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New Xbox One Rumors: PS4 PSN > XBL, snap crashes games, ES RAM life long bottleneck

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Really? Really?


At least 4 other insiders make similar claims but


proelite? LOL

Pretty sure he was banned for his info being wrong about Xbox One.

CBOAT, lherre and Matt are the only posts I'd pay attention to. Not sure about famousmortimer. Oh yeah, and GopherD.
its funny how these commenter s make there opinoin based on rumor and speculation. Why not wait until NOV 22, so we can make educated comments....unlike the i dont know if its true or not, but it futhers my own personal opinon type of comment.


If it was from somebody other than thuway/famousmortimer/other confirmed quality source, I wouldn't believe it.

But, it is.

Here's what I think: I find it extremely hard to believe that a company who specializes in software and networking is going to have any kind of XBL issue, snap-in crashes or OS issues at launch.

I'm not exactly willing to wager any bets on it; I am just a skeptic at heart.


If I recall correctly, about every major policy change they made over the course of the last few months leaked online before being officially confirmed by MS. It may just be "stuff" on the web, it very well may be true too, though.
We shift from one cluster fuck to another.

One's thing for sure, the "Gaming Press" should be ashamed of themselves for not covering any of this, not investigating any of it.


I think we know *something* is up.

Games journos have started to drop hints all over the place without actually breaking their NDA's.

Certain Microsoft friendly journos have even started changing the narrative from " everything is fine" to "everything will be fine eventually".


This was posted in response to Sessler's meltdown on Saturday.


You are taking a random guy posting a comment on FM's blog serious?
Another comment from the blog post.

on October 28, 2013 at 3:52 am

I don’t know who the hell that last guy was, but I’m an actual Xbox dev. Shit is flying here and nothing is ready. XBL crashes like crazy, snap feature may not make it for launch, and smartglass is not even close to being cooked. I’m going to have to come in on the weekends for the next year with the way things are going. Thing is I was here when the Xbox 360 launched, and man that was a vision and a product that we had faith in. It was beautiful. Kinect had it’s detractors, but it rejuvinated the Xbox brand in a whole new way. And now this is all going to shit. There is no vision for XB1, just a lot of meddling from the higher ups and no clear goals other than TV TV TV. Most of this won’t be fixed at launch. I would quit now if I didn’t have collegues that would suffer because of it.


Yep. Same two guys repeating the same thing over and over.

Am I crazy or is this all the same stuff that was in last night's mega thread?

Not really. Well, the thread might had shifted focus but the OP in the other thread had a source that was focusing on critical issues with the VOIP and multiplayer party handoff details in the system. The part that made the rumour scary was the suggestion it was several months away from getting fixed.

This thread is more about OS level crashes and generally unfinished software. but, y’know, it’s not detailed at all about whether MS is on track to fix it all in time for launch. They might be. All launch schedules are crazy down to the wire.

The ESRAM opinion/comment is a bit interesting but nothing I would call a bombshell.


I feel like we are all hurdling towards some kind of scary end game. what that is I don't know.

honestly I am going PS4 at launch but I loved my 360 last gen and I want to have those same experiences next gen. The plan for now is to wait for Halo and see how it looks then.

I'm pretty sure by the time Halo 5 comes out, things will be much, much smoother on X1's front.

I honestly love Halo and will probably buy an Xbox just because I love that series.
almost everyone I see discrediting thuway and mort have 'junior member' statuses.
Suspicious? Or just plain ignorance?

Welcome to a Xbox one thread.

That said there are plenty full members that think they are full of shit too, its just funny the majority dont seem to all that active on the gaming side normally.


If the xbl is a mess for more than a few weeks, Titanfall is gonna suffer a lot from this.
Titanfall is coming out in March. They will have the connection issues fixed by then. Hell, I bet that at least the connection, friend invite, and party issues are all fixed by launch. It's all the fancy new stuff (snap, skype) that might be delayed now.
Why is MS being this smug about it? Youd think they would try to put these fires out somehow. What they are doinf is simply fanning he flames....

What could you say in this situation.
Release a video and people will say its pre-rendered.
Post an tweet yeah yeah whatever you pr guy.

Only launch can stop this madness.
Just another unverified anti-Xbox One rumour. We'll see when the games and the system arrives.

that's exactly what I'm doing. we're barely 25 days from the launch so I'll just wait and see what happens until then. I'm keeping my preorder and I'm not worried about it, if it's a mess then I have 15 days to ask for a refund, but anyway I'm confident everything will be fine.


I mean, I'm sure the OS features will be sorted out eventually and it will live up to the "vision" MS has promised. But this is certainly a giant fumble. Resolution-gate, DRM, all that stuff is bad, but you can't fuck up the one thing people absolutely trusted you would do better than your competition from day one.


Seriously. LOL This place is coming apart and PS4 is coming out in less then 3 weeks. Just buy a ps4 and relax. The FUD campaign is so weird.

What FUD?

X1 games being 720p and MS having issues with the OS?

I though this was confirmed by more than two insiders.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Well there is time to fix some of this stuff, but not sure if it'll all be good to go at launch. Besides, 3 sources is pretty good verification for this kind of stuff, unless all this comes from like one guy.

It all sounds like the same source through different channels. It's all bull until we get some sort of verification.

We don't even know when the source originally said these things. It might have been months ago and it's all fixed now.


My goodness... how could Microsoft have screwed up this bad? It's as if they've never made a console before!

They simply weren't ready to launch this year.

Remember back to all the rumors we heard at the end of last years up through spring of this year.

Microsoft didn't believe Sony was as far ahead with PS4 as they were when they revealed it back in February.

At this point, it seems very obvious Microsoft thought they had at least until Spring '14 to get their shit together. Then they had the DRM shitstorm in addition to trying to finalize all the features of Xbox One.

And now they're 4-6 months behind.
Pretty sad MS has allowed PSN to get ahead of Live (assuming this is true) given the PS3 never quite reached parity with the 360's online feature set. Then again, with the rumors of complete redesigning how live works with games and them running 3 OS's on the thing I'm not completely surprised how mucked up it's gotten.
We shift from one cluster fuck to another.

One's thing for sure, the "Gaming Press" should be ashamed of themselves for not covering any of this, not investigating any of it.

It'll be good to weed out the "journalists" with ulterior motives. By December, we'll know everything. And the sites that failed to mention glaring issues, on either platform, will lose this reader. That much is certain.
Also the snap crashes and ES RAM being LIFE LONG is news to me. Last I heard it can be fixed with dev tools and will get better as time goes along like the ps3's cell.

It won't. It's impossible to overcome the bottleneck "the size" through automation and drivers... No matter how much the tools improve, the size is still the limit. We have been shown the math in the past. It'll never be enough. The clouds coming to fruition is closer to the truth.


Oh come on, MS will be fine, maybe not at launch but they always work hard and EVENTUALLY fix everything other than games not looking as good as PS4, since that's a hardware limitation. In the meantime, I'd rather play on PS4 or current gen tho.
Why is MS being this smug about it? Youd think they would try to put these fires out somehow. What they are doinf is simply fanning he flames....
I don't think they're being smug so much as being knee deep in deny mode. Deny everything until they can think of a good response. Or until after launch.


I mean, I'm sure the OS features will be sorted out eventually and it will live up to the "vision" MS has promised. But this is certainly a giant fumble. Resolution-gate, DRM, all that stuff is bad, but you can't fuck up the one thing people absolutely trusted you would do better than your competition from day one.
Eh, all they have to do is apologize and extend xbox live subscriptions at launch to get quite a bit of goodwill back in the long run. Then next year drop the price to $400. They can come back easily. That's assuming nothing else goes wrong of course.


bish gets all the credit :)
It all sounds like the same source through different channels. It's all bull until we get some sort of verification.

We don't even know when the source originally said these things. It might have been months ago and it's all fixed now.

Multiple, multiple sources that are mod confirmed have said this.


the skepticism is hilarious, at this point... when everything is verified and a clusterfuck, everyone's gonna act all shocked, and we'll have another mega-thread. smh


Here's what I think: I find it extremely hard to believe that a company who specializes in software and networking is going to have any kind of XBL issue, snap-in crashes or OS issues at launch.

I'm not exactly willing to wager any bets on it; I am just a skeptic at heart.

Did you not use Windows Vista? All you have to do is look at Microsoft's desktop OS history and realize it's absolutely possible something like this could happen to Xbox OS.


that was discussed in the other thread, that's where I read it and where I took it from. the other thread was at least 90% like this, based on rumours.

Rumors from GAF insiders >>>> rumors by random anonymous posters on the internet. There's a reason pastebin is banned and 4chan is frowned upon...
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