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New Destiny Gameplay


ADD New Gen Gamer
I just watched the video. I don't have any problems with the game per se. It is just that no aspect of the games jumps out and sounds exciting to me.


A GIF, perhaps?


They better have hide helmet option.
I really hate how majority of Western MMO don't have this option.
Then again, W-MMO character creation system is crap compares to Eastern MMO.


might be a minor detail for others but i really loved the lighting on the gun in this part:


I didn't see that when I watched it yesterday. The lighting looks great!
Despite all the negativity surrounding the new trailer yesterday, I think it looked like a lot of fun. Destiny is exactly what I'm waiting for and it can't come soon enough.


Wow, judging by many posts here, it seems that Borderlands (since April 28) is the new golden standard in gaming and a game that clearly established a new sub-genre to which any other shooter can be compared.

Borderlands, from a perspective of someone who completely finished the first game (due to extreme boredom) was an under average shooter with annoying cell shaded graphics. The story (which was almost non-existent) was moronic, characters were annoying (Claptrap, "Russian accent" bus driver/vendor, etc.), loot wasn't even remotely varied as was advertised and one of the main marketing points were berserking midgets. Truly, this game has set a new, golden standard for gaming.

Why Destiny is being so heavily compared to such a game (my guess is that few posts did it at the beginning of the thread and then suddenly, everybody was "seeing it") is beyond me.

Destiny has huge open world, loot, robust online component with MMO elements, interesting (back)story (at least, what we know so far), almost entire solar system to explore, raids, and probably ton of other things we haven't been told yet. It's an ambitious game that tries to incorporate elements of different game types (single player, multiplayer, MMO, RPG).

I would understand comparisons to Diablo (loot), Guild Wars 2 (public events) and Halo (general feel), but Borderlands? Fuck that.


Maybe a stupid question, but will you be able to change difficulty as you enter a level? I would love to play this on some insane difficulties. :)


They better have hide helmet option.
I really hate how majority of Western MMO don't have this option.
Then again, W-MMO character creation system is crap compares to Eastern MMO.

They did confirm that helmet will be hidden while at "the tower". Or are you referring to combat?

Yea bigboss corrected me on that and I just looked it up as well. The character in the gif you made looks like an Awoken because the super pale skin. Do we know if races have any sort of passive differences?

Yeah that's the Awoken. AFAIK race is purely cosmetic and special abilities are bound to classes.


Exactly what I posted earlier. Negativity on this board has just been ridiculous with this new generation. People need to relax.
Agreed. So much negativity in general such that it gets a bit much sometimes. I also don't understand the complaint about not getting "enough" info early. I personally rather just know some basic very high level info and leave the rest for when I actually experience the game myself.


Im not a huge fan of the way it throws you into 3rd person when you set off your abilities then right back into first person. Seems a bit jarring.


Neo Member
Are people in this thread on some kind of special mushroom? :p

That was mediocre in every aspect. I got a little hyped at E3, but now all hype and expectations are gone. This will just be another mediocre shooter.


That is a freaking great video. Can I just watch 45 minutes of that? The sound is delicious, and those skyboxes, with the mountains stretching off into the distance with rolling clouds.. I want to get lost there.
RIGHT? Even though it's a similar event that takes place in almost the same spot as the E3 demo, it actually looks exciting (even without inappropriately bombastic music) and, uh, eventful. They could use this to show off open world traversal as it causes three speeder bikers to take a detour on their way to the strike... but nope, we get another lengthy-ish tour of another run-down warehouse.
Yo, bungiemans, you clearly have more perfectly presentable footage of this. Release it.


Gold Member
Destiny has huge open world, loot, robust online component with MMO elements, interesting (back)story (at least, what we know so far), almost entire solar system to explore, raids, and probably ton of other things we haven't been told yet. It's an ambitious game that tries to incorporate elements of different game types (single player, multiplayer, MMO, RPG).

The game is supposed to come out in four and a half months and we have yet to see many of those things. All we HAVE seen have been corridor style shooting sequences that do, in fact, look more like Borderlands rather than multiplayer Space Skyrim.

Four and a half months to go and:
- We haven't seen exploration in this vast solar system,
- We haven't seen any competitive multiplayer,
- There's no concrete information on out-of-the-box PVE raids,
- There's very little actual information on the RPG elements outside of marketing buzzwords,
- There's been minimal discussion of the loot design and mechanics...

...and on and on. I really do want this game to do well because, frankly, this is the game that made me stand up, take notice, and exclaim that I would be getting a PS4. So far, however, the pragmatic part of my brain is overloading with warnings. The gameplay and marketing videos haven't shown anything really groundbreaking. We still have no word on closed beta with only four and a half months to a release date? Eric Osbourne of Bungie calling a sequence on the Moon "pre-alpha" in the Kotaku article?

You're right that the game is ambitious. I only hope it isn't TOO ambitious to the point where it stumbles over all the concepts it tries to execute.


Unconfirmed Member
We still have no word on closed beta with only four and a half months to a release date?

No doubt it's because they learnt from the Reach beta.

Development schedules forced Bungie to release a six week-old beta, fraught with bugs and issues already addressed in newer builds. Though concerned that these issues might tarnish the game's image, Jarrard noted that they had little choice but to ship it as-is and communicate with players concerning the fixes.

A fresher beta closer to release is more diagnostically useful than an out of date one early.

Do a forum search using key word "underwhelmed", first result will be this thread.

...which only proves it's popular enough for people to be shit on already, like every popular thing ever.


Do a forum search using key word "underwhelmed", first result will be this thread.

Interesting, I thought it was just me and I was walking into the lion's den. The issue is that unlike some of the posters here, I can't exactly describe why I was so damn underwhelmed by the whole experience.

The worst part is I didn't really know what to expect, I didn't think my expectations were going to be that high..
  1. Enter Area
  2. Shoot All The Things
  3. Move On
Rinse and repeat.

The gameplay so far is looking highly unoriginal and I can see myself getting bored of it after a week.


  1. Enter Area
  2. Shoot All The Things
  3. Move On
Rinse and repeat.

The gameplay so far is looking highly unoriginal and I can see myself getting bored of it after a week.

It is a shooter...I feel saying that is highly unfair...but I somewhat agree.... >.>

Edit: Unfair in the sense that it's a criticism that should only be levelled at this particular game.


Looks like Halo with an XP bar, but I don't know what I expected. Probably something a little more...open, I guess.
That said, I really like (Bungie-) Halo, purely because of its gameplay. So this should be good. The new videos aren't exactly raising my hype levels though.


Unconfirmed Member
  1. Enter Area
  2. Shoot All The Things
  3. Move On
Rinse and repeat.

The gameplay so far is looking highly unoriginal and I can see myself getting bored of it after a week.

Damn all these boring first-person shooters, where all you do is shoot things. I mean who ever plays a game wth competitive multiplayer longer than a week? Boo Bungie. Boooooo.....
Damn all these boring first-person shooters, where all you do is shoot things. I mean who ever plays a game wth competitive multiplayer longer than a week? Boo Bungie. Boooooo.....

Competitive multiplayer usually revolves around an objective for a short time period, making it more engaging for the player.

This gameplay trailer however, just looked like Halo 4: Spartan Ops with almost no innovation.

For a gameplay trailer you would have thought they'd want to show as much variety as possible.

As soon as I saw the wait for an arbitrary time while [insert task here] completes so we may spam enemies at you, I was instantly turned off.

Kydd BlaZe

Am I in the fucking twilight zone??? People here actually thought that the footage was "underwhelming" & "mediocre"? Man...this is just insane. I thought the footage was pretty fucking amazing.


Not impressed at all. I kept thinking of how Warframe does combat so much better. Destiny is too stuck with FPS archetypes. Only 3 classes, the enemies look standard (I know they are the Elite [halo] equivalent but still...)

Sound is off all around too. Might just cancel my pre-order but I'll wait for PS4 beta


Destiny has huge open world, loot, robust online component with MMO elements, interesting (back)story (at least, what we know so far), almost entire solar system to explore, raids, and probably ton of other things we haven't been told yet. It's an ambitious game that tries to incorporate elements of different game types (single player, multiplayer, MMO, RPG).

I would understand comparisons to Diablo (loot), Guild Wars 2 (public events) and Halo (general feel), but Borderlands? Fuck that.

How do we know it has a huge open world? From this gameplay it just looks like a linear corridor shooter. It might have open areas but we can't assume they'll be bigger than what we find in big Halo maps.

Regardless, if all dungeons or most late-game content is a linear corridor experience I'll be disappointed.

Also "a whole solar system to explore" Is just a marketing term. Of course they won't make each world/moon the size of a MMO continent/world, it would be too much. Each planet will probably have a handful of sections and artstyle varies between them. If we compare it with an MMO, Destiny is much smaller in scope when you look at enemy variety, classes and I would say world size but I just don't know about the last one - I'm just sure it won't have 7 MMO's worth of land to explore.

And I wouldn't dismiss Borderlands comparisons. Destiny follows the same rules as any lobby based game (and alike) such as PSO, Warframe or the first GW. With the exception of other people joining in at any time, which does change things, but will it be something mundane that doesn't really alter the experience or an awe inspiring moment everytime? Don't know but I wouldn't go for the best case scenario right away

I guess the recent footage made me more of a skeptic


Cannot wait for it to release on PC. ><; I'm thinking it might happen a year after initial release but I already have enough games to keep me busy up to that point.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Wow that impression is amazing. I'm actually worried about finding 2 other PS4 players who will be willing to team up with me every time I come on line since I will be a senior in college and my schedule won't allow for much gaming (back in high school I would game 4-5 hours a week day, 10+ on weekends) now I only get to game 1-2 days on week days and 3-5 on weekends if I'm free. I'm assuming I will just be finding firequads that will have working professionals who have normal 9-5 jobs.
As you are preparing to descend on a planet/area, you will be matched up properly.


No doubt it's because they learnt from the Reach beta.

A fresher beta closer to release is more diagnostically useful than an out of date one early.

...which only proves it's popular enough for people to be shit on already, like every popular thing ever.

People saying they are underwhelmed with footage shown and wanting Bungie to show more of the awesome they've talked = shitting on the game. Ok...

Seriously for all those who are complaining about the comments in here or are saying "GAF is negative", compare their marketing to Rockstar's.

As you are preparing to descend on a planet/area, you move the cursor over the places you want to go. Some of these places will be specifically for full 3-man squads. Enter Bungie matchmaking. For those missions, if you don't have two friends online, the matchmaking finds you two friends who are also looking to play. Once found, the mission starts.

The one mission I could play matched me up with two randoms. They always worked together (reviving, covering) while we took out larger hordes or bosses (we encountered an orb that reminded me of the repair bots in Oblivion; scary). The loot drops were everything from various parts of armor to new weapons. I can only imagine at this stage what kind of spectacular loot Bungie will create.

Thanks for giving us more info, what you've talked about before easily's more interesting than all the footage shown so far.


Neo Member
Damn all these boring first-person shooters, where all you do is shoot things. I mean who ever plays a game wth competitive multiplayer longer than a week? Boo Bungie. Boooooo.....
Just because most shooters are like that, doesnt meant that a shooter have to be like that. Repeating what has been done a million times before is just boring. They should innovate, not repeat.

I read that this is an open world mmo, but it looks like an instance based game and not an open world.


I actually think this looks pretty great, I was expecting much worse considering the opinions in the thread. I personally found borderlands to be boring though so what do I know?


Hopefully the FOV is adjustable (it won't be), otherwise I probably can't play it.

And although I can't play it, I remain interested in how long it can keep players interested. If we're talking about years, then that's very, very impressive.


Unconfirmed Member
As soon as I saw the wait for an arbitrary time while [insert task here] completes so we may spam enemies at you, I was instantly turned off.

If it's anything like an mmo Instance/Raid, the barrier you have to negate probably serves the purpose of preventing players from slipping through the cracks, sprinting through the entire level and fighting the end boss as quickly as possible.

The shooting things part looks a lot worse than halo imo.

It looked different, but that doesn't mean it's explicitly worse. Always room for new experiences.

Just because most shooters are like that, doesnt meant that a shooter have to be like that. Repeating what has been done a million times before is just boring. They should innovate, not repeat.

I read that this is an open world mmo, but it looks like an instance based game and not an open world.

It's an open world game (but not an mmo), it's being kept close to the vest at the moment though.


I've pre-ordered it, and will wait with final judgment until the beta.
But here and now it doesn't look all that interesting. I love Halo, but think Bordelands is the definition of a mediocre game (even in co-op).
I'm also sick and tired of every game having an RPG-component with XP and levels, and I'm equally sick of games with loot.
In Borderlands weapons felt boring and randomized (which they were), and I much rather have a few highly designed weapons than a lot of them.

But again, will try the beta before I decide to keep the pre-order or not.


Just because most shooters are like that, doesnt meant that a shooter have to be like that. Repeating what has been done a million times before is just boring. They should innovate, not repeat.

I read that this is an open world mmo, but it looks like an instance based game and not an open world.

This is not an MMO and that has been made very clear. It has certain elements (like instances) but that's it. If you expected MMO(RPG)FPS, you are looking at the wrong game.

Also, all this talk about innovation. How would you innovate? What would you do differently to change core FPS mechanics (or any other mechanic for that matter)?

Everybody wants innovation, everybody wants something fresh but no one has any clue on what exactly they want.

All I want is a game that:

- works from day 1 (I'm talking about online component)
- is fun
- is pretty (while taking into account that it's a cross gen title)
- has a decent competitive MP part (nothing like some good old fashioned Team Deathmatch)
- has a decent storyline/lore (if Bungie's previous work is any measure, they should have no problems with this part)
- has decent amount of variety (and since there are several races/factions and several planets/moons to explore this will most likely be archieved)

I never expected Bungie to make FPS 2.0 and completely redefine everything we know about this genre. All I expected is a fun, working game, a game where I can sink a decent amount of time into and by the looks of it, that's what I'll get.


Not impressed at all. I kept thinking of how Warframe does combat so much better.

The trailer looks so much better than Warframe. While the combat looks similar (shoot and spam powers), Destiny looks so much more satisfying and weighty. Aside from a few overdone heavy melee weapons, Warfame's combat is so weedy. Most of the guns feel like water pistols.

Deatiny looks like it could live up to the promise Warframe once had. Maybe that's unfair due to the disparity in size of dev teams, but Digital Extremes have been talking the talk since closed beta and not delivered anything but a bland gear treadmill.

Of course, Destiny could be the same thing with slightly a flashier chassis, but here's hoping they deliver.

I get why people are disappointed we're not seeing anything of the larger world and features, but the core gameplay looks really fun.

This is the game I've always wanted made, the idea of it at least. If it's great, I'll buy a ps4 for it.


I don't really understand the criticism that it's just another "been there, done that" shooter.
The game shares some features with Borderlands (loot, abilities, RPG elements, upgrades) but other than BL, what other shooter has done something on a scale like Destiny?
Someone mentioned Warframe. I haven't played that game but is that not just a competitive arena shooter?
Especially the fact that your equipment levels with you seems pretty unique (for a shooter) depending on how much impact it will have.
I would understand comparisons to Diablo (loot), Guild Wars 2 (public events) and Halo (general feel), but Borderlands? Fuck that.
Its hard to compare to GW2 or Diablo since Destiny seems not very teamplay oriented and is just damagerace all enemies down. I really hoped they would implement some sort of tank+dd+support/heal roles to the game, but it seems like they are not doing this
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