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New Destiny Site Launches - Lots of new footage and info

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Which is still complete bullshit, just in case that wasn't clear already.

I'm not really happy about it either but I want to play before I totally write it off. Them saying more lethal scares me as well because if its like CoD then fuck that. Titanfall esque health would be fine though.

Survivability is my key factor to a fun shooter. Halo gives you the biggest chance to escape a fight if you're near cover. Titanfall empowers you to be agile and just gtfo as long as you're not stuck mid jump or in the middle of a flat area. In Call of Duty, being g shot at is pretty much instant death. You can escape sometimes but more often than not you're dead. To me, the Call of Duty method isn't enjoyable.
I'm not really happy about it either but I want to play before I totally write it off. Them saying more lethal scares me as well because if its like CoD then fuck that. Titanfall esque health would be fine though.

Heavy weapons I believe are emtpy until you find the proper ammo on the map during a match.


Heavy weapons I believe are emtpy until you find the proper ammo on the map during a match.

That's what I have read as well. You'll always have 3(?) weapons but the heavy weapon ammo is found during the match not brought in like the other 2 guns. Someone correct if I'm wrong about weapons carried thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Destiny has competitive MP, Bungie talked about it with Game Informer.

They confirmed that it's faster and more lethal than Halo, and that you carry over your level, build, and gear from co-op.

No random voice-chat with strangers? Ouch. One of my favourite parts of Halo 2 and 3 was talking to random people in the lobby, and the courtesy "gg" at the end of games.

I'm not really happy about it either but I want to play before I totally write it off. Them saying more lethal scares me as well because if its like CoD then fuck that. Titanfall esque health would be fine though.

Survivability is my key factor to a fun shooter. Halo gives you the biggest chance to escape a fight if you're near cover. Titanfall empowers you to be agile and just gtfo as long as you're not stuck mid jump or in the middle of a flat area. In Call of Duty, being g shot at is pretty much instant death. You can escape sometimes but more often than not you're dead. To me, the Call of Duty method isn't enjoyable.

I'm hoping they've just shaved off half a second from the 2-3 second kill times in Halo which wouldn't be too bad.
No random voice-chat with strangers? Ouch. One of my favourite parts of Halo 2 and 3 was talking to random people in the lobby, and the courtesy "gg" at the end of games.

Halo 2
random people

Are you sure you were actually connected to XBL? Did you keep hearing these voices after the Xbox was turned off?
Was actually Activision that partnered with Sony. Just like Activision partners with Xbox for Call of Duty in the sense Xbox owners get early DLC etc.

Of course as the superior hardware, the PS4 version will indeed be the best, but remember, for nearly 10+ years they were Xbox exclusive. Destiny was started as an Xbox 360 developed title. And that the majority of Bungie fans are/were Xbox owners. So it's a stretch to say that PS4 will be the main platform to play on, when I'm sure Xbox 360 will probably outsell all of them. Many will simply play the version their friends will be on, or the console they own.

I'm waiting for the beta. I'll purposely play it on Xbox 360 to see how it looks and plays. If it is sluggish or doesn't look that great, I'll probably buy it next gen. As a Halo fan, I'm waiting for E3 to see whether the Halo 2 Anniversary rumors were true or what they have planned.

Nah, I don't really see the 360 version outselling either of the current gen versions. As we already know, last gen sales aren't so great after the PS4/X1 released. I bet the PS4 version will sell the best, because honestly, what happens in the present matters the most when it comes to consumerism.


Anyone get a pre order code from amazon UK? i pre ordered hours ago and i have yet to receive a code. :(



Unconfirmed Member
Halo 2
random people

Are you sure you were actually connected to XBL? Did you keep hearing these voices after the Xbox was turned off?

What can I say, you get called a (derrogatory term for homosexual that ends with "-got") a bit less in Team Objective. Or maybe I just found the sportsmanlike players more memorable.
No random voice-chat with strangers? Ouch. One of my favourite parts of Halo 2 and 3 was talking to random people in the lobby, and the courtesy "gg" at the end of games.

I'm hoping they've just shaved off half a second from the 2-3 second kill times in Halo which wouldn't be too bad.

Even though I typically dont use a mic, I will say that I enjoyed proximity-chat in Halo 2. Mainly because I loved hearing the enemy chat it up around a corner and jumping them. Great chances for creepiness, too. Whisper when approaching from behind.

I felt like it was realistic to be able to hear them chatting to each other if I was close enough, even though I wasn't on their team.

This is a feature that should make a return.

I seem to remember one of the old Splinter Cells doing something similar. You could only chat within your team, unless you had your hands around an enemy's neck. Then chat opened between you two. You could hear the person scream when you surprised them. Beautiful.
All this talk of Borderlands is worrying me. If destiny multiplayer isnt like halo but with new characters and weapons then I'll be cancelling my preorder. Not into my MMO games in the slightest. Roll on the beta.

The thing that is selling me is the chatter that it's a lot like Borderlands. I'll be really disappointed if there isn't tons of looting and shooting with friends.
For people asking whether or not the competitive multi will be like Halo. It won't be. We already know this, because there are custom classes and everything in the multiplayer is based around personal customization and starting out with different weaponry. The maps and movement may be similar, but the fact that there is any customization at all makes it very very different from Halo. The extremely balanced nature of Halo is what I think makes Halo what it is. Everyone starts out with the same guns and picks up weapons from the map. Now, there are elements of Halo multi in Destiny, like picking up heavy weapon ammo around the map, and other things we may not be aware of yet, but we can certainly state right now, that Destiny multi is not a skin of Halo multi. Absolutely not.


The thing that is selling me is the chatter that it's a lot like Borderlands. I'll be really disappointed if there isn't tons of looting and shooting with friends.
It sounds like there will be no randomized loot in Destiny, only handcrafted rewards, so you probably shouldn't expect Borderlands levels of loot showers.
I'm very glad I will be able to be apart of the Beta, I do not know which class I would want to play they all look amazing. Can anyone give an argument over one class over another?


It sounds like there will be no randomized loot in Destiny, only handcrafted rewards, so you probably shouldn't expect Borderlands levels of loot showers.

Thank god. I stopped playing both Borderlands games after a few hours because I was constantly at my item limit and would then have to compare every item in my inventory to see what could go. Then ten minutes later I'd be full again and would have to repeat the whole process. I felt that randomized loot was a good idea on paper, but it quickly just became overburdened with shit.


Thank god. I stopped playing both Borderlands games after a few hours because I was constantly at my item limit and would then have to compare every item in my inventory to see what could go. Then ten minutes later I'd be full again and would have to repeat the whole process. I felt that randomized loot was a good idea on paper, but it quickly just became overburdened with shit.
Sure, but that's just Borderlands. Randomized loot works just fine in games with proper inventory management and ones that offer ways to store or dispose of the junk you've collected without having to backtrack to the other end of the map.

I just hope that handcrafted loot won't result in everyone carrying the same items by the "endgame", or turn the game into a raid grind because everyone wants that one item that only drops from that one space zombie in that one nook of their moon hole.


For people asking whether or not the competitive multi will be like Halo. It won't be. We already know this, because there are custom classes and everything in the multiplayer is based around personal customization and starting out with different weaponry. The maps and movement may be similar, but the fact that there is any customization at all makes it very very different from Halo. The extremely balanced nature of Halo is what I think makes Halo what it is. Everyone starts out with the same guns and picks up weapons from the map. Now, there are elements of Halo multi in Destiny, like picking up heavy weapon ammo around the map, and other things we may not be aware of yet, but we can certainly state right now, that Destiny multi is not a skin of Halo multi. Absolutely not.

Just give us one mp competitive mode that starts everyone off on even footing. Just one. I can guarantee it would be the highest played mp mode.


Just give us one mp competitive mode that starts everyone off on even footing. Just one. I can guarantee it would be the highest played mp mode.

Based on the GI interview posted above... I wouldn't count on it. Bungie seems to have a very specific vision of what they want this game to be, and a competitive multiplayer game where you can just select Team Deathmatch from the main menu doesn't seem to be it.

Whether or not this will be implemented if the market overwhelmingly demands it is another thing, but I doubt we'll see that at launch.
Based on the GI interview posted above... I wouldn't count on it. Bungie seems to have a very specific vision of what they want this game to be, and a competitive multiplayer game where you can just select Team Deathmatch from the main menu doesn't seem to be it.

Whether or not this will be implemented if the market overwhelmingly demands it is another thing, but I doubt we'll see that at launch.

The game will, of course, have various modes. I don't see why some sort of "core mode" wouldn't be an option. Tie it into the story: "Guardians are stripped of their gear and battle on equal grounds. This tests a Guardian's abilities and skills at the core."


For those not following the other bumped thread

All you gotta do is ask, apparently.



Why are people getting so hyped about this. All you have to do it preorder on amazon and then cancel the preorder after they send a code. Its not hard.

Well, depends on which country you are in. Also, Amazon UK hasn't been as predictable with delivering the codes. Not to mention the group of people who aren't comfortable with exploiting the preorder system.

Because some people didn't know this.


And this too! :D


The game will, of course, have various modes. I don't see why some sort of "core mode" wouldn't be an option. Tie it into the story: "Guardians are stripped of their gear and battle on equal grounds. This tests a Guardian's abilities and skills at the core."
As has been said a few times, they are not making halo multiplayer again. This is Destiny multiplayer. If you want a balanced arena shooter then it's looking like halo 2 anniversary is going to be your closest bet.

One of the main themes of Destiny is gear and guns and upgrades. They want you to level everything thing up by playing through all modes. I don't think they will splinter the MP community by having gear / no gear playlists. I think you will have to accept that your opponents might have any of thousands of combinations of gear, weapons and focus. You are not going to be fighting in a predictable arena. Which is good. I played Halo for 11 or 12 years. I still can. It's time for some new Bungie MP fun.
Sad to hear that the kill times are shorter than Halo. It sounds like multiplayer will still be fun, but the competition aspect sounds pretty iffy. To me it seems like avoiding full team chat further exemplifies this. Think about Halo 2; you could even talk to players on the opposing team within proximity...I really miss that. If you can't handle people talking shit, don't pick up the mic or just do party chat instead. Don't limit people's options because kids cry when they lose and someone tells them they suck or something.


Sure, but that's just Borderlands. Randomized loot works just fine in games with proper inventory management and ones that offer ways to store or dispose of the junk you've collected without having to backtrack to the other end of the map.

I just hope that handcrafted loot won't result in everyone carrying the same items by the "endgame", or turn the game into a raid grind because everyone wants that one item that only drops from that one space zombie in that one nook of their moon hole.

I agree. I think a middle ground would be nice. Ah well, I just want to play the game. :D


Yeah. It's weird that they deliver a LOT sooner than promised, for once.

Hell yeah! It said 8 days and I was like, "Welp, I can wait." Then boom. Email minutes after. I wonder if this is a confirmation of beta and not a "chance" at getting into the beta.
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