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Mythical Pokemon being distributed throughout 2016


Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks

246. Thanks!
Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks

Last night I came across a player in Japan wanting to trade Pokémon. No worries, I thought. I have a bunch of IV breeded Pokémon that are rare or annoying to get.

Then the first thing he puts up is a shiny Milotic. I don't have anything nearly that good, so I offer up a Bulbasaur. Then he puts up a shiny Genesect and I'm just dumbfounded. I try to give him an Eevee so he knows what kind of scale I was hoping to trade on. Then he quits.

I thought that was that, but then he wanted to battle. I was hatching eggs at the time, so I quickly duck into the Pokémon centre and swap out my team to challenge him again. The guy has that shiny Genesect, a shiny Kyogre, a shiny Mew, an Arceus, and a (shiny?) green and black Wobbufet looking monstrosity I couldn't identify. I was thinking, wow, I am about to get trounced.

But no. Turns out that this guy just picked the coolest looking Pokémon, acquired shiny versions of them (hacked, most likely) and shoved them onto an in-game team without reference to any kind of strategies beyond just attack attack attack. His Kyogre kept trying to get me with Hydro Pump (and kept missing), his Arceus had Rock Smash and his Mew had both Fly and Dive.

I won by basically setting up on two Pokémon with Calm Mind and Dragon Dance and sweeping his team mercilessly.

It made me think that this guy wasn't necessarily a hardcore Pokémon guy. Despite this, he still had some hacked legendaries. I was under the impression that cheating and hacking is a lot harder these days than it was back in the day, so I was surprised he had such a collection of hacked legendaries. How widespread is this?

Last night I came across a player in Japan wanting to trade Pokémon. No worries, I thought. I have a bunch of IV breeded Pokémon that are rare or annoying to get.

Then the first thing he puts up is a shiny Milotic. I don't have anything nearly that good, so I offer up a Bulbasaur. Then he puts up a shiny Genesect and I'm just dumbfounded. I try to give him an Eevee so he knows what kind of scale I was hoping to trade on. Then he quits.

I thought that was that, but then he wanted to battle. I was hatching eggs at the time, so I quickly duck into the Pokémon centre and swap out my team to challenge him again. The guy has that shiny Genesect, a shiny Kyogre, a shiny Mew, an Arceus, and a (shiny?) green and black Wobbufet looking monstrosity I couldn't identify. I was thinking, wow, I am about to get trounced.

But no. Turns out that this guy just picked the coolest looking Pokémon, acquired shiny versions of them (hacked, most likely) and shoved them onto an in-game team without reference to any kind of strategies beyond just attack attack attack. His Kyogre kept trying to get me with Hydro Pump (and kept missing), his Arceus had Rock Smash and his Mew had both Fly and Dive.

I won by basically setting up on two Pokémon with Calm Mind and Dragon Dance and sweeping his team mercilessly.

It made me think that this guy wasn't necessarily a hardcore Pokémon guy. Despite this, he still had some hacked legendaries. I was under the impression that cheating and hacking is a lot harder these days than it was back in the day, so I was surprised he had such a collection of hacked legendaries. How widespread is this?
Very. Contrary to popular opinion hacking is just as easy now as it was in Gen 4/5. Additionally as long you are not completely stupid it is very easy to create hacks that are indistinguishable from legitimate Pokémon due to the fact that Game Freak made the PID of a Pokémon independent from its IVs this Gen. This means that good hackers are undetectable. There are people in official competitions who are known to have hacked or received and then used, hacked Pokémon. The only thing that hasn't happened in Gen 6 with regards to hacking is that the RNG hasn't been cracked.
Very. Contrary to popular opinion hacking is just as easy now as it was in Gen 4/5. Additionally as long you are not completely stupid it is very easy to create hacks that are indistinguishable from legitimate Pokémon due to the fact that Game Freak made the PID of a Pokémon independent from its IVs this Gen. This means that good hackers are undetectable. There are people in official competitions who are known to have hacked or received and then used, hacked Pokémon. The only thing that hasn't happened in Gen 6 with regards to hacking is that the RNG hasn't been cracked.
Fair enough. I haven't really looked into it. How big an effect does it have on the meta game?

I'm not above using hacked Pokemon myself if it makes some things easier (I received an obviously hacked 6IV Korean Ditto from the GTS that I use for breeding), but I'd never use one in battle. That would be a step too far.

I have an extra Mew code (USA). Let's just have a little fun with it. Hypothetical question. If we were sitting on the same table and I was eating yoghurt and asked you, "tell me anything about anything", what would be your topic and briefly why? I'll choose a winner at 6pm EST. Whoever choses something I'm interested about the most will get the code. If you happen to win, I'll reply to you which then you'd have to claim the code and I'll PM you it.

I wish I could give everyone a code, but I only have one
Thanks to a thread in the OT, I picked up the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. it traces the development of humans from the earliest hominid days to now.

One of the discussions in the book involved the question of why farming societies always seem to give women short shrift. Women have had secondary roles in farming societies as distant to each other and as independent as Ancient Egypt and the Inca Empire. Despite this, hunter gatherer societies are just as likely to divide work up equally or even be matriarchal as patriarchal. So the question is, why this setup? Is there some biological basis for this.

Now, Sapiens only brings up biological explanations for patriarchy and finds them all wanting. Relative physical strength doesn't explain it (women could just gang up on an errant man and ovewhelm him, just like Bonobo females do), propensity to violence doesn't cover it (successful leaders among the Great Apes and humans are the ones who can build lasting coalitions of supporters, which women are stereotypically better at doing, rather than violent brutes who rule by fear) etc. The book leaves the question open in the end, having failed at finding a good answer.

Recently, I read a different book that covers much the same ground. It's called Why the West Rules... For Now. It also traces history to the earliest hominid origins and instead of biological factors, puts the blame squarely on the advent of private property.

According to this explanation, most societies back in the hunter gatherer days were communal, which is to say that all possessions that a band of people had belonged to everyone. I suppose the reason for this is that when everything you own has to be able to be carried on your back, it makes sense to cut down on duplication and save weight. You can't own much and everything you do own is shared.

The change to farming changed this completely. At first, all land was held in common, but as populations grew and land became scarce, people started to parcel out the land and defend it jealously. If you didn't, your family would starve. People started talking about this land being "mine" a lot more, which made defending it much more of a priority. It also encouraged people to pass the land on to their own children and give them the capital they needed to build a life of their own once those parents died.

Because the difference between your family getting by or potentially starving was tied up in having land, matters of inheritance became super important. Where before, it didn't really matter who fathered who in a tribe, because everyone would end up in the same situation in life anyway (tribal societies can be quite lax when it comes to sexual mores), it suddenly became critical to men to know exactly whose kids it was they were passing their land onto after death.

The easiest way to do this is to control who the women in the village do (and do not) sleep with. Property and inheritance make virginity a valuable quality in a bride (any children she has are much more likely to be her husband's) and raise the stakes on cheating so as to make it a mortal crime (passing land onto children who aren't yours may mean the end of your family line, so infidelity or flirtatiousness must be punished severely). It also gives men an incentive to hide their wives and daughters away from the prying eyes of other men who might desire them. Furthermore, it turns the known children of illicit unions into outcasts who are shunned from society.

Because of this incentive to control and contain women's sexuality, men had an incentive to keep women in the home doing only the work that can be done there. Another factor is that for the first time in history, women were giving birth upwards of once a year, which meant that they were nearly constantly pregnant. The reason for this is that when you're constantly on the move, you have to carry small children around with you since they can't keep up, which encourages longer periods of breastfeeding (to two or three years old in many cases), and breastfeeding vastly lowers a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Thus, hunter gatherer women have bigger gaps between kids. Being in one place allows you to wean your kids sooner, but also allows women to have kids more often.

Being pregnant all the time may limit the kind of work you can do or push you toward the kind of work that doesn't involve heavy lifting, work that can be done in the home. This isn't to say that this work isn't hard. Threshing and grinding grain is murder on the knees, for instance, but it's less risky than carrying water buckets. It also doesn't mean that women weren't also out in the fields, because women in farming societies today certainly are, but it may mean that the proportion of time doing one thing vs another was pushed in the direction of the home. This process might be the origin of the notion that "domestic" tasks are a woman's preserve.

Give this process a few generations to cement itself into the fabric of society and you have a patriarchy.

Of course, this is all speculation, since we can't go back in time to actually see what happened. It's interesting food for thought, however.


We would discuss the nature of reality as we as a species perceive it and marvel at the fact that what we call yogurt is actually a class of components such as milk and bacteria that we choose to group together and give a name to make it easier to understand the world around us. We would further discuss that even those components can be continued to be broken down into classes until we were discussing the whirling and binding of atomic particles, coming upon the stark realization that none of the objects around us, including ourselves and the yogurt, are real in the sense of existence as a single being, but rather a number of rules and reactions of particles and energy that binds the universe as we know it together.

After that we'd grab a few beers, yell at stray cats on the street for trying to steal our thoughts and end up pissing on some old ladies patio furniture before passing out.
You win sir! Imagine how subatomic that conversation would go. Would you like me to you this code that's also made from the same atoms as anything else in the entire universe?

That's definitely an interesting read and I have no way to combat those views. It all makes sense. I didn't get a chance to read your post before I chose a winner. I was typing my post above and you posted your post in the middle of my typing. But definitely, that would have been a good topic to listen to as I was eating yoghurt, no doubt.

I have to pick up a pre order from GameStop tomorrow or Tuesday (the new 3ds). If I can get a hold of a Mew code, I will definitely give you one. I'll PM you if I have one!
You win sir! Imagine how subatomic that conversation would go. Would you like me to you this code that's also made from the same atoms as anything else in the entire universe?

Thank you, sir. I'll definitely take the code - it's as real/unreal as everything else in this giant hologram we call reality, haha.


I know the store I frequent ran out, but did so in the first few days, so they decided to reorder more. Now that it's nearing the end though, they don't care as much, so they'll give out multiple codes. Being this late however, if they're out, they're probably going to stay out.
Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks

274? Sorry I pmed you earlier :p


Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks


Let's hope this works!


Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks

435. Nice of you to do. Thanks!


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks

1$ Bob! Thxs :)

ViP space

Neo Member
Alright guys, I managed to stop by my local gamestop again... just 1 1/2 hours away from where i live... >.>; and good news is, I snagged a GUARANTEED 6 codes I will give out, maybe 7, my buddy comes first~

I'm going to play the same game as last time, EXCEPT this time I'm going to let it ride a bit longer.

A simple guess the number between 1-1000. Everyone get's 1 guess. The 6 closest will win the codes (i'll edit later if the 7th becomes available), and in case of a tie, code goes to whoever called the number first. I'll let this run for 1 week, ending on Saturday night at midnight. good luck to everyone! of course, if there are less guesses than the number of people, ill just pm each person~ oh ya, guessing over 1k instantly revokes a chance at winning ;P

edit, please post via forum, not pms! thanks



Found this on reddit.


Can't confirm/deny myself (I'm currently at work), but it seems logical enough. Maybe someone will luck out and get a code they otherwise wouldn't be able to get. If it turns out to be a fluke, my apologies for wasting anyone's time.

EDIT - after reading through the comments, I didn't find a decisive answer as to if this works or not. One user said it worked, while another said it did not..ect. One person also mentioned that Nintendo asked them which GameStop location they tried, so maybe think that out before hand?
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.
I almost completely forgot about this. I stopped by a nearby Gamestop while on a lunch break and they were nice enough to give me two of the five codes they had left. They're both spoken for, but yay for that rare beast: the positive Gamestop experience.
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

I'm going to go with my gut and say Alakazam. 16 codes? Damn, and I drove to eb games only to find out they ran out :p


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.
I'll give it a go. How about Gengar?


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Umbreon. Thanks for baring more codes.


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:

this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Is it Scizor? Thanks for this!


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

edit: nvm, already got Mew, thanks!
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.


Neo Member
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

How about Mewtwo? Thanks for the offer.


Neo Member
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.
Hey there! I'm going to guess Gardevoir!


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Squirtle? I can't think of a Pokemon better than that.


Neo Member
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

*edit* oops, beaten. Spoink, I guess?
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

My area Gamestops were all out and I still don't have a Mew. :(

I'm going to guess your favorite Pokemon is Ditto
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

I'm gonna go with Greninja?


I was going to end the number game early, but with the amount of crazy ongoing >.>; I'll end my guess game after Kaleo's has finished his game. Kaleo, mind pm'ing me a list of winners afterwards so I don't have any overlap with yours?

Also, seems I have 7 instead of 6 to give out.
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Cubone, for suresingtons.


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.



Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.
Charizard for the win


Neo Member
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.
Ok I'm guessing that it's....

wait, stores are running out of codes. shit. I better check asap. I still haven't gotten mine.

I strolled in my Gamestop on February 10th all confident. Clerk said, "Yeah we were only allotted 150 codes, and we have been out since February 3rd. You're a little late"

At that moment I was angry at the pokemon company


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

C'mon guys, it's right there in the name.

Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

It's #151 MEW!


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

Wobbuffet! >_<


Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.


or mew, given the number of them
Hello PokeGaf! in celebration of my new new 3DS I come bearing gifts:


this time I'm going to do something different: all you have to do is guess my favorite pokemon, just quote me with what you think is my favorite pokemon; basically pick a number between 1-721 I will leave the guessing up for 24 hours and who ever correctly guesses it or those who come the closest will recieve a code, 16 codes are up for grabs!!!

2) all who participate only get one pick
3) those who have gotten pokemon Codes from me before are disqualified
4) I want people who enter NOT TO HAVE A MEW, want to give them out to those who really need it

GOOD LUCK to all who enter, hell you might get a code if 16 or less decide to enter.

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