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NFL Off-Season |OT2| My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Draft

chuckddd said:
Let's talk about Melisandre!

*prepares for eznark ginger comments*

Theon damn near
fingering his sister on the horse
without realizing it was priceless.


Melisandre is the second worst thing about that schlock
zombie Catelyn Stark is the wooooooooorst
and it has nothing to do with her fire crotch.
The draft should be moved to Saturday and Sunday so I can watch rounds 1-2-3 or whatever the fuck rounds are on Thursday and Friday these days.

I wish they would do that. Sucks that it always happens when I'm at work and I'll have no means to watch them this year because there's no tv anywhere around here unlike where I was last year.

As for the Eagles drafting a OT in the first round:

1. Bell probably prevents this although I see you guys only keeping him for this season so it's possible you'd still be interested if you're not confident Peters will be ready to go next season.

2. No top OT's will be left by your pick. Unless you're real high on Jonathon Martin. I'm not.


The New Orleans Saints, along with general manager Mickey Loomis, head coach Sean Payton and assistant head coach Joe Vitt, were notified Monday that after careful consideration of their appeals, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has upheld the discipline that was imposed for continuing violations of the league's anti-bounty rule that endangered player safety over a three-year period.

The team and the individuals will be expected to cooperate in any further proceedings and to assist in the development and implementation of programs to instruct players and coaches at all levels on principles of player safety, fair play, and sportsmanship.

If they embrace the opportunity and participate in a constructive way, Commissioner Goodell said he would consider mitigating the financial penalties on the individuals. In the case of the team, the commissioner would consider whether there are factors that would support modifying the forfeiture of the team's 2013 second-round draft choice.

Payton's suspension without pay for the 2012 NFL season will begin on April 16.

The suspensions without pay of Loomis for eight games and Vitt for six games will begin at the end of the preseason.

At the conclusion of their suspensions, the commissioner will review the status of each of the three individuals to determine their eligibility for reinstatement.


Melisandre is the second worst thing about that schlock
zombie Catelyn Stark is the wooooooooorst
and it has nothing to do with her fire crotch.

I have some additional issues with the ASOIAF series.

MAJOR SPOILERS (abandon all hope all who enter here):

1. fucking shadow babies
2. the entire 4th book and the 40% of ADWD that didn't take place in the North.
3. Reek rhymes with Meek, Leak, Weak, etc. Theon's chapters in ADWD are pure torture porn.
4. The more she ate, the more she shat.
5. Dany. Retarded character, hope she dies. Her imposter (or real) nephew has accomplished more in getting to Westeros than she has in 4 books).
6. And another lame cliffhanger or fakeout with Jon Snow maybe being killed off.


Fear of a GAF Planet
I have some additional issues with the ASOIAF series.

MAJOR SPOILERS (abandon all hope all who enter here):

1. fucking shadow babies
2. the entire 4th book and the 40% of ADWD that didn't take place in the North.
3. Reek rhymes with Meek, Leak, Weak, etc. Theon's chapters in ADWD are pure torture porn.
4. The more she ate, the more she shat.
5. Dany. Retarded character, hope she dies. Her imposter (or real) nephew has accomplished more in getting to Westeros than she has in 4 books).
6. And another lame cliffhanger or fakeout with Jon Snow maybe being killed off.
I feel like we'll be lucky if HBO keeps it on through three seasons.
Yeah, add in the fact that the source material is going downhill to the fact that HBO doesn't like spending big money on shows. And dead horses.
Since when has HBO covered nudity/sex under "Adult Content"? Could've sworn they always have those separate. Going into that episode, I noticed that Nudity wasnt' listed under the Advisory list. Was expecting a tame episode.

I was gloriously wrong.


I love Game of Thrones, and I'm proud to say that I've never read the books. I ain't never been much for no book learnin'.


I have some additional issues with the ASOIAF series.

MAJOR SPOILERS (abandon all hope all who enter here):

1. fucking shadow babies
2. the entire 4th book and the 40% of ADWD that didn't take place in the North.
3. Reek rhymes with Meek, Leak, Weak, etc. Theon's chapters in ADWD are pure torture porn.
4. The more she ate, the more she shat.
5. Dany. Retarded character, hope she dies. Her imposter (or real) nephew has accomplished more in getting to Westeros than she has in 4 books).
6. And another lame cliffhanger or fakeout with Jon Snow maybe being killed off.

Winter is never coming bro.

But everyone on the TV show seems to be coming!


Game of Thrones/ASOIAF haters are the worst.

GRRM's gonna be back up in your ass with the resurrection when The Winds of Winter is released.


I haven't even finished the awful Dance with Dragons.
Calling it "awful" is laughable. Overly ambitious? Too broad in scope? Maybe.

Tons of great, great stuff in both AFFC and ADWD. Some of my favorite parts of the series are sprinkled throughout.

And it's obvious that TWOW is going to be uber-climactic, a la ASOS. All of the plot lines are reaching a critical point.


Calling it "awful" is laughable. Overly ambitious? Too broad in scope? Maybe.

Tons of great, great stuff in both AFFC and ADWD. Some of my favorite parts of the series are sprinkled throughout.

And it's obvious that TWOW is going to be uber-climactic, a la ASOS. All of the plot lines are reaching a critical point.

I read the first four and went from "wow!" to "meh" but I finished them. I've had ADWD since minute one and can't get through it. Hence awful. I'm sure some people like it and call it great. FMT lets his gf shit in his mouth. There is no accounting for taste.


Calling it "awful" is laughable. Overly ambitious? Too broad in scope? Maybe.

Tons of great, great stuff in both AFFC and ADWD. Some of my favorite parts of the series are sprinkled throughout.

And it's obvious that TWOW is going to be uber-climactic, a la ASOS. All of the plot lines are reaching a critical point.
Do we not know by now that Eznark lives in a world of absolutes?

Everything is either fucking orgasmic or an offspring of FMT.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
ADWD has been sitting on my shelf for several months.

The "End of Act 1" I guess you could call it halfway through ASOS was really incredible and ridiculous. AFFC was just a letdown by comparison wherein it felt like not a whole lot really happened. I guess for me, Tyrion really carries that series and is probably the only character that has plot armor (haven't read ADWD though!)


of course, if we're including zombies, we've basically entered comic book territory to bring everyone back

Spring 2018. Pre-order now!


Look at this guy.

This series is doomed to ever be finished.
I read the first four and went from "wow!" to "meh" but I finished them. I've had ADWD since minute one and can't get through it. Hence awful. I'm sure some people like it and call it great. FMT lets his gf shit in his mouth. There is no accounting for taste.

I've always respectfully disagreed with your dislike of the writing, but I'm going on 5 months trying to finish the last book. Granted I've been a lot busier so I've had less time than I had when I read through the others last summer, but I'm basically forcing myself to finish the last one at this point. The first books kept compelling me to turn the page (well, maybe not so much Crows ). But now I'm just trying to push through.

There's an interesting story in there but I find the writing to be a hindrance this time, which was never the case previously.
I've never read the books. Have little interest in doing so either. Prefer to be surprised by what happens on the show (hopefully it remains on for some time). May give them a look later.


I read the first four and went from "wow!" to "meh" but I finished them. I've had ADWD since minute one and can't get through it. Hence awful. I'm sure some people like it and call it great. FMT lets his gf shit in his mouth. There is no accounting for taste.

Do we not know by now that Eznark lives in a world of absolutes?

Everything is either fucking orgasmic or an offspring of FMT.


There's an interesting story in there but I find the writing to be a hindrance this time, which was never the case previously.
This has always been my stand. Outside of the characters I mentioned above, I think his characters and the world are amazing. His writing is unbearable. For me I noticed it quickly because I read the first four books in about two weeks. If you read them as they came out, I imagine it would grate a lot less.


Spring 2018. Pre-order now!
Spring 2014, book it.*

as long as the Jets become a huge circus of laughable failure after the addition of Tebow.

wienke said:
ADWD has been sitting on my shelf for several months.

The "End of Act 1" I guess you could call it halfway through ASOS was really incredible and ridiculous. AFFC was just a letdown by comparison wherein it felt like not a whole lot really happened. I guess for me, Tyrion really carries that series and is probably the only character that has plot armor (haven't read ADWD though!)


of course, if we're including zombies, we've basically entered comic book territory to bring everyone back
I personally really enjoyed books 4 and 5, but I agree that they're not without fault.

The biggest issue IMO is that so much huge stuff happens in ASOS that it's taking GRRM a while to get things ramped back up to that previous level. Without spoiling anything about AFFC or ADWD, it's obvious that TWOW will be full of ASOS-level shit going down.
Fatman jokes are old news, let's all focus on Stafford now.

Stafford served me well in FF when Peyton never suited up (thought he would by third or fourth week before the season started). Fatman wasn't even a serviceable backup. Fatman takes what he deserves! Also, tacos and hot dog stuffed pizza.


@Ochocinco said:
‏Those numbers sucks donkey testicles RT @AbeDrinkin1809: @ochocinco Career stats; 766 receptions, 11,059 yards, 67 TD's

I still like him. Maybe with a full offseason and those rumors that McDaniels will dumb the offense down a bit, he'll have another chance.


Melissandre in the show is meh, but Theon's sister is just plain horrible... I just hope the season gets better in the next episodes. Pretty lame so far.

And yeah, the books drag on, but I think it's more that Martin wants to include every shit idea he had and still introduces a lot of characters (to possibly kill at the next random occasion). I found the 5th better than the 4th, but probably personal preference. At least some shit happened in the North finally.
I've never read the books. Have little interest in doing so either. Prefer to be surprised by what happens on the show (hopefully it remains on for some time). May give them a look later.

I just can't read fantasy. It's so boring. A friend tried to put me onto the books a few years ago and I couldn't get into it. Wife loves the books though - she blew through the first 4 in 6 months.
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