of that.


Unconfirmed Member
For people complaining about tagging enemies

Did you guys not notice that feature in Peace Walker? It's not new to Metal Gear with this iteration
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