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New 'The Last Of Us' previews, screens and video


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
edit: you know what, whatever. doesn't matter.

Endo Punk

I hope there are more types than just runners and clickers. I really should go on a media blackout but I am weak, almost like I can't control my actions despite wanting to like the runners. I know that feel bro :(


how big are the maps? I know they're less linear (how much less??) than uncharted, i'm hoping that they're much bigger.
I definitely encourage exploration. Though the game is primarily linear, there are multiple routes you can take. Going off-the-beaten path will often lead you to supplies (battery, blade, rag, alcohol, etc.) which can be used during combat or as a crafting material.


I bet ND are happy that GTA was delayed and that they pretty much have the entire month to themselves. Unlike Uncharted 3 that had to go against MW3 and Battlefield 3 and Uncharted 2 that had to go against MW2.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
The Incredibly Complex Enemies of The Last of Us

Minkoff continued, “The game has a lot of content. There’s a lot of variety in this game. We’re not ready to talk about other infected types, but you can rest assured that you will be going through many environments, meeting many different allies, and seeing all sorts of different enemies—not only different types of infected, but different enemy factions on the human side. Different people who have chosen to survive in this world in different ways. So far you’ve only seen the Hunters. You’ve still got the military, who run the quarantine zone. And, of course, they’re opposed by the faction of the Fireflies, the militia that we’re trying to smuggle Ellie to. And those aren’t the only factions; there are other factions.”
Adding to the sense of desperation is the deeply unpleasant nature of the violence. It's depicted as raw brutality, treated with a level of gruesome respect that video games rarely strive for. Joel grunts and struggles as he chokes out an enemy, yelling with effort as he drives a brick into the head of another, the camera unflinching. Even putting an end to an infected feels uncomfortable, feels like murder, and Naughty Dog are unflinching about the fact that Joel is prepared to kill other humans in order to survive. "We felt that if we made the violence too light, then you wouldn't buy into this world," says Druckmann. "If we made it too over-the-top to help remove you from it, as some games do, you wouldn't buy into it. So we had to find that realistic tone that is unnerving at times, but the story requires it."

My mind is drawn back to the original E3 demo, when the crowd at Sony's press conference cheered as Joel blew the head off of another man with a shotgun at point blank range. Does that jubilation go against what Naughty Dog are trying to achieve? "I've seen two different interpretations of those cheers," says Druckmann. "One was that people were cheering the gunshots, the other is that there was so much tension in the room that when it was released at the end, they were cheering the demo. I'd like to believe it was the second one, and that we don't just cheer violence without context"

Sounds like this game will be long to me.

the game should be long just by the nature of the game, even if it have the same environment asset variety as Uncharted 2, in TLoU, it encourages exploration and combat is more slow paced stealthy sneak around etc as opposed of shooting and running enemies like flies in Uncharted. I expect it's at least a 12-15 hour game by my playspeed (I beat Uncharted 2 in less than 10 hour)


Unconfirmed Member
Man, now im torn. I love the uncharted series and this looks every bit as good. However, harmful fungi, especially the parasitic kind, is right up there with jellyfish in the category of most disguisting things on the planet. I swear, if i could kill all of them off with the push of a button, i would, and i dont even care about the ecological consequences.


Love almost everything I've heard so far except for
Joel's special hearing ability you activate with a shoulder button


There will be oddities... I'll say though, that slight moment or weirdness was the only jank I've seen in anything from TLoU. And even that is a bit of a stretch to call it jank.

But... this new demo now has me pretty convinced that certain moments from the E3 walkthrough were completely smoke and mirrors.

I was pretty confident that the last scene in the original E3 demo, where Joel kicks off his aggressor and gets to his feet while picking up and readying the shotgun (all in one perfectly smooth continuous motion)... I was pretty confident that was created specifically for the walkthrough and wasn't real gameplay. Now I'm 99% sure of it.

And starting to question some of the other obvious 1v1 interactions that seemed too good to be true.

At any rate, this animation imo is just totally beyond 99.9% of games out there. So I'm not being critical. Just making some observations.



the game should be long just by the nature of the game, even if it have the same environment asset variety as Uncharted 2, in TLoU, it encourages exploration and combat is more slow paced stealthy sneak around etc as opposed of shooting and running enemies like flies in Uncharted. I expect it's at least a 12-15 hour game by my playspeed (I beat Uncharted 2 in less than 10 hour)
I think 12 hours sounds about right,I am not going.

just read that, man that Druckmann guys sounds really smart, he really nailed the tone of violence in TLoU, when I first saw E3 demo, I never had the thought it's glorifying violence, I thought it's actually very classy and suit the setting they want to sell perfectly.

if TLoU delivers, expectation for the next Uncharted will be crazy high, even if we know that they have different team now
I get the feeling that the demo we saw will kind of be a one off in terms of horror and tension in the game. I reckon the game will just be stuffed full of different scenarios, and this is their "horror" scenario. Kind of like how Half Life 2 had moments where you go into the deep and dark areas. I'd be interested in a game that takes the elements of this demo across a whole game.
People were not fucking cheering the shotgun blast at the end of the E3 presentation. They were applauding the overall product. I still have no idea how people have twisted that out of context.


just read that, man that Druckmann guys sounds really smart, he really nailed the tone of violence in TLoU, when I first saw E3 demo, I never had the thought it's glorifying violence, I thought it's actually very classy and suit the setting they want to sell perfectly.

if TLoU delivers, expectation for the next Uncharted will be crazy high, even if we know that they have different team now
I hope people dont expected Uncharted to be anything like this game.

Excepting 20 hours. At least with the way I play with such games.
Yeah this stuff varies alot from person to person.


Hey... game will be out in a few months. We'll see.

This bit, I can agree with...
I was pretty confident that the last scene in the original E3 demo, where Joel kicks off his aggressor and gets to his feet while picking up and readying the shotgun (all in one perfectly smooth continuous motion)... I was pretty confident that was created specifically for the walkthrough and wasn't real gameplay.
I get the feeling that the demo we saw will kind of be a one off in terms of horror and tension in the game. I reckon the game will just be stuffed full of different scenarios, and this is their "horror" scenario. Kind of like how Half Life 2 had moments where you go into the deep and dark areas. I'd be interested in a game that takes the elements of this demo across a whole game.

I prefer this take because most games kind of have one tone throughout.


Omg I never noticed! Thank you for that... I will retract my analysis of the gameplay I've watched a thousand times over, having now been informed of this incredibly basic observation I seem to have missed!


Never meant to imply it was... just saying some of that stuff in the walkthrough... imo... you or I will never see when we play. It was for the presentation.

I realized that tho. I realize that bout a lot of E3 demos. Especially TLOU's one.
I hope people dont expected Uncharted to be anything like this game.

Yeah this stuff varies alot form person to person.

people may not hope the next uncharted to be like TLoU, but they may expect the new Uncharted to be evolving to something else too. I've already read a few preview where it mentioned ND is growing as a developer, to have the next Uncharted follow closely what the previous ones i may be seen as taking a step back


I get the feeling that the demo we saw will kind of be a one off in terms of horror and tension in the game. I reckon the game will just be stuffed full of different scenarios, and this is their "horror" scenario. Kind of like how Half Life 2 had moments where you go into the deep and dark areas. I'd be interested in a game that takes the elements of this demo across a whole game.

Well this isn't going to be the only time in the game where you fight against the infected. This scenario actually took place very early in the game so I'm pretty sure there will be a ton more scenarios with them maybe some even more frightening than this considering this is still very early in the game's story.

I hope there is a section where you have to deal with both the infected and the humans at the same time.
So after watching the gameplay again the graphics and animation deftly look a step down compared to E3. I'm hoping that's because they just polished the E3 section thoroughly and early to make it look presentable for that event. Hopefully as Naughty Dog gets the chance to polish the other sections of the game it will become closer to parity with the E3 demo.
I still love the animation and camera work; looks like it gives proper control when we need it, and focuses in for especially gruesome shots.

I think the visuals aren't what we'll see in the final game. Uncharted 3 retail looked a lot better than Uncharted 3 beta. Naughty Dog's last few months always pull out more than we expected.

Immense faith.
So after watching the gameplay again the graphics and animation deftly look a step down compared to E3. I'm hoping that's because they just polished the E3 section thoroughly and early to make it look presentable for that event. Hopefully as Naughty Dog gets the chance to polish the other sections of the game it will become closer to parity with the E3 demo.

Cowboy(insert real name here) from ND pretty much confirmed on an E3 Giantbomb podcast that all they did was polish the shit out of that demo section for E3.

I'm pretty sure now that they're in crunch mode, they'll put that extra polish on the game before its release.


Until next gen rolls around I don't think I'm going to get the "day one" feeling much. But I have it for this.
I'm still looking forward to seeing how it controls. Seems like it works with slight truck controls, pressing backwards on the control stick will make the character walk backwards, rather than spin him around on a dime like it does in the Uncharted games.
I'm still looking forward to seeing how it controls. Seems like it works with slight truck controls, pressing backwards on the control stick will make the character walk backwards, rather than spin him around on a dime like it does in the Uncharted games.

More like Gears of War then... which I guess is a good thing on the multiplayer side of things.

For me personally, at least.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm still looking forward to seeing how it controls. Seems like it works with slight truck controls, pressing backwards on the control stick will make the character walk backwards, rather than spin him around on a dime like it does in the Uncharted games.

I think of them as FPS controls, but I guess "truck controls" works too lol.

I'm incredibly glad they switch to this from Uncharted's style... they will cut out a massive amount of jank just by doing that. (Though it probably makes the animation harder for them to do -- good thing they are up to the task)

Also, there looks to be a quickturn which is pretty cool as well. Not too many games do it, and I cannot recall a game with FPS controls ever doing one. So that is neat. I've always wanted a quickturn in my console FPS and while this is a TPS, might still give me a feeling what it'd be like.


PS blog comments
+ Sid Shuman on February 6th, 2013 at 10:17 am said:
I wouldn’t describe it as a huge open world ala Far Cry 3, but it’s more open and nonlinear than Uncharted, I’d argue. Lots of nooks, crannies, and paths to take.

+ Sid Shuman on February 6th, 2013 at 10:22 am said:
Yes, I did find collectibles in the form of notes (all hand-drawn and modeled in 3D in your inventory) that fill in bits of the backstory. Glad you’re digging the game!


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
So notes take the place of artifiacts from Uncharted and this time they fill in backstory on the world prolly which will be a nice change.
You can also collect comics, Firefly Logs, and training manuals. Your menu shows you how many are in a level and how many you’ve collected thus far.

Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/02/04/the-last-of-us-the-sights-and-sounds

I like the sound of this. I actually enjoyed finding all of the collectibles in previous Naughty Dog games, it encourages you to really look around and appreciate the art and environments. Plus it looks like it'll optionally flesh out the world in the Last of Us.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I like that manuals actually give you recipes or improve your skills. And the other stuff kind of reminds me of Resident Evil files.
The Training Manuals also give you ways to craft other miscellaneous things aside from weapons - like extra holsters on your belt and backpack to hold more items/weapons, the ability to build/attach scopes to weapons, upgrade your guns and also upgrade your skills/moveset as well.

"So let’s say you find an improvised munitions training manual in a military depot. It might teach you how to improve the efficiency of your molotovs — so off of the same ingredients, you might get double the radius, or something like that,” Minkoff said. “And you can also upgrade your equipment. As you scavenge around the environment, you can find pieces that you can use to build extra holsters onto your backpack, or to expand your inventory, to upgrade your guns — like maybe when you get a rifle you want to add a scope to it so you find the pieces to a scope, and now you put that on. And additionally, you’ll be able to upgrade Joel’s skills — it’s a cross-country journey. He and Ellie are going across the whole continent, so over the course of that journey, he becomes more skilled himself, so you’ll be able to upgrade his skills as well.”

Source: http://www.gamefront.com/looting-crafting-and-stealth-kills-hands-on-with-the-last-of-us/2/


Looks like you can climb but not jump.
+ Sid Shuman on February 6th, 2013 at 11:49 am said:

Simple, lightweight, intuitive. Aiming and firing are on L1/R1 as you’d expect; L2 was sprint, and I think R2 was “Listen Mode.” Square is melee, X is to climb up onto ledges (no jumping though), Circle is crouch. I forget what Triangle does. :) You click R3 to turn your flashlight on and off, and the d-pad handles your inventory selections. Of course, the final controls may change leading up to launch, but I liked what I played!

Another interview
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