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New Halo 3 pic?

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Master Chief revealed!


Personally, I always thought making him a black man would have been cooler.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
AlphaSnake said:
If you look hard enough, it's almost as if there are eyes and a nose behind the mask/visor and a scar on his cheek. Hehe...it just kind of caught my attention -- although it's probably just an awkward reflection.
Yeah, I noticed that too. It's kinda freaky because I thought it was his face when I first saw the pic.
AlphaSnake said:
If you look hard enough, it's almost as if there are eyes and a nose behind the mask/visor and a scar on his cheek. Hehe...it just kind of caught my attention -- although it's probably just an awkward reflection.

I can see why you might think otherwise, but that's all it is. The reflection on the left side of his visor, (one of the "eyes", I take it), looks like the cyclonic clouds up in the sky, and the one on the right is the passing Covenant cruiser.


AlphaSnake said:
If you look hard enough, it's almost as if there are eyes and a nose behind the mask/visor and a scar on his cheek. Hehe...it just kind of caught my attention -- although it's probably just an awkward reflection.

I don't think it's a scar. It's the same shape as the patterns on MC's visor.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Uncle said:
I don't thik it's a scar. It's the same shape as the patterns on MC's visor.

You're right. It's just one of the layers of his visor. But yeah, obviously I know it's not his face. Hehe, it's still kind of freaky looking at it -- it looks undead.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
BigBoss said:
The books make it pretty clear that he's white, at least thats what I remember.

What did it say in the book? "A white male puts on the armor of justice?"


you can't put a price on sparks
AlphaSnake said:
You're right. It's just one of the layers of his visor. But yeah, obviously I know it's not his face. Hehe, it's still kind of freaky looking at it -- it looks undead.

Master Chief being part of the Flood would be the ultimate stupid ending


Batteries the CRISIS!
mckmas8808 said:
What did it say in the book? "A white male puts on the armor of justice?"

LoL that's what I was wondering, but I imagined something more like a line out of a smut mag.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I really really like Halo 2, at least for multiplayer -- and the first was decent for multi and single player. However, I don't think I will ever be impressed by the looks of it. It's been said a million times, but really it has the most generic art and designs I have ever seen, and that will never be a good thing. Halo will never in my mind steal that "classic" design from Doom. The fact is that Doom did it first, it is the classic, and it is the only one that can get away with being so generic because when it came out it wasn't generic it was the original. Though, that's not to say that I think Doom's designs are good, only that it has an excuse to use something so uninspired. Halo has no excuse and it will always look ugly to me until they reinvent it. That said, Bungie makes good engines and fun multiplayer games, if not a little too reliant on "secret techniques" and intimate map knowledge for game balance rather than more straightforward weapons.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Dice said:
The fact is that Doom did it first, it is the classic, and it is the only one that can get away with being so generic because when it came out it wasn't generic it was the original.

Did what first?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Danthrax said:
Did what first?
The generic space marine thing. I thought it was well-known that this is what Halo gets railed on for?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Dice said:
The generic space marine thing. I thought it was well-known that this is what Halo gets railed on for?

Oh okay. For a second I thought you meant it was the first FPS and I was this close to opening up Wikipedia in another tab. =P
yea. space marines is becoming as american as apple pie.

it's like in the 90's when everyone and they mama had a 2d fighter and/or a mascot game?

in 2000+ it's all about sandboxes and space marines.

even japan, with its increasing eye on the west's audience, is getting in on the action (lost planet)

*insert grumbly, snuffy, man-sounding space marine voice - says something about 'kicking some ass'. chides at sound of adolescent british players calling you a **** and fag on live*



If it's anything like H2 this game will make excellent use of the 360 hardware and features all around. I wonder if they'll include custom soundtrack support for music like "Mike Meyers theme" in games like Hide and Seek, that would be the shit.


mckmas8808 said:
What did it say in the book? "A white male puts on the armor of justice?"

IIRC he was described by another character as almost sickly pale white (and he did actually have scars too), because he has the armor on all the time or something like that.

King Dork

Amir0x said:
is that from the video where they turned the camera angle around in that video?

ANYWAY, holy shit

Also: Diminishing Returns is the greatest myth ever perpetuated by certain fanatics.

No, Diminishing Returns is NOT a myth. It's the plain truth. What most people fail to understand is, the theory only applies to technology. There is no such thing as diminishing returns on the quality of artists and their skills. Case in point, ZOE2. Technologically, it was no more superior then other games on the PS2 during that time and afterwards. What really set that game apart, in terms of visuals, was the art styling and art direction.


Truelize said:
Finally a game where the bumping/shiny textures look proper. That looks so nice.

'Proper'? That looks friggin' awful. They've got Master Chief's armor looking like it's made of cheap pebble-finish plastic. Western art teams really need to stop going crazy with the effin' normal maps already - it's like they've become allergic to smooth surfaces. Guys, just because you can give every object the illusion of surface texture with the shiny new hardware doesn't mean that you should.


I really really like Halo 2, at least for multiplayer -- and the first was decent for multi and single player. However, I don't think I will ever be impressed by the looks of it. It's been said a million times, but really it has the most generic art and designs I have ever seen, and that will never be a good thing. Halo will never in my mind steal that "classic" design from Doom. The fact is that Doom did it first, it is the classic, and it is the only one that can get away with being so generic because when it came out it wasn't generic it was the original. Though, that's not to say that I think Doom's designs are good, only that it has an excuse to use something so uninspired. Halo has no excuse and it will always look ugly to me until they reinvent it. That said, Bungie makes good engines and fun multiplayer games, if not a little too reliant on "secret techniques" and intimate map knowledge for game balance rather than more straightforward weapons.
I wouldnt call halos artstyle generic, its very colourful and vibrant for a space style shooter. A generic art style is one akin to Quake 4.


Tellaerin said:
'Proper'? That looks friggin' awful. They've got Master Chief's armor looking like it's made of cheap pebble-finish plastic. Western art teams really need to stop going crazy with the effin' normal maps already - it's like they've become allergic to smooth surfaces. Guys, just because you can give every object the illusion of surface texture with the shiny new hardware doesn't mean that you should.

why dont you apply for a job at bungie


Batteries the CRISIS!
Tellaerin said:
'Proper'? That looks friggin' awful. They've got Master Chief's armor looking like it's made of cheap pebble-finish plastic. Western art teams really need to stop going crazy with the effin' normal maps already - it's like they've become allergic to smooth surfaces. Guys, just because you can give every object the illusion of surface texture with the shiny new hardware doesn't mean that you should.

How does that look like plastic to you? It looks like solid metal to me.

Besides, smooth surfaces = last gen


Axel Hertz
AlphaSnake said:
If you look hard enough, it's almost as if there are eyes and a nose behind the mask/visor and a scar on his cheek. Hehe...it just kind of caught my attention -- although it's probably just an awkward reflection.
First thing i though when i saw that: omfg master chief has been infected by the flood!


Uncle said:
IIRC he was described by another character as almost sickly pale white (and he did actually have scars too), because he has the armor on all the time or something like that.

They also said he had freckles and curly brownish/reddish hair when he was a kid. Theres so much detail and background story in the books that you're missing on a big piece of the story if you don't read them, the Chief is a pretty cool characters in the books but he has absolutely no character development and has no personality whatsoever in the games.
Danthrax said:
How does that look like plastic to you? It looks like solid metal to me.

Besides, smooth surfaces = last gen
seriously. his armor is not supposed to be smooth in these shots anyways people! they said he's just been through a horrible battle which is probably why is armor is all ****ed up. Looks like metal to me, bitches.


BigBoss said:
Theres so much detail and background story in the books that you're missing on a big piece of the story if you don't read them, the Chief is a pretty cool characters in the books but he has absolutely no character development and has no personality whatsoever in the games.

Yeah, I was pretty dissappointed when I realised that the books are basically seperate from the game. Hopefully there will be something that binds them together in H3
(like the other surviving Spartans)


force push the doodoo rock
that thing on the left looks like shit. Its most likely because it wasnt meant to actually be in the trailer probably.


King Dork said:
No, Diminishing Returns is NOT a myth. It's the plain truth. What most people fail to understand is, the theory only applies to technology. There is no such thing as diminishing returns on the quality of artists and their skills. Case in point, ZOE2. Technologically, it was no more superior then other games on the PS2 during that time and afterwards. What really set that game apart, in terms of visuals, was the art styling and art direction.

It's a myth. It's propaganda peppered by people who are chained to inferior hardware.
Amir0x said:
It's a myth. It's propaganda peppered by people who are chained to inferior hardware.
this generation, would it be the wii or the 360? :eek: Or are Sony fans still in defense mode from the PS2? This gen is so confusing :(

Did I just blow your mind? o_O


AlanHemberger said:
this generation, would it be the wii or the 360? :eek: Or are Sony fans still in defense mode from the PS2? This gen is so confusing :(

Did I just blow your mind? o_O

it'd be Wii of course! But naturally, PS2 isn't even in the same football field of power difference so the scenario wasn't quite analgous!

Anyhoo, back on topic, Halo 3 is gonna be so awesome just because of the supposed scale they're aiming for. It stands to reason they'll hand out some killer A.I., but the thing that'll be most great to me is just entering an epic battle with the engine they're building. Cannot wait.


Amirox - you're understanding of the term is wrong. Diminishing returns isnt about whether something can be improved, because clearly until all games look 100% photorealistic they can be, its about the amount of man-hours required to achieve each new improvement.


sharukins said:
why dont you apply for a job at bungie

Heh, I'd rather work at Bioware. The art director and staff they've got working on Mass Effect clearly know their stuff, and aren't throwing gratuitous normal-mapped surface textures on everything just because they can. The art guys at Epic are also doing some awesome work on Gears of War - the armor in Gears looks like armor, not bumpy plastic or ceiling tile material or whatever the hell MC's armor is made of in those shots.

Now that we've cleared that up, do you have any other career advice for me? :p

Danthrax said:
How does that look like plastic to you? It looks like solid metal to me.

Maybe because of the pebble finish and plasticky sheen? I tend to associate that look with kids' plastic toys. The surface texture seems to be there just for the sake of being there, rather than conveying the impression of a particular material. The result is something that actually looks less convincing to me than if it had been left smooth. That's why I have a problem with it.

Danthrax said:
Besides, smooth surfaces = last gen

I think that's the problem, actually. Too many Western art directors seem to be thinking that way lately. 'Smooth surfaces are so passe! If we don't put normal-mapped bumps and pits all over every object in our game, people will say the graphics don't look next gen, and it'll flop!' A little restraint goes a long way.

AlanHemberger said:
seriously. his armor is not supposed to be smooth in these shots anyways people! they said he's just been through a horrible battle which is probably why is armor is all ****ed up. Looks like metal to me, bitches.

That's some awfully strange battle damage. You can see some real damage scored into his right pec in those shots, where the armor's chipped away and raw metal's showing beneath. That surface texture doesn't look like the the aftermath of a fight, it just looks like the armor's got a nonskid finish. That's fine for floor tiles, but not what I expect for Master Chief's armor.


ninge said:
Amirox - you're understanding of the term is wrong. Diminishing returns isnt about whether something can be improved, because clearly until all games look 100% photorealistic they can be, its about the amount of man-hours required to achieve each new improvement.

It's not always about achieving photorealism. That's also a problem with these arguments, 'fantasy' can be improved equally as well ;)

Anyway, the argument about dimishing returns as put for man hours is a non-issue - of course it takes more man hours. That's what quality takes. The higher the quality, the more man hours it takes. So as used traditionally, you're absolutely correct.

Diminishing Returns as the term is typically applied to the lay of next-generation games (even if technically used incorrect), however, is more casually meant to say that it's harder to tell the difference between this gen and last because of a sort of unspoken 'curve' we hit when 3D reached a certain point. Which is part of the reason people suggest this is the smallest jump we've ever had visually. Of course, you need more man hours to make the difference show as dramatically like you suggested.


Still Tagged Accordingly
mckmas8808 said:

So I'll say this now. What are people talking about when they say diminishing returns is here? This pic says otherwise right?
i don't think that means what you think it means.

Spaceman Spiff said:
It's from the announcement trailer.

Here's another one: http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7774/wallpaper11jn.jpg

eergh, that armor actually looks really bad up close.
Tellaerin said:
That's some awfully strange battle damage. You can see some real damage scored into his right pec in those shots, where the armor's chipped away and raw metal's showing beneath. That surface texture doesn't look like the the aftermath of a fight, it just looks like the armor's got a nonskid finish. That's fine for floor tiles, but not what I expect for Master Chief's armor.

look at that metal closely. It think that's the look they're trying to convey. And when I said damange I was talking about the dents and stuff he has all over his armour.



AlanHemberger said:
look at that metal closely. It think that's the look they're trying to convey. And when I said damange I was talking about the dents and stuff he has all over his armour.

That could be, but the effect really looks out of place on high-tech armor, IMO. (I can understand a rough finish like that on something made by a medieval blacksmith, but not on a futuristic, high-tech battlesuit.)


Will start substantiating his hate

> What are people talking about when they say diminishing returns is here? This pic says
> otherwise right?

No. Diminishing returns doesn't mean that things can't be improved upon just that it gets increasingly difficult to do so. Hence why most next gen games look like current gen stuff running in hi-res.


> Diminishing Returns is the greatest myth ever perpetuated by certain fanatics.

The fanatics are the ones who try to convince others that there's no such thing as diminishing returns. Especially since most of you clearly don't know what it means.


cybamerc said:
> Diminishing Returns is the greatest myth ever perpetuated by certain fanatics.

The fanatics are the ones who try to convince others that there's no such thing as diminishing returns. Especially since most of you clearly don't know what it means.

Maybe we're fighting the same fight? Because I know what it means, but it's also clear that how most people use it these days is the mythological non-existant version (i.e., we hit an unspoken 'curve' of 3D graphics at a certain point where it becomes harder to tell the difference between "last" and "next" gen visuals) vs. the real kind (it takes more man hours to achieve these dramatic leaps the further we get).
Other than the big ol' AA cheating via rendering a huge output buffer pic, this is what I'm expecting the game to pretty much look. Don't disappoint me Bungie!
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