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New Marvel Universe group shot/logo


Iron Man was always one of my favorite superheroes and I have the comics and action figures from childhood to prove it.

That character and his jump from C list to A list superhero in mainstream popular culture, is the main reason we're enjoying this current Marvel Universe renaissance with the connected film & tv shows

Spidey get enough props, damn, let ol Shellhead get his shine up front and slightly to the left

Damn right. Iron Man was always the goat. It just took a lot of people a long time to realize that.


You try to downplay Black Window's popularity, but then try to talk up Captain Marvel?

Yes. Because among comic book fans, Captain Marvel is a much more popular character than Black Widow, even Civil War 2 did a lot to damage the character's standing. Do you find that a contentious sentiment, because if so I would find that surprising.

Also, how many times have we done the "people don't care about _____" dance when it comes to superheroes?

Black Widow isn't a superhero.

Except unlike so many other characters, people have been asking about a BW movie for years.

A small minority of people have asked for prominent supporting characters like Falcon and Nick Fury spin-offs too. That doesn't necessarily mean they're projects that are actively in demand by most of the fans, nor that they would necessarily make for good movies in comparison to giving much more deserving Marvel characters like She-Hulk or indeed Captain Marvel the film-treatment, who are infinitely more interesting characters in their own right.


Yes. Because among comic book fans, Captain Marvel is a much more popular character than Black Widow, even Civil War 2 did a lot to damage the character's standing. Do you find that a contentious sentiment, because if so I would find that surprising.

Black Widow isn't a superhero.

A small minority of people have asked for prominent supporting characters like Falcon and Nick Fury spin-offs too. That doesn't necessarily mean they're projects that are actively in demand by most of the fans, nor that they would necessarily make for good movies in comparison to giving much more deserving Marvel characters like She-Hulk or indeed Captain Marvel the film-treatment, who are infinitely more interesting characters in their own right.
[citation needed]
Some nice functions missing from that image. Gotta give Marvel credit though they are building up their characters nicely. In 100 to 200 years they may get X-Men back.


Yes. Because among comic book fans, Captain Marvel is a much more popular character than Black Widow, even Civil War 2 did a lot to damage the character's standing. Do you find that a contentious sentiment, because if so I would find that surprising.
Comic book fan here. No she isn't. Outside of marketing pushes like this or MvC to make appear Carol more central, she really isn't all that popular. Her book ain't moving, and Civil War 2 did nothing but tarnish her image. And I'm saying this as someone who actually likes Carol unlike others on this board.

Black Widow isn't a superhero.
Right, and neither is Thor, he's a God of Thunder.

She's on the Avengers. She's a superhero.

A small minority of people have asked for Falcon and Nick Fury spin-offs too. That doesn't necessarily mean they're projects that are actively in demand by most of the fans, nor that they would necessarily make for good movies in comparision to giving much more deserving Marvel characters like She-Hulk the film-treatment.

Because Anthony Mackie and Scarlet Johannsen totes garner the same degree of attention.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Iron Man was always one of my favorite superheroes and I have the comics and action figures from childhood to prove it.

That character and his jump from C list to A list superhero in mainstream popular culture, is the main reason we're enjoying this current Marvel Universe renaissance with the connected film & tv shows

Spidey get enough props, damn, let ol Shellhead get his shine up front and slightly to the left

You liked the biggest hero villain since hydra cap when you were younger? Or was it force works that did it for you?


Comic book fan here. No she isn't. Outside of marketing pushes like this or MvC to make appear Carol more central, she really isn't all that popular. Her book ain't moving, and Civil War 2 did nothing but tarnish her image. And I'm saying this as someone who actually likes Carol unlike others on this board.

I'm also a comic book fan, dude. So saying "I'm a comic book fan, your argument isn't invalid " doesn't really work in this case, you know? It's like two people playing rock, paper, scissors and playing rock when I play rock. It doesn't advance the discussion.

I like Black Widow fine, but as far as I'm aware...she doesn't even have a book currently. I mean, isn't that right?

Right, and neither is Thor, he's a God of Thunder.

She's on the Avengers. She's a superhero.

That's a flimsy comparison. Thor is a superhero because he has superpowers and often performs extraordinary feats that are beyond the grasp of normal beings. Even Hawkeye's talents with a bow classify him as a superhero in this regard. Black Widow? Not so much. What can she do that most governmental spies can't? She's great at firing weapons and is well versed in infiltration and espionage, but that's about it.

Anthony Mackie and Scarlet Johannsen totes garner the same degree of attention.

Wait...what? So this is now about the pedigree of the actors playing their respective characters and not about the characters themselves? You're changing the basis of our argument here, dude.


She's a government spy with no special abilities or superpowers. Do people classify that as a superhero?

Which bit, mate?
All of it. Captain Marvel isn't really as popular as Marvel and other people think. Her book has been relaunched multiple times over the past few years and regularly settles to numbers which have gotten other, better series cancelled. Marvel are pushing her for no other reason than they're desperate for their own Wonder Woman and most of their better female characters' movie rights belong to other studios.

She is the very definition of a superhero on a team with other superheroes. She's basically an elite level gymnast trained in multiple forms of martial arts and combat, and in the comics she's actually genetically enhanced too with slower aging, faster healing and resistance to disease. If she isn't then neither is Hawkeye which you've used as an example above, or Batman, Robin etc. for that matter.

Gonna need the receipts on the "small minority" of fans calling for a Fury or Widow music.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'm also a comic book fan, dude. So saying "I'm a comic book fan, your argument isn't invalid " doesn't really work in this case, you know? It's like two people playing rock, paper, scissors and playing rock when I play rock.

I like Black Widow fine, but as far as I'm aware...she doesn't even have a book currently. I mean, isn't that right?

How are you coming to that Carol is a more popular character? Her book launches that constantly bomb?


How are you coming to that Carol is a more popular character? Her book launches that constantly bomb?

I'm arguing she's more popular than a character who doesn't even have her own book, yeah.

Sneak up on Loki



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'm arguing she's more popular than a character who doesn't even have her own book, yeah.

You act as if she hasn't had her own book before. The only reason Carol still has a book is because marvel is forcing the SHIT out of the character. If that were songbird or spectrum doing those numbers, they wouldn't be getting multiple attempts to fail


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Funny how Iron Man takes front and center now. I'm not criticizing that he is, but it is funny that he went from an obscure character to their main icon. Same with Guardians, which was even more obscure than Iron Man before the movies. It is also neat to see shakedowns like this in thier character roster.

Also, and unsurprisingly, Marvel snubs the X-Men.

If just 10 years ago you told a Marvel fan that their tentpole characters would be Star Lord and Iron Man, they'd think you were a crazy person.

Damn right. Iron Man was always the goat. It just took a lot of people a long time to realize that.

I actually actively hate Iron Man, and hate him more now, lol. At least he's filling his role in the MCU as secret best villain.


You act as if she hasn't had her own book before. The only reason Carol still has a book is because marvel is forcing the SHIT out of the character. If that were songbird or spectrum doing those numbers, they wouldn't be getting multiple attempts to fail

You know what? That's a fair point. But couldn't you say the same about Marvel attempting to push Black Widow in anticipation of marketing The Winter Solider and all their other Avenger related products? Additionally, did Black Widow's series sell all that well either? If they did...I imagine they would still be around.

I didn't mean to sound too snobbish in regards to Black Widow, and I apologize if I came across as a little arrogant in my initial dismissal of her. Honestly, I just thing Carol is a much more unique and interesting character for Marvel to play around with, and when it comes to female heroes, there are a lot more characters I'd rather see finally get their due on screen than Scarlett Johhanson's government agent. Even when it comes to Marvel related female spies, I've always found Peggy Carter to be the more interesting. Give her a movie instead!


All of it. Captain Marvel isn't really as popular as Marvel and other people think. Her book has been relaunched multiple times over the past few years and regularly settles to numbers which have gotten other, better series cancelled. Marvel are pushing her for no other reason than they're desperate for their own Wonder Woman and most of their better female characters' movie rights belong to other studios.

She is the very definition of a superhero on a team with other superheroes. She's basically an elite level gymnast trained in multiple forms of martial arts and combat, and in the comics she's actually genetically enhanced too with slower aging, faster healing and resistance to disease. If she isn't then neither is Hawkeye which you've used as an example above, or Batman, Robin etc. for that matter.

Gonna need the receipts on the "small minority" of fans calling for a Fury or Widow music.



Apparently people want a Vision movie more than a Falcon movie. Black Widow still runs circles around them.
I'm also a comic book fan, dude. So saying "I'm a comic book fan, your argument isn't invalid " doesn't really work in this case, you know? It's like two people playing rock, paper, scissors and playing rock when I play rock. It doesn't advance the discussion.

I like Black Widow fine, but as far as I'm aware...she doesn't even have a book currently. I mean, isn't that right?

I mean, not "currently" but her 2016 book just ended a few months ago. And Marvel put one of their most acclaimed duos Waid & Samnee on that book because Black Widow is popular.

And she had one of the best books of 2014/2015 that was highly regarded.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
If just 10 years ago you told a Marvel fan that their tentpole characters would be Star Lord and Iron Man, they'd think you were a crazy person.

I actually actively hate Iron Man, and hate him more now, lol. At least he's filling his role in the MCU as secret best villain.

I just once want to see star Lord in full dress and not his space hobo look. And stark has always been one of marvels best villains. I'm just surprised he made the jump to the big screen
No, you were right the first time. It's Junior.

Ultimate Nick is no more. Along with the rest of the Ultimate universe (except those few who slipped over into the 616: Ultimate Reed, Miles, and a handful of Miles' supporting characters.)

FYI it looks like the Ultimate Marvel Universe still exists in some fashion.


Super Member
Mutants are discriminated against because they aren't immediately profitable to corporations

there's a moral somewhere in there


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I was never into the Inhumans. Now I fucking despise them.
Seeing embarrassing gifs of the TV series gives me life.
That's what I've been wondering. It must mean they have plans for her in the movies or TV.

Anya, Gwen, and Miles will all be classmates of Peter's in the upcoming Spider-Man Cartoon, so I guess it makes since why they're the four Spider-characters representing the line.

She's been stuck in limbo in the comics ever since Web Warriors got cancelled, but with both Silk and Spider-Woman having already gotten axed, maybe this means Marvel will bring her comic back. There is enough potential there as well though for a new series. Jessica Drew has a history with Anya, so have Jessica "retire" so that she can focus on raising her baby and have Anya take on the role as Spider-Woman, with Jessica serving as her mentor.


I mean, not "currently" but her 2016 book just ended a few months ago. And Marvel put one of their most acclaimed duos Waid & Samnee on that book because Black Widow is popular.

And she had one of the best books of 2014/2015 that was highly regarded.
Heh, was just about to post this.

Couldn't even tell you who the creative team is on Captain Marvel just now.

I just once want to see star Lord in full dress and not his space hobo look. And stark has always been one of marvels best villains. I'm just surprised he made the jump to the big screen
I loved the GotG movies but the worst thing about them has been the complete change in character and look of comic Star Lord in the DnA run to this new one from the Bendis relaunch onwards.


All of it. Captain Marvel isn't really as popular as Marvel and other people think. Her book has been relaunched multiple times over the past few years and regularly settles to numbers which have gotten other, better series cancelled. Marvel are pushing her for no other reason than they're desperate for their own Wonder Woman and most of their better female characters' movie rights belong to other studios.

She is the very definition of a superhero on a team with other superheroes. She's basically an elite level gymnast trained in multiple forms of martial arts and combat, and in the comics she's actually genetically enhanced too with slower aging, faster healing and resistance to disease. If she isn't then neither is Hawkeye which you've used as an example above, or Batman, Robin etc. for that matter.

Gonna need the receipts on the "small minority" of fans calling for a Fury or Widow music.

For some reason I ended up missing this post entirely, so apologies for the last response.

In regards to your post contesting the popularity of Captain Marvel in comparison to Black Widow, I turned to the internet to dig you up some receipts. I went to the sales in March of this year, when Black Widow's most recent book was apparently still around.

Black Widow
hit the charts at 135, selling a reported 17,720 copies.

In comparison, Mighty Captain Marvel reached the charts at 82, selling a reported 28,649 copies.

So those are your receipts. I hope you find them satisfactory, Sir. When it comes to comparing the popularity of those characters, there's not much more evidence I can really offer outside of sales figures, otherwise I'd just be relying on my own personal perspective.

In regards to your second point, I wasn't actually aware that Black Widow had undergone some manner of genetic enhancements in the comics, so if that's still the case, I would certainly be happy to revise my classification of her being a superhero. Although, just to stray on this point a little longer...I've always been someone who has a slightly more strict defintion of superheroes than other people. The dictionary definition defines a superhero as "a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, like Superman". That's always pretty much been my view of the term too, even leading me to regard equally prevalent comic book characters such as Batman or The Punisher more as vigilantes as opposed to fully fledged superheroes in their own right. However, like you say...if Black Widow has undergone some genetic enhancements, she would certainly seem to comfortably fall under that label. So I cheerfully recind my quibbles about that.

Thirdly, in regards to the Falcon and Nick Fury spin-offs, I recall around the time that Winter Solider came out, it was something that a handful of fans were talking about, to the point where Kevin Feige had to step up and confirm that no such projects were in the works (even though a Nick Fury script has actually been in the works at Marvel for the longest time). Like I said though, I think it was a very small portion of fans who wanted those spin-offs, and the demand for them definitely seems to have fizzled out over time.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
You know what? That's a fair point. But couldn't you say the same about Marvel attempting to push Black Widow in anticipation of marketing The Winter Solider and all their other Avenger related products? Additionally, did Black Widow's series sell all that well either? If they did...I imagine they would still be around.

I didn't mean to sound too snobbish in regards to Black Widow, and I apologize if I came across as a little arrogant in my initial dismissal of her. Honestly, I just thing Carol is a much more unique and interesting character for Marvel to play around with, and when it comes to female heroes, there are a lot more characters I'd rather see finally get their due on screen than Scarlett Johhanson's government agent. Even when it comes to Marvel related female spies, I've always found Peggy Carter to be the more interesting. Give her a movie instead!

the problem with carol is that shes been outshone by everyone tangentially related to her, from other cap marvels, to rogue, to one that took her alias, even to her villain that took her name. she has a great powerset, no doubt, but her character is so lacking that most agree that she has to become something different to appeal to others. as for black widow shes had some decent runs. hell, most people dont even know that theres a second black widow thats been running around for a while.


For some reason I ended up missing this post entirely, so apologies for the last response.

In regards to your post contesting the popularity of Captain Marvel in comparison to Black Widow, I turned to the internet to dig you up some receipts. I went to the sales in March of this year, when Black Widow's most recent book was apparently still around.

Black Widow
hit the charts at 135, selling a reported 17,720 copies.

In comparison, Mighty Captain Marvel reached the charts at 82, selling a reported 28,649 copies.

So those are your receipts. I hope you find them satisfactory, Sir. When it comes to comparing the popularity of those characters, there's not much more evidence I can really offer outside of sales figures, otherwise I'd just be relying on my own personal perspective.
That doesn't really work. So you're comparing a series at the very end of it's run vs one that was just relaunched (for the fourth time in as many years btw) two months earlier. New series always have a sales bump for the first few issues before dropping and levelling out. Doesn't really prove anything other than reinforcing how poorly Captain Marvel sells despite the relentless push of the character. Even Monsters Unleashed outsold it ffs.

Some more recent numbers from June, Mighty Captain Marvel #6 charted at 128th with 20,870. To put that in perspective, #6 of Black Widow's recent run in August 2016 charted at 111th with 24,106.

I think that's us done.
I love the attempt to downplay Black Widow's skills.

She was involved against the fight against Loki and Ultron, and held her own pretty well. If you're asking what the difference is between BW and other spies, the answer is "they probably would have all died against just one of these villains."


That doesn't really work. So you're comparing a series at the very end of it's run vs one that was just relaunched (for the fourth time in as many years btw) two months earlier. New series always have a sales bump for the first few issues before dropping and levelling out. Doesn't really prove anything other than reinforcing how poorly Captain Marvel sells despite the relentless push of the character. Even Monsters Unleashed outsold it ffs.

Some more recent numbers from June, Mighty Captain Marvel #6 charted at 128th with 20,870.

If you'd like to present any differing sales figures contrasting a Captain Marvel series and Black Window series that were equatable in terms of their runs to back up your own argument, I'd genuinely be interested in checking them out. Otherwise, I still feel fairly confident in my assertion Captain Marvel is the more popular character.

I love the attempt to downplay Black Widow's skills.

She was involved against the fight against Loki and Ultron, and held her own pretty well. If you're asking what the difference is between BW and other spies, the answer is "they probably would have all died against just one of these villains."

Although I don't doubt for a second that Black Widow could kick my ass in a barfight, I don't think I really consider plot armour a valid superpower.

El Topo

Since when are we defining Black Widow as not a Superheroine?

Eh. I think someone like her is clearly in an area similar to James Bond, Jason Bourne or John Wick (in terms of abilities/skills/powers).

If you'd like to present any differing sales figures contrasting a Captain Marvel series and Black Window series that were equatable in terms of their runs to back up your own argument, I'd genuinely be interested in checking them out. Otherwise, I still feel fairly confident in my assertion Captain Marvel is the more popular character.

I really don't think comic book sales are a very good indicator for general (mainstream) popularity.
No FF is like DC without Superman, makes zero sense. They were ground zero for the Marvel Universe. Granted they aren't as popular mainstream as Superman is.

Also Marvel WAS mostly X-men for a few decades.


If you'd like to present any differing sales figures contrasting a Captain Marvel series and Black Window series that were equatable in terms of their runs to back up your own argument, I'd genuinely be interested in checking them out. Otherwise, I still feel fairly confident in my assertion Captain Marvel is the more popular character.
I edited them into my post you quoted, but here they are again

Some more recent numbers from June, Mighty Captain Marvel #6 charted at 128th with 20,870. To put that in perspective, #6 of Black Widow's recent run in August 2016 charted at 111th with 24,106.


I really don't think comic book sales are a very good indicator for general (mainstream) popularity.

I agree, but for stuff like arguing the difference in popularity between two comic book characters, it's really the most concrete thing you can rely on (outside of polls, maybe?) Otherwise, it's just arguing personal perspectives till you're blue in the face.


I edited them into my post you quoted, but here they are again

Ah, thank you! Sorry, I missed your edit.

That is interesting. I think for the sake of being thorough, I'd generally need to look for myself in search of how those figures might have continued to spike and dip for both series throughout the year. But I definitely don't argue that's some compelling evidence that either Carol is less popular than I thought, or perhaps that Natasha is more popular...or perhaps maybe even a combination of the the two.
I agree, but for stuff like arguing the difference in popularity between two comic book characters, it's really the most concrete thing you can rely on (outside of polls, maybe?) Otherwise, it's just arguing personal perspectives till you're blue in the face.
It's not concrete at all... US comic book fans are simply not an indication of anything beyond what is the nichest of niche markets. If you're talking about mainstream popularity you're better off going by hearsay or random gut feelings.
Carol sucking or not selling won't matter once her movie hits. Once Marvel sees what plays well in the theater they'll sap all those traits over to her books. See Star Lord.
Ah, thank you! Sorry, I missed your edit.

That is interesting. I think for the sake of being thorough, I'd generally need to look for myself in search of how those figures might have spiked and dipped for both series throughout the year. But I definitely don't argue that's some compelling evidence that either Carol is less popular than I thought, or perhaps that Natasha is more popular...or perhaps maybe even a combination of the the two.

Natasha is more popular and has been for a much longer time. That's why she was there first in Earth's Mightiest Heroes, in the MCU, in Avengers Assemble, in Lego Marvel, etc etc. Pretty much every version of Avengers outside of the comics features Natasha in a prominent role and Carol shows up later as a supporting character. MvCI might be the only exception where Carol has a large presence and Widow is nowhere to be seen.
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