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NeoGAF March 8th/11th Caucus Thread (Wyoming + Mississippi = OBAMATON)

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electricpirate said:
Hey Ami, where could i go to get more information about getting involved in the PA ground game? I'm in NYC, and didn't start following the election in time to have any impact here, now I want to help outside of donations.

Although, I'm sure there would be some angry Philadelphian's to see any kind of NYer out campaigning ;)

go to obama's web page, and put a zip code in (19128 is one in the city if you are interested in Philly). Philly is pretty much Obama's, i've been starting to do a few things in the burbs where Hillary will be focusing. Anyway, it will list events within 50 miles of the zip code, so putting in that zip code will get you the city and its surrounding areas.

Ami... where in PA are you? (Delaware County burbs here)

edit... just dont wear any Giants or Mets gear and no one will bother you. If you are a yankees or jets fans, no one will care.

Whatever you say APF. To accuse another of empty promises and then be supporting Hilary :lol

How many jobs did Hilary promise to bring to New York again? millions? How many did she bring? -30,000 :lol


"Hillary is seen as the one who can get the job done"--but nothing about how she actually could. Is she planning a third-party run? Does she think Obama is going to die? The memo does not say.

The reason it doesn't say is that Clinton's path to the nomination is pretty repulsive. She isn't going to win at the polls. Barack Obama has a lead of 144 pledged delegates. That may not sound like a lot in a 4,000-delegate race, but it is. Clinton's Ohio win reduced that total by only nine. She would need 15 more Ohios to pull even with Obama. She isn't going to do much to dent, let alone eliminate, his lead.

That means, as we all have grown tired of hearing, that she would need to win with superdelegates. But, with most superdelegates already committed, Clinton would need to capture the remaining ones by a margin of better than two to one. And superdelegates are going to be extremely reluctant to overturn an elected delegate lead the size of Obama's. The only way to lessen that reluctance would be to destroy Obama's general election viability, so that superdelegates had no choice but to hand the nomination to her. Hence her flurry of attacks, her oddly qualified response as to whether Obama is a Muslim ("not as far as I know"), her repeated suggestions that John McCain is more qualified.

Clinton's justification for this strategy is that she needs to toughen up Obama for the general election-if he can't handle her attacks, he'll never stand up to the vast right-wing conspiracy. Without her hazing, warns the Clinton memo, "Democrats may have a nominee who will be a lightening rod of controversy." So Clinton's offensive against the likely nominee is really an act of selflessness. And here I was thinking she was maniacally pursuing her slim thread of a chance, not caring--or possibly even hoping, with an eye toward 2012-that she would destroy Obama's chances of defeating McCain in the process. I feel ashamed for having suspected her motives.

:lol :lol Total win


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
I did hit that nail directly on the head, yes; the only conclusion you can come to is that even BHO and his in-over-their-heads advisers don't buy the garbage they spew, and will indeed rapidly draw back; not from Iraq--but from their empty promises.

:lol :lol :lol

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids.
I figured something out you guys. Hilary is not going to accept her loss I put money on it she will run as a third party candidate :lol

You guys wanna bet?

That will really do a good job of improving her pity vote. Poor Hilary the outcast of her party running as a woman fighting against the male establishment risking it all for her Country. :lol
CowboyAstronaut said:
I figured something out you guys. Hilary is not going to accept her loss I put money on it she will run as a third party candidate :lol

You guys wanna bet?

Wanna bet a 3 month ban on this?


Rur0ni said:
This needs to be pushed over the weekend and Monday. Obama's gonna need it with the GOP trying to throw a wrench in.
He's held a press conference on it. Doesn't seem to be getting national attention, but I hope it gets attention in Mississippi.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I figured something out you guys. Hilary is not going to accept her loss I put money on it she will run as a third party candidate :lol

You guys wanna bet?

That will really do a good job of improving her pity vote. Poor Hilary the outcast of her party running as a woman fighting against the male establishment risking it all for her Country. :lol

she wont win, and this will ruin her in the senate, and any other future chance she will have in politics. So no :)


I think there's a pretty damn good argument that it's a draw

What's important in each state: Delegates. He won those.
However, he did not win the popular vote.

It's a "draw" by the ban bet's definition, I'd wager.


Hail to the KING baby
Artie said:
Since Obama technically won Texas, is Triumph going to be unbanned? :lol

I was wondering that earlier. I thought it was decided beforehand whether the measurement was delegates or popular vote in the primaries. The latter seems too narrow unless it was otherwise specified. I think you can make a decent argument for the former though.


Amir0x said:

that IS a good question

what do you think PD, call this a "draw" and unban Triumph?

Triumph said:
The ban bet was for a month, and it was over Texas- not Texas and Ohio. And I take winning to be percentage of popular vote... even if he wins more delegates, she'll claim a win if she takes the percentage and the media will buy it. See Nevada.

If Pee Dee wants to double down, we can do a ban bet for TWO months if he'll add Ohio to the mix. I'm feeling frisky.


But if you add the Caucus results, doesn't he have more of the popular vote?

Or is it just primary only?


It seems to me that rather than discussing the issue, instead you choose to spin, deflect, and make negative attacks. Is that the "politics of hope" I've been hearing so much about?

The problem is, in response to well-placed concerns over BHO's complete lack of credentials outside of a single politically-unbrave speech of no particular importance or significance (and for which he had no access to information his campaign now claims he will need in order to make firm assessments of policy, making one recall the assertion that he has no idea how he would actually have voted if he were placed in that role of responsibility), the answer has always been, "omg duh its on his website duh y kant apf read." However now, within the span of a couple of days, the people who likely wrote that campaign propaganda have come-out to say, "well, we can't be prepared for uncertainty, no one can;" "well, we can't be expected to commit to proposals we've made on the campaign trail, because we can't be prepared for uncertainty, and also we don't even have all the info the President does, so how can we commit to anything?!" [both paraphrased]

So if you can't place any stock in his experience; if you can't place any stock in his record; if you can't place any stock in his campaign literature; if you can't place any stock in his campaign promises... what does he expect the American people to place stock in?



Amir0r0r00x you realize bet was on JUST the primary right? Not primary + caucus? Before the bet both PD and I said he'd win the caucus and Triumph bet he'd win the primary.


Amir0x said:
Neither of them are being banned, that's the draw.
wtf. He LOST. The bet was on just the primary.

Edit: NM you already replied

And I didnt bet on the caucus at all. Me and PD bet Triumph on the PRIMARY. Just the primary.


Small balls, big fun!
IIRC, the Iraq timetable bill that Bush vetoed made exceptions so that troops could remain under certain circumstances. Plus the timetable was conditional on the progress made in Iraq, as determined by the president.


Amir0x said:
whatever ban bets are dumb, take a lesson
A lesson in which I was the winner? That is quite confusing.

My lesson is that many Obama fans are blind to the possibility of loss I guess?


The lesson in which BAN BETS ARE DUMB. Like I can keep up on the convoluted terms of your bets! Jesus someone had a list in the other thread, I never banned anyone on it either
Cheebs said:
wtf. He LOST. The bet was on just the primary.

Edit: NM you already replied

And I didnt bet on the caucus at all. Me and PD bet Triumph on the PRIMARY. Just the primary.

The caucus was irrelevant considering he still lost the state. While this spin is indeed entertaining it's not extremely truthful.


Amir0x said:
The lesson in which BAN BETS ARE DUMB. Like I can keep up on the convoluted terms of your bets! Jesus someone had a list in the other thread, I never banned anyone on it either
Haha don't blame me. Triumph was the one going around trying to get people to bet against him on Texas. His cockiness about it is what got me to take him up on his offer.


PhoenixDark said:
The caucus was irrelevant considering he still lost the state. While this spin is indeed entertaining it's not extremely truthful.
They're spinning the way they claimed the Hillbots would if the tables were turned. How ironicritical...or is it hyporonical?
Cheebs said:
A lesson in which I was the winner? That is quite confusing.

My lesson is that many Obama fans are blind to the possibility of loss I guess?

Hmm maybe that's because we haven't experienced that sensation quite as much as a certain candidate that will go un-named :lol

Using Hilary's own words "It's all about the delegates" and Obama got more from Texas :lol


PhoenixDark said:
Nice :lol

I wonder how you guys felt about this same issue 8 years ago...
I've said before: I don't like a disconnect between popular vote and delegate allocation, just as I don't like the disconnect between popular vote and the electoral college. It goes both ways.


Rorschach said:
They're spinning the way they claimed the Hillbots would if the tables were turned. How ironicritical...or is it hyporonical?
Then why is no one outside of BarackObama.com and GAF claiming Obama won Texas? Is every single newspaper and news show ran by Hillbots?


Cheebs said:
Then why is no one outside of BarackObama.com and GAF claiming Obama won Texas? Is every single newspaper and news show ran by Hillbots?
Think of that post as talking to PhonexiDark, not about him.
Meaning he's not the "they" in that statement.
Artie said:
what have i done


How is it not a win?

I don't understand.

The only way to win the nomination is delegates, literally. He won more delegates from Texas. While I understand the popular vote argument, at WORST it is a draw. There's no other way to spin it. Delegates are ALL that matter, whether they be pledged or super.

That's the argument everyone has been making since the start of this whole run, when did it magically turn!
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