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NC: White "Neighborhood Watch" Vigilante Kills 20 yo Black Man Returning from Party

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all good things
Who cares about what his defense is. Whenever a jury is involved, and especially in cases like this, they might not get a conviction.

This word does not mean what they think it means.

There is a neighborhood watch (citizens on patrol) in my inner city, highly diverse neighborhood. They are trained that they are forbidden from carrying weapons, forbidden from engaging with potential suspects, and that their action is limited to reporting activity to the police.

That's what a "watch" is.
This just makes my blood boil, yet these shooting are so common it makes me sick. R.I.P. Kouren-Rodney Bernard Thomas. 20 years young and had his life taken away by a gung ho monster. I hope they put this piece of shit in a hole for the rest of his life.
This is such an insidious, uniquely American mentality and you can't just chalk it up to the gun ownership. This shit goes all the way back to the fucking American Revolution.

Like, do these people actually have this idea that it's going to play out like a scene from Die Hard?


Well they must think the 'hood' in neighborhood watch is a title affiliated with the Klan. Must be why their so eager to do their duty and serve justice to unsuspecting black folk.
these people usually present themselves as the bravest and best of society when really they are the biggest cowards of any of us

mr big dick neighbourhood watch deserves to rot in prison


Considering that the whites who murdered people for "knocking on the front door to ask for help while black" were found guilty, I'd like to say that there is no chance in hell that this asshole could be acquitted.
Don't prove me wrong, please, jury.


Unconfirmed Member
I saw a video about this on The Young Turks a day or 2 ago. Listening to the recordings where he calls the police, on one of them he says something to the effect of

"I fired a warning shot as I'm legally required to do and it looks like someone may have been struck."

No one is fucking required to fire a warning shot and generally if you fire a warning shot, you're not firing in the direction of people to where you actually fucking shoot them.

He also said he's a part of the neighborhood watch, but it turned out that he's actually just a HOA member and he apparently thought that deputized his dumb fucking ass.


No one is fucking required to fire a warning shot and generally if you fire a warning shot, you're not firing in the direction of people to where you actually fucking shoot them.

Florida sentenced a woman to 20 years for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband a few years ago. I think she eventually got the sentencing reduced. I don't know NC's gun laws but if firing a warning shot is required, even in a residential area, that seems to be a pretty dangerous law.


I saw a video about this on The Young Turks a day or 2 ago. Listening to the recordings where he calls the police, on one of them he says something to the effect of

No one is fucking required to fire a warning shot and generally if you fire a warning shot, you're not firing in the direction of people to where you actually fucking shoot them.
Sounds like the "warning shot" was a cover story for "oh shit I actually just murdered someone. Need an excuse shit shit shit"
Florida sentenced a woman to 20 years for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband a few years ago. I think she eventually got the sentencing reduced. I don't know NC's gun laws but if firing a warning shot is required, even in a residential area, that seems to be a pretty dangerous law.
There's no way that there is a law requiring firing a warning shot anywhere in the USA.

That's massively unsafe, even shots fired in the air can and do come back down and kill people.

If you fire a gun in the USA you are always considered to be using lethal force, shooting to kill, and you need a justification equal to that. There's no gradations where you can say "I was firing a warning shot and accidentally hit him, so I didn't do anything wrong"


Just has to lie and say be felt threatened. Jury will buy it, even through a wall. Rinse and fucking repeat.

Mark this post.

He was running at the closed garage door and I learned that under the right drugs (reefer, pcp, gamma rays) he would bust through the garage door and hurt me and my family. I believe the police call it the "Kool Aid Man Maneuver". Would you risk your family even if for a second you thought these thugs might possibily break through, rape everyone, and drink our beverages?

*Ignorant slightly biased juror* Well, there is a reasonable doubt...


Neighborhood watches need to be criminalized. They are excuse for harassing, threatening, assaulting, and killing the "other"

I've been on a Neghborhood Watch before, and they can be useful. These dudes are way far out of the bounds of what you are supposed to be doing. Typically speaking, you are not supposed to patrol or anything like that. You're literally just a point of contact for the police and people in your neighborhood.

It's like the police send an email out saying "Hey, there's been somebody breaking into cars around this area at night, make sure to tell your neighborhood to lock their doors, park close to the house and leave the lights on." Then you send an email to the neighborhood telling everyone. Walking around with your gun is not part of the job description and the fact that Zimmerman and this dude do that says a lot about them but nothing about Neighborhood Watch organizations.


Another senseless tragedy of this nature. The other tragedy: racists are going to pay for this man's legal bills and make him a millionaire via online donations.


Damn, can't believe this happened so close to home. I'm only half an hour away from Raleigh. The triangle is a very diverse and progressive area, it can be disheartening to be reminded that we still have the crazies around. RIP to the victim, and I hope justice is served.
I saw a video about this on The Young Turks a day or 2 ago. Listening to the recordings where he calls the police, on one of them he says something to the effect of

No one is fucking required to fire a warning shot and generally if you fire a warning shot, you're not firing in the direction of people to where you actually fucking shoot them.

He also said he's a part of the neighborhood watch, but it turned out that he's actually just a HOA member and he apparently thought that deputized his dumb fucking ass.

You're right, but this country we have military wanna be whack jobs that take it upon them selves to be judge and jury. I mean the guy responds like this: "That is a negative" "Securing mah neighborhood" Plus he wasn't giving the 911 operator any information because he was trying to cover his own ass.

I personally know people like this, and all of them carry and aren't afraid to "exercise their right". You could be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and god forbid you stand up to these crazies they'll put a bullet in you before you can defend yourself.


He claims he fired a warning shot to protect himself. How do you hit somebody with a warning shot?

He's trying to use the self-defense argument. He clearly committed murder.


He was running at the closed garage door and I learned that under the right drugs (reefer, pcp, gamma rays) he would bust through the garage door and hurt me and my family. I believe the police call it the "Kool Aid Man Maneuver". Would you risk your family even if for a second you thought these thugs might possibily break through, rape everyone, and drink our beverages?

*Ignorant slightly biased juror* Well, there is a reasonable doubt...

Bingo. If black people are a threat with their back turned/sleep, Imagine one anywhere near your vicinity active and in a trance by that ice cube hip rap music!!! Even a glancing view could be curtains for ya.

Dude will not have book thrown at him. As he's not alone in his fearful mindset. We've been through this. Done with getting hopes up for justice.

Imagine the jury is any % trump supporters.



Neighborhood watches need to be criminalized. They are excuse for harassing, threatening, assaulting, and killing the "other"

People would do the same without it. Neighborhood watches have been around for ages. I'm a part of mine. None of us are armed, we report to the police issues that come up and meet once a month with the police to see if there are any hotspots in the neighborhood we should keep a look out in the future. I caught a dude casing houses from an alley one night. Nothing wrong with having one if it's run correctly


This really scares me as I get off work at roughly 12:00-1:30 am and walk home through a pretty wealthy neighborhood(staying with a family who live in it)

Already have been questioned by the cops once, hopefully I don't get shot :/

Grab the ACLU phone app and keep it on your homepage.


Surely this guy will be found guilty? This is so disturbing; guy was actively looking to murder black people. Life in prison, don't even fuck around on this, set an example for once.

North Carolina. Send him to the chair. If the races were reversed we all know that would be the only outcome.


time to take my meds
Damn, can't believe this happened so close to home. I'm only half an hour away from Raleigh. The triangle is a very diverse and progressive area, it can be disheartening to be reminded that we still have the crazies around. RIP to the victim, and I hope justice is served.
i was raised in the triangle as well, im with ya man.


Unconfirmed Member
Florida sentenced a woman to 20 years for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband a few years ago. I think she eventually got the sentencing reduced. I don't know NC's gun laws but if firing a warning shot is required, even in a residential area, that seems to be a pretty dangerous law.
I think it's important to note that Marissa Alexander is a black woman.


Oh I hope this guy rots in jail for life. He was in no danger, and shot the guy through a closed door.

I know people are mad about Zimmerman, but that case had a lot more elements of doubt compared to this.


Where is the "rehabilitation is better than punishment" brigade? I'm certain that's going to be a thing from now on.

But rehabiliton IS better than punishment.
That doesn't mean people who are danger to society shoulnd't be locked away until they are are consiredered rehabiliated and safe for society. And that person looks like danger to society.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Life in prison.

What a massive piece of shit...which is an insult to shit everywhere. Fuck this guy.

This word does not mean what they think it means.

There is a neighborhood watch (citizens on patrol) in my inner city, highly diverse neighborhood. They are trained that they are forbidden from carrying weapons, forbidden from engaging with potential suspects, and that their action is limited to reporting activity to the police.

That's what a "watch" is.

Exactly. But there's a strong bias in many folks since the slave patrols were around that the point of "watching" the neighborhood was to keep "certain" elements out. And by certain I mean black people.

Fuckin hell, if this guy gets away with it, the US might as well legalize murder and get it over with.

They did so in the past. Wouldn't shock me. Shit, I'd respect the honesty for a change...
Neighborhood watches need to be criminalized. They are excuse for harassing, threatening, assaulting, and killing the "other"

Nah, neighborhood watches are fine. My dad was a member of ours growing up. They aren't supposed to be an armed militia, just inform the police if they see something suspicious like a house being broken into. This asshole probably wasn't even a part of his neighborhood watch.
Copley also called 911 after shooting Thomas.

“We have a lot of people outside our house, yelling and shouting profanities. I yelled at them, ‘Please leave the premises.’ They were showing a firearm, so I fired a warning shot and, uh, we got somebody that got hit.”

The dispatcher then asked him if someone was shot.

“Well, I don’t know if they were shot or not, ma’am,” he told her. “I fired my warning shot like I’m supposed to by law. They do have firearms, and I’m trying to protect myself and my family. … Ma’am, I don’t know who they are. There’s frigging black males outside my frigging house with firearms. Please send PD.”

yeah this guy is a real piece of work
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