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Natsume: "Nintendo have moved on from Game Boy games." (re: 3ds virtual console)


So what? Honestly, does anyone care THAT much about save states? And let's not forget: GBA games played on the Nintendo DS couldn't use sleep mode either.

I actually love the fact that my GBA Ambassador games run natively if for no other reason than that it saves tooooons of battery. If I'm ever on a long train ride and my battery is running low, I can boot up Minish Cap or something and keep playing for several hours before the system dies.
Nintendo already sells DSiWare on the 3DS eShop, they should've just done the same for full GBA and DS games. The infrastructure's already in place, literally all they'd have to do is add a digital manual and throw the roms on the store.


sörine;181163608 said:
Nintendo already sells DSiWare on the 3DS eShop, they should've just done the same for full GBA and DS games. The infrastructure's already in place, literally all they'd have to do is add a digital manual and throw the roms on the store.

In general, it just looks like they don't want to put any resources to the 3DS's online and VC/BC components because it will be sunk in a year's time and the returns are likely minimal vs. investment and time costs.


In general, it just looks like they don't want to put any resources to the 3DS's online and VC/BC components because it will be sunk in a year's time and the returns are likely minimal vs. investment and time costs.
Well sure, it's too late now. But they should've done this back in 2012-2013.

I think Nintendo also should sell WiiWare and Gamecube games on Wii U eShop natively although the latter would take a little more work with control bindings and save paths.


sörine;181164490 said:
Well sure, it's too late now. But they should've done this back in 2012-2013.

Resources had moved to trying to salvage the WiiU.

At the end of the day, Nintendo really needs to expand its wings a bit in terms of studio/manpower allocations and acquisitions.


sörine;181164664 said:
What resources? The games run natively.

Fair enough. Though I was thinking about it more from the "resource = people to worry/think about it" view, with most everyone in panic mode on working on WiiU things while also still working on 3DS titles and fixing its clusterfucked internet capabilities.

Basically they have bigger things to worry about and the overall man power too low to even notice something as small as that.

Also *something something* Adelmann *something something* trickle down release schedule instituting *something something* Baker *something something* slowly getting rid of that garbage. I'd have to wonder if, looking back, had Baker and the others now more prominently running the entirety of the eShop hadn't been in charge back then, if we wouldn't have seen a completely different handling of the eShop in NA and, in general, the entirety of Nintendo. The changes since Baker took over have been obvious and have been affecting backend operations which ties all the way back to Japan.
I agree that lack of sleep mode is a poor reason to not offer virtual GBA games on the 3ds. It's a nice feature, but it's not game breaking when 99.9 percent of these games feature some sort of easily achievable 'save and quit' function and furthermore are designed around short play sessions which you can easily get out of if need be. It's just one little sticking point.
I don't touch my ambassador GBA games because I can't go to sleep mode or access any 3DS functions on the fly. Might as well not exist.

Yeah, the other day I was really tempted to throw both of my GBA systems in the trash for the same reasons. No Home menus or save states, might as well not exist. Now that I think about it, I'm going to call Nintendo customer service later and see if they'd be willing to completely wipe out my eShop account's Ambassador status. Why bother playing both my Ambassador GBA games and my carts now until we have 100% proper GBA VC, what's the point?


Who cares.

I have full speed SNES, Mega Drive and Game Boy with Super Game Boy support on my N3DS.

If Nintendo aren't going to provide the service themselves, I'll just use homebrew. Their loss.

Honestly, homebrew SNES emulators don't really run "fine" on the 3DS. Even on the N3DS, you are forced to choose between fullspeed emulation with poor audio that is often in the wrong key, or more accurate emulation that runs at half speed. I tested it and found it severely lacking.

People don't understand how weak even the New 3DS's CPU is, and how demanding even decent SNES emulation can be. And before anyone mentions the Wii, remember that it has a much stronger CPU than the 3DS.

The hell you on about, son?


Full locked 60fps there on Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, Link to the Past and others. And that's from a build of retroarch catsfc from two weeks ago - its flawless on most games now.


The hell you on about, son?


Full locked 60fps there on Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, Link to the Past and others. And that's from a build of retroarch catsfc from two weeks ago - its flawless on most games now.

Actually, that video presents exactly the issue that I alluded to. It occurs in (I believe) all of the games that you played, but it's easily noticeable in Link to the Past--compare the audio to audio from the original game and you'll notice that it's playing in the wrong key (about a half step higher than it should be). This is a common error with SNES emulators that drives me nuts, so I'm hypersensitive to it. CatSFC Plus doesn't have those audio errors, but runs at about half speed. Admittedly, it might be fixed within the next few releases, and I was uninformed about just how powerful the N3DS is, so I will definitely continue to keep my eye on the emulation scene, but for now, Retroarch emulation is unfortunately unplayable for me. Still need to try out BlargSNES though.


Actually, that video presents exactly the issue that I alluded to. It occurs in (I believe) all of the games that you played, but it's easily noticeable in Link to the Past--compare the audio to audio from the original game and you'll notice that it's playing in the wrong key (about a half step higher than it should be). This is a common error with SNES emulators that drives me nuts, so I'm hypersensitive to it. CatSFC Plus doesn't have those audio errors, but runs at about half speed. Admittedly, it might be fixed within the next few releases, and I was uninformed about just how powerful the N3DS is, so I will definitely continue to keep my eye on the emulation scene, but for now, Retroarch emulation is unfortunately unplayable for me. Still need to try out BlargSNES though.


That's some high class hyperbole there. But either way, I guess you just have extremely high standards.

But regardless...unplayable? Hell fucking no way is that true in the slightest. Like I explained in my other thread, it is by far the best SNES emulation available so far on a handheld hands down.

And blargsnes isn't anywhere near this level either.
What I see here is the result of Nintendo's unwillingness to communicate openly and honestly with its fans.* If it's true, as many have inferred, that the VC is dead because the company has shifted its resources to the unified architecture of the NX, wouldn't it behoove Nintendo to say so? The alternative is to say nothing, which lets threads like this one grow and grow -- and undermining consumer confidence all the while.

*Yes, I know this is the corporate culture. Nevertheless, if it's a problem for Ninty today, it's only going to grow in harm as its competitors get more PR savvy.


did these people pushing the "Ambassador games are no good for VC" angle forget that Nintendo did the exact same thing on Wii U with Wii games and sells them just fine?

they just don't want to bother with 3DS anymore. they're probably saving efforts for NX at this point since their slow ass probably would take years to start VC on NX if they still pushed VC releases on 3DS (not that the opposite is guaranteed either but at least we can hope that's what they're doing).

also, glitchy mess? where did that come from? i've played several ambassador games and they run just as fine as on a real GBA (it's using hardware BC for them). the only weirdness is due to screen differences since the 3DS's screen isn't optimized for GBA games and that's why they look weird but performance is the same as on a real GBA. if there's slowdown or a glitch, it was there in the original game.


the only weirdness is due to screen differences since the 3DS's screen isn't optimized for GBA games and that's why they look weird but performance is the same as on a real GBA. if there's slowdown or a glitch, it was there in the original game.

Eh? Not sure where you got that from - because that isn't quite true. The reason why it looks odd is because the ambassador GBA games are being played natively via the 3DS hardware through pure interpretation, and the display is interlaced with absolutely no post processing to correct it for the 3DS screen.

Excuse the crappy video quality (blame my mobile phone, encoding it added a shitload of noise), but this is what GBA games look like on the 3DS via emulation:


Basically, they look fantastic, with absolutely none of the blur that plagues the ambassador titles. Because they're emulated and displayed in the correct format.


you're playing on a portable, your standards arent high at all

Shit post is shit, if you're having to launch personal attack in order to make your point then you have already lost any chance of having a reason discussion or anyone taking you seriously.

They claim they don't want to bring the Pokemon games because you can't trade and battle but thats the thing, these would sell like crazy WITHOUT those features and if you are that worried about it then have a 'new' version (Lets call it Green if its the original generation XD) that allows you to catch all 150 pokemon and changes the trade evolutions to a level up evolution at say level 50. You still can't trade or battle a friend but at least you can complete the game like it was originally intended.

The thing with Pokémon is that Game Freak likes all games in the series to connect with each other and barring the original gen 1 and gen 2 they have stuck to that. Furthermore your idea of them actually going back an altering method Pokémon evolution will be confusing and out of place with the rest of the series.

Finally the actual amount of effort into making the old Pokémon work for such little return isn't worth it when they know that they can yield more profit with the main series.



That's some high class hyperbole there. But either way, I guess you just have extremely high standards.

But regardless...unplayable? Hell fucking no way is that true in the slightest. Like I explained in my other thread, it is by far the best SNES emulation available so far on a handheld hands down.

And blargsnes isn't anywhere near this level either.

It definitely comes off as hyperbolic, I know, but for me it is unfortunately a dealbreaker. I do recognize that it's a good emulator, and that most people wouldn't care about an issue like that, but I can't get past it, and I have yet to see an SNES emulator that I think delivers Virtual Console quality emulation. Regardless, I'm glad everyone's enjoying it, and look forward to seeing where the scene goes.

And yeah, I do agree that it's some of the best SNES handheld emulation I've seen yet.


did these people pushing the "Ambassador games are no good for VC" angle forget that Nintendo did the exact same thing on Wii U with Wii games and sells them just fine?

they just don't want to bother with 3DS anymore. they're probably saving efforts for NX at this point since their slow ass probably would take years to start VC on NX if they still pushed VC releases on 3DS (not that the opposite is guaranteed either but at least we can hope that's what they're doing).

also, glitchy mess? where did that come from? i've played several ambassador games and they run just as fine as on a real GBA (it's using hardware BC for them). the only weirdness is due to screen differences since the 3DS's screen isn't optimized for GBA games and that's why they look weird but performance is the same as on a real GBA. if there's slowdown or a glitch, it was there in the original game.

Well, the Ambassador Games are just GBA ports, well the Non-NES ones at least. Also, it's pretty clear that they're moving away from 3DS VC because of what advancements were made on the Wii U VC titles in comparison, like control customization and the fact that they put SO MUCH EFFORT into getting those DS games to work on Wii U when they probably didn't need to.

The 3DS VC has kinda been a lost cause for a while now, unfortunately.


Well, the Ambassador Games are just GBA ports

Not true.

They aren't ports. They are literal unaltered GBA ROMs placed in an interpretation wrapper. The 3DS can play them natively. Thus, you can replace the ROM in any of the GBA ambassador titles with any other and it will work flawlessly. See:

Shit post is shit, if you're having to launch personal attack in order to make your point then you have already lost any chance of having a reason discussion or anyone taking you seriously.
My post is a personal attack? How? Why would you be offended by that? If my post is a personal attack, then "it's called higher standards" is one then too. But you clearly aren't offended by that. You should probably read the thread again before entering the discussion.
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