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New Destiny Gameplay


oh my lord, this game looks phenomenal



Finally some new gameplay. It looks better every time. Can't wait for the Beta.

OP could use an update btw. Include some other links, etc.


Well it seems it's just like an amalgamation of other games without anything distinctive or innovative (IMO).

I don't beleive they're showing the same thing over and over (gameplay wise) just because bad marketing, im getting worried this is all the game will be.
The environments, premise, etc is what I'm interested in, but every gameplay video shown so far does nothing to grab me. Maybe this game is one of those "you have to play it" type of games. The beta needs to hurry up and get here.


relies on auto-aim
Looks fantastic.
Very crisp graphics with super active enemies. Gameplay looks really spot on.
You cannot be serious.
Compare any Halo encounter to the fodder you saw.

Maybe Bungie is right and the enemies just need to talk to make players think they have better AI.
I've only started getting into Destiny stuff over the past few days, but that was a pretty terrible clip; everyone looked so stiff in the way they were playing. I'm hoping whoever was demoing it was just terrible and that's not how the game really is. Also, that AI looked incredibly thick, maybe it's just because it was a demo, but damn.


You guys expected to much.

And I'm sure the AI was set to super easy. Let's not judge so fast. There is way more to this game then just strike missions.


Its not that bad;

change the music, pace, sound effects, enemy health meter, weapons, tone down the flashiness, have more interesting mission design, more enemies, better co-op integration, reward system and many more things

and im in.

This post made me laugh. Basically change the demo lol. But yeah i agree for the most part.

Oh so this game is an instanced based mmo like dragons nest, with hub worlds. Don't really mind it, but the gameplay man...


Yep, that's hal... destiny.

My biggest concern is that it will end up like borderlands. Great with friends, dreadful and barren in single player.


I don't like the HUD, it looks really meh. Also, please Bungie, give us the option to turn-off those health bars on the enemies, they are really annoying.

The music was a bit too bombastic in this trailer, wasn't it? I think it's the first piece of Destiny music I didn't like... oh well, I'm sure the soundtrack will still be great overall.
I feel like this game is missing an identity. It's like someone did a Borderlands mod to the Halo engine. Nothing wrong with that, but it just feels uninspired based on the limited stuff we've seen so far.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
Only the MP can save Destiny. SP looks so boring and the music was out of place.
Looks...okay... I guess.

I'm just getting Borderlands vibes from it, and Borderlands doesn't really do much for me more either. I actually almost stopped watching a few minutes in as it just was a bit...underwhelming.

Meh, I don't know, not really "hyped" for the game persay, but have beta access when it's released so I guess I'll wait to decide if I get it or not until then.

and damn, that music was pretty bad.


This game looks unbelievably... average.

Nothing about it grabs me, it by no means looks bad and I'm sure it's a competent shooter however everything they have shown about the game so far looks dull...

The basic gameplay very much reminded me of Borderlands and I don't think this is a good thing. Borderlands was great because of the wacky enemies, awesome guns and looting, great visual design, and the humour. The actual gunplay of Borderlands was quite boring, and this looks to be very similar.

The enemies AI didn't seem all that interesting either, most of them just ran in to open spaces and stood there getting shot. What made Halo great was how the AI, moved to advantageous positions and actively tried to flank you. While I admit, Destiny might have that as well, the gameplay shown so far seems to indicate otherwise.

I also really don't see the comparisons with Halo. This looks like it has a very different dynamic to Halo.

Best thing about this gameplay was the music, and even that didn't fit the action at all well. It just sounded good.


Unconfirmed Member
How do you figure? It's like Guild Wars one in that their are hubs where you can see players and by joining a party/fireteam, you're able to go out on missions/adventure with others. Bungie added in public events which pulls people in the area together to complete something. You have to be online in order to play the game even if you're going to solo the missions.

It's pretty much a heavily instanced MMO.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. MMO is just a loaded term. When I hear "MMO," I think of running into players all over the game world, not just a central hub. I also think of going on raids with a huge party, not just three people. I've never seen any Guild Wars gameplay, so I have no idea how it works.

Dawg, I'm gonna need a source on this claim, cause that's just fcking weird and disappointing if true =/
Straight from Bungie's mouth. The maximum party count has always been three players. It really bugs me, but it's their game, not mine.
Wait, was that music supposed to be in-game? That was horrible. It does't fill me with confidence knowing that someone heard that score and said..."Perfect, that's exactly what we were looking for".

And yea...Destiny was my #1 most anticipated game this year but that left me with a meh feeling. I kept thinking that it was yet another corridor shooter with gameplay that could have been done last gen. Its not that it is a bad game. It is that I was expecting something more.

Is this all that's left of the FPS genre, better and better looking corridors with enemies that jump out for you to shoot? Well at least Evolve is trying to do something new.
Only the MP can save Destiny. SP looks so boring and the music was out of place.

I think those guys that were playing just suck at the game. Since they have a beta I would just wait to play that before passing judgement on the game. I'm more a competitive multiplayer type of guy none of this stuff interested me but I was curious to see what it was like and I will give it a try when I get the game in my hands.


Wait, was that music supposed to be in-game? That was horrible. It does't fill me with confidence knowing that someone heard that score and said..."Perfect, that's exactly what we were looking for".

And yea...Destiny was my #1 most anticipated game this year but that left me with a meh feeling. I kept thinking that it was yet another corridor shooter with gameplay that could have been done last gen. Its not that it is a bad game. It is that I was expecting something more.

Is this all that's left of the FPS genre, better and better looking corridors with enemies that jump out for you to shoot? Well at least Evolve is trying to do something new.

its supposedly martys but i really really doubt it

sounds pretty weak


Unconfirmed Member
I hope it has competitive multiplayer halo style
Also dat music
It'll have PvP, but we don't know much about how it's going to work. I should go set up a "everything we know about Destiny PvP" blog post somewhere...


Love gameplay trailers like this. No fancy/confusing cutscenes, no lies, just pure gameplay goodness. I love how colorful it looks despite of being in dark/indoor locations, but when you go outside it looks amazing, it gives you a true sense of going out there and explore... The gameplay on the other hand, looks good/meh I guess, nothing too revolutionary honestly. More of the same "shoot to this, shoot to that, move and upgrade stuff".


Destiny is pretty much why Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is last gen only (tho, I'm hoping for a HD re-release w/ all the DLC on disk whatnot!) I'm not sure if I'll even bother with it, especially if Destiny releases first...

Destiny has crushed so many's hopes and dreams. LOL


Great to read all the complaints about the music, when just last week, everyone was losing their shit over them firing Marty.
This is the best video. Questions answered that aren't covered in the general press playthrough.

Damn bonus check can't come fast enough. I'm getting a PS4 and a Vita for this damn franchise.

I don't care if this one area looks like next gen Borderlands.

The beginning comment/question made me cringe though.
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